Monday, February 13, 2012

Find Handmade Beauty with Macy's Heart of Haiti Collection {Review & Giveaway}

Heart of Haiti logo{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Krystalynn!}

Valentine's Day is one holiday that manages to conjure up strong feelings on both ends of the spectrum. In love? Then you might spend February 14th in a happy, go-lucky fog. Not so in love? Then there's a chance that all of the hearts and cupids and boxes of chocolates at every turn just aren't your thing.

But no matter what your personal feelings are about Valentine's Day, this year we can all come together for something bigger and better. Because this year you can help support families in Haiti that are rebuilding their lives after the 2010 earthquake by making a purchase from the Macy's Heart of Haiti collection.

Heart of HaitiHelping Haitian families construct and restore their lives after the devastating earthquake two years ago, items in the Heart of Haiti collection use some of the most unlikely materials to create metalwork, ceramics, quilts, paintings, jewelry and other home decor items and accessories.

From raw materials such as recycled oil drums and wrought iron to paper-mâché and stone, each item is handmade by a Haitian master artisan. By creating art that reflects their rich culture and history, artisans have a sustaining income to provide nutrition, education and health care for their families.

Macy's Heart of HaitiHaiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and, despite the earthquake, people there are filled with hope and a desire to improve their lives through employment. Although options are very limited in this country, Heart of Haiti is a "Trade, Not Aid" initiative launched by artist and social entrepreneur, Willa Shalit, The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund and Macy's.

By providing artists with an opportunity to make a living, feed their families, and pay their children's school fees (school in Haiti is not free), they are able to support their families with dignity and purpose. In fact, the Heart of Haiti collection has led to employment of 750 artists in Haiti, providing financial benefits for an estimated 4,000 to 5,000 people in the country.

Heart of Haiti collectionAs well as being such a great cause, the Heart of Haiti collection features a variety of items that can only be described as beautiful. I was fortunate to have the chance to see the Heart of Haiti Songbird Picture Frame and the Heart of Haiti Goddess Heart Pendant in person and was in awe of the talent and skill that went into making such stunning pieces.

Heart of Haiti reviewPainstakingly cut, hammered and varnished by hand, the Songbird Picture Frame is created out of steel from recycled barrels. The handmade, one-of-a-kind rustic beauty that this frame encompasses gives it a much more unique look than traditional, mass-produced frames that you'll find in the store.

Every time I look at this frame I am amazed by the way that Haiti's master artisans are able to make such detailed, intricate carvings and markings out of something so mundane as recycled steel. The results make such an attractive and artistic place to display photos of my favorite people and places!

handmade picture frameThe Heart of the Goddess Pendant is also handcrafted in steel cut from recycled barrels and measures in at approximately 1½" tall. Hung on a 29" black cord, this pendant demonstrates the creativity and beauty that Haiti's artisans can create out of a simple texture on a classic heart.

Heart of Haiti pendantThis pendant makes a great gift for yourself or a loved one for Valentine's Day as well as beyond. The $10 price tag is affordable in itself, but when you take into account the meaning and wonderful support for families in Haiti, that just makes it even more beautiful.

With more than 40 home decor items including quilts, handmade decormetalwork, ceramics, paintings, vases, candleholders, serving trays, picture frames, mirrors, coasters, necklaces, clutch purses and more, you're sure to find pieces you'll adore from Heart of Haiti.

The collection is made almost entirely from recycled and sustainable items such as old cement bags, cardboard, oil drums & local gommier wood and can be found exclusively at 25 Macy's stores around the country and on Macy' Most items fall in the price range of $25-$60 but the added benefit of feeling that you've supported something great? Priceless.

Thanks to the generosity of Macy's Heart of Haiti, one person will be able to celebrate in the love of this collection as well, because...

One lucky person will win a Heart of Haiti Goddess Heart Pendant!

Heart of Haiti giveawayTo enter to win: Leave me a comment telling me what would happen on your dream Valentine's Day. Vacation? Presents? Family time? Ignoring it completely?

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry if you follow Heart of Haiti on Twitter.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN a Macy's Heart of Haiti Goddess Heart Pendant - beautiful and a great cause! @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

1 Extra Entry (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
2 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on March 5th at 11:59pm CST. By entering this sweepstakes, you are agreeing to these official rules. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited by law. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning and the giveaway sponsor is solely responsible for prize fulfillment. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and entrants must be 18 years of age or older.

