Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Prepare for the 2012 Olympic Games with Pampers Limited Edition USA Diapers and Wipes {Review & Giveaway}

Pampers logo

Although I grew up in a household where we didn't watch a lot of sports, the Olympic Games were always an event that was not to be missed. The thrill of the competition, the admiration of the talent, the awe of the wins — there's just nothing like it!

With the upcoming Summer Olympics in London this year, I'm already getting antsy to tune in and watch the amazing feats and accomplishments that are displayed by athletes from all across the globe. While the Winter Olympics are entertaining as well, the sports included in the Summer Games (such as gymnastics, aquatics and volleyball) have always been my favorites.

Therefore, when I heard that Pampers has partnered with two-time Olympic Games Gold medalist (Beach Volleyball) and Team USA Hopeful, Kerri Walsh, to help introduce Pampers Limited Edition "USA" diapers and wipes, I couldn't have been more excited about their choice. I love Pampers and I love Kerri Walsh, it's a perfect combination!

Kerri Walsh Olympics Pampers

Building off their Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games sponsorship, the world-renowned brand of baby diapers continues its commitment to the littlest of athletes: babies.

From crawling and walking to balancing and tumbling, the efforts babies go to in order to overcome everyday challenges are podium-topping in their determination. To celebrate this unique spirit of play, Pampers' new Limited Edition "USA" diapers and wipes (which will be hitting shelves mid-April) combine utility and aesthetics, so little ones can explore and conquer their world through play, while also amping up team pride during the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Kerri Walsh kids

The diapers feature an adorable USA logo print combined with red, white and blue stars and stripe designs while the wipes packaging pays tribute to Team USA with a similar design.

Pampers Limited Edition "USA" diapers and wipes designs will be available while supplies last at select stores nationwide, so keep an eye out for them the next time you're out shopping! The diapers are available in Cruisers sizes 3, 4 and 5 and are truly very cute.

Pampers USA diapers

 The Pampers Limited Edition "USA"wipes are just as colorful, festive and fun!

Pampers USA wipes

In celebration of these great products, Pampers has also launched a Facebook sweepstakes of 'podium-topping' proportions. Now through May 19th, parents can visit the Team USA Sweeps tab on the Pampers Facebook page and register for a chance to win the grand prize trip for a family of four to attend the London 2012 Olympic Games and attend the first ever Pampers Playground event alongside Kerri Walsh and her husband and sons.

Additionally, Pampers will be randomly selecting weekly winners between now and August 12th to receive a prize pack consisting of one month's supply of Pampers Limited Edition "USA" diapers and wipes as well as a souvenir volleyball signed by Kerri Walsh. A trip to the Olympics? Free diapers? Don't miss it!

Pampers sweepstakes

In addition to the Team USA Sweeps on Facebook, those wishing to celebrate the spirit of play at home are also encouraged to visit the Pampers Playground, a newly launched interactive platform on the Pampers website encouraging parents and caretakers to share all the ways babies love to play. Within the Pampers Playground, there are three sections for parents and little ones to explore together:
  • The Picnic Table gives parents the chance to upload and share photos and videos of all of the different ways their baby likes to play.
  • The Toy Box provides visitors with fun tools and games to help baby play each and every day including an interactive and original storybook.
  • The Park Bench offers articles detailing the importance of play for little ones.
But wait, that's still not all! Procter & Gamble – the parent company of Pampers – is also planning to showcase their heartfelt "Thank you, Mom" campaign at the London 2012 Olympic Games recognizing the incredible role that mothers play in the lives of their children.

As part of this of this inspiring campaign, P&G plans to raise $5 million to help establish and sustain youth sport programs around the world.

A portion of sales and donations for the company's leadership brands including Pampers, Tide, Gillette, and Pantene, will help those who moms care about the most... children. P&G has always said that they are the "Proud Sponsor of Moms" and this admirable campaign really does show that commitment and support.

Are you ready to celebrate the upcoming 2012 Olympics and all that Pampers is doing to champion the littlest of athletes? Thanks to the generosity of P&G, one person and their baby will be able to show off their love of the Games in style, because...

One lucky person will win an economy box of Pampers Limited Edition "USA" diapers in size 3 and a package of wipes! Total ARV $54!

Pampers giveaway

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below - if you don't see the form, click here! If you have any problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Procter & Gamble for providing a box of diapers and a package of wipes for me as well as  for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


vandahm said...

My kids would do good in the track competition. They are fast runners.
jennifer (at) jennifervandahm.com

Laurel said...

Swimming. We love being in the water!

Sandy VanHoey said...

My grandson is only 4 but he would do good in running track, he is fast
sandy1955 at comcast dot net

wigget said...

he would love to play soccer

SueZH said...

I have a softball pitcher here!

ColleenMarie82 said...


Denise said...

My son is an avid baseball player... Is that in the Olympics? lol


Danielle S said...

I could see my kids either being champion runners or high jumpers.
Danielle S

d schmidt said...

My son would love to be a soccer player


J. Cannon said...

My daughter would love to play tennis!

Jessica said...


jek9880 at gmail dot com

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

Basketball or volleyball!

