I'm pretty sure the love affair started back in elementary school with the Ditto machine. The papers were rolled through and came out a little damp with their unique bluish purple ink and that particular smell that can't be forgotten... ahh, the joy that occurred when my teacher would allow me to go to the office to make the copies.
My office machine love has only increased from there, having been strengthened with Xerox machines, fax machines, scanners, and more. One personal favorite, however, was the laminating machine that I used when teaching as well as at my job in the public library system.. Being able to take a sign that would otherwise get crumbled and mangled and run it through, resulting in a crisp, plastic cover was a simple dream come true.
Weird? Maybe. Now you know why it's one of my secrets.
So while I have been able to capture much of my office machine obsession with an all-in-one machine that prints, scans, copies, faxes and more, I had yet to find a way to bring the ability to laminate into my home... until now. My life is complete since the arrival of the GBC Badgemates ID Badge Laminator Kit from MyBinding.com.
An Oregon-based, family-owned company with over 30 years in the business, MyBinding.com specializes in binding machines and supplies, laminators and supplies, 3-ring binders, whiteboards, and so much more. Their large warehouse space is full of over 27,000 products ready for immediate shipment and they staff a stellar customer service department that is ready to answer questions, recommend products, take orders, and anything else you might need.
For me, when this great little laminator arrived, I was already drooling over the possibilities, projects, and large number of uses that it would provide. Being able to easily laminate photos, recipes, small scrapbooking items, flashcards, toy box labels, emergency phone numbers, medical cards, a small chore chart, crafts, and much more — I knew the possibilities were endless!
Along with the GBC Badgemates ID Badge Laminator Kit, I looked over the 20-pack of 5mil GBC Longlife 4x6" Photo Size Laminating Pouches and couldn't wait to get started.
Including everything you need to create five professional laminated ID badges, the GBC ID Badge Laminator comes with a starter pack of horizontal ID badge pouches and five breakaway lanyards. In addition, the 20-pack of 4x6" photo size laminating pouches ensured that I was ready to laminate a wide variety of small items!
I was happy to find the the 4½" size of the laminator made it convenient, portable and that it could be used pretty much anywhere there was an electrical outlet. When it came time to get started, I simply had to plug it in and flip the power switch. From there, I waited a few minutes as it warmed up as I got my photograph and laminating supplies ready.
When the green Ready light was illuminated, I knew it was time to laminate!
The easy-to-follow directions that came along with this Laminator Kit eased any concerns that I may have had and the steps to complete my project were extremely easy.
First, I placed my photo in the corresponding plastic pouch, ensuring that it was centered within the edges:
Second, I placed the pouch into the provided paper sleeve to keep the plastic from bunching or melting onto the laminator:
Third, I fed the pouch and protector into the front of the laminator, where it "grabbed" hold and automatically slowly fed the entire thing through.
Voila! The whole thing came out the other side a bit warm, so I was careful to remove it and lay it out on the counter to open. As I lifted the paper sleeve, I held my breath (in hopes that I hadn't somehow ruined this treasured photograph) and found...
...perfection! I received this photo from Big Sister E's preschool teachers in honor of her graduation, so I'm thrilled knowing that it will now be able to be treasured for years to come (as I don't have a digital copy for a replacement).
I have since gone on to laminate other photos, small pieces of art, and more, and have found that the GBC Badgemates ID Badge Laminator Kit has performed just as well. It is just so easy to pull this out that I know that we can quickly use it for things like bookmarks, magnets, small activity mats,

Retailing for only $29.99, I'm excited to continue to use this Laminator Kit for years to come. Even better? A 20-pack of 4x6" laminating pouches costs a whopping 89¢ from MyBinding.com! Knowing that, I don't have to hesitate or wonder if I should laminate an item and "use up" one of my pouches - for that price, I can order enough to laminate nearly everything in sight!
No matter what sort of binding, laminating, shredding (or more) projects you take part in, MyBinding.com will have the supplies that you need to get them done quickly, easily and inexpensively. And, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon be joining me in laminating and protecting their small possessions, because...
One lucky person will win a GBC Badgemates ID Badge Laminator Kit and a 20-pack of 4x6" Photo Laminating Pouches from MyBinding.com!
(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A big thank you to MyBinding.com for providing a GBC Badgemates ID Badge Laminator Kit and a 20-pack of 4x6" photo laminating pouches for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
Gift tags & business cards.
Sherry Conrad
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
oh my goodness! this is nerdy but i adore laminating. it's sincerely the best fun - no crinkled edges, perfect every single time. would love to win this one!
kw, ladiesinnavy or ladiesinnavy@gmail.com
Certificates from school
I would like to laminate some of our Son's schoolwork in order to preserve it.
Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. ~Pauline
i would do alot of things. photos, drawings, business cards, awards
Can I say everything? Badges, kids drawings, gift tags, cards, fridge magnets ...
all sorts of craft projects and for school
labels and projects for my students
catherine0807 at hotmail dot com
I would laminate everything! lol I could laminate special pictures of children, their artwork & school projects, bookmarks, and so much more.