A big thank you to the Everywhere team for providing a Songbird Picture Frame and Goddess Heart Pendant for me to review as well as a Goddess Heart Pendent for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Anonymous said... 1

This is such a wonderful post! I work with Everywhere for Heart of Haiti and we can't tell you how much we appreciate the kind review! Thanks so much!

Linda W. said... 2

What beautiful items they have! To answer your question about Valentine's Day- as much as i would love to have a nice relaxing night with my family- i have to work that night. email subscriber

apple blossom said... 3

dream vacation Hawaii love to dream

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 4

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ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 5

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ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 6

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ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Maija M said... 7

On my dream V-day, my husband & I will be on a cruise :) maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 8

I like TMC on FB! maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 9

I follow TMC with GFC! maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 10

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Maija M said... 11

Entered Scentsy giveaway! maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 12

Entered iplay giveaway! maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 13

Entered Bosch giveaway! maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 14

Entered Flirty Aprons! maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 15

Entered Teleflora! maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 16

Entered Visa/Aquaphor! maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 17

Entered Novica! maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 18

Entered General Mills! maija pinkmaija (at)

Maija M said... 19

Entered $25 amazon! maija pinkmaija (at)

Jessica said... 20

Homemade dinner would be my dream!

jek9880 at gmail dot com

jessica said... 21

email subscriber

jek9880 at gmail dot com

jessica said... 22

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jek9880 at gmail dot com

Janis said... 23

my dream valentine's day would be to be with an affectionate, intelligent man.

Janis said... 24

I subscribe to your email

Janis said... 25

entered the ottlite desk lamp giveaway

Janis said... 26

entered the hasbro's taboo giveaway

Janis said... 27

entered the flirty aprons giveaway

Janis said... 28

entered the visa gift card/aquaphor giveaway

clatk said... 29

Spending time with my husband WITHOUT kids!

nickieisis3 said... 30

A day with my husband without ANY distractions. No kids, work, etc. Just us

nickieisis3 at gmail dot com

nickieisis3 said... 31

GFC follower nickie burke

nickieisis3at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 32

Just a nice quiet day enjoy it with the one I love. Chocolate doesn't hurt either ;)

melissa said... 33

What a great post
My dream valentine would be to go a local bookstore with my husband and browse drinking a great cup of coffee

wildcat32 said... 34

On my dream Valentine's Day, my husband would have someone clean the house for me while I relaxed at a spa all day getting ready for a nice dinner out.

monster6236 at gmail dot com

wildcat32 said... 35

follow and tweet!/5memb/status/169431002886848512

monster6236 at gmail dot com

wildcat32 said... 36

entered the Dr Dennis Gross giveaway

monster6236 at gmail dot com

wildcat32 said... 37

entered the Teleflora giveaway

monster6236 at gmail dot com

LeeAnn said... 38

My dream Valentine's Day would involve sitting on the beach with a fruity drink in hand. But then again, that is my dream every day. ;-)

LeeAnn said... 39

Following HOH on Twitter.

LeeAnn said... 40


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LeeAnn said... 43

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LeeAnn said... 44

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Anonymous said... 45

My dream V-day happened today, I received candy, a teddy bear, a nice heart box, a card & breakfast. I couldn't have been happier.

rierie11booger (@)

PAIGE said... 46

Ignore VD and had a Pity Party. Sigh.

crystletellerday said... 47

dinner and a movie with the man of my dreams

Jean said... 48

Dream Valentine's Day - dinner at a restaurant, paid for by someone other than myself!

Jean said... 49

I follow with gfc.

Nancy said... 50

We would be on a cruise to Hawaii on my dream Valentine's

Nancy said... 51

I follow Heart of Haiti on twitter

Nancy said... 52


Nancy said... 53

I like you on FB.

Nancy said... 54

Entered Flirty Aprons

Nancy said... 55

Entered General Mills

Nancy said... 56

Entered Pine Sol

Nancy said... 57

Entered Hasbro's Taboo

Nancy said... 58

Email subscriber

Nancy said... 59

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julie said... 60

I would spend Valentine's Day at home watching our family's favorite show on tv and snuggling on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn!!

