Monday, July 23, 2012

Protect Your Phone from Mobile Mishaps with Asurion {$40 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway}

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While driving to the dentist with Big Sister E recently, I realized that I had forgotten my phone at home. From the amount of muttering and angry glances I kept giving at my purse (since it was the purse's fault that the phone wasn't in there, of course), it struck me just how dependent I've become on this single device.

After being used to having so many capabilities, conveniences and ways to stay connected at my fingertips at all times, the act of being so... disconnected can leave me feeling a little lost. Which is no wonder that so many people cringe at the idea of actual loss or damage happening to their phone.

Unfortunately, it happens more often than we realize. As I mentioned in my recent RadioShack giveaway, July is the worst month for cell phones due to the water, heat and outdoor activity that all present dangers and increase the likelihood of damage.

Are you one of the many who have had a lost, stolen or broken cell phone? According to Asurion, you're in good company, as their reports show that 60,000,0000 people in North America will lose, damage or have their phone stolen this year. That works out to over 164,000 per day, 114 every minute or nearly two every second. Yikes!

asurion, applications for mobile, mobile application, mobile applications, mobile app, mobile apps, phone app, phone apps, malware, spyware, security app, security apps, secure browsing, safe browsing, phone locator, find my phone, locate phone, lock phon
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Asurion.

Over the years I've had my share of cell phones (many of which now have a place in my daughters' pretend play gear) and have had a mobile mishap or two where time moved in slow motion as I watched the phone slip from my hand, pocket or bag and fall to the ground.

No matter how careful you think you are or how much you assume Oh, it won't happen to me, someday it will be your phone that is shattered on the sidewalk or being pulled out of the swimming pool or toilet!

asurion, applications for mobile, mobile application, mobile applications, mobile app, mobile apps, phone app, phone apps, malware, spyware, security app, security apps, secure browsing, safe browsing, phone locator, find my phone, locate phone, lock phon

While I have always assumed that the only option for a broken or missing phone was to clean out your wallet and purchase a new one, I was then introduced to Asurion, the global leader in providing consumer technology protection services across three continents.

Understandably, people are eager to start using new mobile devices just as soon as they get them, but purchasing phone protection during the first 30 days of device use should truly be a priority – not to mention being the best and easiest way to have peace of mind. Asurion makes it easy because they work directly with your provider to provide the insurance you desire.

The complete Asurion protection package, available through most wireless companies, empowers you with the apps and services that put you in the driver's seat so that you can enjoy using your smartphone. You'll rest easy knowing you're protected with Asurion, whether you need technology to secure your data privacy against growing mobile threats, need a device expert who is just a call or click away, or coverage to replace your phone as quickly as the next day.

asurion, applications for mobile, mobile application, mobile applications, mobile app, mobile apps, phone app, phone apps, malware, spyware, security app, security apps, secure browsing, safe browsing, phone locator, find my phone, locate phone, lock phon

Our cell phones have quickly become beloved treasures in our lives that manage to keep us easily connected to family, friends and work, while also keeping us organized, acting as storage for photographs, and much more. What would you do if all of that was suddenly gone?

Visit Asurion to find out more about how they can protect your investment today, and, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon turn their mobile mishap into something positive, because...

One lucky person will win a $40 Amazon gift card from Asurion!

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Asurion for providing a $40 Amazon gift card for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Suburban prep said...

I have gotten phantom calls a few times from other phones

Jessica Allen said...

My husband's iphone was thrown in a lake last week and didn't make it :( Lucky for him he got an upgrade to the iphone 4s. Lol

Amy and Luke said...

When I had my old phone, thankfully not my iPhone, I went to do laundry one day not knowing my phone was in my sheets. I washed it while I washed my linens....opps...that was the end of that.

Sandy said...

My husband works construction and accidentally dropped his phone in...the port-a-potty. *GAG!*

Jan Messali said...

I have dropped my phone on the floor several times, luckily it has survived, so far.

Jessica said...

I've left my phone on the trunk of the car and then ran over it.

jbmthill said...