Homemade ID cards for my kids while travelling.
love to laminate some pictures and scriptures i have for my sons room
I would love to laminate some pictures of family because my 2yr old LOVES to see pictures of her aunts & uncles & cousins, etc but it drives me crazy to have her fingerprints all over them & sometimes so rips them
I would use it for laminating items to help organize my help. also for items i use in my small business.
recipe cards
I would laminate important documents and art work
I would use it to laminate things for my classroom!
They would call me the crazy laminator! Seriously,I have so many things I would use this for.
recipes, important cards, etc...
I would love to laminate certificates and school diplomas
I want to laminate some of the kids drawings.
pictures, art work & lots of other things
ctymice at gmail dot com
I would like to laminate my girls awards and report cards
christal c
Everything!! I would love one of these for the things my kids make and for my boot camp workouts ( I put them in page protectors now for the outside moisture at 6 am classes:)
alphabet/picture cards for my little one
I like the idea of laminating the kids' drawings.
pizzanumber2 at yahoo dot com
I would laminate cards and other school work for my daughter.
Thank you for the giveaway.
This would be awesome for name tags on school field trips!
CINDY B on rafflecopter
some home school stuff.
Some of my sons favorite photos.
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
education tools to use with my kids
My son is graduating from Kindergarten on Thursday. It would be nice to laminate some of his school work from the year to save!!
I would laminate pictures and my kids drawings, writing projects, diplomas, etc.
I'm excited by the laminated chore cards!
I would love to laminate some very old pictures.
I want to laminate a template for meals, chores and can't wait to start laminating my kid's art : )
I would laminate pictures, and my a sheet to remind me to take my med.
I would like to laminate recipes and certificates.
sflickinger at rocketmail dot com
I have a picture
A million things!! I want to make my kids Homeschool ID cards and I want to make my husband a laminated book marker with his grandma's picture and eulogy on it like I have for grandmother and, and, and..
valerie at its-the-simple-things dot com
i'd probably use it for photos, reinforcing patterns for my handmade tea bag tea-shirts, important records, making signs to label drawers and such for organizing my room, etc. lmlynch2 at gmail dot com on rafflecopter
i have some old pictures of my mom and dad and i would laminate them to protect them.
I'm a childcare provider so we would use it for pictures, leaves, drawings ...
My recipe cards!
Jennifer (at) jennifervandahm.com
I would laminate ID cards for our home school CO-OP.
my daughter school awards
I'd like to Laminate learning paper's for my daughter so we can wipe them off and re-use them.
I want to make badges for all the women in my chorus.
(machine geek here, too.) I wonder what happened to all the old ditto machines?
Thanks for the contest.
I would laminate my son's baby pictures.
I would donate to the school.
I would love to have it to make copies of certain KM inserts,
i wouold usse it to help with laminating andf organizing
Cool prize, I could use one of these.
I would laminate important insurance cards, and various photos
I'd laminate important papers
jek9880 at gmail dot com
important family documents
I have a diner coupon that is getting tattered that I would love to laminate. Also, business cards that I need to keep.
I would use it for some of my kids school work, pictures, and some items for work that I use.
Pictures and sheet music
I would laminate my kids' keepsake papers!
my kids birth certificates
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
We recently had to get some game cards laminated, this would have been very handy for that!
birth and marrage records, my granparents pics
I would laminate everything...lol. I love making magnets from laminated pics...and the kids fave art pieces.
I'd laminated luggage tags. Thanks!
I would laminate gift tags, magnets, luggage tags, etc
scarter305 at aol dot com
I'd laminate some homemade flash cards for the kids.
lots of old signature cards that i have
I'd laminate pictures of the kids!
Educational flashcards for the kids.
I'd use it for little mementos from vacations!
CrystalW07 at aol.com
my name tag for work and business cards
I'd use this for bookmarks and other similar gifts for the children I teach at church.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would like to laminate certificates of achievment
It's hurricane season. This would be great to laminate important documents.
Things for my daughters school, camp, and birthdays. I would so love this as I do it by hand at the moment.
I too have a love of office machines. Mine began in school with what else? The giant laminating machine in the library! I adored that thing!
I would probably laminate everything I got my hands on if I won. For sure would laminate my son's Graduation pictures.
Would like to laminate my boys artwork.
My son's artwork!
O boy! Where to begin? We would use this wonderful constantly!
Let's see, IDs, business cards, art, certificates and documents, soubenirs & momentos - so many things what need protection and preservation!
Thanks - Great Giveaway!
Jesselyn A/Jesstinger
I would laminate pictures, ids, cards and everything I can
would love this for Scrapbooking and Paper crafts
I do homeschooling so I have a ton of stuff I could use this on
I'd like to laminate my kids artwork and awards. I'd also like to laminate pictures for scrapbooking. Thanks.
I would give to my daughter for her job and also their new business for their new business cards
business cards for our church
photos for my son to carry around. he loves pictures, but they tend to get messed up quickly
I owuld laminate arts and crafts and the kids projects they finish at school!
Luggage tags and Auto Insurance ID
Important documents, pictures, the kids art projects!
