Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cooking in Style with Flirty Aprons {Review & Giveaway}

Flirty Aprons logo{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Brooke T!}

I have grand aspirations to be a foodie someday.

Not the eating kind that I am now, mind you, but the kind that know food. The people who feel at home in any kitchen and can pull together an assortment of random ingredients and turn them into a delicious, fulfilling meal.

For now, I'll have to be content with at least knowing my way around my own kitchen and being able to follow a recipe well. Ask me if your soup needs more Oregano and I'll look at you blankly. But if you tell me how many teaspoons of salt to put in, I'm all over that.

Although the lack of time around here hinders the amount of home-cooked meals that end up on our table, I do still get a burst of inspiration now and again to head in there and attempt to whip up some tasty results. Something that sure helps? Knowing that I can be productive in the kitchen while have having fun and looking good thanks to

Flirty ApronsDefinitely the site to go to for aprons that will make any woman look and feel beautiful, Flirty Aprons has found a way to involve fun and fashion while performing traditional, everyday activities. Their wide selection of stylish and high quality aprons come in so many great colors and patterns that there is sure to be at least one that fits your personality and decor.

Although there are so many great options to choose from that I had a difficult time picking a favorite, I knew that there just wouldn't be a way to bring a bigger smile to my kids' faces than them seeing me cook in the Women's Original Frosted Cupcake design.

women's apronsIs there anything cuter? Bright, girly colors combined with cheerful polka dots and yummy little cupcakes? Even before I had this apron out of the packaging, I already knew that it was going to be a great incentive to get to work on my next meal.

Flirty Aprons reviewAside from the obvious ultra-attractiveness, the first thing I noticed when checking out this apron was the condition of the item itself and the workmanship that went into making it. The 100% soft cotton fabric was fully lined, each seam was clean and strong, and the double-layer thickness was just right for protection from spills and messes.

Measuring in at 27.5" in length and 26" in width (from ruffle end to ruffle end) with generous ties on each side and an adjustable neck, this apron truly does fit all sizes without being overly baggy or frumpy looking. I love the customization and the way that multiple people could wear one Flirty Apron and have it work... or you could purchase them as gifts for a variety of people and never worry about choosing the wrong size.

Instead, you (or your recipient) can simply pull this out, tie it on and know that when the cookies are done or the lasagna comes out of the pan that you'll have stayed clean and comfortable. And, of course, looking good!

cute women's apronsIn fact, although I have been enjoying this feminine, durable apron myself, it wasn't a huge surprise that I wasn't the only one drawn to the cuteness of the cupcake pattern.

Knowing that kids are anxious to help out with the cooking Flirty Aprons does have a full line of children's aprons are an even cuter, scaled-down version of the women's designs. Or, if the man in your life is the chef around your house, the men's line features strong, durable options that are manly enough for even the most masculine cook.

children's apronsFollowing their mission to create products that truly help you rediscover what it means to be cute and fun in and around your home even while performing a mundane task, Flirty Aprons has done just that. Their bright colors, fun patterns and sassy styles are a welcome change compared to the usual aprons found in stores or online.

Add to that the high quality (even after multiple wearings and washings, my apron hasn't torn or faded one bit), affordability, easy return policy and stellar customer service and this is the site to go to for a unique and stylish item for yourself or as a gift. For your next housewarming party, bridal shower, birthday or more, a purchase from Flirty Aprons can help make cooking fun for just about anyone!

Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will add a little style to their kitchen, because...

One lucky person will win their choice of apron from Flirty Aprons!

Flirty Aprons giveawayTo enter to win: Visit Flirty Aprons and leave me a comment telling me which of their cute styles is your favorite.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Flirty Aprons on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

I want to WIN my choice of Flirty Apron for fashion and fun in the kitchen! @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

1 Extra Entry (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
2 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on February 22nd at 11:59pm CST. By entering this sweepstakes, you are agreeing to these official rules. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited by law. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and must be 18 years of age or older.

