Sunday, April 15, 2012

P&G and Kmart Promotion: Buy More and Save! {Gift Card Prize Pack Giveaway}

P&G Kmart logo

Having been raised with two thrifty and frugal parents, it's in my genes to continually be on the lookout for a good deal. After all, why spend more money on something than you have to?

So, when it comes to saving money on the everyday products and brands that we use — Bounty, Cascade, Secret and Tide, just to name a few — I'm happy to find a way to keep a few extra dollars in my pocket.

Fortunately, this month Procter & Gamble and Kmart have partnered together to help stretch our budgets a bit further with a promotion that is not to be missed. If you have items from Bounce, Charmin, Cover Girl, Duracell, Ivory, Pampers and many more on your shopping list, it's time to head to Kmart!

P&G Kmart promotion

The special savings is simple! From April 15 to April 21, you will receive a $10 off coupon (redeemable April 22 through April 28) when you buy $30 worth of P&G products. The offer includes regular, sale and clearance priced grocery, beauty and healthcare items and, really. Who would pass up a free $10?

In order to celebrate P&G and Kmart teaming up, they've put together a fun little prize pack containing $30 in Kmart gift cards and the innovative new Olay Facial Hair Removal Duo.

P&G Kmart partnership prize pack

As well as shopping with the gift cards, for women who are looking to remove unwanted facial hair, Olay has made that possible:
Healthy, youthful looking skin helps define female beauty, and research shows that unwanted facial hair prevents many women from feeling as feminine as they would like, impacting their quality of life and confidence.
Olay Facial Hair Removal Duo
Common facial hair removal methods are effective, but can leave women with visible tell-tale signs such as irritation and redness that give away their "beauty secret." Now, Olay has a gentle way to get beautifully smooth, visibly hair-free skin with the Olay Facial Hair Removal Duo.

Step One: Olay’s Skin Guarding Balm conditions the skin so it's less prone to irritation.

Step Two: Olay Hair Removal Cream is applied over the guarding balm to weaken and effortlessly remove fine to medium hair.
Are you ready to stock up on your favorite Procter & Gamble products? It's time to go to Kmart! Thanks to the generosity of P&G, one person will do just that, because...

One lucky person will win a prize pack containing $30 worth of Kmart gift cards and Olay Facial Hair Removal Duo! Total ARV $52.47!

Kmart P&G giveaway

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below - if you don't see the form, click here! If you have any problems at all entering, there is a great video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Procter & Gamble for providing a prize pack of gift cards and Olay for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 249   Newer›   Newest»
LeeAnn said... 1

We can always use Tide laundry detergent!

Anonymous said... 2

The one item on my shopping list right now is a new outfit to wear to church next Sunday. It's been years since I have been to church. :(

Michelle said... 3

I need to buy paper for the printer. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Cindy said... 4

fruit and veggies

Mrs. Brown said... 5

I need to buy new printer cartridges-pretty expensive!

Jaime Nicole said... 6

Toilet paper is ALWAYS on my list. And milk!

jmajor4870 said... 7

i need some birthday gifts for my granddaughter

Allyson Bossie said... 8

milk, and eye liner are on my list
masugr at yahoo dot com

BTW, LOVE the rafflecopter ;)

lorialcorn2006 said... 9

I have to go to the store later today to get tomato's and cool-aid I'm also hoping to snag a few healthy choice dinners as they are onsale this week

SueZH said... 10

1% milk

Jessica Allen said... 11

The one item out of a few that is on my shopping list at the moment is Pediasure for my Big Guy! :)

Anonymous said... 12

snapple tea

Wild N Mild $$$ said... 13

Coffee, always at the top of the list.

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

Andrea Kruse said... 14

I need to pick up some new placemats and glasses.
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

jbmthill said... 15

clementine oranges and syrup. lol.

Lori Thomas said... 16

Printer ink

ctymice at gmail dot com

JC said... 17

Milk and produce.

won said... 18

I need paper products.

jessica said... 19

Shampoo! Time to stock up again :)

jek9880 at gmail dot com

bayctygrl said... 20

A new grill

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

cupcake mama said... 21

Toilet Paper!
Rafflecopter: Mechele JOhnsn

Crystal said... 22

Cat food! Always cat food.

