Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Annie's Organic Rising Crust Pizza {Review & Giveaway - 3 winners!}

Annie's logo{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Christine, Kristen, and Sunnymay!}

While there are days that I step into the kitchen and feel like being creative — attempting to make a meal that is out of the ordinary for our table — those times are truly few and far between. Where do people find the time? And how to do they find the motivation when there's always the chance that their work will end up not all that well-received by their kids?

Instead, around here we tend to stick with the much-loved classics that are sure to make everyone happy. No matter what, it seems that we can't go wrong when the menu consists of something like pasta or tacos or pizza. Definitely pizza.

But it has been ages since we last ordered delivery or take-out pizza and instead look to our grocery store's freezer section for something fast, easy and delicious. The result is tasty, of course, but there's always the nagging voice pointing out that typical frozen pizzas might not be the most healthy meal around.

Recently we had the opportunity to try out the perfect mix of high quality, organic ingredients with the ease of at-home toss-it-in-the-oven convenience in the form of Annie's and their new Certified Organic Rising Crust Pizza.

Annie's Certified Organic Rising Crust PizzaFor more than 20 years, Annie's has been nourishing families with simple, down-to-earth foods that taste great and are easy to love. They've sought out the best ingredients Mother Earth has to offer, harvesting pure, natural flavors to make delicious foods every family can feel good about.

After having tried and enjoyed a variety of Annie's other products (such as their yummy Natural Mac & Cheese and tasty Bunny Grahams), I knew that the goodness of organic ingredients with the great taste that Annie's is known for would ensure that their pizza would bring smiles to my whole family.

Annie's pizzas are available in four flavors (Four Cheese, Uncured Pepperoni, Supreme and Spinach & Mushroom) and we opted to try the classic goodness of Annie's Organic Four Cheese to see how it would measure up to our usual frozen pizzas.

Annie's Rising Crust PizzaRight out of the box the mozzarella, provolone, parmesan and romano cheeses (made with milk
from cows not treated with the growth hormone rBST*) looked tasty and the combination with the savory tomato sauce and whole wheat crust had us eager for the 17 - 22 minutes to pass while it cooked.

Annie's pizzaAs we eagerly waited in the kitchen, it was hard to keep from taking this pizza out early just to take a bite. When the timer finally rang, I pulled it out to find pizza near-perfection. Annie's rolled crust resulted in a homemade look as it rose in the oven to stand tall around the pizza pie and the cheeses were melted just right.

It was time to grab a slice of happiness!

Annie's pizza reviewI had assumed that Annie's would make a good pizza, but how out of the ordinary could it really be? The answer was absolutely delicious! The hearty rising crust was thick and chewy on the outside and light and airy on the inside and the cheeses and spices were just right without being overpowering... yum!

While I was happy that my kids (and my husband and I) were enjoying the flavors so much, it also made me feel good to know that the ingredients were beneficial as well. The organic wheat flour in Annie's pizzas provides eight grams whole grain per serving and is a perfect complement to the organic, calcium-rich dairy products like the mozzarella and provolone cheeses.

All in all, it was a satisfying and delicious meal!

best frozen pizzaWith the exceptional ingredients and the way that the results tasted as though they were crafted together right in my kitchen, I really did find Annie's Certified Organic Rising Crust Pizza to be as good, if not better, than the last time that we ordered out... not to mention a step above other frozen pizza options.

With a suggested retail price of $9.99 for one 11.5" pizza, the cost for these pizzas are a bit higher than what we're used to in the frozen food aisle, but this one pizza did leave my whole family full and satisfied. Combine that with the only cooking requirement of me being to open and close the oven and I'd say that it was a hit!

Annie's Organic Rising Crust Pizza is available in the freezer aisle at Whole Foods Market, so keep an eye out for them the next time you are out shopping... and be sure to visit their Facebook page for a $2 off coupon! The whole grains, real cheeses, and organic meats and vegetables will surely be something you and your kids will love as well.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of Annie's three people will be able to find out just how much their family enjoys this tasty pizza as well, because...

Three lucky people will win a voucher for a free Annie's Certified Organic Rising Crust Pizza!

Annie's couponTo enter to win: Leave me a comment on this post telling me you or your family's favorite pizza topping(s)!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry if you Like Annie's on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN a free Annie's Organic Rising Crust Pizza - great ingredients, delicious taste! @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

1 Extra Entry (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
2 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on April 25th at 11:59pm CST. By entering this sweepstakes, you are agreeing to these official rules. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited by law. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and must be 18 years of age or older.

I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC or the manufacturer of the product. If you need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 402   Newer›   Newest»
Kristin Gilbert said... 1

I love extra cheese the most!!

