Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dollar General's Every Day Heroes Program Honors Mothers {Procter & Gamble Prize Pack Giveaway}

Even though Mother's Day 2012 has come and gone, I've always thought that moms truly deserve to be honored throughout the entire year. There's just no one who fills that special spot like Mom! Therefore, when it comes to campaigns that celebrate the importance of moms and all that they do, I'm happy to support them.

This month, Dollar General and Procter & Gamble have teamed up for a great way to recognize moms who do extraordinary things every day: the true Every Day Heroes who have made sacrifices for their families and their communities. To honor moms, Dollar General is inviting customers to upload videos describing why their moms are "Every Day Heroes."

Every Day Heroes

Videos can be submitted and viewed at, where there are also prizes being awarded as a part of this campaign!

To enter, simply purchase participating products (from popular brands such as Pampers, Charmin, Tide, Bounty, Crest and more) and submit the special code on the package to the contest website. By doing so, you just might win the grand prize trip for four to the Olympic Training Center, one of five Panasonic Flat Screen Televisions or one of 500 $10 Visa gift cards!

Olympics sweepstakes

So, what makes your mom (or you!) an Every Day Hero? Upload a video today to Dollar General's website and you might end up doing more than simply making Mom very proud — you might win her the trip of a lifetime! But hurry, this contest ends on May 31, so don't miss your opportunity to show Mom just how much you care.

And, thanks to the generosity of Procter & Gamble, one person will get to enjoy a sampling of products that help with every day life around the house, because...

One lucky person will win a Dollar General P&G Prize Pack*!

*Prize Pack includes: Tide Pods, Febreze Auto Air Freshener, Always Radiant, Tampax Radiant, Secret Coco Butter Clear Gel, Old Spice Champion Deodorant and a Dollar General chip clip.

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Procter & Gamble for providing an Every Day Heroes Prize Pack for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Jessica Allen said... 1

I believe Mom's are every day heroes because they do so much for us as kidos & adults! My mom always put me and my brothers first when we were growing up! :)

kitkat234 said... 2

Moms are everyday hero's because we are raising our future!
kitkat 234 234 at yahoo dot com

Amber said... 3

Moms are everyday heroes because they work tirelessly for their families every day and are very under-appreciated!
Thank you for the great giveaway :)

Emily Jones said... 4

Moms are wiling to endure childbirth to produce life!

annies home said... 5

moms are there day or night whenever the need arises

Anonymous said... 6



lorialcorn2006 said... 7

Moms are everyday Hero's because they are the center of nurture and development of future adults

Allyson Bossie said... 8

Mom's are everyday heros because a simple kiss can cure boo boos!
masugr at yahoo dot com

Ashley said... 9

I think moms are everyday heroes because they work hard at taking care of their families.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 10

The fact that moms can reach your heart and pick you up off the floor and put the pieces back together
vmkids3 at msn dot com

d schmidt said... 11

Mom's are everyday hero's because it is a underappreciated 24 hour a day job :)

wigget said... 12

at least in our home, i help make sure things run smoothly

Anonymous said... 13

Because moms are completely selfless and teach us all how to be better people.

Kelly N. said... 14

Leave a comment on this post telling me one of the ways that you believe moms are Every Day Heroes.

seriously..they are the hardest workers!

Wild N Mild $$$ said... 15

Moms are on call 27/7.
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

akronugurl said... 16

moms are the best! being a mom is the best job

LissaDora said... 17

If you've never seen a shy woman dress down an entire school's staff because she doesn't think her daughter is getting the education she deserves....

my mom is my hero.

Katie said... 18

Moms are everyday Hero's because they take care of their families and are extremely talented at all kinds of things

jodi lasher said... 19

Mom's are everyday heroes because most of them are always there for their children.. Rain, shine, good, or bad.. I know i am..

Carol said... 20

Because moms are completely selfless and teach us all how to be better people.

danw78704 said... 21

twitted this, teach you what is there concept of a better person

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 22

Moms are able to sense the needs of children even before the children may know what they need themselves!

J. Cannon said... 23

Mom's are everyday heroes because they are underpaid and go without so much just to keep her family happy!