My teenage son cracked the screen on his htc incredible and we had no upgrades available. Teenagers cant live like that, ha!

wigget said...

i dropped my ipod touch when i attemoted to go jogging and then my kids used it as a coaster. now it's kaput

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

I dropped my phone in the pool about a week ago. :(

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

redfuzzycow said...

i dropped my phone off my bed and the screen COMPLETELY shattered. apple replaced it with a new one, though!

Janet W. said...

I dropped my phone as I was getting out of my car onto the concrete. It had a few scratches, but still worked thankfully. I was still very upset.

Lisa Noel said...

I MAY have ruined a great phone by working out with it in my bra and it getting to sweaty. expensive lesson

Stephanie Ann said...

I once washed my phone in the washer machine :(

bettycd said...

my comment seems to have disappeared - we lost a phone in the snow while shoveling. the Snow Blower unfortunately found it

FrangiePani said...

My mishap is my husband. He keeps loosing his phones! We are on our third in two years.

FrangiePani said...

Entry verification:

RSS with my yahoo reader via email: jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

Mami2jcn said...

I've dropped my cell phone on the pavement and cracked it.

Rafflecopter name: Mary Happymommy

Unknown said...

my daughter dropped my new smartphone on a hardwood floor and shattered the entire front screen. The glass was sticking out in pieces. This was the same night was other daughter was bit in the face by a dog. It was a very expensive night, to say the least.

Renee G. said...

ive dropped my phone quite a few times

Anonymous said...

I have left my phone outside in the rain!

Liz said...

Shockingly, I have been lucky! I have had several friends with toilet mishaps, though.

Brandi Elam said...

I've been lucky -the worst I've ever done is drop my phone and scratched it up. But my husband dropped his iPhone on concrete and shattered it. I've had friends who dropped theirs in toilets, pools, and one even ran over hers accidentally.

Brandi Elam said...

I've been lucky -the worst I've ever done is drop my phone and scratched it up. But my husband dropped his iPhone on concrete and shattered it. I've had friends who dropped theirs in toilets, pools, and one even ran over hers accidentally.

marymichelotti said...

I havent had anything crazy happen, a friend of mine got pushed into a pool when she had her iphone on her.

JC said...

I dropped my phone into the toilet not only once, I'm glad it's going strong

Linda W. said...

I haven't had anything bad happen yet but i do have insurance on my phone just in case. Did i just jinx myself?

Anonymous said...

i ran over my last phone!

MamaStace said...

I once drop my phone on the cement, resulting in a scratched screen


Jet'set said...

Most of my phone accidents come in connection w/ water- spilled water bottle, toilet, pool & coffee cup!
inalak at msn dot com

Tanya M said...

My then 11 months old daughter dropped my cell phone in the toilet. Long story short, it survived. :)

Jenny Stanek said...

Two weeks ago, my Iphone fell while I was at the grocery store and a large portion of it completely shattered

Anonymous said...

My hubby put his cell phone thru the washing machine!

Jessica Schank Snow said...

I've had problems with everyone cell phone I've owned. Usually they will drop calls or won't receive messages or calls. It's so aggravating.
Thanks for this giveaway!

Lo said...

My sister dropped her phone in the toilet!

deallieb said...

I left my phone on our stairs and my boyfriend stepped on it. It was completly broken.

Unknown said...

I washed (and dried) my husband's cell phone two weeks after we bought it. Whoops.

Denise said...

I take good care of my phone, but my husband goes through many phones...
While on vacation in Gatlinburg last summer, he put his phone in the pocket of his swim trunks while we walked to the pool. He forgot to take it out and jumped in the pool. His phone never recovered. We had to stop on the way home to Indiana at a Verizon store to get a new phone.

darce said...

My brother ran his though the washing machine.

janetfaye said...

I dropped my cell phone on my hard wood floor and the entire back piece shattered.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Bunny B said...

My friend found her boy giving her phone a nice bath!

Charlene S said...

I dropped my phone and the screen is now broken into many little pieces.

CindyWindy2003 said...

i left my phone at the movie theater, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

mommy2luke2008 said...

My best friend left her cell phone on the hood of her car and drove away. The phone was never to be found again!

mommyfoote said...