Suburban prep said... 2

I like a margarita pizza so with basil and tomatoes.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Suburban prep said... 3

I follow via Rss reader feed.

ColleenMarie82 said... 4

Canadian bacon!

ColleenMarie82 said... 5

LIKE Annie on facebook

ColleenMarie82 said... 6

I follow on twitter and tweeted!/HalleelujahMom/status/187570489605095424

ColleenMarie82 said... 7

I entered the EVENFLO giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 8

I entered the JUMPSPORT O giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 9

I entered the EVERYTHING HAPPY giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 10

I entered the PUR giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 11

I entered the LITTLE MOMMY giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 12

I entered the LINDT giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 13

I entered the GLADE giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 14

I entered the dOUGLAS tOYS giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 15

I entered the XIAXIA giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 16

I entered the MY PAL giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 17

I entered the RUBBERMAID giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 18

I entered the CHUGGINGTON giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 19

I entered the BETTY CROCKER giveaway

Amber said... 20

We love pineapple and spinach on our pizza!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 21

I follow your blog publicly with google friend connect
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 22

I subscribe to your RSS feed with google reader
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 23

I'm a fan of yours on Facebook - my FB name is AmandA moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 24

I like Annie's on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amanda Coomes said... 25

We love tomatoes, banana peppers, and mushrooms on our pizza!

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 26

Pineapple, jalapeno, and olives

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 27

like annies on fb

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 28


B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 29

rss feed

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 30

rss feed

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 31


B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 32

your fb

LissaDora said... 33

Pepperoni. Sausage. Mushrooms. Fresh tomatoes. Parmesan cheese. Olives. Jalepenos. If if can go on a pizza, it's been our favorite for at least a week!

wigget said... 34

our favorite is pepperoni

wigget said... 35


wigget said... 36

entered Evenflo Big Kid Amp Booster Seat Giveaway

wigget said... 37

entered PUR One-Click Faucet Mount Giveaway

wigget said... 38

entered Chuggington Giveaway

Tawny said... 39

We eat uncured pepperoni. I can't have the sulfites in regular pepperoni. Last time I had that at a pizza place, several yrs. ago, sent me to ER. So only organic and at home for me. We love pepperoni. Would love to try hers.

Tawny said... 40

I entered the Lindt Easter basket giveaway.

Tawny said... 41

I subscribe to your emails.

Tawny said... 42

Never remember if I'm supposed to put my emails in here. Saw some did & some didn't. In case I do, I'm the 3 above (Tawny).

Jaime Nicole said... 43

Our favorite topping is extra cheese!

Jaime Nicole said... 44

I like Annie's on Facebook as Jaime Nicole

Jaime Nicole said... 45

I follow you on twitter and tweeted:!/kidliterati/status/187587199091490816

Jaime Nicole said... 46

I follow through GFC as jsweeps318

Jaime Nicole said... 47

I subscribe by RSS through Google Reader

Jaime Nicole said... 48

I subscribe by email as

jsweeps318 at gmail dot com

Jaime Nicole said... 49

I am a fan on Facebook as Jaime Nicole

Jaime Nicole said... 50

I entered the XO Laptop giveaway.

Jaime Nicole said... 51

I entered the Chuggington Giveaway.

Jaime Nicole said... 52

I entered the Rubbermaid giveaway.

Jaime Nicole said... 53

I entered the My Pal Giveaway.

walk9 said... 54

My kids love cheese only. I love Hawaiian with bacon and pineapple and my husband loves it topped with tons of hamburger.

Jaime Nicole said... 55

I entered the Douglas toys giveaway.

Jaime Nicole said... 56

I entered the Glade giveaway.

Jaime Nicole said... 57

I entered the Pur Water filter giveaway.

Jaime Nicole said... 58

I entered the Evenflo giveaway.

k. said... 59

I love cheese and mushrooms on my pizza.

darce said... 60

Personally I like any veggie and lots of them, but we always have my kids' favortie - black olives.

darce said... 61

I'm a Facebook fan.

darce said... 62

I follow T,MC via email.

darce said... 63

I entered the Evenflo amp booster seat give away!! Thank you!!!

darce said... 64

I entered the XO Laptop give away. THank you.

darce said... 65

I entered the Xis Xia easter basket give away.

darce said... 66

I entered the chuggington mega blocks give away. thank you.

Laurel said... 67

We love pepperoni and sausage on our pizza!