Jessica T. said... 23

I need popsicles for my son's class party.

Danielle S said... 24

Food is always on our shopping list.
Danielle S

Denise said... 25

I need to get some milk, fresh fruit, croutons and salad.

Vanessa said... 26

I need bread, haha.

k. said... 27

Milk is always on my list and we are almost out of bread.

Mysharona said... 28

New shoes

Krystle said... 29

I need Shampoo and conditioner

krystlekouture at yahoo dot com

susan1215 said... 30

Milk and bread

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Tina said... 31

coffee and creamer

Lynda Del said... 32

I'd get some laundry detergent.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

Jody Sisson said... 33

First on my shopping list today is Laundry Detergent, I'm Out.
jodysis at windstream dot net

Meghan said... 34

A small round brush. I just cut all my hair off for Locks of Love and have a bob, so I need the brush!

Mami2jcn said... 35

Vitamins are on my list right now.

I'm entering on the rafflecopter with my Facebook username (Mary Happymommy).


paula said... 36

Diapers for my grandaughter!!!

pb3474 at

jzagarjr said... 37

A swim suit is on my list

vandahm said... 38

New socks for the kids!

debbie said... 39

cat food is on my list.

Kelly N. said... 40

Leave a comment on this post telling me one item that's on your shopping list right now!


Elizabeth said... 41

8GB Flash drive!

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 42

moisturizing lotion. I need a new brand...


EvaSweeps said... 43

Sunblock! Spending more and more time outside now

Kia89 said... 44

I need milk,cereal, and fresh fruit.

Unknown said... 45

toilet paper is on the list

kport207 at gmail dot com

ohstac said... 46

Milk....we always need milk!

Leann said... 47

Diet Coke is on my list.

Ann Fantom said... 48

I need new socks!

abfantom at yahoo dot com

peg42 said... 49

Thanks so much.

Renee said... 50


bobertthecat said... 51

I need to buy a wireless router. :)

bobertthecat at yahoo dot com

Sunnie said... 52

Stuff to make homemade laundry soap

adf said... 53

I need to buy my daughter new pjs

Robin Quick said... 54

Tide & Palmolive Dishwasher detergent

Brandy Castillo said... 55

A large drawer cart to hold all of our tot school extras!

Natalie U. said... 56

pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

LUCKYLADY48 said... 57

Plastic bowls.

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said... 58

On my shopping list: plastic silverware from menards that is made in the USA. :)

Ms Penny Pincher said... 59

New pots and pans are on my list!

sohamolina said... 60

OLAY moisturizer

Anonymous said... 61



Jessica said... 62

We need bread and lunch meat
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

TheresaJenkins said... 63

with 4 baby showers coming up in May ...everyone is buying the baby something and I'm thinking the New Mothers could use something nice

russrpm said... 64

Right now, we are shopping for new towels.

Cathy C said... 65

milk and soap

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Cathy C said... 66

milk and soap

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Allison (Allie Lanc on rafflecopter) said... 67

Fruits & Vegetables

crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net

wildcat32 said... 68

I need dishwasher tablets and dog food.

monster6236 at gmail dot com

sweepmom said... 69

I need to get an off white dress shirt for my husband.

clc408 said... 70

I need to get some paper products.

Haggatha said... 71

On my list to try is the Olay Facial Hair removal. I really could use this, as I look like a fur bear.

EMMAHORTON said... 72



Lisa Brown said... 73

mascara is on my list.

Lisa Brown said... 74

RSS email: jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com w/ My Yahoo Reader

Anonymous said... 75


Kristy Thiel said... 76

definitely diapers - always on our list! Thanks for hosting!

Wanda McHenry said... 77

Laundry Soap!