Trevor Clinger said... 24

They are survivors of breast cancer and many other gender-related diseases which makes the inspirational!!

ann said... 25

They take of the family and the home and lots work outside the home also.

adf said... 26

Moms are heroes because they shape the way that the world will be one child at a time

Kari Ann said... 27

Moms are hero's because being a mom is a lot of work!

Jessica said... 28

Moms are heros because they never give up on you

jek9880 at gmail dot com

Mrs. Brown said... 29

Moms are everyday heroes because they are always working so hard! With a job, home, children and life, I don't see how Moms can get it all done! I love being a Mom and I hope one day my son can remember me as a hero!

Mare/TommyGirl said... 30

A mom's job is 24/7 for the rest of their lives and the good ones put their kids first, try to protect them from he harshness that can be the real world, and love unconditionally.

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

Robin Quick said... 31

Moms are everyday heroes because we are all things to our children. If they need a nurse, we are there. If they need a best friend, we are there. If they need a disciplinarian well, we are that too. We are all things to our children, even everyday heroes!

debijackson said... 32

because they shape the children that shape the future

Ann Fantom said... 33

Moms are every day heros because the put their families before themselves.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 34

Moms are every day heroes because it is a 24/7 job, the benefits are wonderful though.

kellyr78 said... 35

Moms are heroes because they do so much and ask little or nothing in return.

Christa said... 36

They cook, clean, take care of the kids and still hold down a full time job.

vandahm said... 37

Moms are heroes because they are the only ones who can wear several hats in the family, and still stay sane!
Jennifer (at)

BethElderton said... 38

Moms are everyday heroes, because it's the mom who holds everything else together.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

LesleyfromWI said... 39

No matter what, mom's are always there to comfort & love you!

Tatum said... 40

I think we are the glue that holods a family together

melsywsou said... 41

No matter what the emergency is, they are there.

April Yedinak said... 42

Moms are the ones that make sure everyone is clean, fed and healthy.

april yedinak

crystletellerday said... 43

they take care of their kids

littlelatina said... 44

Mothers handle everything, education, health and work

CindyWindy2003 said... 45

always there, being a mom is one of the hardest things, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said... 46

There is nothing a Mom can't do.
rierie11booger (@)

Anna F said... 47

We make sure the lunch is packed, the house is cleaned and that everybody has food on the table - hero in our family

Helen Keeler said... 48

Moms are Every Day Heroes because of all their never ending work and love.

clc408 said... 49

Moms are everyday heroes because you can always count on them.

drake14 said... 50

Moms are everyday heros because they work a 24/7, 365 days a year job, without pay. XD

Anonymous said... 51

Moms are everyday heroes because they do so many thankless jobs which they do not get paid for. They are there for their children and are so selfless..but oftentimes their deeds go ignored. I am 31 years old, but I still tell my mom "thank you" for everything she has done, as I am so appreciative of the little things. She is amazing!

latanya t said... 52

They do whatever it takes to help you.

Anonymous said... 53

Mothers.... they really DO have the most thankless job for so many years! They have no time off, they work far far more than 40 hours a week!! I do salute Moms!

Spacemonkey907 (at)

irene said... 54

mothers never have time to themselves because they always help others and volunteer their time. mother's teach their children everyday for the future.

Rachel said... 55

We live and breathe our children and their needs

mogrill said... 56

The patience they have is amazing!
Thanks for the chance.

Karen said... 57

Because they always make time for you no matter what !!

ktgonyea at

Growl Tiger said... 58

Because they do all the small thankless things that make our lives better

sweepmom said... 59

Moms are everyday heros because they are always thinking of ways to help others.

susan1215 said... 60

Moms are everyday heroes, because they put their children first and are on call 24 hours a day

s2s2 at comcast dot net

captainliss40 said... 61

Moms are everyday heroes because they love their children through it all! captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com

steph said... 62

Because we are molding the future!

elizabeth p said... 63

Two words - puke bucket. It takes a hero to deal with that.

Terra Heck said... 64

I believe moms are heroes because they do so much with so little recognition. Thanks.

Melanie said... 65

Moms are always there for us

Kristy Thiel said... 66

because they sacrifice so much of themselves for their family!

Selinda said... 67

From scraped knees to heartaches there for every little thing!


selinda_mccumbers at

Diane Zielinski said... 68

Moms are heroes because they give unconditionally.

virgomomwriter said... 69

Moms are every day heroes becaus of the countless "little" things they do to make everyone's life better...

sallyjenn said... 70

moms will always be there no matter what, they love their kids unconditionally!