A big thank you to Flirty Aprons for providing an apron for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Suburban prep said... 1

I like the Classic Damask

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Suburban prep said... 2

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Suburban prep said... 3

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carole said... 4

like little black dress

carole said... 5

like flirty aprons on FB (carole c)

carole said... 6

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carole said... 7


carole said... 8

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carole said... 9

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carole said... 10

google reader subscriber(carole c)

carole said... 11

entered pediped giveaway

carole said... 12

entered scentsy giveaway

Janis said... 13

I like the Marilyn Sugar n' Spice apron, but I'd be happy with almost all of them.

Janis said... 14

I subscribe to your emails.

Janis said... 15

I entered the Hasbro's Taboo game giveawy

Jessica Allen said... 16

I think my favorite is the Women's Apron Original Chic Pink

Janis said... 17

I entered the Ottlite desk lamp giveawy

Jessica Allen said... 18

I follow them on Facebook

Janis said... 19

I entered the case of original pine-sol cleaner giveawy

Jessica Allen said... 20

I entered Clorox Lemon Fresh Scent Disinfecting Wipes Giveaway

Jessica Allen said... 21

I entered Scentsy giveaway

Jessica Allen said... 22

I entered ottlite giveaway

Jessica Allen said... 23

I follow you through google friend connect

Julia said... 24

I really like the Aqua Damask


Julia said... 25

I like flirty aprons on facebook


Julia said... 26

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Jackie said... 27

Classic damask! No wonder they are sold.out :)

Jackie said... 28

Res subscriber!

Jackie said... 29

Facebook follower!

Jackie said... 30

Also entered the scentsy giveaway :)

Anonymous said... 31

i love the frosted cupcake myself!

Anonymous said... 32

like them on fb

Anonymous said... 33

i entered to win the scentsy too

Anonymous said... 34

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Anonymous said... 36

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Anonymous said... 37

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Anonymous said... 38

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Anonymous said... 39

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Anonymous said... 40

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Anonymous said... 41

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Anonymous said... 42

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Janet said... 43

They are all so lovely. I am picking Women's Apron Original Midnight Bloom. Thanks


Janet said... 44

Tweeter @luvnheartdesign!/LuvnHeartDesign/status/164782392429658114

Janet said... 45

email subscriber


Unknown said... 46

Women's Apron Original Sassy Red

Janet said... 47

Flirty Aprons on Twitter @luvnheartdesign

Janet said... 48

Flirty Aprons on FB as June C...

Janet said... 49

Facebook as June C...

Laurel said... 50

Love the Cherry Blossom and the Sugar & Spice aprons!

Rhe Christine said... 51

I love chic pink! Hard to pick just one
missrhe81at yahoo dot com

Laurel said... 52

GFC follower- Laurel Oda

Laurel said... 53

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Laurel said... 54

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Laurel said... 55

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Rhe Christine said... 56

Follow flirty aprons on fb rheanna Christine

missrhe81 at yahoo dot com

Laurel said... 57

Follow on twitter and tweeted!/LaurelOda/status/164786769554968576

Rhe Christine said... 58

Follower and tweeted

Kelly said... 59

The cherry blossoms one is adorable!

Denise said... 60

I like so many of them...
Scarlet Blossom is one of my favorites.

Denise said... 61

Email subscriber

Blessed Homemaking said... 62

I like the aqua damask, though it's so hard to pick JUST ONE!

Denise said... 63

GFC Follower

Denise said... 64

FB Fan
RobertandDenise Wilson

Blessed Homemaking said... 65

I'm following Flirty aprons on twitter. @artfortheking

Anonymous said... 66

Sassy Red is very cute!

Blessed Homemaking said... 67

I'm following you on twitter.

Blessed Homemaking said... 68

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Blessed Homemaking said... 69

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Blessed Homemaking said... 70

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Blessed Homemaking said... 71

I posted about it

apple blossom said... 72

midnight bloom is cute; however they are all cute. I love aprons.

