That Mother Nature, she's sure bringing us on some crazy roller coaster rides this year.
But one thing for certain is the fact that spring is coming. No matter if you're already dressed in shorts or you're pulling out the shovel, before we know it there are going to be flowers blooming, grass growing and the joy of opening the door and letting the kids run out into the yard.
So this weekend is the perfect time to pick up some amazing bargains on great outdoor play items from Step2 so that you're prepared to wow and dazzle your kids when the time comes. Check out these deals!

In addition to the $2.99 shipping sale, the following items are 10% off with code S2ADVEXT:

Or, do your kids need a place to rest, eat or hang out? Then pick up the Fun-Fold Jr. Picnic Table, as it is 15% off with code S2FF15!

Step2 also offers flexible payment options now (including PayPal and BillMeLater) but regular shipping prices will resume at 12:00 AM ET on March 6, 2012... so don't miss out on this opportunity to have these great items delivered right to your door!
What is your child's dream toy from Step2?
That is a crazy cool shipping rate!
Wow, the extreme coaster would make all 4 of my young kids giddy-excited. That's an amazing deal too... I might get it for the 4yo's b'day.
We have the Welcome Home playhouse, had it for 2 years now and my grandson has had so much fun with this. He has played for the longest time and still heads out to his little "House"
I guess I lost my post. We have the Welcome Home playhouse and my grandson has played for almost 2 years with it and still loves this house.
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