Anonymous said... 61

entered pinesol giveaway

Julie said... 62

entered aquaphor giveaway

Julie said... 63

entered scentsy giveaway

Julie said... 64

entered bosch giveaway

Julie said... 65

entered clorox wipes giveaway

Julie said... 66

entered flirty aprons giveaway

Elif said... 67

On my ideal valentines day I'd get time with just my hubby, knowing all 4 kids are happy and cared for....

mverno said... 68

go out for dinnerand dancing and home for romance later

mverno said... 69

i follow heart of haiti on twitter @mverno

mverno said... 70

i follow you as mverno via gfc

apple blossom said... 71


ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

jcwega27 said... 72

a nice, tropical vacation

Kristen said... 73

My dream Valentines Day would be being whisked away to Europe for a long romantic vacation!

Unknown said... 74

My dream Valentine's day would be Prince Andrew taking me out on his private yacht in the Caribbean and proposing.
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 75

Following Heart of Haiti on Twitter

Unknown said... 76

Also entered the Bosch giveaway.
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 77

Following you on twitter and tweeted!/fatmeatloaf1/status/170347926206427136

Unknown said... 78

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Unknown said... 79

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Brutus Duffy

Unknown said... 80

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fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 81

Just spend a quiet day with my husband and end it with a candle light meal

apple blossom said... 82


ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said... 83

On my dream birthday which is also Valentine's day, my husband would surprise me with a trip anywhere and lots of flowers with a day filled with no angry words.

lyndsey said... 84

my dream would be to go to mexico with my hubby!
lyndsey dot hauck at gmail dot com

lyndsey said... 85

i follow on gfc
lyndsey dot hauck at gmail dot com

lyndsey said... 86

i follow heart of haiti on twitter @lyndzloo83
lyndsey dot hauck at gmail dot com

lyndsey said... 87

i follow you on facebook
lyndsey dot hauck at gmail dot com

Kelly Marceau said... 88

All of the above! A vacation to some far off place with dinner and gifts with my family!

Jana said... 89

My perfect valentines day would be spent exploring a new location my husband and I have never been. Then we would relax back at the resort in our private hot tub.

dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

Jana said... 90

I follow Heart of Haiti on Twitter.

dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

Jana said... 91


dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

Jana said... 92

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dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

Jana said... 93

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dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

Jana said... 94

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dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

Jan Messali said... 95

My dream Valentine's would be a mini-vacation with my husband... maybe northern CA or Oregon.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 96

I follow you via GFC as Jan Messali.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 97

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janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 98

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janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 99

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janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 100

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janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 101

I have your button at
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 102

I entered the giveaway for Nature's Sleep pillow.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 103

I entered the giveaway for Aquaphor.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 104

I entered the giveaway for Teleflora.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 105

I entered the giveaway for Hallmark cards.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 106

I entered the giveaway for Real Mom, Real Deals.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

apple blossom said... 107

tweeted giveaway!/1apple_blossom/status/171777354115461122

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Kristy said... 108

I'd love to have Hubby cook me dinner, then watch a good movie!!

Kristy said... 109

Following Heart of Haiti on Twitter

Kristy said... 110

GFC follower

Kristy said... 111

Email subscriber

Kristy said... 112

Facebook fan
Kristy Hostetler

Kristy said... 113

Entered Novica giveaway

Kristy said... 114

Entered Teleflora

won said... 115

Ignoring it completely.

My dream valentine's day came in 1997 when I went to the hospital in labor with my son.

Now it's on ignore...except the birthday party the following day!

BlackAsphodel said... 116

At the moment my answer is ignoring it completely. XD

My e-mail: blackasphodel(at)yahoo(dot)com

Lynda Del said... 117

Just a quite dinner for two at home.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

Lynda Del said... 118

I follow them on twitter. ID: Lyndadawinda
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

Lynda Del said... 119

I follow you on twitter. ID: Lyndadawinda
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

Lynda Del said... 120

GFC Follower. ID: Lynda Del
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

Lynda Del said... 121

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lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

Lynda Del said... 122

I LIKE you on Facebook. ID: Lynda Castillo
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

Lynda Del said... 123

#2 I have your button:
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 124

My Dream Vacation would be at a beach with my hubby.

Jayne said... 125

A night out without kids at my favorite restaurant.

Jayne said... 126

following Heart of Haiti on twitter (dishlist_aloha)

JC said... 127

On Valentines Day I'd love to receive a HUGE teddy bear.

JC said... 128

I follow you on GFC.