Anonymous said... 71

moms love unconditionally

Diana Lane Utley said... 72

I believe that moms are heroes because they help shape children into the adults they become later in life.

llinda29 said... 73


Maryea said... 74

Moms are always there for their families doing whatever needs to be done. They work hard and do it all for love.

Jennifer said... 75

My sister-in-law is a stay at home mom to three kids under 4 years of age, enough said!

Linda W. said... 76

We are always there through anything and always seem to make things better!

Lori Thomas said... 77

Always there with a kind word and warm hugs

ctymice at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said... 78

my mother always takes the time to listen and i think that goes for so many moms
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

clynsg said... 79

Moms are everyday heroes because they are most often the ones who deal with the daily concerns and stresses of maintaining the family, while providing love and support for all of them.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

polly said... 80

moms are heroes because they are the glue that keeps the family together & running smoothly! it's a hard job but the best one ever!

Brett Monster said... 81

They are heroes because they raise our children

bellsam said... 82

everyday we are willing to die for another person. Youare also wiling to give your last to any child, not even just your own once you become a mom

Unknown said... 83

We're in charge of molding the minds of tomorrow. We're everyday heroes!

Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (

Allison Downes said... 84

I believe they are heroes because they nourish and take care of us

Real Life FA said... 85

My mother is my closest friend and she was a single mom for most of my childhood. Her daily strength in having a full time job and making sure I was always fed and had everything I needed and her teaching me to respect the people around me is why she is my hero. Just being herself everyday.

Jaime Nicole said... 86

Moms are everyday heroes because they are so PATIENT.

Lina said... 87

because without mom's as our role models, who knows how we would have all grown up :)

CAJUNMAN12 said... 88

Moms are everyday heroes because they always put everyone else before themselves

Jessica said... 89

moms are everyday heros because somehow they find time to fit in the tasks we can't find time for (pickup a perscription, calling to make an appointment, going without their car while yours is in the shop)

Unknown said... 90

always being dependable
Thanks a ton! Janna Johnson GFC: janna@feedyourpig

Brooke M Adametz said... 91

Moms are everyday heros because they are chefs, housekeepers, teachers, coaches, doctors, playmates, and emergency plumbers! And our salary is hugs and kisses! =P

Erin Rok said... 92

Moms are hero's because they are always putting themselves last


Jennifer said... 93

Moms take care of everyone without asking for anything in return.

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

amy beth marantino said... 94

they are patient... no matter what

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said... 95

Sheer amount of work they do. Cooking cleaning, showers to kids, diaper changing, etc.

apple blossom said... 96

they keep going when everyone else stops.

apple blossom said... 97

they keep going when everyone else stops.

Katie | said... 98

Moms are everyday heros because they keep on moving while everyone else is done for the day. :) I never know how my mom gets everything she does in a day accomplished!
kkondek at

Jennifer Wilson said... 99

They give selflessly.

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Amanda said... 100

Moms put everyone else before themselves. They are responsible for making sure that the lives around them run smoothly, people are fed, and the family is happy.

Lisa said... 101

They work 24/7

Unknown said... 102

in one way moms are all heros is the amount of work we do everyday!

christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

lisa said... 103

Mom's have many different roles; from chef to doctor - that's heroic in it's own way!

Anonymous said... 104

Because moms (well, GOOD moms anyway) put the interests of their family first above all else, because they sacrifice each day something they would like to see/buy/do for their family, and are willing to lay down their lives for their family.

Carmen Q
nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

Juana said... 105

Moms are everyday heroes because they are always there for you, and give you their unconditional love and they never judge you.


janetfaye said... 106

Moms are everyday heroes because they spend most of their time taking care of their families.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said... 107

Moms are everyday heroes by instilling a love of learning.

Stephanie said... 108

Moms are heros because they never stop believing in their children.

amy beth marantino said... 109

because they are patient and kind and loving

Anonymous said... 110

Moms are heroes because hey sacrifice so much for their kids!


Anonymous said... 111

Moms are heroes because they give unconditional love.


Anonymous said... 112

Moms are heroes because hey keep believing in their children even when no one else does.


Anonymous said... 113

Moms are heroes because they give life!


