Saturday, June 30, 2012


The lucky winner of a GBC Badgemates ID Badge Laminator Kit and a 20-pack of 4x6" Photo Laminating Pouches from is...

But, wait! If you're disappointed that you weren't the winner of this great little Laminator Kit, is having a sale just for you!

MyBinding laminator sale

That's right! Head over there and pick up this Laminator Kit for only $9.99 (regularly $29.99!) and the 20-pack of Photo Laminating Pouches for only 89¢. This special deal is on now thru Friday July 6th and there is no code or coupon needed. Just head over and pick one up for yourself!

The lucky winner of their choice of adorable Cuddle Covers and Official Cuddle Cover Pillow is...

The lucky winner of delicious fruit and veggie pouches from Peter Rabbit Organics is...

The lucky winner of a Daddy Prize Pack from Pampers is...

The lucky winner of two fun Hank Player t-shirts is...

The lucky winner of a signed copy of Keri Glassman's new book, Slim, Calm, Sexy Diet is...

The lucky winner of a family four pack of waterpark passes to Mt Olympus Water & Theme Park is...

Thanks to everyone who entered these fun giveaways! Have a great weekend!


Vanessa C. said... 1

Lots of winners! Congratulations to all :)