It's a fairly common consensus among adults that we wouldn't want to go back and relive high school all over again. Even if you had the best of friends and the most wonderful teachers and danced your heart out at your prom, there's still a decent chance that you have a list of things that you would like to turn to the former you and ask What in the world are you thinking?
But one thing that I do look back on (for high school as well as college) as a fun and positive time was graduation. After all of the work that was put into the previous 16+ years of schooling, it's about time to celebrate that accomplishment, isn't it? And one of the important aspects of graduation that goes along with donning a cap and gown and accepting a diploma has to be sharing the good news with family and friends.
So when your child is preparing to graduate, whether from preschool, kindergarten, high school or college, you can help them share their pride with the world by turning to Pear Tree Greetings for all of your graduation announcements and more.
Offering announcements, invitations, thank you cards and more (even napkins!), Pear Tree Greetings has the products for graduation that can help make the event special. I appreciate that they offer such a wide variety of designs, while also giving customers the ability to customize their purchases so that they fit for their personality and event — pick the right photo placement, change the design colors to match your school colors, and more.
I am especially partial to the photo graduation announcements, as I believe that seeing the happy celebrant is the best way to share the great news. Pear Tree Greetings' wide variety of options ensure that whether you have a single favorite image or a series of them showing changes throughout the years, you'll find the style card that works for you.
I love the extreme simplicity and modern design of the Modern Emblem Photo Graduation Invitation...
...while at the same time, the ability to include a dozen photos from over the years in the Year by Year Collage Photo Graduation Invitation gives me a big grin. It's just too cute!
As the colors of each announcement are so bright and vivid and with personalization options at every turn, the possibilities are endless when it comes to finding just the right one for your graduate. Whether you are interested in elaborate and creative or simple and straightforward, the hardest part of shopping at Pear Tree Greetings has always been deciding on a favorite.
And even though I don't have a high school or college graduate just yet, I love the adorable options that Pear Tree Greetings has for the younger crowd as well. I have no doubt that Big Sister E would think it was really cool to send out announcements sharing in the excitement of completing preschool!

The Alphabet Bash and the Top of the Class kids' graduation cards are just such a fun way to pass on the good news or to invite people over for a picnic or afternoon in honor of this accomplishment. After all, it's important to celebrate preschool, kindergarten, and middle school so that kids will be excited to move on to bigger and better graduations, right?
The only thing better than celebrating graduation with Pear Tree Greetings this year is saving money while doing it! Right now if you enter the coupon code BBGRAD12 you'll receive 12% off of orders of $49 or more worth of graduation products. This promo code expires on May 1st, so hurry over!
Even better than a discount? The opportunity to win $1,000 for your grad in the fun graduation contest that Pear Tree Greetings has going on now! The details are easy:
To enter, simply submit your advice for today's grads and upload it, along with a photo from your high school years. Entries will be accepted until May 6th and then public voting will occur until May 13th. At that point, the top 10 voted entries will become finalists and Pear Tree Greetings’ panel of judges will pick the first, second, and third place winners based on the thoughtfulness and creativity of the entries.
What do you wish you'd known on your graduation day? Head over and let Pear Tree Greetings know and hopefully it will win you and your lucky grad $1,000!
Speaking of winning, thanks to the generosity of Pear Tree Greetings, one person will be prepared to express their gratitude this spring as well, because...
One lucky person will win a set of 24 Thank You Cards of their choosing from Pear Tree Greetings!
(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below - if you don't see the form, click here! If you have any problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A big thank you to Pear Tree Greetings for providing 24 Thank You Cards for one lucky giveaway winner. As a member of Pear Tree Greetings' Bargain Bloggers, I am receiving promotional items and a gift in exchange for my posts. However, the opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
I wish I'd known how to go for a real job, a job I wanted. I wish it had been okay to try for things and fail.
I wish I would have known to have more confidence in myself!
Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
I wish I had known then that if you don't complete college immediately, you never will. I did three years, said I would pay for my then husband to finish, then it would be my turn, but that never happened. I should have insisted on going first :D
masugr @ yahoo dot com
I wish I hadn't taken things so seriously and hadn't been afraid to really go for things.
I wish I would have been more willing to go away for college and really experience life.
I wish I had known that student loans take FOREVER to pay off!!
I wish I would of gone to culinary school right out of high school.
jennifer (at)
i wish i had knows more about saving money
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
I wish I had known how to manage money better
I wish I had known that I did not actually know everything and that my parents were right about many things!
