Friday, June 15, 2012

Thin Out Your Life with the Sargento "Thin to Win" Challenge {#ThintoWin}

It's no secret that throughout the course of our lives, the aspects that we deem the most important will change.

As a child, we treasure our teddy bear or our tattered blanket or that one special toy that is played with time and time again. As a teen, our appearance and fitting in is of the utmost importance (as well as making sure that Mom and Dad understand that we already know everything there is to know about everything).

But with adulthood finally comes the wisdom that life isn't about possessions or conforming or having the latest gadget, it's about what truly matters. Family. Love. Happiness. True friendships.

Finding out where you can "thin out" the things in your life that don't add to your overall well being is necessary so that you can focus on the positives. Thanks to Sargento and their new Ultra Thin Sliced natural cheeses, it's time to eliminate things that don't really matter without sacrificing things that do with their "Thin to Win" Challenge.

Sargento Thin to Win

Starting back on May 4, the "Thin to Win" challenge kicked off and will last 45 days for a total of 32 challenges. Each day the different challenges (things such as finding a workout buddy, planning a game night, preparing for work the night before, or creating a playlist that keeps you off the couch) are introduced in the morning and fans join in by completing the tasks.

As well as the feeling of accomplishment of thinning out your life, there are some great prizes involved in this contest as well - such as a digital camera, $300 to spend on groceries, $400 for new luggage, a foot massager and much more!

Ready to join in? Today is Challenge #31 and it is:

Online tools can help you stay organized offline as well! Download a free application that will help you stay organized. Tell us what you downloaded!

As well as the chance to get organized, the prize for today is a $600 laptop! Who doesn't want to win that?!

This challenge was perfect for me, as I recently downloaded and began using an online tool that I'm really enjoying: Cozi.

Cozi calendar

The answer to my need for a portable family calendar, Cozi is a FREE web and mobile app that combines a digital calendar, to do lists, shopping lists, meal planning, and family journal. With easy access from any mobile or computer device, Cozi tools help families and individuals stay organized while sharing information so everyone knows who's supposed to be doing what.

During the school year I was able to manage the girls and I without too much hassle, but now that summer has arrived, we're busier than ever. There are days when I need to drop Big Sister E off at camp, bring Little Sister B to soccer, pick Little Sister B back up, go get Big Sister E and bring her to arts & crafts, run errands with Little Sister B, pick Big Sister E back up, get Little Sister B home for a nap, bring Big Sister E to T-ball...

So when faced with choosing a time for a dentist appointment, I need to be able to pull up a calendar that will show me the dates and times that every member in my family is scheduled to be somewhere... which brings me back to Cozi, as it does exactly that.

It doesn't matter if I'm in the dentist's lobby scheduling that appointment or watching my kids do gymnastics on the trampoline, it only takes a tap or two on my phone and I can see all of our plans for the summer right at my fingertips.

I love the feeling of staying organized thanks to Cozi and I haven't even gotten into so many of its other features!

Do you have an online tool that you use or one that you'd like to download to use to stay organized? Be sure to head over to the Sargento Facebook page to enter the "Thin to Win" contest and tell them about it to be entered to win that laptop!

Don't miss the last challenge (and you can always go back through their Facebook page to see what the past ones were if you missed them), as the biggest wins that can come from this are finding ways to simplify your life for the better.

I received products and compensation from Sargento Foods Inc. and The Motherhood as part of my participation in this campaign. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own.


Carolyn said... 1

I've heard people talking about Cozi but haven't tried it yet. I think I'll put that on my to-do list today.