Laurel said... 68

Like Annie's on fb. Laurel Oda

Laurel said... 69

GFC follower Laurel Oda

Laurel said... 70

Email subscriber

Laurel said... 71

Fan of you on fb. Laurel Oda

Laurel said... 72

Follow you on twitter and tweeted!/LaurelOda/status/187605981415485440

Erica Barnes said... 73

I like veggie pizzas.

Erica Barnes said... 74

Entered Pur water giveaway.

Erica Barnes said... 75

Entered Lindt Hoppy Easter giveaway.

jessica said... 76

bbq chicken!

jek9880 at gmail dot com

jessica said... 77

email subscriber
jek9880 at gmail dot com

jessica said... 78

gfc follower
jek9880 at gmail dot com

cynthia said... 79


Unknown said... 80

Anything with sausage and black olives is my favorite!

janetfaye said... 81

We like Pepperoni on our Pizza.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said... 82

I like Annie's on FB - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

s said... 83

tnxns09 at gmail dot com

s said... 84

gfc follower (sl)
tnxns09 at gmail dot com

s said... 85

email subscriber
tnxns09 at gmail dot com

s said... 86

fan of mail carrier on fb (sus)
tnxns09 at gmail dot com

Sarah said... 87

onion is our favorite topping!

Unknown said... 88

we just love plain pepperoni!

Unknown said... 89

Liked Annie's on FB!

dailydealsjc (at)

BowieTip said... 90

Mushroom and artichoke!

Jackie said... 91

We usually get a cheese pizza, but we do love pineapple and bacon on pizza!
Thank you!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said... 92

I Like Annie's on Facebook
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said... 93

I entered the GourmetGiftBaskets giveaway
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said... 94

I entered the Lindt giveaway
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said... 95

I am a fan on facebook
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said... 96

I entered the Find Your Style with the New Glade Expressions Collection giveaway
jackievillano at gmail dot com

lorialcorn2006 said... 97

The favorite pizza topping is pepperoni for everyone but me I kike sausage better but we always get pizza with everything on it

lorialcorn2006 said... 98

rats I keep forgetting to include my email in the comments for the pepperoni comment

ColleenMarie82 said... 99

daily tweet!/HalleelujahMom/status/187949809213247488

lorialcorn2006 said... 100

I like them on facebook

lorialcorn2006 said... 101

I entered the brownie giveaway and the glade giveaway

lorialcorn2006 said... 102

I follow you on twitter

lorialcorn2006 said... 103

your button is on my blog

lorialcorn2006 said... 104

I follow you on GFC

lorialcorn2006 said... 105

I follow you on twitter

lorialcorn2006 said... 106

I follow you on facebook

lorialcorn2006 said... 107

I subscribe to your emails

Kristen said... 108

We like sausage, mushroom and artichoke hearts.

Kristen said... 109

entered Gourmet Gift Baskets

Kristen said... 110

entered Mega Bloks

Kristen said... 111

entered Lindt

Kristen said... 112

entered Clifford

Kristen said... 113

entered Xia Xia

Kristen said... 114

entered Little Mommy

Kristen said... 115

entered Jump Sport

Kristen said... 116

entered Everything Happy

kyl neusch said... 117

extra cheese!

kyl neusch said... 118

like on FB

kyl neusch said... 119


Unknown said... 120

I love veggie overload on my pizza but my boyfriend wont eat pizza unless it has peperoni on it!

Unknown said... 121

I like Annies on Facebook! (Amanda Jorjorian)

Unknown said... 122

I follow you on twitter and tweeted!/SquishBunnies/status/188047024124465153

Unknown said... 123

I'm a GFC follower!

(Amanda Jorjorian)

Robyn Dones said... 124

We love fresh mushrooms on our pizza (extra cheese, of course). Thank you for the chance to win!

kdones (at) optonline (dot) net

Robyn Dones said... 125

I am an email subscriber. Thank you for the chance to win!

kdones (at) optonline (dot) net

Ashley said... 126

Extra cheese. I will also be entering all the other giveaways, and tweeting about this!

VickieC said... 127

our favorite: lots of Cheese an ham

mverno said... 128

we love pepperoni

mverno said... 129

i like annies on fb susan v

mverno said... 130

i follow uou as mverno via gfc

HiHoRosie said... 131

fave topping are OLIVES!

HiHoRosie said... 132


HiHoRosie said... 133

email subscriber

HiHoRosie said... 134

fb fan

HiHoRosie said... 135

button on blog

HiHoRosie said... 136

button on blog

Allison Downes said... 137

Lots of Pepperoni and Mushrooms!