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

soccer for us!

Sarah said...

My son would be awesome at either track, or gymnastics. Maybe wrestling!! *Envisions all those diaper struggles*

Kim said...

Probably the Javalin....since he is always throwing things ;)

Cathy C said...


catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

delaney's mom said...

my son would definitely do track and field!
delaneymoney at gmail dot com

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

I'd have to say gymnastics.

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

The Studio said...

my son would probably do good in anything but soccer or swimming or running would definitely be the top three. He's two making a decision is hard.

MzMeg said...

Swimming he would be great at that like his father

kittey1994@yahoo.com tiffini said...


Carrie Phelps said...

I think my grandsons would be involved in soccer and baseball.

VickieC said...

Diving womens,that is really cool

April said...

I like the gymnastics!


Anonymous said...

definitely running

RealtorSD said...

for me its swimming
sarah at realtorsd.com

Anonymous said...

so far.. it would be running. and running, and running... LOL oh my goodness, do they ever RUN.
Spacemonkey907 (at) yahoo.com

crystletellerday said...

wresting crystletellerday@yahoo.com

Jaime Nicole said...

Equestrian for all of us!

Unknown said...

my daughter would be a runner in the olympics

christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

Ash said...

My son would love gymnastics right now!





Anonymous said...

beach volleyball
tcogbill at live dot com

Erin Rok said...

My daughter would be a volleyball player

ShellyH said...

our DD would be into the gymnastics for sure!

Cinderella10383 said...

I would love to participate in Gymnastics I wish I was as flexible as they are

Jamie Brigham
Prettyinpinkwife @ aol dot com

lilsnobelle said...

My little girl would be in swimming, she is a water lover.

Anonymous said...



Robyn said...

I would say soccer, my little guy is not quite 3, and already awesome at it!

Emily said...

I think we've got a gymnast on our hands.

Kristy Thiel said...

definitely swimming because she doesn't want to get out of the bathtub!

Unknown said...

All 3 of my girls love all sports! I think I have a soccer player, baseball player, and gymnast.

Jack & Lucy said...

My son would love to play soccer in the Olympics! (Christy Johnson)

Jessica said...

I could see my baby becoming a little gymnast
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Amanda said...

Maybe she'll be a swimmer? We have her in water babies right now. lol

dailymom said...

I think my daughter would be most likely to participate in gymnastics as she is a little monkey
heididaily at gmail dot com

LaurKnotter said...

My kids would pick swimming.

Jessica B. said...

My son would be great at the swimming events.


lyndsey said...

oooo a swimming or diving event

enizete said...

My son is a very good swimmer.....

Unknown said...

track because he always has me running!!

Unknown said...

i love volleyball, but my kids seem to be drawn to basketball and swimming

Michele P. said...

in our family, it would be soccer (futbol)

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Amy V said...

my 11 yr old daughter and i would do swimming

annae07 at aol dot com

Nd said...


Karen Joyce said...

Volleyball I suppose since that's the only sport I've played!

Karen Joyce said...

Volleyball I suppose since that's the only sport I've played!

Cari said...

Softball. Is that an Olympic sport? If not, it should be.

Karen said...

Swimming :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Kathy Davis said...

Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis said...

My FB name: Kathy Newsom Davis... in case I win!
Kathy Davis

Nikki said...

I think my daughter would love Gymnastics ngiraldi at gmail dot com

rebecca m said...

Hmmm... Maybe swimming since she LOVES water! I would choose basketball and my son would choose soccer.

gitrecca at gmail dot com

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

is throwing food off the highchair an olympic sport? We'd take the gold!

Unknown said...

snowboarding :)

Anonymous said...

My girls would either be good gymnasts or runners in track ;)

Rebecca Scott

Brooke T said...


Jan Messali said...

I'd be most likely to participate in swimming.

janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Sassy said...


Nic said...

Gymnastics!! My little dude is rolly poly and all tumbly at this age. He's only 9 months old though!!

Unknown said...


hanner.da.nanner at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

I have a water baby!! Swimming! bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Courtney B said...

we like the swimming competition

vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

lisa_s said...

My baby would most likely participate in the shot put section of Track and Field.

She uses the shotput throw to send her little plastic balls sailing across the room!

lm-save at yadda dot net

Tonic67 said...


FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67
Google: toni caravello or reannenny

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

Soccer player...he's 4 months and likes to kick his feet!

Hotsnotty2 said...

I'd have to say gymnastics.


Jennifer T. said...

My son would be most apt to be a diver. He's learning to crawl and always pulling himself to the edge of the couch or bed about to dive off.

bellsam said...

softball of course. such a great arm on this chickie pooh

Melissa Shirley said...

Gymnastics of course

won said...

My son would be wrestling!!

polly said...

my little grandson would be swimming

Tara said...


Jen said...

Swimming because my 2 year old is a water baby just like the rest of us.

Kendal said...

my kids would be swimmers or gymnasts

leelee sellers said...


Shelly Peterson said...



Anonymous said...

my daughter would love gymnastics


Jamie said...

My daughter would be great at gymnastics

Sonya said...

