Tuesday, February 14, 2012

SlickSugar: Look Good While Making a Difference {Review & Giveaway}

SlickSugar logo{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, mscoffee77!}

One of the beneficial aspects of having two daughters is being able to get twice the use out of my favorite articles of their clothing. There's just something so great about kids' apparel that makes me smile — whether it's the fun colors, cute prints, or trendy miniature styles... there are some pieces that I never want them to outgrow.

Those favorites in particular are the ones that not only demonstrate fashion and high quality, but are also unique, innovative, and have that extra stand-out-from-the-crowd aspect to them. After all, who wants to look just like everyone else?

The only thing that can make them even better? When a line of clothing doesn't only look good, but promotes doing good as well.

The latest company that I have been introduced to that does just that? None other than the unique and admirable SlickSugar.

SlickSugar teeThe entrepreneurial, family-owned business behind Belly Banter, a great line of pregnancy and newborn stickers, SlickSugar has teamed up with the nonprofit organization Little Kids Rock to support the importance of music in schools with their "Keep the Music Alive" Tee.

As music programs across the country have been reduced or even eliminated, Little Kids Rock has helped fill the void by restoring and revitalizing music in underfundedLittle Kids Rock logo public schools. Founded in San Francisco in 2002, the charity was started by an elementary school teacher who was frustrated at the lack of music funding in his own school.

Today, Little Kids Rock is one of the leading nonprofit providers of free lessons and free instruments to underprivileged children in public schools in 25 cities, resulting in an astounding 160,000 students. Bonnie Raitt, Slash, Paul Simon, B.B. King and Ziggy Marley are among the charity’s famous friends and supporters.

Having always supported the arts and music in schools, I was already loving the "Keep the Music Alive" Tee even before I had seen it in person. However, when a brightly-colored fun package from SlickSugar arrived, I was happy to see if this shirt would live up to promoting their great message.

gift wrappedSlowly unwrapping the soft, 100% cotton fabric, I was impressed with how thick and durable this shirt felt and the clear effort that went into making sure all of the seams and edges were well made.

SlickSugar reviewAvailable in sizes 6 months through 5/6, I had initially worried that the largest size would be small on Big Sister E, but instead found that it was a great fit. We were both excited about the sweet and colorful design and how such a cute, cheery bird could have such a powerful message.

kids clothingI love the idea of being able to promote as well as teach children about the importance of music in schools and send a message, even a tiny one, that school districts across the country need to restore and revitalize music programs that have been closed due to budget cuts.

Retailing for $26 (which means free shipping!), the "Keep the Music Alive" Tee and the rest of SlickSugar's great apparel and accessories (and don't forget the cute Belly Banter stickers for tracking expectant moms' progress or babies ages), can be found on their website. You can also find a selection of SlickSugar onesies and tees online at Target.com.

And, thanks to their generosity, one person will be able to support Little Kids Rock and their partnership with schools in a stylish way, because...

One lucky person will win a SlickSugar "Keep the Music Alive" Tee
in their choice of size!

SlickSugar giveawayTo enter to win: Visit SlickSugar and leave me a comment telling me the name of the item there that is your favorite (other than the tee in this review).

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow SlickSugar on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN a Keep the Music Alive Tee or Onesie from SlickSugar! Cute and for a great cause! http://bit.ly/zOIPKU @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

1 Extra Entry (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
2 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on March 6th at 11:59pm CST. By entering this sweepstakes, you are agreeing to these official rules. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited by law. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning and the giveaway sponsor is solely responsible for prize fulfillment. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and entrants must be 18 years of age or older.

A big thank you to SlickSugar for providing a "Keep the Music Alive" Tee for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


Kathy Davis said... 1

I love the idea of using the Belly Banter Baby numbers.

Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis said... 2

I follow SlickSugar on Twitter as kdavis52.
Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis said... 3

I like SlickSugar on FB as Kathy Newsom Davis.
Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis said... 4

GFC follower as Mrs. Kathy Davis
Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis said... 5

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Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis said... 6

FB fan as Kathy Newsom Davis
Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis said... 7

I entered the Scentsy Warmer & Bar giveaway.
Kathy Davis

Kathy said... 8

I like the fuschia dress with zebra cuffs!

Kathy said... 9

I follow slick sugar on twitter kmurble

Unknown said... 10

I like Slick Sugar's Long Sleeve Owl Fabric Skirt Set

Unknown said... 11

I follow you on GFC (Danielle P)

Sandra VanHoey said... 12

I like girls Peace, Love, Rock n’ Roll, SlickSugar Tee –sandy1955 at comcast dot net

Sandra VanHoey said... 13

I like Slick Sugar on facebook- Sandy VanHoey

Sandra VanHoey said... 14

I follow you on twitter and here is my tweet URL: https://twitter.com/#!/sandyv1955/status/169492599235805184
sandy1955 at comcast dot net

Sandra VanHoey said... 15

I am subscribed via email-sandy1955 at comcast dot net

Unknown said... 16

Email Subscriber.