I would laminate some of my sons artwork and his pool pass
important documents and fun stuff for the kids - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
i would use it to make labels for around the house
Name tags, gift tags, pictures, labels for various things....the list is endless!!
photos and a chore chart for my kids
My kids photos and some of their art work.
I would like to laminate sticker charts for my children.
Would love to laminate my lilpricess ballets pictures and my sons karate pics:)TY
I would use to make photo bookmarks.
I work in a school, there's always something to laminate!
Would laminate photos to put on my fridge. They keep falling off and the good ones get ruined.
My children's artwork and certificates.
Leslie Galloway (LesGalloway //at// hotmail //dot// com) www.facebook.com/GallowayLeslie
I would do my favorite recipe cards including the ones written by my mom and grandmother. They are gone but their cooking legacy continues and it would be wonderful to pass these on to my granddaughters!
homemade ID cards
my parents medical cards that I created to help them make sure they have a list if they get hurt of all the meds they are on. the meds change every six months it seems and this would help.
rendancechick at yahoo dot com
I would love to win this prize.
'IF' I win, I will laminate the book marks I make for my students.
kimbuckjr at yahoo dot com
would like to laminate some things the kids have done in school and some important documents we have
brich22 at earthlink dot net
Artist Trading Cards
Sherri J.
I would laminate the art that both my kids make.
We have some craft projects that I would love to laminate!
I would laminate my favorite photos.
Craft projects that I am working on!
I'd love to laminate old photos that are falling apart!
Some of my son's art
This would be great to use in my Sunday School class.
I'd love to laminate our voter cards and a few wedding photos.
davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com
I would like to laminate certificates my daughter has received.
I would laminate photos and awards. Thanks!
romapup at gmail dot com
I'd laminate some photos for the fridge, so that they could be up there without curling at the edges.
Miz Vickik
medical records
photos of my children-and make magnets from them!
annae07 at aol dot com
I am a crafter & would like to laminate seed packages for one of my projects.
I have recipes on cards that I would love to laminate.
pictures from my grandaughters graduation and all my recipes
I'm a teacher--I'd laminate all my math games.
i would love to use this for certain things i am scrapbooking
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
I would love to laminate my daughter's art and photos to give family as gifts!
dropcqueen at yahoo dot com
I'm working on memorizing more scripture & would love to be able to laminate them and post them in various places.
If i win id like to laminate beautiful memories stored in photographs so that its kept safe and clean. and even important certificates and documents.
I would like to laminate our family photos.
student id for my grandaughter and pictures.
make some personalized photo bookmarks
tweet https://twitter.com/dropcqueen/status/217990626870960128
dropcqueen at yahoo dot com
Medical RX List
I would laminate my kids artwork.
I would laminate items for my volunteer efforts. The various clubs that the kids are associated with have a number of items that could use laminating to make it thru the year.
Our Work ID's at our office...
I would like to laminate learning activities for my 3 year old son!
I am always updating my daughters' medical information card (about every 2 months) and for durability in her purse, I get it laminated.
I would love to laminate labels for everything in my pantry, linen closets, drawers, and such (because I am OCD like that) as well as business cards and gift tags.
My son's drawings and soon my daughter's ;)
Tam Sweeps RC/FB
Pictures, labels and tags ect.
I would use it for photos with my boyfriend. We have been together for nearly three years and we have so many photos together from the last seven years. It would be nice to laminate and scrapbook our memories together.
I would like to laminate my friend's picture with this kit.
recipe cards. im a messy cook.
dani marie
I would laminate business cards.
I would laminate all of my cross-stitch info cards to my finished pieces!
Terri P
pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com
I would hope to laminate some of my lesson plans for school. Thank you
My kids drawings and other art work (Corey Olomon)(CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)
i would like to laminate the Kardashians.
I would like to laminate some of the kids school stuff to save
I'm starting an "identification" business. Just kidding! I would use it to laminate photos from my family reunion as well as college graduation!
I would laminate ICE cards with who to call in case of emergency, allergies and our medications for each family member to carry. Rafflecopter: happi shopr
recipes and photos
I have labels I would like to laminate
something frugal at yahoo dot com
all my business cards stocked full of information
School pics
I would like to laminate school IDs with this tool.
repose4jr at gmail dot com
I would like to laminate some work charts
I would like to laminate my important school papers and schedules
i could use it for all my recipe cards i have!!
i would use this for so many things, i really want to use this for flash cards right now and i will have so many other uses that i think of.
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I would mostly like to laminate pictures of my family and my grandchildren artwork. dwelchert@yahoo.com
I would like to do my kids photos
I would laminate a bunch of family photos!
I would laminate EVERYTHING lol, but probably pictures more than anything else.
I would like to laminate my kid's awards!
PDWinner523 at gmail.com
id laminate pictures,special papers and newspaper clippings of my sons basketball games
A few drawings my niece did for me when she was little.
email/ daveshir2005@yahoo.com
fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski
I would love to use this for pictures and some artwork my kids did!
(toocaringforyou22@yahoo.com on rafllecopter)
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