We've got swimmers on our hands!

Rochel S said...


Darcie K. said...


Jackie Boyea said...

My daughter will probably be a dancer, runner or a softball player she really likes to watch her cousins do those sports!

AlexisGrau said...

My son is only 8 months so I'm not sure which way he'll go, sports-wise. Maybe swimming?

alexisgrau1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Gymnastics ...he is a good tumbler lol he rolls around a lot :)

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you

brandyk said...

any water sport...

CindyWindy2003 said...

think gymnastics, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

mike s. said...

I'd do bobsled [I can handle sitting and riding :)] while my son seems like he'll end up being very good at fencing, ping pong, and/or hurdles.

Jeni said...


Leah Baird said...

Im thinking my nieces would be good at gymnastics.

rene said...

my son would play soccer


Unknown said...

If there was an Olympic sport in batting eyelashes and getting grandparents wrapped around your finger...our live in 7 month old grand daughter would be participating for sure! but since there is no sport for that, I will say gymnatstics. That girl is already SO flexible!

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

Rebecca said...

Gymnastics for my little monkey!

Unknown said...

Swimming! My son could swim for hours.

Sarah said...

my kids would probably compete in wrestling...since that is what they do all day. :)

Melodic Mom said...

gymnastics because she's very limber. She also likes to stand up on her toes- ouch!

Laurie said...


mstoolman173 said...

My baby runs fast so I'd say track, 440 or something like that

Anonymous said...

swimming and gymnastics!


Anonymous said...

swimming and gymnastics!


TonyaHopkins said...

On form as Tonya E and if they did skateboarding my son would love that! If not baseball

Brandi said...

Do they have an Olympic "kicking all night" competition? If so, this baby due in 2 weeks would win!


Caryn said...

Definitely swimming

caryn9802 at yahoo dot com

Whitney said...

Track and field or swimming!

Angela - Bookaunt said...

My kids are both older now, but my little nephew runs all the time so I would say track.

Missy L said...

Maybe gymnastics. I love to watch the swimming

tavernie said...

My grandsonn loves bathtime so ill say Olympic Swimmer!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

C.P. said...

My child would participate in swimming! Can't get that kid out of the pool in the summer!

MichelleS said...

My daughter would definitely do dance.

captainliss40 said...

Definitely basketball! captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com

Jackie said...

I'd love for my daughters to become gymnasts!!! They could be the next Nadia Comaneci's! ... We're Romanian so it's in our blood!

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

vmkids3 at msn dot com

Lena said...

My son would love to be on the USA soccer team!

Adrienne said...

I'd love my boys to be in Swimming. acrook1@yahoo.com

Niecey said...

Is there such a thing as olympic getting-into-cupboards-and-throwing-stuff-around?
Ok then, I'll go for running

shirley H said...



Betty C said...

Definitely softball.

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

Unknown said...


Stacy said...

Swimming! I was a competative swimmer up until I had to have surgery on my ear and my husband was a lifeguard, so we have some strong swimming genes.

the imagine tree at aol dot com

ltlbitone said...


ltlbit1 at hotmail dot com

April said...

I would love to see my kids do the high dive :)

ssgsweeps @ hotmail .com

Erica C. said...

I'd love him to participate in anything, but diving would be fun to watch!

McKim said...

My little grandson loves the water, so I can imagine him swimming.

Deborah Hogue said...

My granddaughter would most likely participate in Gymnastics. She's one and already doing somersaults

Kimberly Gifford said...

Track and field

Julieh said...

Probably gymnastics as they love to tumble!
julie hawkins
honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

bbrittbrat1398 said...

I would love to be in gymnastics


Kirsten said...

My son would do running & my daughter gymnastics

AngelWinner said...

Hands down...soccer!

selena said...

My son would do well in swimming I guess.. he's only 3 months and loves his baths!

cman said...


katecontestgirl said...


Brooke Adametz said...

My 2 year old daughter is quite the gymnast...especially while getting her diaper changed! LOL

peppersalt said...

They would be swimmers.

Harold D said...

He'll take after me and be a marathon runner!


Huston said...




Kristie said...

Gymnastics :-)

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Kristie said...

Gymnastics :-)

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

My girls would be swimmers!

Erica G said...

If sassy-ness was an Olympic sport, my daughter would win the gold medal hands down. Since it isn't I can either see her doing any swimming event (she loves the pool) or ice skating (if only for the outfits :)).

signed in as fb user: Acire Acerg

skipthelaundry said...

Runners with their long skinny legs!
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

Jessica said...


Anonymous said...

Track, because he is fast.
bmas999 @ hotmail dot com

Carmen said...

We would both do gymnastics

akronugurl said...



Dawn Reid said...


AmyLynn said...


tina reynolds said...

i guessing track

Emily Reviews said...

Swimming - doesn't everyone love water?

littleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m

Tylerpants said...

My son would be great at track! tylerpants(at)gmail.com

trixx said...

gymnastics would be a great fit for my daughter!

brich2222 said...

would be diving

brich22 at earthlink dot net

michedt said...

Swimming. Love the water!