Unknown said... 17

I follow you on twitter @PapsisBeavers


Unknown said... 18

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Jennifer said... 19

I like the Blue Camo Romper for boys...so cute!

Savor The Days said... 20

I like the long sleeve owl fabric skirt set!

Nancy said... 21

I like the Play the Drums Tee

Nancy said... 22

I follow SlickSugar on twitter

Nancy said... 23

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Nancy said... 24


Nancy said... 25

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Nancy said... 26

Entered Pine Sol

Nancy said... 27

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Nancy said... 28

Entered Hasbro Taboo

Nancy said... 29

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Nancy said... 30

Entered Flirty Aprons

Nancy said... 31

Entered General Mills

Nancy said... 32

Entered Slick Sugar

Nancy said... 33

Entered Macy's Heart of Haiti

SHAYNA said... 34

I LOVE THE Peace Tee :)


SHAYNA said... 35

I follow SlickSugar on Twitter (@JAIVIANSMOMMY)


SHAYNA said... 36

I follow SlickSugar on FB :)



SHAYNA said... 37

I FOLLOW YOU ON TWITTER (@JAIVIANSMOMMY) AND I TWEETED https://twitter.com/#!/JAIVIANSMOMMY/status/169925787544334338


SHAYNA said... 38



SHAYNA said... 39



SHAYNA said... 40




mscoffee77 said... 41

I love the boys' Maroon Long Sleeve Tee ROCK symbol!


Elif said... 42

Belly banter mom to be stickers - great idea!

Kristen said... 43

I like the Ride On Tee.

Kristen said... 44

I follow on GFC.

mverno said... 45

ride on tee mverno@roadrunner.com

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 46

I love the I "heart" Rock N' roll tee.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 47

entered the Flirty Aprons g/a

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 48

email subscriber to Thanks, Mail Carrier

Anonymous said... 49

Surf's Up Set

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 50

Follow Slick Sugar on Twitter: bloomerbear

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 51

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pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 52

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pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 53

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pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 54

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pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com

Gina F. said... 55

My favorite product at SlickSugar is the Give Peace a Chance Tank.

ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

Gina F. said... 56

Follow SlickSugar on Twitter @BriellePrincess

ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

Gina F. said... 57

Like SlickSugar on Facebook (Gina Ferrell)

ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

Gina F. said... 58

I entered the Natural's Sleep Memory Foam Pillow Giveaway.

ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

Gina F. said... 59

Follow you on Twitter @BriellePrincess and tweeted this giveaway:

ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

Gina F. said... 60

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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

Gina F. said... 61

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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

Gina F. said... 62

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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

Gina F. said... 63

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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

garygreen said... 64

I would love to win this prize.

won said... 65

I like the Little Trooper Pink Camo Tank Dress also.

BlackAsphodel said... 66

I love this one: https://slicksugar.com/shop/rocker-tank-top/

My e-mail: blackasphodel(at)yahoo(dot)com

Christine said... 67

I like the Long Sleeve Guitar Tulle Set.
Thanks for the chance!

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 68

I follow SlickSugar on Twitter.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 69

I like follow SlickSugar on Facebook.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 70

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted about this giveaway.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 71

I entered the Teleflora Giveaway.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 72

I entered the Aquaphor Giveaway.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 73

I entered the Novica Giveaway.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 74

I entered the Amazon GC Giveaway.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 75

I entered the Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Active Vitamin D Serum-Oil Giveaway.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 76

I entered the Nature's Sleep Memory Foam Pillows Giveaway.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 77

I entered the Safety 1st Giveaway.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 78

I entered the Mamas & Papas Baby Snug Two Stage Seat Giveaway.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 79

I follow Thanks, Mail Carrier via GFC.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 80

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raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 81

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raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 82

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raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said... 83

I entered the Glade Expressions Collection Giveaway.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

garygreen said... 84

I would love to win this prize.

Rebecca Orr said... 85

I love the All the Little Birds Frill Set. So cute. Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 86

I like SlickSugar on FB: Rebecca Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 87

GFC follower: Rebecca O
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 88

Facebook fan of Thanks, Mail Carrier. Rebecca Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 89

Email subscriber. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 90

Rss feed subscriber. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 91

Following on Twitter: @bekki1820cb Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/bekki1820cb/status/173151488732966914
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Michelle Frame said... 92

I love the Peace, Love, Rock n’ Roll, SlickSugar Tee – girls

Michelle Frame said... 93

I follow SlickSugar on FB- Michelle Frame

Michelle Frame said... 94

GFC blog follower- mframe00

Michelle Frame said... 95

email subscriber

petchk79 said... 96

I love the Little Trooper Green Camo Tank Dress, it is so cute and would support my brother-in-law, he is in the army in Afghanistan right now!

