But now the entertainment of this lovable mouse can be taken even further as the curtain rises on Angelina's new, five-episode collection of tales in Angelina Ballerina: Musical Moves.
Striking a delightful chord with little dancers everywhere, Angelina Ballerina: Musical Moves is available now on DVD, Digital Download and On Demand from Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment. Targeted at ages 2-7, these episodes have a 61-minute running time that showcase Angelina shining brighter than ever.
What little girl won't want to get up and move to the music with Angelina Ballerina and her friends as they explore the wonderful world of dance? This DVD begins by bringing fans along as Gracie loses herself to some disco grooves while Alice discovers the power of confidence through jazz.
Next, AZ hip-hops to a happy birthday beat, and Ms. Mimi takes her students on a modern dance journey. Throughout it all, Angelina shows that friendship — like dance — is special, and best built one step at a time!
Episodes include:
- Angelina and the Disco Dance Craze
- Angelina and the Tummy Butterflies
- Angelina and the Magician
- Angelina and Ms. Mimi's Dance
- Angelina, AZ and Cheezy Z
- A Dance A Day Dance Club
As always, Angelina Ballerina is a great way to spread the love with dancing, singing, self-confidence, helping others and best friends forever. I never mind my girls watching something that reinforces ideas such as staying positive, believing in yourself and following your dreams. That mouse really knows her stuff!
Thanks to the generosity of Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment, one person will soon have a twirling, leaping good time ahead in their household as well, because...
One lucky person will win a copy of
Angelina Ballerina: Musical Moves on DVD!
Angelina Ballerina: Musical Moves on DVD!
(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A big thank you to Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment for providing a DVD copy of Angelina Ballerina: Musical Moves for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
It has been a few months. I am recovering from 15 hour open heart surgery.
Yesterday with my daughter.
last time my husband was goofing off with me and twirled me around the room. few weeks back now
Last weekend in a friend's party
At a friend's wedding last month.
at a wedding
just lastnight to our VBS music!
my friend's weeding last month
catherine0807 at hotmail dot com
Probably at a concert last eyar
LOL, I get up and dance with my girls (ages 2 & 6) several times a day! :D
We have this event at the local Botanic Gardens called Concerts in the Park. I danced with my daughter at that.
Leslie Galloway (LesGalloway //at// hotmail //dot// com) www.facebook.com/GallowayLeslie
When our son was married two years ago. rkmarsh@aol.com
My daughter likes me to dance with her if a song comes on TV that she likes.
In the last couple of hours, there are certain commercials that I like to dance to.
Last wknd at a wedding!
jek9880 at gmail dot com
A couple of montha ago at a wedding
s2s2 at comcast dot net
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at the local dance studio:)
At my sisters wedding a couple years ago.
When we were on vacation
I danced with my husband in 1999
I just got up and danced today with my 2 year old, she would love this DVD!
Actually today when Angelina Ballerina came on! Our kids love that mouse!
lobsterpudding@yahoo.com barbara scaff
It has been quite a while as I'm laid up with a broken leg at the moment. :-(
It`s been quite some time
ctymice at gmail dot com
Can't recall! :o(
Today helping my lil princess with her ballet:)
The last time had to be at Christies's Greek Wedding. So much fun!
With my granddaughter to music on the radio.
My 3 year old daughter loves to dance and makes me dance with her!
i do the potty dance multiple times a day!
yesterday with my little niece
Yesterday when a Rhianna song came on my slacker radio :-)
can't remember, been so long - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
we dance all day long in the kitchen. Thanks
all day everyday
My granddaughter is about the only person left that can get grandma to dance! So it would have been two weeks ago when I last saw her.
my 3 year old grandson & i danced today....he loves to dance! he has some moves!!!
Earlier trying to amuse my baby.
Just today when my daughter peed in the potty, lol!
noel.christmas365 at gmail dot com
I dance with my granddaughters daily.
Yesterday, just for no reason :)
I dance around my house almost every day.
I danced with my friend at a nightclub.
my sister's wedding three years ago
I did the "potty dance" with my daughter to celebrate her using the potty (we're toilet training!)
last time I danced was at a wedding a couple of years ago
At a wedding a few months ago...I don't dance too often.
Not a big dancer. So long ago not sure when it was.
sflickinger at rocketmail dot com
I danced with my daughter this morning!
We got dressed up for a friend's wedding recently.
I dance all the time :)
the last time i danced other then with the kids last night was at my cousins wedding in may
i got up and danced with my daughter yesterday!
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
At a wedding last Saturday
this morning I always dance around with my kids eaglesforjack@gmail.com
At my cousin's wedding.
the last time i danced was over fourth of july at a bbq
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
when my favorite song cam n and I was home alone last week
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I was dancing in my car while I was driving just tonight! :)
at a birthday party a few week ago
Damian Jarreau
today...we dance while we clean...lol
Yesterday and we will again today...I try to have a mini dance party with my kids in the afternoon to tire them out before dinner/bedtime! :)
I danced when the last bell rang and school was over for the summer (give me my 6 weeks of bliss). Thank yu
A while ago in the living room when my husband put on some music and ask me to dance.
i danced with my baby girl this morning :)
It was actually this morning. We got good news about buying a house and my daughter and I danced around the kitchen...LOL!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
I last got up and danced 3 weeks ago at a friends wedding.
At my cousin's wedding about a week ago.
Whan I hear my fav jam come on Ill get up and dance, or if i am playing with my girls and we do the crazy dance on Yo Gabba Gabba lol.
about a minute ago when i was cleaning the living room
when i heard a song on the tv yesterday.
Yesterday with my toddler. Some theme song came on and he loves dancing to it so I joined along.
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
My daughter's wedding. DH is not into dancing so we laughed alot.
spcale at yahoo dot com
carol lewis
At a Cincinnati Cyclones (hockey) game!
when the M&M commercials come on with the dance/rap song that they play revealing the brown M&M
i danced at a club last saturday
I last danced 2 weeks ago at a club!
PDWinner523 at gmail.com
Last danced on a Girls Night Out last summer.
The last time I danced was about a year ago when I played a dance game with my kids and grandkids!
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