Anonymous said... 114

Moms are heroes because they do everything and fight for heir children.


kirsty meredith pt vip said... 115

They are there no matter what!

Ashley said... 116

I believe moms are everyday heroes because they constantly sacrifice their own wants and wish for their kids

slehan said... 117

They are heroes because they do it again every day.
Thanks for the contest.

katja9_10 said... 118

Moms put their needs aside for the kids and do it out of love with no paycheck.

Les Johnson

Holly Hook said... 119

Moms are every day heroes because they are there to put a smile on a face and provide comfort every day whenever it is needed.

JC said... 120

All Mom's are Everyday Heroes because they love their children unconditionally.
chavonne h.

Jessica T. said... 121

I think they're heroes because of how hard they work to take care of their family.

Jessica T. said... 122

I think they're heroes because of how hard they work to take care of their family.

puye said... 123

Moms are everyday heroes because they work tirelessly for their families every day and are very under-appreciated!

Leann said... 124

Moms are the "rock" that keeps the foundation together...

Amy Orvin said... 125

Moms are everyday hero's because they provide unconditional love.

Amy Orvin said... 126

RSS Feed subscriber as Google reader as Amy Orvin

Flowerg said... 127

Moms are everyday heros because they put themselves second and their family first :). Thanks!

romapup at gmail dot com

MELINA said... 128

moms are everyday hero because they work hard to provide for the family

Steph said... 129

Moms ARE every day heroes because they do it ALL (without the added benefit of a super hero cape or a secret lair)! You only get one, so love her to pieces!

Kristy said... 130

Moms are Everyday Heroes because they do anything it takes to make their kids happy if they're sad, smile if they are crying, anything to see their kids happy!
I think as a Mom, we may not always feel like a Hero, but seeing my kids smiling and telling me how much they love me makes me feel like one!

buzzd said... 131

Mom's are heroes just for being their for their kids and teaching so much

Mirm said... 132

We're always there for the kids... countless nights of interrupted sleep yet we still love 'em.

mmayerfeld at gmail

SavingsInSeconds said... 133

Moms keep everything running.....the kids and hubby depend on them!

KMG852 said... 134

Moms are every day heroes because they deal with all the mundane crap without asking for the glory.

Becca said... 135

Moms are every day heroes because they never get a break or a day off!

Unknown said... 136

We are everyday heroes because we do a little bit (or A LOT) of everything to keep the house running smoothly, make sure everyone is driven to where they need to be (and on time), clothes are clean, dishes are done (well, most of the time!

Tina Bartunek said... 137

I think moms are heroes when they provide and protect their family without always getting anything in return.

Anonymous said... 138

Moms are everyday heroes because they put their children's needs ahead of theirs.

lana said... 139

taking care of the kids and house 24/7

Yona Williams said... 140

Moms are everyday hereos because they are the glue that keeps a family together. email: yona(at)

Katie R. said... 141

Moms are everyday heroes because they take on multiple roles and are always there to support others.

connie said... 142

moms ARe heros they take abuse and keep on lovin

Phoenix said... 143

Good moms are nurturers

Melissa Shirley said... 144

Moms do everything. They are Doctors, taxi drivers, nurses, caregivers, and MORE.

Rebecca Orr said... 145

Mom's are hero's because they carry a tiny helpless life in their womb for 9 months and then deliver it into the world and spend every waking moment raising, caring for, loving, teaching, and shaping their child into the future.

bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

dmoniz1980 said... 146

they can run a household and a career simultaneously and usually give up more of themselves than the dads

sweetsue said... 147

Moms are heros because they take care of everybody while neglecting their own needs.
smchester a gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 148

They are always there for their children regardless of their ages and no matter what they need. Unconditional love.
kathyluman@gmail dot com

Tracie Brown said... 149

Our job is 24/7 - 365 days a year

Tara said... 150

We clean up after our kids! That's enough right there :)

Anonymous said... 151

Moms have such a big influence on their children... they are always heros!

Anonymous said... 152

Moms are Everyday Heros because they have such a huge influence in helping children to develop into happy, healthy, productive adults.

Teresa H. said... 153

Mom's are everyday heroes because our job is never done. We go 24/7/365 :)

Annie said... 154

Moms are heroes because they fix so many problems and always find lost items!