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

jessica said... 73

I like the Cocoa Lime!

jek9880 at gmail dot com

jessica said... 74

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jek9880 at gmail dot com

jessica said... 75

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jek9880 at gmail dot com

apple blossom said... 76

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tweeted giveaway!/1apple_blossom/status/164827398934769666

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 77

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ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 78

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ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 79

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ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 80

entered Lugz boots giveaway

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 81

entered desk lamp giveaway

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 82

entered scentsy warmer giveaway

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 83

entered taboo giveaway

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Unknown said... 84

I would love "Zebra" love love love it!! kevinkaylaarrowood123 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 85

I follow them on Twitter(the arrowood zoo) kevinkaylaarrowood123 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 86

I like them on FB - kevinkaylaarrowood123 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 87

ive entered other giveaways on this blog! kevinkaylaarrowood123 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 88

i follow you through gfc! kevinkaylaarrowood123 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 89

I like the Women's Apron KayDee Zebra

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 90

Like Flirty Aprons on Facebook

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

Savor The Days said... 91

I like Sassy Black

Savor The Days said... 92

I follow on GFC

Savor The Days said... 93

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Savor The Days said... 94

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Maija M said... 95

I love Pink Chocolate!! Maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 96

I like Flirty Aprons on FB! Maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 97

I entered the Lugz giveaway! Maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 98

I entered the Scentsy giveaway! Maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 99

I entered the iplay giveaway! Maija pinkmaija (at)

Anonymous said... 100

Original Cherry Blossoms

Anonymous said... 101


Anonymous said... 102


Anonymous said... 103


Gina Mariaa said... 104

I am in love with the Marilyn Venetian Rose!

Anonymous said... 105

The strawberry shortcake is soooo pretty,that would have to be my favorite!!!...hiselbobbie@ yahoo .com

mim said... 106

I like the frosted cupcake one

Sherry said... 107

Very Cherry is for me! I live in that apron would be perfect for me! I went over to flirty aprons and left a nice comment for them...and connected it to Facebook.

Unknown said... 108

I like the strawberry shortcake apron! Thanks for the chance into this giveaway!.

2rose4u said... 109

I would like Women's Apron Original Scarlet Blossom

2rose4u said... 110

follow Flirty Aprons on Twitter

2rose4u said... 111

follow Flirty Aprons on Facebook
Diana Flores

2rose4u said... 112

Daily tweet!/2rose4u/status/164934860820054016

2rose4u said... 113

entered Hasbro's Taboo

2rose4u said... 114

entered Clorox Lemon Fresh Scent Disinfecting Wipes from

2rose4u said... 115

entered Pine-Sol Pine Scent Cleaner

2rose4u said... 116

entered win a pair of pediped Originals*!

2rose4u said... 117

entered Clorox Disinfecting Wipes

2rose4u said... 118

entered Lugz Brigade Fold Men's Boots

2rose4u said... 119

entered OttLite Natural Daylight Desk Lamp

2rose4u said... 120

entered Pine-Sol Lavender Scent Cleaner

2rose4u said... 121

entered Scentsy Wickless Candles

2rose4u said... 122

entered i play., Inc. Aqua Bottle and Organically Grown Footie

2rose4u said... 123

entered Reed Timmer and Storm Chasers trust Bosch ICON Wiper Blades

2rose4u said... 124

entered Vow to Tell Them That They're Special with Hallmark

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become a fan on Facebook Diana Flores

2rose4u said... 129

2) put your cute button up on my blog

Betty Roberts said... 130

Love the aqua damask so my style!

Betty Roberts said... 131

Follow flirty aprons on twitter @angelgenius27

Betty Roberts said... 132

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Betty Roberts said... 133

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Betty Roberts said... 134


Betty Roberts said... 135

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Betty Roberts said... 136

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Betty Roberts said... 137

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Betty Roberts said... 138

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Hippie4ever said... 139

Midnight bloom :)

Hippie4ever said... 140

email subscriber silenttributary at yahoo dot com

Hippie4ever said... 141

google friend silenttributary at yahoo dot com

Hippie4ever said... 142

entered Ottlight silenttributary at yahoo dot com

Kat said... 143

I love classic damask or sassy black! katiecoriston at aol dot com!