I had my phone stolen while substitute teaching 2nd grade.

Kimberly said...

I dropped it out of my car window

Emily N said...

My daughter dropped my phone in the toilet while we were on vacation.

Amy V said...

i dropped m y phone in our toilet...i forgot it was in my pocket!!!! :(

annae07 at aol dot com

Mysharona said...

ive dropped it in the toilet

Allison Lancaster said...

My sister got a new blackberry phone last year and within 3 hours of getting it, she dropped it in the river while sitting on the pier!

Robyn Dones said...

I forgot my phone was in my pocket and I jumped in my pool. Thank you for the chance to win!

kdones (at) optonline (dot) net

mildred floyd said...

Our problem with cell phones is loing them, somewhere somehow.

Anonymous said...

My daughter dropped my phone in the toilet.

Amy W said...

I dropped my phone in the parking lot at work and the entire screen cracked! Luckily the phone still worked! I also accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet while out and about at the children's museum! Whoops!

Cinderella10383 said...

My phone thankfully has made it through being dropped many many times however my phone cases were not so lucky. I am currently on #4 and it's broken too. I've spent over 120.00 on phone cases alone in the last year. I drop my phone normally while carrying the baby to the car, carrying the diaper bag and my purse. I am usually fumbling with everything and my phone smacks the ground. Takes my breath away, if it gets broken it's 600.00 to replace it as I am not eligible for an upgrade yet (Eek!)

Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

Colleen Boudreau said...

I've dropped my phone in the toilet a few times.

peg42 said...

I left my phone on the roof of my car and later returned to find it in our street, in pieces.
Thanks so much.

Sarah S said...

I dropped my phone in the parking lot. s2inamug at aim dot com

Amber said...

I once dropped my phone in the Chicago River during an architecture cruise!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

mkjmc said...

Lost my phone in the hay mow while unloading hay

Crystal said...

When I worked at Magic Kingdom, I once lost my phone on the track of the ride I worked at. Got it back a few hours later- a little scratched up but otherwise ok!
CrystalW07 at

Kelly N. said...

Leave a comment on this post telling me about a mobile mishap that happened to you (or someone you know).

mostly low batterys

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

Dropped phone in bathtub

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

cell phone down the storm drain! Ugh

Anonymous said...

I dropped my phone in a train station, and the parts shattered all over.


jzagarjr said...

I haven't had any phone mishaps

bayctygrl said...

I have been lucky, my friend though got pushed into a pool with her cellphone in her back pocket.

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
Jennifer b

RJ said...

My husband drove off after leaving his cell phone on the roof of his car. It got run over.

Kia89 said...

I dropped my cell phone and cracked it.

Allison Downes said...

My dog got my phone, chewed it, and shattered the screen

Lina said...

I know people who have dropped their phones in the toilet!

weety said...

Nothing serious (yet) just drops.

Nicole said...

I have dropped my phone in the toilet and most recently I handed my phone to someone to take a picture and they dropped it into their red solo cup full of adult beverage.

CherylS22 said...

My sister unknowingly dropped her cell phone while getting out of the car. The next morning, she ran over it with her car!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Scott accidentally dropped his cell phone in the toilet :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

KatieO said...

One time after my wisdom teeth extraction i got distracted and dropped my phone in a glass of root beer.

Cathy C said...

when i opened my car door my phone fell into a puddle


catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Allisha Gold said...

I accidentally dropped my phone face down on cement right when I was going to put it in my purse to prevent it from being dropped accidentally. Ironic isn't it!? The screen was shattered too. It would have been nice to have Asurion to help out in this situation.
Thank you!
allishagold at volcano dot net

Midu Hadi said...

My dad was outside during a heavy monsoon shower. His cell phone got ruined with all that water pouring down. He takes a plastic bag with him whenever it looks like its going to rain! :-D

clc408 said...

My friend got her phone wet when we were at the beach.

Anonymous said...

When working at the water park I dropped my phone in one of the pools. rkmarshat aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Was carrying the phone in my pocket- I was shocked and horrified, but I actually managed to have it fall out into a toilet!!! OMG yuck.
Surprisingly, after cleaning it off in clean water and taking it apart and letting it dry out, it is okay!!!

jenspurg said...

