Summer is right around the corner and that means sunshine and swimming pools. While safety for the former mostly requires sunscreen and a hat, the latter is an issue that is a concern for all parents.
As Big Sister E and Little Sister B have taken various swim lessons over the years (and are currently taking them right now), we're thrilled to have been selected to join the SwimWays 2012 Swim Team!

The Swim Steps ambassador program, which successfully launched in 2011 (and I had the pleasure of participating in), is sponsored by
SwimWays, a privately owned leisure and recreational water products manufacturer. SwimWays, a company rich in traditional values and respected for the quality and integrity of its products and services, is on a mission to make free time more fun through innovation.
This summer, SwimWays is looking to promote water safety

through their Swim Steps product line, a program to help children learn to swim at all ages and stages of development that we know and love. Additionally, SwimWays is looking to increase awareness about National Learn to Swim Day (Saturday, May 19), and I'm excited to get to be a part of this with them!
You'll be venturing into the pool with your little ones this summer, too, right? Water safety is important, and you can never talk about the topic too early so for the next four months I'll be looking for ways to promote the importance of teaching children to swim.
More than just their great products, however, one of the great (and lesser-known) facts about SwimWays' Swim Steps line is that a portion of every Swim Steps item's proceeds benefit
Operation Smile. Operation Smile is a worldwide children's medical charity whose network of global volunteers are dedicated to helping improve the health and lives of children and young adults.

To date, SwimWays has donated over 3,000 operations to children worldwide — and that number continues to grow. This month, SwimWays has partnered with Operation Smile yet again for a social media promotion: for every new 'Like' Operation Smiles receives on Facebook in April, SwimWays will donate $2 to the organization — up to $50,000!

In addition to the monetary donation, SwimWays will also provide new fans with a 20% off coupon good towards any SwimWays product.
So what are you waiting for? Head over and 'Like'
Operation Smile on Facebook so that you can help create new smiles today. There is no greater gift than that of the smile of a child!
As a member of the SwimWays Swim Steps Ambassador Program, I am receiving product and information from SwimWays. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed are honest and my own.
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