Last spring we were introduced to a product that has become a permanent fixture in our home and our fight against bacteria, the Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap System, and having this sleek, easy-to-use system in our bathroom has been a great addition.
Both of my girls have been much more receptive to washing their hands ever since they realized that this dispenser could magically sense that they were there... and I appreciate that having one less surface to touch with dirty hands means one less place to transfer those germs.
So, what could be better? Extending how much we love the innovation and convenience of this product into the kitchen with the Lysol No-Touch Kitchen System!

Designed to meet your various kitchen cleaning needs, the Lysol No-Touch Kitchen System is an automatic, hands-free dispenser that offers one solution for a clean kitchen and healthy hands. Everyone knows that we come in contact with millions of germs every day, but the ones found on our soap pumps in the kitchen are definitely not ones that I want to spread around.
Therefore, I couldn't wait to see how well this No-Touch System would help out with just that.

No more dripping, sticky soap dispensers or having to dig around for various different soaps depending on what area (or person) we're cleaning. Whether you

The starter kit for the Lysol No-Touch Kitchen System comes complete with batteries and one 8.5oz soap for around $12.99 (a little lesson Amazon). Refills are available in Sparkling Tangerine, Shimmering Berry, and Sunkissed Lemon scents and retail for $7 (also on Amazon).
Find out much more about the Lysol No-Touch Kitchen System on Lysol's website and be sure to connect with them on Facebook as well.
(Other than the No-Touch Kitchen System that I was provided by Lysol, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this company and this convenient product.)
Cool! I like their regular hand soap dispenser too!
I'm messing around with this one right now too! It's a pretty attractive design, for sure. And I want photos of your house!
I didn't realize they came out with a dish soap version - very cool! :)
Oh neat. I have the Lysol one for the bathroom and love it. I'll have to check for this.
We can't use the anti bacterial stuff with a septic since it kills off the bacteria we need to keep it running, (we learned that the hard way and were told by our repair guy he loves this stuff because is business is booming) but having an automatic dispenser is nice when you have really messy hands, I like their design.
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