My husband dropped his in the river.

Unknown said...

dropped my phone into the toilet

kport207 at gmail dot com

Ann Fantom said...

My mobile mishap happened when I dropped my iPhone and cracked the screen.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

latanya t said...

I broke the screen on my iphone and I did not have insurance to cover it.

Nataly Carbonell said...

I have dropped in the toilet, washer, lake and I also once were wearing high heel and stepped on the screen :(

Unknown said...

well cats + extra long roll of toilet + 2 kids and one science project. I think the cell phone became part of the volcano, parts of it anyway

chris z said...

jumped in the pool with the phone

April said...

My son flushed my phone, got a new one, he took it out of my purse and flushed the new one too. :(

ssgsweeps @ hotmail .com

Kimberly said...

I dropped my phone at the park...although it looked totally normal, it wouldn't even turn on. I had to buy a new one, and I lost all my info/photos/appts, etc., because I hadn't backed it up!

littlelatina said...

My friends son put her phone in the turtle tank

Kels said...

I have butt dialed people quite a few times! haha

MELINA said...

my husband dropped his phone into the fryer at work (cook).

Rita M said...

My granddaughter decided that the area where the headphone goes into was the perfect place to try to fit a banaana!

kellyr78 said...

The worst I have done is drop my cell on a hard floor when I had too much in my hands

Courtney B said...

accidently dropped my phone in the pool!!

vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

kyl neusch said...

dropped in lake

Erica Barnes said...

I've never had a mishap with my phone except for dropping it all the time, however a coworker of mine once dropped his phone right into his pitcher of cranberry juice!

Amy Green said...

I had a store clerk help me look for it, when it turned out it was still on the front seat of my sister's car. And when my mom went in to get hers fixed, they gave her the wrong size battery!

sksweeps said...

I accidentally dropped my daughter's phone down a flight of concrete steps

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

GW said...

My dog chewed up my cell phone.

Tamra said...

I'm currently using a phone with a shattered screen, because I dropped it in the parking lot at work.

HarleyC said...

I had a phone drop in the tub once. What a mess that was!

PAIGE said...

My phone fell in the toilet. UGH

ossobuco11 said...

My friend and I accidently walked into a giant puddle (at night in Rexburg, ID so brrrrr) and instead of turning around, continued walking thinking it might get shallow but instead walked waist deep and both our phones were trashed.

James said...

My iPod Touch slipped out of my pocket and ate the pavement!

Nicole Larsen said...

My first touch screen phone I ever had, I dropped on the cement as I was unlocking my door--smashed the whole front so I could never see who was calling lol.

Anonymous said...

My son dropped his phone in the lake while fishing.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

My roommate has dropped his cell in the toilet MANY times lol :)

Anonymous said...

I was talking on my cell phone while doing dishes and I dropped it in the sink .

llinda29 said...

I dropped it in the pool

Unknown said...

my little sister in law cracked the screen on her iPhone

KMG852 said...

Dropped my phone in the cats water dish by accident.

Unknown said...

Nothing major. Just had a drink spill next to it.

Unknown said...

It wasn't me, but my son. I had just bought him this really neat cell phone. As we were walking out of the Verizon store, he dropped it and chipped the corner and now it doesn't open like it's suppose to.

Tes283 said...

My hubby's phone just died. His antenna stopped working.

woodytobiasjr said...

I dropped my iPhone getting out of my car.

Hanan said...

Two year old and a toilet, nuff said!

Holly said...

I havent done anything horrible to mine, but my aunt dropped hers in the toilet...seems to be pretty common!

smdrm said...

My son's phone quit working after he used in the rain.

wildcat32 said...

I dropped mine on the tile floor and it would never work again.

Unknown said...

dropped it in the pool

Tracey said...

I lost my phone at one time and found out later that Emily left the phone on the bumper of the car. It fell off while driving down the road and was run over until it was folded in half.

Kathy Rambousek said...

My son has dropped his on the cement walkway :(

LKARambo at comcast dot net

Katie Rose said...

