Have you ever stopped and tried to remember what life was like before cell phones? I know that the time period existed... but I just can't figure out how we managed.
Particularly for my husband and I to communicate, our phones are a necessity. Before them... when we had to meet at the mall, did we just set a date, time and location and hope that unforeseen circumstances didn't arise that resulted in delays? And, if they did, did the other person just stand there and wait indefinitely?
Or what about when he went to the grocery store? Currently I put my phone right next to me when my husband is out shopping, as I'm guaranteed around a half dozen calls asking if we have extra cans of beans or if we're out of frozen peas.
Don't even get me started in questioning the logistics and how much I worried when he had to drive long distances without a cell phone. If he got a flat tire, would he just sit there and wait for a car to stop and help? If he got lost in an unknown area, did he just hope that he would see a sign, recognize a landmark, or a friendly gas station attendant would know the way?
Clearly, the concept of life without a cell phone seems primitive to me and I'm thankful knowing that I can reach my husband most any time of the day.
But, with that said, that doesn't mean that he or I are ready to give up our landline. I have friends that have teased me about still having a home phone line, but we love it for the simplicity, convenience and safety, not to mention having a single phone number to list to easily reach us. If only there was a way to combine our cell phone love with our landline love, right?
There is. Introducing the Father's Day gift that is the best of both worlds for iPhone users: the Good Call iG1.
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Now that's a #GoodCall! |
Brand new to the market (it launches on June 19th), the Good Call iG1 is a Bluetooth Handset that essentially turns an iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or iPhone 3G into a landline. Instead of completing gymnastics-like stunts to get downstairs when you hear your iPhone ringing or shifting your phone uncomfortably around after a long conversation, simply plug in the Good Call and your worries are over.
Could it be that easy?
Laying out the included pieces, it was already easy to see that while this was technology at its finest, it wasn't going to be over-complicated or too difficult to set up and use.
Indeed, it didn't take me long at all to have the Good Call Docking Station in place, the Handset in its holder, and the USB cord plugged in with the AC adapter (I could have also plugged it directly into my computer).
After allowing the whole thing to charge a little while, the handy pairing instructions showed me the four easy steps to turning on the Handset and setting up my iPhone.
In less than a minute, I was ready to send and receive calls through the Good Call or my phone and it was easy to see that the whole concept is genius!
First, I love that the Good Call Docking Station charges my phone when it is in place, as I always feel as though my little green battery is running low and an iPhone docking station is a necessity for me. Even better? By plugging the USB to my computer, it will automatically sync to iTunes to keep my phone up to date with my apps, music and more.
But, along with that, the iG1 has just about every feature included to make it as user-friendly and convenient as possible.
Now that this device is around, when someone calls my iPhone, the Good Call Handset rings as well. So instead of having to answer and talk on my cell phone (which can be uncomfortable, not to mention all of the warnings that are out about radiation risks from prolonged cell phone usage), I can simply answer with the Handset.
The quality is perfectly clear, the connection is dependable, and the Handset is ergonomically designed so that you don't feel at all as though you're straining your neck. As an added bonus, you can multitask by texting or using the apps on your iPhone while you're talking on the Good Call because the phone does NOT need to be docked when using the Handset.
Suddenly you can do two things at once that weren't possible before... or you can enjoy the convenience of being able to leave your iPhone downstairs while you go upstairs with the Good Call and know you won't miss a call. When fully charged, the Handset lasts for four hours of use!

When it comes to making a call, you can dial the traditional way with your iPhone or, if you have an iPhone 4S, you can utilize the power of Siri to do it for you! Just press the green Call button and tell Siri to "Call home" and, being the people-pleaser that she is, Siri will do just that.
When you're done talking, simply press the red End button and you're disconnected and ready to make a new call or wait for the next one to come in. Just about anything can be done from the two simple buttons of the Good Call iG1... and the Quick Features card lays them all out clearly and easily.
Even though it isn't on store shelves yet, I can already see the Good Call iG1 Bluetooth Handset quickly taking shape as a must-have for iPhone users for the home and the office. It will retail for $79.99 and will be launching on GoodCall.com on Tuesday, June 19th!
So if you or someone you know (Hint, hint! Great belated Father's Day gift!) could benefit from an iPhone handset, be sure to find out much more about this innovative product on their website, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Pinterest, on YouTube or even through their cute commercial and put in your order on Tuesday!
