From a very young age, children are taught to share: share toys, share crayons, share swings... life is all about sharing.
Along with concepts such as washing their hands or looking both ways before crossing the street, we hope that the idea of sharing will sink in. After all, we do what we can to help our kids grow into kind, caring, giving human beings. What more could a mom really ask for?
So, when given the opportunity to demonstrate and encourage our children to see the joy in charitable acts, there's no reason to pass it up. Now through May that is made even easier due to the partnership between Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks and parenting expert Dr. Michele Borba to make giving back easy though the Win & Give campaign.

"Research shows that providing children with opportunities and experiences to feel the joy and impact of giving to others helps them grow into kind, empathetic and respectful adults," said Dr. Borba.Of course all moms want their children to have a giving heart, but between work, school and after-school activities, it can be hard for families to find the time to give back. Dr. Borba recommends five ways families can incorporate giving into their everyday lives:
"As part of my work with Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks, I recently traveled to Rwanda and saw the incredible impact laptops have on kids in Africa. The smiles and excitement I saw on the children's faces was amazing. They are so appreciative for the gifts that kids in the U.S. have given them. The 'Win & Give' campaign truly makes a difference and it's so easy for kids in the U.S. to get involved."
- Tap into kids' passions. For instance, an animal lover may get excited about helping at a local animal shelter. Encourage children to become involved in causes they care about. Let them lead the charge and follow up with support.
- When watching the news, take the time to explain hot button issues and how people have been affected by local disasters, like hurricanes or tornadoes. Kids are compassionate and may proactively want to help by donating clothes or writing letters to those affected (especially when they know they can make a difference). Take that moment to mobilize compassion - "What can we do?" is a great question that empowers children to lead the way.
- Be on the lookout for local opportunities to help. There are often ways families can help through local food or clothes drives. Parents and kids should do the activity together so they can experience and witness the impact of giving as a family. Kids will see the joy their parents get from giving back and it will help them catch the spirit of giving.
- Leverage holidays to talk to kids about giving back. For example, talk about giving around the winter holidays or discuss the troops around 4th of July and Memorial Day. Don’t forget to put the talk into action. Become a home that encourages giving, the more active kids are in experiencing giving, the more likely they are to develop empathy.
- Find easy ways to help others around the world through opportunities such as helping to give laptops to kids in Africa through the Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks 'Win & Give' campaign.
Built with sturdy plastic exteriors, 1 GB of memory and 4 GB of Flash storage, the XO was collaboratively designed by experts to combine technology with learning. By taking into account extreme environmental conditions, the need for easy repair, and local language support, the end result is durable, functional, energy-efficient, responsive, and fun.

As well as this great cause, Betty Crocker is making things even better by giving kids in the U.S. an opportunity to instantly win an XO laptop from specially-marked packages of Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks as well. Each of those packages contains a code that consumers can enter at WinOneGiveOne.com to see if they’ve won an XO laptop. For every child that wins in the U.S., another will be donated to a child in Africa!

Additionally, Dr. Borba shares her experience participating in the laptop donation, as well as her tips to help parents instill giving in their kids. This campaign truly shows the entire family that even the smallest of acts can make a big difference and that giving to others can be fun.
Do you give back? Thanks to the generosity of Betty Crocker, one person who does will be able to bring the experience of this program home to their children, because...
One lucky winner will win an XO Laptop (ARV $199) and Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
Give back! WIN an XO Laptop (ARV $200) and support Win One, Give One - a great cause! http://bit.ly/HAiroq @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win
1 Extra Entry (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
2 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on April 30th at 11:59pm CST. By entering this sweepstakes, you are agreeing to these official rules. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited by law. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and must be 18 years of age or older.
A big thank you to Betty Crocker for providing an XO laptop for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 983 Newer› Newest»We volunteer at different places as a whole family!
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We make fleece blankets to donate to children's hospitals.
