My husband and I often joke that Big Sister E takes after him when it comes to eating sweets, while Little Sister B resembles me.
Meaning he and Big Sister E have an internal meter that allows them to actually stop eating something tasty and save the rest for later... while poor Little Sister B seems destined to follow in my yum-this-is-good-shove-ALL-of-it-in-my-mouth-right-now footsteps.
Sorry, kid. It's in your genes.
However, as well as hoping to teach both of my kids to eat treats in moderation, I also like to look for ways that we can still enjoy delicious flavor but with less fat and calories. That makes it the best of both worlds, right?
Which is exactly what has happened now that Cold Stone Creamery has introduced their new Frozen Yogurt Creations and Shakes

All of Cold Stone Creamery's frozen yogurt comes in non-fat and low-fat flavors that include probiotics and are low in calories. So instead of walking out of there with a satisfied sweet tooth but a guilty conscience about having enjoyed their delicious ice cream, you can now substitute frozen yogurt instead and put your mind at ease (while still making your taste buds happy).
And when it comes to happy taste buds, we have yet to be disappointed when visiting our local Cold Stone Creamery.

- Strawberry Crumble - Dreamy vanilla yogurt mixed with juicy strawberries and graham cracker pie crust.
- Chocolate Banana Indulgence - Gratifying chocolate yogurt mixed with fresh bananas and rich fudge.
- Berries Upon Berries - Luscious raspberry yogurt mixed with sweet strawberries and blueberries.

Or, if you prefer a shake to scooping and licking your frozen yogurt, Cold Stone Creamery's Frozen Yogurt Shakes include:
- Shake Them Berries - Divine vanilla yogurt blended with sweet, juicy strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.
- Powered By Chocolate - Enticing chocolate yogurt blended with rich fudge.

All of these delicious treats are made with Cold Stone Creamery's signature low fat, low calorie frozen yogurt but the flavor is still fully delectable. We couldn't wait to sample a taste or two of the frozen yogurt and then, after pondering just exactly what we would like mixed in...

We ended up sharing our various dishes and, had I not known that some were ice cream and some were frozen yogurt, I would never have guessed! The frozen yogurt was just as smooth, creamy and delicious as the ice cream — something that Cold Stone Creamery is definitely known for providing.
A fun environment, endless choices, scrumptious flavors and now with less fat and calories? Well, that's just something that we can all be happy about.