Mine fell out of my pocket somewhere while I was jogging across campus in the rain. Luckily someone found it...but they found it in a puddle. :-(

Linda said...

My last mishap was leaving it in a restaurant.

Anonymous said...

Nothing major, just getting annoying telemarketing calls on it

Carmen Q
nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

Candie L said...

My husband is notorious for his: in the last 3 years he lost his in a National Forest and then it was run over. thank you


Helen Keeler said...

I once accidentlly dropped it into a glass of soda and fried it.

slehan said...

Put phone in shirt pocket. Bend over to flush toilet. Oops.
Thanks for the contest.

Kristen said...

I've been really lucky with my mishaps...I have a good cover on it. A friend of mine did drop his on the sidewalk and the screen cracked all the way across.

Jennifer T. said...

I placed my cell phone on the trunk hood of my husband’s car while we were working in the garage. I just forgot to tell him and he took off down the road. We never did find it.

Andrea said...

Once when I was a sleep deprived new mom, I accidentally put my cell phone in my bottle cooler...and unfortunately that also ended up being one of the days that I didn't fully screw on one of the baby bottle tops :(

Unknown said...

I dropped 2 phones in the toilet in a week.

Sarah VM said...

My husband ran my phone over with the lawn mower. Yes, true story! ugh!

sallyjenn said...

my hubby butt dialed me and i could hear him having a fight with his partner, lol lol lol

AH said...

A coworker dropped it into cement that was the beginnings of a house foundation.

Julie said...

know someone who dropped their phone in my toilet. ewwww

Mary Calabrese said...

Luckily I haven't dropped my phone. Yet.

ighmeg at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

my 2year old grand daughter threw my phone in the toilet. Tried to flush it I had to reach in and grab it. YUCK!

Chelsea Saulpaugh said...

My phone fell out of my pocket into a dirty litter box while cleaning the litter. Ew.

amanda hoffman said...

i dropped my phone at a dance club

Jennifer said...

A coworker dropped theirs in the toilet!

sohamolina said...

I have dropped my phone a few times:(

Conniesusan said...

I would love to win an gift card.

Bonnie said...

I left my phone on top of the car when I was loading in my three dogs to go to the dog park. I had a gripped cover on it so it stayed on the roof until I passed the toll booth and saw it fly off.

Desire H said...

dropped my cell phone on the floor but was able to put it all back together.

Beth said...

I dropped my phone in the garage and chipped it up. Luckily I had a shade of nail polish that matched it almost exactly, and was able to touch it up so it looks almost like new!

freddie said...

My brother-in-law was on a skid loader and he dropped his phone and before he could stop he ran over his phone.

steve stone said...

dropped phone in the pool while playing with dogs
gabbflabber at

Selinda said...

My cousin dropped and FLUSHED her phone!


selinda_mccumbers at

Terri said...

While loading groceries into my trunk I unknowingly dropped my cell phone in the parking lot. When I got home I realized I lost it at the store & returned there. Their service desk said no one found it. I looked where I had parked and found it on the ground. It had been run over by a car & was broken into pieces. :-(

Ciara B. said...

i dropped mine in the toilet

Ash said...

I washed my old iphone in the washing machine. I didn't realize until it was too late and full of soap.

Amber said...

My mom dropped her phone in her coffee not just once, but twice.

Miss Sarah said...

My sister-in-law washed her phone in the washer! It didn't work so well after that. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sherrie G. said...

My 1 year old son threw my old phone in the bath tub before!

Denise Anderson said...

I have accidently lent mine to "Mr. Hanky."

Gina M (crave to save) said...

Once I dropped my phone in the bathtub while bathing my son!

Entered the rafflecopter form as "crave to save"

Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Cindy Merrill said...

Mishap- dropped cellphone while tending an outdoor campfire.

Sippy Cup Mom said...

I dropped mine in the toilet!

tweetyscute said...

My daughter dropped her phone in a pot of oil that was sitting near the stove because she couldnt wash dishes without music playing

theresa j

Van said...

I was pushed into a lake and had my phone in my pocket!

vandyriesurvey at gmail dot com

Daniel M said...

just the usual drop & smash - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Chris said...