Wanda McHenry

Unknown said... 78

I need to get my grandson a birthday gift.

jenspurg said... 79

Tide is on my list.

apple blossom said... 80

hair spray

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 81

entered lindt basket giveaway

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said... 82

Coffee!! Always Coffee on my list. Is there life without coffee??
Spacemonkey907 (at)

apple blossom said... 83

entered flowers giveaway

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 84

entered pillow giveaway

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 85

entered D&T popcorn giveaway

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said... 86

entered ihop giveaway

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

carol said... 87

Ink for my computor

Bebemiqui said... 88

I need big baggies

crystletellerday said... 89

dish soap

Amy said... 90

Bread and butter are on my shopping list right now.

Anonymous said... 91

Aluminum Foil

Diana Lane Utley said... 92

Toilet paper and cat food.

Donna D said... 93

Bird food, bird toys & Bird treats, Dog treats & Dog toys are a few of the items I always need when I go to the store.
chocho1957 at

Phyllis said... 94

I need Vitamins and Paper Towels....

Ashley H said... 95

paper towels and laundry detergent! thank you!!

Unknown said... 96

toilet paper

kerri sue said... 97

My shopping list is neverending, but at the top right now is new sheets.

Nataly Carbonell said... 98


Tara said... 99

Olay moisturizer!

lokigsd said... 100

Household items... paper towel, T.P., shampoo, the list is
liked on fb!

Anonymous said... 101

AA Batteries. I am running low!

Rachel Travis said... 102


rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com

rhonda1111 said... 103

skirt and camera

VickieC said... 104

dog an cat food

Terri C. McMillan said... 105


Mare/TommyGirl said... 106

Currently I need milk and toilet paper though the toilet paper is not dire, so I'm hoping to find a good deal.

Anonymous said... 107

Dish liquid and detergent are on my list.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Patrice said... 108

An item on my shopping list is liquid hand soap. I am signed into rafflecopter as Patrice.

Meghan Malicoat said... 109

Milk. My kids can kill some milk.

llinda29 said... 110

milk and bread

Brenda I said... 111

I need new pants.

Lim said... 112

Dog food.

Lyndsey said... 113

Toilet Paper!
Wittygrl19 at yahoo dot com

Helen Keeler said... 114

A good shampoo and conditioner are on my shopping list.

jlafount said... 115

Always have Diet Coke on it

The Sunshyn said... 116

New summer sheets are on my list
chainmail (at)iwon (dot) com

The Real Mom said... 117

toilet paper! not glamourous, but certainly necessary ;)

The Crazy Gengler Boys said... 118

paper towels are on my list -

dawns41 said... 119

I need new summer sandals.
patricia skinner

Dwayne Berry said... 120


magic5905 said... 121

Bounty paper towels and Charmin.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

enizete said... 122

Bread, milk, eggs

Anonymous said... 123

toilet paper!

Unknown said... 124

new iphone charger
thanks for a great contest! Janna Johnson janna@feedyourpig on GFC

Amy Green said... 125

The number one item on my shopping list right now is a DVD binder to keep movies in.

Cindy M said... 126

Top item on our shopping list is Purina One Sensitive Systems for my Cats.

Lena said... 127

I need some Tide detergent right now!

Rajee said... 128

Bounty wipes

LilyBiscuit said... 129

dishwasher detergent
vac 924 at gmail dot com

Sarah said... 130

Thus far, only bread, fruit punch and dish soap

Anonymous said... 131

Right now it's a toss up between towels and gardening supplies (like some starter trays to get my veggie seeds going)

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 132

Tide is always needed.

Julie W said... 133

Cat food is one thing on my shopping list right now

farmermomwife at yahoo dot com

mogrill said... 134

Thanks for the chance.

KIACI30 said... 135

I just ran out of printer ink so that's on my list.

Anonymous said... 136

I need some Pantene shampoo.

astormer at comcast dot net

Sarah VM said... 137

Neutrogena face wash is on my list.

LaurKnotter said... 138


♡♥♬ Louis ♬♥♡ said... 139

cat food and cat litter

Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

Cher said... 140

new tweezers!

Rafflecopter (Cherise P Kachelmuss)

MissKate126 said... 141

Cat food! We are out!

buzzd said... 142

olay complete

won said... 143!/won2x/status/192603367023984641

Unknown said... 144

i have got to buy more tide!

christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

christaj3 said... 145

On my shopping list?? Zippers. lol

Unknown said... 146

Dog food is on my list as we're almost out. Rafflecopter: happi shopr

Tes283 said... 147

I am saving for an air purifier.