JC said... 129

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JC said... 130

I follow Heart of Haiti on twitter (@saveone83)

JC said... 131

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JC said... 132

I follow you on twitter (@saveone83) and I tweeted!/saveone83/status/173357657032372224

JC said... 133

I entered the Coca cola giveaway.

JC said... 134

I entered the Nature's Sleep giveaway.

JC said... 135

I entered the Dollar General Black History Month giveaway.

JC said... 136

I entered the Novica giveaway.

jcwega27 said... 137


Isaiahsmom said... 138

I followed Heart of Haiti on twitter @AutismMomofson

Isaiahsmom said... 139

I follow you on twitter.

Isaiahsmom said... 140!/AutismMomofSon/status/173793958588203008
Daily tweet.

Isaiahsmom said... 141

I am a GFC follower.

Isaiahsmom said... 142

I subscribed to your emails.

Isaiahsmom said... 143

I entered the Find It Games Giveaway.

SueZH said... 144

My husband & I have so much fun on vacation. It would be wonderful to go away somewhere on Valentines Day. Maybe next year!

SueZH said... 145

I entered Novica

SueZH said... 146

I entered General Mills

SueZH said... 147

I entered Slick Sugar

SueZH said... 148

I entered baby snug

SueZH said... 149

I entered Scarves dot net

Jan Messali said... 150

I entered the giveaway for Safety First Thermometer.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 151

I entered the giveaway foriPlay Placemats.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 152

I entered the giveaway for Coca Cola/Camcorder.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 153

I entered the giveaway for Mama’s & Papa’s Seat.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

SueZH said... 154

I entered Peaceable Kingdom

petchk79 said... 155

On my dream Valentines Day my husband and I would be able to go on a vacation and leave our daughter with the grandparents!

petchk79 said... 156

I entered the General Mills Cereal giveaway

petchk79 said... 157

I entered the $25 Amazon GC

petchk79 said... 158

I entered the Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Active Vitamin D Serum-Oil giveaway

petchk79 said... 159

I entered the Gerber Life giveaway

petchk79 said... 160

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petchk79 said... 162

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petchk79 said... 163

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petchk79 said... 164

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petchk79 said... 165

I entered the Find It Games giveaway

petchk79 said... 166

I entered the Glade Expressions giveaway

petchk79 said... 167

I entered the Dollar General giveaway

petchk79 said... 168

I entered the Scarves Dot Net giveaway

petchk79 said... 169

I entered the safety 1st giveaway

petchk79 said... 170

I entered the Nature's Sleep giveaway

petchk79 said... 171

I entered the Mamas & Papas giveaway

petchk79 said... 172

I entered the Coca-Cola giveaway

petchk79 said... 173

I entered the Peaceable Kingdom giveaway

petchk79 said... 174

I entered the i play giveaway

SueZH said... 175

I entered Little Black Dress Shop

Sunnymay said... 176

What a worthwhile cause and the products are beautiful especially the hammered heart pendant and the colorful pots.

Sunnymay said... 177

email subscriber

polly said... 178

a dream valentine's day would be my husband surprising me with a fun trip

polly said... 179

email subscriber

polly said... 180

entered find it games

polly said... 181

entered glade

polly said... 182

entered natures sleep

polly said... 183

entered safety first

polly said... 184

entered iplay

polly said... 185

entered peaceable kingdom

polly said... 186

entered amazon gift card

petchk79 said... 187

I entered the Itzy Bitzy Klippie Klub giveaway

SueZH said... 188

I entered Itzy Bitsy Klippie

dana h said... 189

I would like to have a Valentine' day where I didn't have to work.

bigbossross1 said... 190

My wife and I would have a nice dinner and a show and maybe a sleepover at a nice hotel.

sweepsking35 at yahoodotcom

contestrobyn said... 191

On my dream valentine's day i'd meet my soulmate.

contestrobyn said... 192

I follow heart of haiti on twitter

contestrobyn said... 193

I follow you on twitter and i tweeted!/contestrobyn/status/175697101001469954

contestrobyn said... 194

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contestrobyn said... 195

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contestrobyn said... 196

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contestrobyn said... 197

I entered your snappish giveaway

contestrobyn said... 198

I entered your find it games giveaway

contestrobyn said... 199

I entered your glade expressions giveaway

contestrobyn said... 200

I entered your safety first giveaway

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