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my daughter and i volunteer at different places
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We give to the Bible Translation mission from MFW. I encourage the children to give by using some of their weekend money to reach our goal of 10.00 a month.
entered jumpsports ibounce kids trampoline giveaway
entered PUR one-click faucet mout water filter giveaway
we have entered the Ubbi Diaper pail giveaway
we have entered the Everything Happy giveaway
entered little mommy baby so new giveaway
We have entered the Little Mommy Giveaway
entered my pal or my sibiling doll
When my son is a little older (he's 10 months old), we plan on having him do different things to give back, such as, volunteering or raising money for a good cause.
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We give back by passing items to school such as books, toys, etc and also hand down clothing to other family members. We also donate alot to Goodwill.
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
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My kids help out at charity races.
My kids help out at charity races.
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they donate toys to an orphanage at christmas
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entered Barrington Pools Giveaway
entered Ubbi Diaper Pail Giveaway
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Entered Jumpsport iBounce
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
Entered Happy Blankie
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Entered Little Mommy Baby
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
Entered Lindt Easter basket
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
Entered Douglas toys Clifford
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
Entered Xia-Xia Easter basket
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
Entered my Pal or My Sibling
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
Entered Rubbermaid Recycler
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
WE donate to local food banks and clothing drives. We participate in Walk with Me to raise money for Easter Seals every year and when we can we participate in a Christmas Angel program or toy drive.
entered Happy Blankie
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Once my grandsons get a little older, I will encourage them to volunteer at different organizations to help make a difference.
entered Jumpsport
entered Spreading Smiles with Everything Happy Blankies and Pals {Review & Giveaway
entered Celebrate Easter with Lindt {Hoppy Easter Basket Review & Giveaway
entered Douglas Company Debuts Clifford The Big Red Dog {Review & Giveaway}
entered Xia-Xia Toy Hermit Crabs Shell Easter Party {Xia-Xia Easter Basket Giveaway
I follow you on twitter @jwatson50
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I teach my children by having them donating their clothes and toys to children in need. Also by bringing food to our local food bank.
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Me and my little ones Often donate toys and clothes, and food angelgenius27@yahoo.com
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I think example is the best teaching for this type of thing. If your kids see you doing something for someone else they are more likely to do that themselves.
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I entered the UBBI giveaway
I entered the EVENFLO giveaway
I entered the JUMPSOPRT giveaway
I entered the EVERYTHING HAPPY giveaway
I entered the LITTLE MOMMY giveaway
I entered the LINDT giveaway
I entered the DOUGLAS TOYS giveaway
I entered the XIAXIA giveaway
I entered the MYPAL giveaway
I entered the RUBBERMAID giveaway
We give back by giving the clothes that no longer fit our children to Goodwill
s2s2 at comcast dot net
s2s2 at comcast dot net
we give back by volunteering at the local food bank
Barrington pools
Ubbie diaper pail
I give back by donating money to charities I care about and also to friends who are raising money for different causes.
jek9880 at gmail dot com
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When my son outgrows his clothes, we give them to one of his friends who is younger than him. It's a good opportunity for him to practice sharing and decluttering (he's 2). Plus, he knows where his clothes go and doesn't just wake up one day with half his wardrobe missing.
email subscriber
We sponsor two little girls through World Vision. We write them letters and send them little gifts. My oldest son is 4, so I get him to color them pictures and pick out gifts for them. We also volunteer through our church and my husband runs a Christian store that he has fundraisers through to give to local shelters. We also have our kids earn an allowance and they divide it into save, spend, give and invest and we let them go and donate the money and toys they no longer play with to a group we choose.
I donate all of my daughter's old clothes to friends who need them or to Goodwill!
Give away money, food and clothing to local charities
We encourage our 3 children to donate all their unwanted toys and clothes to a free charity center that is run by our Church. We recently doanted 2 carloads of toys, games, books and clothes all thanks to our kids' generosity.
My boys are young so right now I have them pick aside toys and clothes to donate to needy kids.
email subscriber (ckachelmusfeed @ gmail.com)
fb fan!
During the holidays, me and my kids get all of our unwanted toys, clothes and other things and give it all to the local shelter. My kids love doing this and look forward to this every year!
Already follow you on Twitter and tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/shopwithmemama/status/187061118336909312
daxkimd@gmail dot com
follow you on gfc: Shop with Me Mama
daxkimd@gmail dot com
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daxkimd@gmail dot com
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We give back by donating items to the Salvation Army and monetary donations to the soup kitchen and elsewhere.