Does butt-dialing count?

debijackson said...

washed it in the laundry debbie jackson,
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

Tracy said...

I have left my phone on top of someones car before, and yes they took off

lisamercy said...

my son threw my phone down the stairs (he was 2).
lisae819 at yahoo dot com

Nicole B said...

I've dropped my phone into a glass of water (accidentally).

Isabella Rose said...

My husband dropped his phone in the snow and when he realized it he went back to look for it just to realize he had drove over it!

April Crisafulli said...

Husband lost it in a snowbank, found it 2 months later, dried it out and charged it and it worked!

VJ ~ vantalee said...

I haven’t really had any mobile mishaps. Just accidentally calling people when I’m just meaning to look at the contact list.

Unknown said...

knock on wood - my phone is fine - but with 3 daughters .... dropped phone with a cracked screen, toilet, puddles, many things lol

Cindy Loo said...

I had a water bottle leak in my purse and destroy my phone!

bless their hearts mom said...

i recently ran over my phone! it dropped out of my bag and didnt realize it...oops!

Holly S. said...

I've dropped 2 separate phones into my coffee!

Unknown said...

dropped the phone in the toilete
Thanks for a great contest! Janna Johnson GFC: janna@feedyourpig

Diane W said...

My daughter had a nightmare with LG phone. It just stopped working for no reason. It was a new phone and the company was NO help. She was over a week without a phone because they insisted that she mail it in and give them a chance to fix it. When returned it did the same thing. Just stopped working. Finally she was given a new phone but approx 2 week ordeal. She does not have a landline and lives alone. Talk about not save and a company that didn't care.

Anonymous said...

My son dropped my husbands phone and then accidentally kicked it off the second floor landing. The phone part still worked but it lost all Internet capabilities.

cheercfa07 said...

I once cracked the screen of my cell phone.


Anonymous said...

My phone fell into the recliner. By the time I got it out the screen was really scratched

LAMusing said...

My friend said his phone was "washed". I thought it was a techno term until he explained "no, it went into the wash... with my jeans".

Danielle said...

My husband dropped his on our side step and shattered the screen.

The Happy Wife/Danielle Garcia
Ldsmom2201 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Twitter: The_Happy_Wife

Anonymous said...

I washed my daughter's phone in the washing machine after she left it in a pocket. Ouch!
bkittie at

jlafount said...

I don't have any mishaps. Too cheap to wreck a device

April Trent said...

I dropped my phone in my drink that was in the cup
holder of my vehicle. I had only recently upgraded to a smart phone that week. Apparently I am not smart enough to own one ;)

nichole said...

my husband took a ferry ride that got a bit rough. He was splashed so badly that his phone got soaked

SavingMoneyWife said...

I was getting out of my car and had my phone on my lap. (which I forgot about it) it fell straight onto pavement and I shattered my screen!

Marilyn said...

I have a friend who dropped his Iphone into the lake. He did recover it but it was never the same.

Unknown said...

My husband kept his in his lap during a basketball game and when he got up to cheer, it flew away and cracked really bad. Yikes!

Jenna said...

Phone in the toilet... It sucked

Melissa Shirley said...

I had my phone in my pocket and forgot. I threw the jeans into the washing machine and it went through the entire washing cycle. I did not know about the rice trick and I turned the phone on to see if it would work. We had funeral services for the phone the next day.
My best friend had one as well when she forgot her phone was in her pocket when she decided to take a dip in her pool.

Chelsea said...

I have dropped my phone numerous times but the case has saved me from any real damage so far...

Chelsea said...

I have dropped my phone numerous times but the case has saved me from any real damage so far...

Anonymous said...

My friend has dropped her last 3 phones in the toilet.

Jessica said...

My mom actually dropped hers in the toilet - at least it was actually clean!

Denise S. said...

I dropped my phone in the park and had to drive back and find it.

apple blossom said...

don't have a mobile phone so no mishap

Melissa said...

My cousin just had her phone overheat in her tent while camping.

Taylor W said...

After bragging one night that I had never dropped a phone in the toilet because it always bounces out or off the seat, I had too many beers and in it went...

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