Sarah Oswald said... 155

mothers show us how to be loving and teach us values and my mom led by example and i will always be grateful for what she taught me.she taught me how to be the best mother i could be!!!

Unknown said... 156

moms teach us, take care of us, and give up so much for us.

dani marie


Realia Mazing said... 157

moms can do it all! teach, heal, protect! everything
daniellex at gmail dot com

Robin T said... 158

Moms are always there when you need them, to give advice or lend a helping hand

Tamar said... 159

we carry our families!

Carrie said... 160

Moms are heros because they sacrifice there own wants and needs for their children.

ShellyH said... 161

simply put...moms do everything! We take care of the family when sick, we dry their tears, listen to them when they have problems & offer solutions, we clean up after them, cook for them, etc. EVERYTHING

ShellyH said... 162

simply put...moms do everything! We take care of the family when sick, we dry their tears, listen to them when they have problems & offer solutions, we clean up after them, cook for them, etc. EVERYTHING

Daniella Young said... 163

They help raise children everyday and that is the hardest job of all

Nancy said... 164

Moms are Everyday Heroes because the lives of the next generation are in their hands!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said... 165

Moms are everyday heroes because of there supportive and nurturing nature.

Nickolay said... 166

Just the shear amount of work they put in to keep their families running is impressive

Unknown said... 167

always there when you need them

Teresa Thompson said... 168

Loving and teaching.

Missy L said... 169

A mom has the most important job of guiding her children to become wonderful adults. Her work is never done.

AngelWinner said... 170

Moms are heros because they believe in their child(ren) their entire lifetime.

Allison said... 171

I believe that moms are heros because they give up part of who they are for their children and in turn become a newer, more fullfilled person.

arudig at comcast dot net

Retta69 said... 172

Mom's are everyday hero's because it is a underappreciated 24 hour a day job

Lentil said... 173

Moms are everyday heroes because they give everything they have to shape their children into the adultsof tomorrow

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said... 174

I think moms are everyday hero's, because they can fix anything with a kiss. :)

April said... 175

Moms are heroes because they can answer any question and protect their children from harm.

Anonymous said... 176

Moms are everyday heroes because they give without receiving much of the time.
repose4jr at gmail dot com

Kim Smith said... 177

Mom's are heros because their love is unconditional

luvdatmouse at charter dot net

shirley H said... 178

moms are everyday heros because they work day in and day out for their kids ..loving and caring for them daily , many doing without things they need themselfves ,just to make sure their kids are properly taken care of

cswoveland said... 179

just being there when your ids need you

katecontestgirl said... 180

they are everday hereos because they always put everyone else first.
kate contest girl @ gmail . com

tavernie said... 181

Because they are always there for you!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 182

A mother puts her babies first before anything and anyone.

Christina said... 183

Mom's are heroes because they always put the needs of their family before their own.

moonsword said... 184

When Mom is non-judgmental, non-sarcastic, non-passive-aggressive, other words, unconditionally supportive no matter how much you might mess up, she just hugs you and loves you. That's all it takes to be a hero in my book. :)

S Carter said... 185

Momsare everyday heros because they sacrifce everything and expect nothing but love in return.

scarter305 at aol dot com

hollygunter said... 186

because they are selfless and put their children before anything else

Kelly Skibbe said... 187

Because moms have unconditional love for their children and know exactly what to do for them.

Jessica said... 188

Mothers are a hero because they work a 24/7 job!

jessicaahays at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 189

Moms are everyday heros because we are our childrens first teachers.

Angela M said... 190

Moms are everyday heros because their job is never ending.

tina reynolds said... 191

my husband says because moms kiss can cure everything

Renee owen said... 192

because we do everything we can for our children and rarely complain :)

lmurley2000 said... 193

moms do the jobs of several people and never get any praise for doing it all.

ltlbitone said... 194

because they set there wants aside to give their kids their needs...

JD said... 195

they are the maid,driver,cook...etc every single day and hardly ever get a thank you

jdmimi at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 196

With the exception of Jesus, who else sacrifices so much?


Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said... 197

Moms can juggle 5,000 things at once! lol

sottovoce said... 198

Moms love unconditionally, moms give their lives for their children...happily. :-)
Thank you.
jaquerichards at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 199

Mom's are heros because they do the small things everyday that keep the families going.

bbrittbrat1398 said... 200

They keep the household intact.

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