Bunny B said... 148

some underwear!
bunnybx at gmail . com

sksweeps said... 149

shelf paper to line the kitchen shelves at my parent's new apartment!

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

Hotsnotty2 said... 150

I need to buy a new pair of sneakers for the gym!

Ravyn Jazper-Hawke said... 151

I need a pair of shoes without holes in them! My sneakers look like swiss cheese and I live in one of the rainiest states ever!

Amy V said... 152

more liquid foundation and mascara

annae07 at aol dot com

Brier said... 153

dvd player

Nicole Larsen said... 154

Olay Regenerist face wash and John Frieda conditioner is on my shopping list right now!

Melissa said... 155

right now i need to get the monster high fleece blanket!

Anonymous said... 156


mverno said... 157

toilet paper

tnrina said... 158

New sandals. I just can't find a pair I like, that likes me.
tnrina at gmail dot com

tnrina said... 159

I cannot thank you enough for trying out Rafflecopter. This old lady can always remember where I left off and this this helps me not get disqualified for submitting more than one answer for the same task.

I appreciate your open mindedness. I hope it works well for you also!!!!

Thank you!!!

Annie said... 160


Jasmean said... 161

On my list is dog milkbones.

Erica C. said... 162

I need granola bars.

Daniel M said... 163

breakfast cereal - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Tamar said... 164

Milk and bread. We're running out.

jwx4 said... 165

Scott toilet paper.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 166

vmkids3 at msn dot com

Unknown said... 167

Garbage bags, were almost out.

Anonymous said... 168

Peanut butter is on my list right now.

dfraley3 said... 169

Charmin is on my list

Anonymous said... 170

Toilet paper

Carmen Q
nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

clynsg said... 171

A new heavy duty outdoor extension cord--my grandson 'borrowed' my old one.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

Katharina said... 172

One thing that's on my shopping list right now is Island Coconut Kcups because they're seasonal... need to stock up! :-) Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

Amanda said... 173

We need new blinds for the bedrooms :)

isisdiamond said... 174

Ive been looking for facial care qand patio products for my new home

Nicole C. said... 175

Laundry Detergent is on my shopping list.


tavernie said... 176

Laundry soap is on my list!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

terri142 said... 177

One item on my shopping list right now is a new shower curtain.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

Amber said... 178

diapers are ALWAYS on my list

Anonymous said... 179

i need some pants

Elle Moss said... 180

I'm looking for a nice organic eye cream.

Anonymous said... 181

Olay Regenerist Serum

ewhatley said... 182

a new comforter is on my shopping list right now

mybeachylife at gmail dot com

Stacy said... 183

I need some tissues! Allergy season is in full swing in this household.

the imagine tree at aol dot com

Allison said... 184

I have feta cheese on my list.

arudig at comcast dot net

Beth @ TheAngelForever said... 185

My son needs new shorts for the summer - that is top of my list right now.

ltlbitone said... 186

Iams dog food

ltlbit1 at hotmail dot com

Sue H said... 187

Blueberries are on my shopping list now.

Unknown said... 188

Summer clothes for my daughter.

Michelle Spayde said... 189

Cat litter is on my shopping lost, along with a ton of other items.

lmurley2000 said... 190

paper towels

lmurley2000 said... 191

paper towels

Julieh said... 192

diapers for my twins is on my list! julie hawkins
honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 193

I need dish soap and vinegar
howardreviews at gmaildot com

KrystalSnowFire said... 194

The one item on my list right now is coffee! It always seems to be coffee LOL :)

Ashley Gao said... 195

sunblock! :D


Anonymous said... 196

ground beef joseph gersch

Karen said... 197

Tide :)

ktgonyea at

Andrea Henry said... 198

ranch dressing

caden at

Kerry said... 199

Peanut butter - worse thing to be out of!

Melanie Montgomery said... 200

I need diapers.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 249   Newer› Newest»