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I entered your Evenflo Booster Seat Giveaway
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I entered your Douglas Toys Clifford Giveaway
We encourage our children to donate their old toys to those less fortunate.
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facebook fan of TMC - Becky L.M.
entered Ubbi giveaway
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I donate time, money and supplies to my daughters school
kport207 at gmail dot com
like you on facebook as kathleen porteous
kport207 at gmail dot com
We volunteer at different places
GFC follower nickie burke
4/3 https://twitter.com/#!/NICKIEISIS3/status/187176396999766017
I volunteer for our AYSO soccer region many hours a week. We also play tithes and offerings to our church, which in turn goes to do much good throughout the world!
kissyjensen at gmail dot com
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kissyjensen at gmail dot com
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kissyjensen at gmail dot com
I like Thanks Mail Carrier on facebook as Christine Hellewell Jensen
kissyjensen at gmail dot com
We started young - our kid doesn't get birthday presents at parties. We ask people to bring donations for the local food pantry instead. We do volunteer work as well, but we started young and it's something that the little one is actually glad about now. (her words after one of her parties)
We give back by donating to those in need and donating our time to help with things like red cross drives, etc
masugr at yahoo dot com
email subscriber masugr at yahoo dot com
rss feed subscriber masugr at yahoo dot com
Facebook Fan Allyson Bossie masugr at yahoo dot com
Your button is here http://mywildcrazylife.blogspot.com/p/blogs-i-love.html
masugr at yahoo dot com #1
I entered the my pal doll giveaway
masugr at yahoo dot com
I entered the diaper pail giveaway
masugr at yahoo dot com
I entered the trampoline giveaway
masugr at yahoo dot com
Following you on Twitter @myw1ldcrazylife and I tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/MyW1ldCrazyLife/status/187182577294131200
masugr at yahoo dot com
daily tweet https://twitter.com/#!/mom22girlz/status/187183874554605568
One of the things we recently did to emphasis giving is we have cut WAY way back at Christmas time.. in the gift giving! We as a family decided that ONLY the under 18 kids get any presents- it was nuts trying to buy for each of us- and even the kids get "quality not quantity" and we give far more heavily to the Salvation Army at this time in lieu. We have SO much, it's crazy to want more, honestly. Some people have nothing. Best to give.
Spacemonkey907 (at) yahoo.com
Entered Lindt Hoppy Easter Basket
s2s2 at comcast dot net
we teach our young boys about giving back in a few ways -we go through the boy's toys at least twice a year and let them choose gently played with toys to donate to a children's orphange in Romania
reljsw at gmail dot com
i entered the evenflo big kids booster giveaway
reljsw at gmail dot com
i entered the jumpsport trampoline giveaway
reljsw at gmail dot com
i entered the everything happy giveaway
reljsw at gmail dot com
i entered the little mommy baby doll giveaway
reljsw at gmail dot com
i entered the clifford giveaway
reljsw at gmail dot com
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fantastic prize im in
edq143 at yahoo dot com
entered Evenflo booster seat
entered jumpstart Ibounce trampoline
Happy blanket from everything happy
PurOne faucet
entered Little Mommy baby so new
I teach my kids about recycling and not wasting.
Entered Mega Blox Chuggington
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
Entered Glade Expressions
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
tweet 4/3
i volunteer at my kids school and activities, and we donate to charities. I'd like to do more volunteering with my kids
stigay at comcast.net
daily tweet
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stigay at comcast.net
I entered the Glade giveaway
I entered the Chuggington giveaway
We volunteer at a local no-kill animal shelter.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
follow and tweet https://twitter.com/#!/5memb/status/187223779922030592
monster6236 at gmail dot com
As a Girl Scout leader I incorporated giving theme into our yearly plans. We raked seniors lawns, had Toys for Tots, greened up our town, etc
I entered Happy Blankie
I entered XiaXia basket
Can a mix to thermal micks
entered Chuggington Giveaway
We buy from the Lighthouse Thrift store that supports a girls home.
Entered the Chuggington giveaway
Entered the Glade Expressions Giveaway
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