I wish that I had known how to take time and appreciate life more.
Thanks so much.
I wish I would have taken more time to spend with the people I love!
i wish i had went to college. my biggest regret.
I wish I knew to save more money through college.
I wish I would have known that I didn't need to go to college right away.
jek9880 at gmail dot com
High school really doesn't matter.
I wish I had known that things do work out eventually! :)
leia617 (at) hotmail (dot) com
i wish i didn't take things so seriously
To make the most out of my time in college. Get involved more, don't sit on the sidelines.
i wish i had known that i have worth and i wish i would've had more self esteem
annae07 at aol dot com
I wish I had known how important it is to stay away from credit cards when you're young. I'm still paying the price! (Christy Johnson)
Wish I knew to stay out of debt
I wish I knew that I should not have been shy and scared and not really try to "go" for things.....
I wish I knew that I should of taken college more seriously and not drop out after one year.
I wish I had known that things realyl aren't as bad as they may seem at the time.
A few things I wish I had known/learned as a high school grad:
1. to drive a car - learning now at 36...
2. to go to college or tech school for a career
3. to be more self-reliant
Rafflecopter: happi shopr
I wish I would have had more self-esteem and not worried about what others think.
I wish I would have known that what you plan for in the future, might not work out. Make sure you have other options in mind.
Serena Powell
That the years would go by so quickly!
I wish I wouldn't have taken so much out in student loans that I am still paying for today.
I wish I had known that the impact of our decisions when we were younger would change our adult lives !!
ktgonyea at
I wish I had known the value of trying and failing over not trying at all.
I wish I would have known to think before I started a career or went to graduate school. I think I would have benefitted from some life planning.
I wish I would have know to actually study - instead of just being social all the time
Samantha d
dull2000 at cox dot net
i wish i had known who was going to be a lasting friend
I wish I had known that that was the last of my truly free time!
I wish I'd known it'd be the last time I'd see a lot of those people.
I wish I had known that my SAT's were pretty much irrelevant so that I could have attended my senior party instead.
I wish I had known not to worry so much and how I was getting in my own way by doing so!
I wish I had known that I what I am is truly enough.
i wish i would of known to go to college right out of high school & not wait til later
I wish I knew that i would have known to start college right after high school cause now I am 43 years old and going to school and it is a royal pain in my butt to work raise a family and go to school all at the same time.
I wish I had known a lot more about life period. Probably most of all I wish I had known more about the importance of unconditional love in raising a child.
I wish i would of known that I wouldn't need to go to college to be a stay at home mom. WOuld of saved a lot of money!
That everyone else is just figuring things out too.
Being a grownup is HARD. I would tell myself not to rush towards adulthood, all thats waiting is bills and responsibility!
alexisgrau1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
High school graduation: wish I would have been a little more open minded about college opportunities... not to say it wasn't fruitful, but I never quite did anything related to my major!
I wish i did all the things that scare me to the not known would seen less terrifying now. Leah Baird
i wish i would have listened to guidance counselors who preached trade schools over college
I wish I had known how much work goes into parenting
caryn9802 at yahoo dot com
I wish I had known that so much was possible! Thanks! (Miz Vickik)
I wish I knew how hard parenting and raising a family really was.
I wish I had appreciated the people in my life more!
That life doesn't follow a prescribed time table.
I wish I had looked at more colleges, and looked at them thoroughly. I applied to a few schools and chose the one I thought was most prestigious, and I was miserable! I ended up transferring to another school, where I blossomed. I would've saved myself some money and some stress if I had picked a college based on what I wanted to study rather than where I felt like I "deserved" to be.
the imagine tree at aol dot com
I wish that my dad would have been at my graduation.
arudig at comcast dot net
I wish that I would have followed my dream to be a teacher! I was stubborn and didnt listen to my parents and didnt go to college. I wish that I did...
sherwalk at yahoo dot com
I wish I had known that it was normal for life to throw you curve balls and that you don't have to follow a direct line, lifes more of a winding trail!
i wish i wouldn't have been in such a hurry to rush through college!
I wish I would have known that I was saying goodbye to one of the best times of my life
I wish I'd known that my twenties were the time to take risks and chances...I thought I had my whole life, I didn't realize time went so fast.
Melanie Montgomery
I wish I had known that I shouldn't waste the talents that I was born with when I chose my career. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
I wished I had known the toughest things that come up are usually the most rewarding when accomplished.
I wish I had that certain things happen for a reason!
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