Allison Downes said... 138

Annies FB Fan | allison Downes


Allison Downes said... 139

Entered Lindt


Allison Downes said... 140

Following you on twitter | @Giveawayhog


Allison Downes said... 141



Allison Downes said... 142

GFC Follower | Allison Downes


Allison Downes said... 143

Email Subbie


Allison Downes said... 144

Google Reader Subbie


Allison Downes said... 145

I Like you on FB | Allison Downes


Jennifer said... 146


Lynda Del said... 147

Basil and tomatoes are my favorite toppings.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

Miss Sarah said... 148

We love sausage and onions or bacon and pineapple. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!
pennies.points.prizes at gmail dot com

Miss Sarah said... 149

I follow via GFC.

pennies.points.prizes at gmail dot com

Maryea said... 150

pepperoni. I also like green peppers and onions on my pepperoni pizza.

Maryea said... 151

Like Annie on FB as Mary Agloro

Anonymous said... 152

pinaplle and bacon

Sunnymay said... 153

Pepperoni and extra cheese make for a great pizza.
amwiden at aol dot com

Sunnymay said... 154

email subscriber

Jaime Nicole said... 155

4/9 tweet:!/kidliterati/status/189407663170396160

Jaime Nicole said... 156

I entered the JennLinn giveaway

Sunnymay said... 157

entered Pur World Water Day giveaway

Sunnymay said... 158

entered Pur World Water Day giveaway

Sunnymay said... 159

entered Clifford Plush Toy giveaway

Sunnymay said... 160

entered Xia-Xia Basket giveaway

Sunnymay said... 161

entered My Pal giveaway

Sunnymay said... 162

entered Chuggington Mega Blocks giveaway

Jennifer T. said... 163

We like pepperoni on our pizzas.

Jennifer T. said... 164

I'm a facebook fan of Annie's Homegrown under username Jennie Tilson.

Jennifer T. said... 165

I follow through Google Friend Connect.

Jennifer T. said... 166

I subscribe via Google Reader.

Jennifer T. said... 167

I'm a facebook fan of Thanks, Mail Carrier under username Jennie Tilson.

Jennifer T. said... 168

I entered the Little Mommy giveaway.

Jennifer T. said... 169

I entered the Lindt giveaway.

Jennifer T. said... 170

I entered the Xia-Xia giveaway.

ColleenMarie82 said... 171

daily tweet!/HalleelujahMom/status/189454794715435008

ColleenMarie82 said... 172

I entered the uncommon goods giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 173

I entered the jennlinn giveaway

Jennifer T. said... 174

I entered the Gourmet Gift Baskets giveaway.

Jennifer T. said... 175

I entered the Uncommon Goods giveaway.

Hello said... 176

We like our pizza loaded with veggies and sprinkled with bacon!

jlafount said... 177

Pepperoni is best

Karen said... 178

Extra Cheese :)

ktgonyea at

Karen said... 179

Entered Glade :)

ktgonyea at

Karen said... 180

Entered Douglas Toys :)

ktgonyea at

Karen said... 181

Entered Xia Xia :)

ktgonyea at

Karen said... 182

Entered My Pal :)

ktgonyea at

Karen said... 183

Entered Rubbermaid :)

ktgonyea at

Karen said... 184

Entered Annies :)

ktgonyea at

Karen said... 185

Entered XO LAPTOP :)

ktgonyea at

Mare/TommyGirl said... 186

pepperoni is the one we can all agree on, but we all have different favorites - like mine is just extra cheese.

Mare/TommyGirl said... 187

like annie's on facebook as mare sperry

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

Mare/TommyGirl said... 188

entered the Rubbermaid recycling bin giveaway

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

Mare/TommyGirl said... 189

follow on gfc as tommygirl

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

Mare/TommyGirl said... 190

subscribe to your blog via RSS feed in Google reader as tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

Mare/TommyGirl said... 191

subscribe to your blog via this email - tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

Mare/TommyGirl said... 192

fan on facebook as Mare Sperry

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

Mare/TommyGirl said... 193

have your button on my blog - - on left hand side under "cool blog sites"

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

entry 1/2

Mare/TommyGirl said... 194

have your button on my blog - - on left hand side under "cool blog sites"

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

entry 2/2

ColleenMarie82 said... 195

daily tweet!/HalleelujahMom/status/189771400737865729

ColleenMarie82 said... 196

I entered the Uniquely Me giveaway

Jaime Nicole said... 197

4/10 tweet!/kidliterati/status/189799809849368576

Jaime Nicole said... 198

I entered the Pilsbury giveaway.

Mare/TommyGirl said... 199

follow on twitter as tommygirl and tweeted -!/tommygirl/status/189875200249184258

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

vandahm said... 200

We like to create pizzas with flavors from different regions (Greek, Thai, Hawaiian, Italian...)!
jennifer (at)

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