With the combination of each passing month (which seem to fly by quicker and quicker) and the unusually spring-like weather we've been experiencing this year, I find myself both anticipating and dreading the arrival of summer.
On the one hand, I'm looking forward to cookouts, spending time at the pool, and the flexibility to meet with our friends at all of our favorite playgrounds without having to plan around school.
On the other hand, however, no school means less structure to our days and my kids not getting to do something that they love. At the same time, the weather will be hot, the days will be long, and I'll need plenty of ideas on hand to be ready to stave off boredom between activities.
So when it comes to preparing for summer and spending time outdoors, I love knowing that there are companies that are able to incorporate the laughter and magic of childhood with the fun and entertainment of intriguing, unique toys. And who knows that better than
Imperial Toy?

Founded in 1969, Imperial Toy LLC is the worldwide leader in the sale and manufacture of Bubbles and Novelty Toys and is distributed in over 50 countries worldwide. With everything from arts & crafts to dress up clothes to outdoor toys, kids are sure to love the variety, entertainment and more.
This spring, Imperial Toy has debuted a new collection of bubble and outdoor toys that are designed to inspire endless fun... and, when a selection of four of them arrived here, we were ready to put them to the test.

How fun! Although the weather in our area recently cooled down, we were still ready to hit the yard for some laughter, water and bubbles.
Starting with some water balloon fun, the
KAOS Tie-Not Filler and the
KAOS Cyclops are just the thing to add ease, convenience and entertainment to your backyard.

In the past we have typically filled water balloons using the faucet of the sink, but that always proved to be a little tiresome... not to mention inconvenient to head back inside if we ever needed more. Between having to track wet feet into the house, the annoyance of stretching the water balloons just right (ensuring that they didn't snap and break), and then trying to get them tied, well, it just didn't make for all that much fun.
Instead, the KAOS Tie-Not really does make tying and filling water balloons easy. Simply attach the Tie-Not to a garden hose, slide on the balloon and press the lever at the top to allow the water to flow...

...and, after filling, detach the balloon by sliding the end through the slot and tying.

Retailing for only $3.99, the KAOS Tie-Not Filler comes with 50 biodegradable water balloons and is truly quick and easy to use. In no time, you're able to fill balloon after balloon for plenty of ammunition for a day of fun!
When it comes to throwing those water balloons, however, it's one thing to just toss them... and quite another when you're launching them with the KAOS Cyclops. This one-handed water balloon launcher kicks things up a notch by allowing kids and adults to comfortably throw water balloons up to 100 feet with a simple flick of the wrist!
Just load a balloon into the large scoop top, bring back your arm, and launch!

Both Big Sister E and Little Sister B have had a great time seeing just how far their water balloons can go by using the Cyclops. Each time they sent another one flying, their eyes lit up with just how easy it was to send it soaring!

Featuring a large, curved top for quick reloads and a starter pack of 50 biodegradable KAOS water balloons, the KAOS Cyclops retails for $9.99 and would be a lot of fun for gatherings and water balloon fights — just make sure to pick up more than one so that everyone is on an equal playing field!
When it comes to bubbles, the
Super Miracle Bubbles Bubble Turbine and the
Super Miracle Bubbles Glow Fusion Hi-Beam Sabre also proved to be great additions to our backyard entertainment.

The new Super Miracle Bubbles Bubble Turbine is great for ages 3+, as all that is required is to dip it in the bubble tray and pull the trigger. The fan-like design blows the air out, and with it humongous bubbles!
We did find that at times the soft blades of the turbine bumped into the surrounding casing (the front is interchangeable from a single, large hole to multiple smaller ones) and caused it to stop moving. However, by just pushing the blades back to give them space, they started spinning again just fine... and the results were definitely worth it!

Retailing for $12.99, this Bubble Turbine has been an item that the girls have returned to time and time again. It is easy for them to swish the front in the tray of bubbles and they love how easy it is to pull the trigger and have it result in large, floating bubbles!

For bubble fun in the day or at night, the Super Miracle Bubbles Glow Fusion Hi-Beam Sabre can provide a unique and fun twist that is sure to entertain.
During the day, the Fusion Wand can be used as a traditional bubble wand. Simply wave it around or blow through it and a stream of great bubbles comes wafting out into the air.

But for bubbles after dark, our whole family was amazed by the transformation. By mixing the two packets of Infusion Activators into a bottle of Super Miracle Bubbles, it instantly was transformed into a glowing, magical orange liquid.

Using the included Fusion Funnel, we poured the Fusion Solution into the Hi-Beam Sabre and were able to have glow-in-the-dark bubble fun like never before!

This Hi-Beam Sabre instantly proved to be a favorite due to the glowing bubble solution, as the girls were thrilled to see it illuminating out in the yard. Although it didn't seem as though the bubbles themselves were glowing (it was hard to tell though, as we weren't able to find a spot that was in complete darkness due to streetlights, neighbors' porch lights, etc), seeing the solution was enough in itself.
When it dripped on the ground or popped on the girls' hands, they giggled over the bright spots that it left and they laughed over seeing it on their skin, pajamas and faces when they looked in the mirror.

For an extremely unique and fun way to enjoy bubbles, the Hi-Beam Sabre retails for $9.99 and is reusable by purchasing another bottle of
Super Miracle Bubbles Glow Fusion Bubble Solution for four more ounces of glowing bubble fun.
On a mission to be "First in Fun,"
Imperial Toy has a wide selection of toys for boys and girls of all ages. This summer, it's time to head outdoors and enjoy an extra dose of laughter with any of these great products... and more!
Find out more about these great toys by connecting on Facebook with
Imperial Toy,
Super Miracle Bubbles and
This review was made possible by Mom Spark Media. All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.
Holy cow that bubble is huge. Zoe would go crazy! We enjoyed some bubbles last week with the crazy summer like temps. Fun stuff:)
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