Or, if you're really ready to chat about how great you think the Good Call is, join in the #GoodCall Twitter Party on June 19th where there will be eight units given away during the party... as well as five units given out as prizes for people who help promote the party beforehand. Don't miss the chance to win one of these awesome new gadgets!
Speaking of winning one, I have the honor of making one iPhone user's life easier as well, because...
One lucky person will win a Good Call iG1 Bluetooth Handset!
(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and GoFusion but all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own. #CBias #SocialFabric
That looks sooo cool!! I hope I win this for my boy friend :)!
it would make it easier for me to charge my phone and to use it at home
I would hook my iphone up to it at work so when my hubby or kids call me I can use that phone and hope to keep typing. Really hard to type with an iphone up to your ear.
my hubby has a very hard time hearing any cell phone so this might make it easier.
My husband hates talking on cell phones so this would be a big benefit for him.
I like the multi-tasking feature of using cell phone apps while using the phone. I often need to check my calendar when making plans and this would make it very easy!
I always walk while talking on the phone. This would keep me from constantly switching hands and my arms getting tired.
this would help me not drain my phone battery at night
my friend has an iphone and he constantly drains the battery. this would be perfect for him!
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
This is such a good idea. This would definitely help me since I love to walk and talk at the same time, and I love a nice handheld phone.
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com
i follos via RSS feed - via Google Reader - laura.a.love07 at gmail dot com
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com
The red end button would make ending a call easy!
my battery is always low now. this might be better
This would be great for my daughter as she is always getting calls at work while doing many other things and she'd definitely benefit from something like this.
my fiance could really use this. He has a hard time hearing people on his cell phone and this would really help him.
This would help me hear better, not drain my phone battery and I am always trying to switch from my phone to looking up things while talking and I'm sure my mom is tired of me hanging up on her...this might help with that :D
Thank you
It would benefit me because trying to talk for long periods of time on my iphone is a pain and I love talking to friends and family for long periods of time
kport207 at gmail dot com
I would benefit from the ergonomically designed of this device my I have degenerative disc disease in my neck and talking for long periods of time on my phone is hard on my neck
I would benefit from the ergonomically designed of this device my I have degenerative disc disease in my neck and talking for long periods of time on my phone is hard on my neck
I like the simplicity of this phone. Most things can be done with two buttons saving a lot of time in my busy day.
Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. ~Pauline
would allow me hands free access when on the phone
Wow, this would be so great to have with a 2 year old and a 3 week old baby! I hate using my cell phone to talk and afraid of radiation. I have a Pong radiation free case but can't use it with my toddler since it could break easily, and we just got rid of our land line, so I would love to have this in our house!
this would make my life easier
this is the coolest thing i have ever seen. this would work well for me
My son would think I was so cool having such modern electronics
vmkids3 atnmsnndotbcom
I would love this because I could chat and chat much easier. With four kids that is a plus!
my boyfriend would love this!
jek9880 at gmail dot com
I would give this to my step Mom, she would flip out at how cool it is :)
ssgsweeps @ hotmail .com
my wifes phone would always be charged.
gabbflabber at live.com
I think this would help me to talk on the phone and multi task. I miss our house phone only because I can old it on my ear with my shoulder when I try to get other things done.
My hubby would love this, he has big hands and cant hear well with his phone.
christal c
willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com
I love to chat with friends and family while I'm cooking, but we recently disconnected our landline and only use cell phones. This Bluetooth handset would make it MUCH easier to chat away!
It looks easier to charge at the docking station and would help me stay organized.
My husband is always running around and when I talk to him, he always cuts off so this would help out greatly because of the clearlity
This would greatly benefit me because it would allow me to talk with out losing reception in my basement and lower level.
I think I would benefit from this by not having to worry about reception loss when I'm walking around the house.
That thing would be so awesome around the house love it
It would make it so much easier for me to keep up with my phone! :)
The hands free access would help me.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I only have a cell phone, but I work from home. This would make my life so much easier!