Thanks to their generosity, one person will be even more prepared to head out for a tasty treat, because...
One lucky person will win a $20 gift card to Cold Stone Creamery!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Cold Stone Creamery on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
WIN a Cold Stone Creamery $20 gift card for delicious ice cream or frozen yogurt! http://bit.ly/ztfLcW @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win
1 Extra Entry (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
2 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on March 27th at 11:59pm CST. By entering this sweepstakes, you are agreeing to these official rules. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited by law. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and must be 18 years of age or older.
A big thank you to Cold Stone Creamery for providing a gift card for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 796 Newer› Newest»I love vanilla with M&M's
Love stone cold creamery.
Give me vanilla with any type of berries and I'm a happy woman!
gfc follower-done, listed on my blogroll-done,following on goggle + {name Jennifer Forbes}-done
I like vanilla with a hot caramel sauce with toffee bits.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
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At Cold Stone I have to get Cake Batter ice cream, which cookie dough mix in.
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I entered the Peaceable Kingdom giveaway
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I love chocolate with brownie and nut chuncks.
I love Vanilla Ice cream/Frozen yogurt w/ reese's peanut butter cups mixed in! Yum!
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Entered Step 2 Big Splash Water Park Giveaway
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I love chocolate frozen yogurt with almonds and bananas!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I follow your blog with google friend connect as Amber
Thank you for the giveaway :)
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Thank you for the giveaway :)
I'm a fan of yours on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I like Cold Stone Creamery on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
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I follow @coldstone on Twitter, I'm @AmberGoo
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I entered your Scarves Dot Net giveaway
Thank you for the giveaway :)
anything chocolate is my fav.
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like you on fb as susan wiener.
vanilla with brownies
entered Coke-Cola giveaway.
entered Safety 1st ProGrade VersaScan TALKING Thermometer and Sound Moments Audio Monitor Giveaway
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I like chocolate frozen yogurt with gummy bears
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
like Cold Stone Creamery on FB Jennifer bee
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
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hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
like you on Fb Jennifer Bee
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
I loove peanut butter ice cream with whipped cream and hot fudge
I like vanilla with extra nuts.
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Chocolate ice cream with peanut butter and hot fudge (guess I'm a chocoholic!).
jackievillano at gmail dot com
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jackievillano at gmail dot com
I entered the Spring Cleaning with Scrubbing Bubbles giveaway
jackievillano at gmail dot com
seriously huge fan of coldstone! Hands down cake batter is the best! I like it just like it is. :)
email sub
chocolate with brownies and hot fudge the more chocolate the better
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
coldstone fb fan (J Cochrane Hay)
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entered splash park giveaway
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
vanilla with hot fudge for sure
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
Cold stone is my favorite!! I love their oatmeal cookie dough batter with graham cracker crust.
chic_style at live dot com
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chic_style at live dotcom
I'm old school-I like just vanilla ice cream and hot fudge sauce
I follow you via email.
I like Mint ice cream with oreos and fudge! MMm!!
Follow Coldstone Creamery on twitter. @LaurelOda
GFC follower Laurel Oda
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Vanilla with caramel, and heath bars !
I like coffee with heath bars
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com
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pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com
i like the cake batter ice cream with the kit kat mix ins and peanut butter.
favorite flavors are cheesecake and sweet cream
favorite topping of all time is oreo cookies (minus the cream filling please!)
Teigh Leigh
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crankygurl at live dot com
Teigh Leigh
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mint with oreo cookie mixed in. mmmmm.
I'm a T,MC facebook fan.
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cookie dough is my favorite mix-in
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Kim Ripley
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I like Vanilla or even Chocolate with Cherry Pie Filling mixed in!
crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net
Follow Cold Stone Creamery on Twitter as @crazylicious85
crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net
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crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net
Entered the scrubbing bubbles giveaway
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crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net
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Entered the Coca Cola Family Night giveaway
crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net
My favorite is banana ice cream with a brownie mix-in. But I ask for half a brownie, it's the perfect combination. Yummy.
I love and can not refuse chocolate with nuts. Peanuts, walnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachio.... The more the merrier!
I remember the first time I had Cold Stone. Dave and I were in Kauai, almost 9 years ago. We found this ice cream shop that looked good, so we went in to try. I asked for a sample of the cake batter ice cream and nearly passed out, it was so good!
About 2 years later, Dave drove me all the way to Kansas City for a Cold Stone that just opened. We finally got one here and I overdosed on it. LOL! I haven't had it in awhile.
My favorite was Birthday Cake Remix!
I love the chocolate with strawberries!
Follow on Twitter as @MimiBakerMN
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birthday cake with raspberries :)
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Twenteries/status/177164485256151042
I follow on GFC: Tamra
entered safety first giveaway
entered the scarves dot net giveaway
I like the cheesecake ice cream with Snickers in it
s2s2 at comcast dot net
s2s2 at comcast dot net
Like Cold Stone on FB Susan Smith
s2s2 at comcast dot net
follow Cold Stone via twitter susan1215
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s2s2 at comcast dot net
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s2s2 at comcast dot net
I like chocolate with brownies.
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I like their cake batter ice cream w/ brownies or oreos! Maija pinkmaija (at) yahoodotcom
I like Coldstone on FB! Maija pinkmaija (at) yahoodotcom
I follow TMC on GFC! Maija pinkmaija (at) yahoodotcom
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Entered Glade! Maija pinkmaija (at) yahoodotcom
Entered Scarves! Maija pinkmaija (at) yahoodotcom
Entered Safety 1st! Maija pinkmaija (at) yahoodotcom
My favorite is mint chocolate chip ice cream with Oreos.
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RobertandDenise Wilson
My favorite is cherry vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips in it. Would love to win! Thanks!
I love chocolate with peanut butter cups.
I'm following Cold Stone Creamery on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
Follow you on twitter. Tweeted the giveaway at:
GFC Follower.
Happiness is coffee and chocolate ice cream (or yogurt) mixed with real, live peanut butter!!
Like Coldstone on Twitter @lindaray13
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Entered Natures Sleep Memory Foam Pillow giveaway
Plain vanilla yogurt
tnxns09 at gmail dot com
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tnxns09 at gmail dot com
I love vanilla with brownies and fudge over the top!
rachelbaldree at hotmail.com
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Leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite ice cream/frozen yogurt flavor and topping or mix-in. Do you like chocolate with brownies? Strawberry with M&M's? Vanilla with hot fudge?
i like chocholate chip milk shakes
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