Kat said... 144

Follow flirty aprons on facebook!
Katie Coriston
KatieCoriston at aol dot com

Kat said... 145

I follow flirty aprons on twitter!
katiecoriston at aol dot com

Kat said... 146

blogged entry 1:

katiecoriston at aol dot com

Kat said... 147

blogged entry 2:

katiecoriston at aol dot com

Kat said... 148

blogged entry 3:

katiecoriston at aol dot com

Melody said... 149

I like Sassy Red.


Melody said... 150

GFC Follower.


Michelle said... 151

I like the sugar and spice apron

Michelle said... 152

I follow flirty aprons on twitter as blackbearpie

Michelle said... 153

I like flirty aprons on facebook as Michelle Levine

Michelle said... 154

I follow your blog with GFC as Michelle L

Michelle said... 155

I am a facebok fn of mail carrier as michelle levine

Anonymous said... 156

i like the classic damask

Anonymous said... 157

fave: original women's chic pink

Charlotte said... 158

I like the Sassy Black or Chic Pink! Their all beautiful! I would be happy with any!

Charlotte said... 159

"Like" Flirty Aprons on FB (Charlotte V.)

Charlotte said... 160

GFC Follower (Charlotte *I <3..*)

Charlotte said... 161

RSS subscribed

Charlotte said... 162

"Like" you on FB (Charlotte V.)

Charlotte said... 163

Entered Lugz

Charlotte said... 164

Entered pinesol cleaner

Charlotte said... 165

Entered clorox wipes

Charlotte said... 166

Entered clorox spray

Charlotte said... 167

Entered Ottlite

Charlotte said... 168

Entered pinesol lavender

Charlotte said... 169

Entered scentsy

Charlotte said... 170

Entered bosch

Charlotte said... 171

Entered clorox lemon

Jody said... 172

I love the little black dress apron!

Jody said... 173

Victoria Stankus said... 174

I like either the little black dress, or the sugar and spice.

Julie Perry said... 175

You and your daughter looked so cute in the frosted cupcake pattern! That is my favorite because my little girl would go nuts for it! They should make a mother/daughter version of some of their patterns.

GoatFarmer's Wife said... 176

I love aprons for practical reasons and ended up getting 2 for Christmas. One plain and one showy. I would love to win:

Marilyn Sage Sublime

Thanks for the contest.

Sarah said... 177

Original Cocoa Lime FOR SURE!!

Sarah said... 178

I follow Flirty on Facebook!

Anonymous said... 179

i entered the Sweety High giveaway too

Bethanny said... 180

Little black dress.
chacha6581(@ yahoo dot com

Laurel said... 181

Tweeted 2/2!/LaurelOda/status/165127007464730625

carole said... 182

tweeted today 2/2!/gram122/status/165131140817104897

Andrea said... 183

My favorite is the Pink Chocolate design.

Andrea said... 184

Follow Flirty Aprons on facebook.

Andrea said... 185

Follow on GFC - Andrea Williams

Andrea said... 186

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Andrea said... 187

Subscribe via email.

Andrea said... 188

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apple blossom said... 189

tweeted giveaway!/1apple_blossom/status/165161606601379841

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

BeautyNBrains said... 190

I'm in LOVE with the frosted cupcake design!! its. perfect.

Hoa said... 191

I like the Women's Apron Marilyn Sugar n' Spice.


Hoa said... 192

Liked Flirty Aprons on FB: Hoa Le


Hoa said... 193

Following you on Twitter @hle123.


Hoa said... 194

Following you via GFC: Hoa


Hoa said... 195

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Hoa said... 196

Liked you on FB: Hoa Le


mscoffee77 said... 197

I love the Woman's Apron Original Aqua Damask!


lana said... 198

My favorite apron is the Women's Apron Original Cherry Blossom

lana said... 199!/lana3174/status/165270368058212352

twitted the giveaway

lana said... 200

like both on facebook lana bilyy

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