Leslie Galloway (LesGalloway //at// hotmail //dot// com) www.facebook.com/GallowayLeslie
This would help my father in law hear better on his phone.
my phone would always be charged
gabflab at live.com
I have a home office, and this would make things a lot easier to work and talk on the phone
looks way more comfortable - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
My boyfriend would love this he is always dropping his iPhone this seems to be a lot easier and comfortable to hold. He loves new gadgets this would be another one added to his collection.
this would be great for me! I am always very uncomfortable holding my iphone on the phone. it just feels odd. this would make it much better
I do not have a land line at home and always wish I had one when I am talking to friends and family on my iphone! This would be awesome.
it would make it easier for me to charge my phone and used the phone at home ty
What a great way to be able to talk on your phone while it charges and NOT be tethered to a cord!
It will let me charge the phone since I always need to.
this would benefit my husband at his work, he is always on the phone , this would be handy
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
This would really benefit my huby he has a hard time hearing people on his cell phone and this would really help him his battery dies really fast!!!!TY
This would be great for my kids. They usually end up hanging up on people on my iphone.
We don't have a home phone anymore. We decided to cancel it and just use our cell phones, so this would be perfect for us.
This would be good for when my phone is dying but I need to talk and walk around the house or in the kitchen at the same time.
My husband travels a lot so we talk via phone and skype, this would be so helpful so I wouldn't have to press my cheek up against my phone all the time, or put him on speaker!
it would get mr off my cell phone
I would give this to my husband. It would make things easier for him as he is always on his cell phone for work.
It would make my life so much easier bbecause I'm always running the battery down on my phone from talking on it - this way I could talk and charge at once!
it would be easier because i could charge my phone and talk at the same time
The hands free and charging capabilities would help me a lot!
My husband!
This product would be PERFECT for my hubby! It would really is always lost connections during the phone calls he takes constantly. And there's more to hold onto instead of just a thin cell phone, you know? Very ergonomically GREAT!
would benefit me by giving me a lot more flexibility
brich22 at earthlink dot net
I really like that it also charges the phone
That looks so cool. I want it.
It would help me so much with business calls!
It would be easy to keep charged!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
This would benefit my brother because all he has in his home is a cell phone. What an awesome concept1
I wouldn't have to worry about my cell phone dying at home. This would help me so much
I am on the phone Allllllll the time for work. I often worry about the health risks associated with talking on a cell. I would love the have this for the convenience and saftey.
This would allow me to charge my iphone while I walk around the house talking on it... which I need because its always ready for a charge when I get home from work.
I would look cool with that device!
This is easier to hold to your ear with your shoulder than an Iphone.
Need hands free talking...
ltlbit1@hotmail dot com
It's great that the docking station charges the phone!
My husband. He would appreciate something bigger than his cell. He fumbles alot with it.
Oh my gosh! I need this! Please pick me!!!!
My daughter is such a talker and I really need my hands to do other thing while she goes on & on & on
this would be great just to conserve the iphone battery life
For all the good reasons you mention (and a dozen more) Not to mention all the reason both me and my Honey/Hubby HATE our cell phones - it would be a true joy and a godsend.
I can't believe I was unfamiliar with this amazing and fabulous device that has all of the features and convenience we miss in our cell phone (plus we've both had and survived cancer and prefer not to increase our risk with our phones!)
So thanks for the giveaway and the intro to this fine product!
Jesselyn A/Jesstinger
I like that its safer because cell phones give off a lot of radiation and convenient to charge while talking.
The Good Call iG1 would benefit me by leaving my hands free while I'm talking on the phone.
Our youngest would love this! It would be great for charging and talking handsfree. RAfflecopter: happi shopr
This would make using my Iphone at home so much better! I have dead spots in my house and this would cure the problem.
It would be so convenient to charge my phone.
I like that it works as a charging station and also that the handset it simple and child friendly.
It would benefit me by leaving my hands free while I'm talking on the phone.
It would benefit me by leaving my hands free while I'm talking on the phone.
This would benefit me because I always hit the mute button while talking and my friends think I have hung up on them. It would alleviate that all together.
This would make me a lot more comfortable letting my kids use my phone...no worries of them dropping the iphone!
-Lori L.
monlor AT aol DOT com
this would be amazing in our house since we have a problem with signals in our house now. Imagine no dropped calls how amazing
Me and my husband would be able to change diapers and talk on the phone!
Thanks for the chance to win. I'd like to win this for my dad--he needs to be a safer cell phone user.
nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com
I love the simplicity of the red button and green button.
This would be great for hubby and make him safer too.
email/ daveshir2005@yahoo.com
fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski
It'd be better than a cell.
This would be great!
I could hook up my iPhone to it]
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