petchk79 said... 97

I liked SlickSugar on facebook

petchk79 said... 98

I entered the General Mills Cereal giveaway

petchk79 said... 99

I entered the $25 Amazon GC giveaway

petchk79 said... 100

I entered the Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Active Vitamin D Serum-Oil

petchk79 said... 101

I entered the Gerber Life giveaway

petchk79 said... 102

I entered the Macy's Heart of Haiti giveaway

petchk79 said... 103

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petchk79 said... 104

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petchk79 said... 105

I entered the Global Eyeglasses giveaway

petchk79 said... 106

I entered the Find It Games giveaway

petchk79 said... 107

I entered the Glade Expressions giveaway

petchk79 said... 108

I entered the Dollar General giveaway

petchk79 said... 109

I entered the Scarves Dot Net giveaway

petchk79 said... 110

I entered the safety 1st giveaway

petchk79 said... 111

I entered the Nature's Sleep giveaway

petchk79 said... 112

I entered the Mamas & Papas giveaway

petchk79 said... 113

I entered the Coca-Cola giveaway

petchk79 said... 114

I entered the Peaceable Kingdom giveaway

petchk79 said... 115

I entered the i play giveaway

polly said... 116

love their ride on boys tee

polly said... 117

email subscriber

polly said... 118

entered global eyeglasses

polly said... 119

entered find it games

polly said... 120

entered dollar general

polly said... 121

entered natures sleep

polly said... 122

entered safety 1st

polly said... 123

entered mamas & papas

polly said... 124

entered i play

polly said... 125

entered peaceable kingdom

polly said... 126

entered amazon gift card

petchk79 said... 127

I entered the Little-Little Black Dress giveaway

bigbossross1 said... 128

I like the boys Vintage Charger Sweatshirt.


contestrobyn said... 129

I like the rockabye baby coldplay!

contestrobyn said... 130

I follow slick sugar on twitter

contestrobyn said... 131

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contestrobyn said... 132

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contestrobyn said... 133

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contestrobyn said... 134

I entered your snappish giveaway

contestrobyn said... 135

I entered yourmacy's heart of haiti giveaway

contestrobyn said... 136

I entered yourglobal eyeglasses giveaway

contestrobyn said... 137

I entered your nature's sleep memory foam giveaway

contestrobyn said... 138

I entered your mamas and papas giveaway

contestrobyn said... 139

I entered your coca cola giveaway

contestrobyn said... 140

I entered your i Play giveaway

contestrobyn said... 141

I entered your peaceable kingdom giveaway

contestrobyn said... 142

I entered your ritzy bitty klippie klub giveaway

contestrobyn said... 143

i entered your scrubbing bubbles giveaway

petchk79 said... 144

I entered the Scrubbing Bubbles giveaway

SueZH said... 145

I entered Big Splash

Tamar said... 146

I think the Crown Tee & Bloomer Set is so cute!

tamarsweeps at gmail [dot.com

Mama Love said... 147

i love the peace tee!


Mama Love said... 148

i entered the step 2 giveaway

Mama Love said... 149

i entered the scrub and bubbles


Mama Love said... 150

i entered the itzy bitzy

Mama Love said... 151

i enterd the little black dress shop giveaway


Mama Love said... 152

i entered the iplay giveaway

Mama Love said... 153

i entered the peaceable kingdom

Mama Love said... 154

i entered the coke giveaway


Mama Love said... 155

i entered safety 1st


Mama Love said... 156

i entered mamas and papas giveaway


Mama Love said... 157

i entered scarf dot net giveaway

Mama Love said... 158

i entered the gloabal glasses giveaway

Mama Love said... 159

gfc name mama love

Mama Love said... 160

i like on FB


Kat said... 161

I like the 'all the little birds' pink frilly t-shirt

Kat said... 162

I follow slicksugar on twitter with @krazykabbage

Kat said... 163

I like slicksugar on facebook

Kat said... 164

I follow you and tweeted


Kat said... 165

following on gfc

Kat said... 166

liked your facebook page

Kat said... 167

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Unknown said... 168

My favorite is the Wish Layette

Kathy P said... 169

i like the Tweet on You Tee

Kathy P said... 170

google friend kathy pease

Kathy P said... 171

like you on facebook kathy pease

lilyk said... 172

The Slick Burp Cloth looks very nice!

lilyk said... 173

I follow SlickSugar on Twitter under the username likwan.

lilyk said... 174

I follow SlickSugar on Facebook under the username likwan.

lilyk said... 175

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted about this giveaway at https://twitter.com/#!/likwan/status/177265856609390592.

lilyk said... 176

I follow you on Google Friend Connect under the username lilyk.

lilyk said... 177

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lilyk said... 178

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