Wednesday, August 1, 2012

John Isner: Part of the Coca-Cola 8-pack of Athletes at the Olympic Games {Coca-Cola Olympics Prize Pack Giveaway!} #Coke8pack

From swimming to gymnastics to track & field (and many more!) the 2012 Olympic Summer games in London have already proven to be a not-to-be-missed event. Around here we've been watching since the Olympic trials and my kids are amazed to hear that these are the fastest swimmers or most talented tennis players in the world.

In the whole world? Big Sister E asks. I nod. You mean the whole wide earth?

I have to admit that the thought is pretty amazing to me as well.

Therefore, if you missed my news earlier this month, I'm thrilled to have a chance to be a Coca-Cola Olympics Ambassador and work with Coca-Cola to share their role as a partner in the Olympic games. Even better, Coca-Cola has teamed up with an extremely talented group of athletes that are training for the Olympic Games and has dubbed them The Coca-Cola 8-pack of athletes.

While all eight of the athletes are incredible, I'm happy to be focusing on tennis superstar John Isner, as he is an inspiration and great role model for young tennis hopefuls everywhere.

John Isner

Having been a featured athlete on, you can head over right now and find out about John, his family, significant events in his life, how he stays active, and much more. Simply take his fun quiz and you'll not only discover the answers but get to hear the personal answers right from John himself.

When it comes to his favorite memory of Coca-Cola, I loved hearing about John's childhood experience and memories of going to the hot dog hut with his grandfather. What better way to be introduced to the delicious flavor of Coca-Cola than by going with your grandfather every Sunday and picking up a hot dog for $1 and an ice cold Coke for only 10¢!

While we didn't have a hot dog hut around when I was young, I can remember pulling up to the grocery store and being excited to see the hot dog truck set up in the parking lot. Back then the Coke was served in those waxy paper cups and never tasted sweeter or more refreshing!

Coca-Cola sign

Be sure to head over to My Coke Rewards to join in the fun - along with getting to know the 8-pack of athletes, there are also weekly prizes and an instant win game! As a reminder, the complete list of Olympians that you can get to know through this unique campaign are:

Shawn Johnson (gymnastics)
Henry Cejudo (wrestling)
Alex Morgan (soccer)
John Isner (tennis)
Jessica Long (U.S. Paralympics team – swimming)
Marlen Esparza (boxing)
David Boudia (diving)
David Oliver (track and field)

Are you ready to cheer on your favorites on My Coke Rewards and at the Olympics? Don't miss this fun opportunity! And, thanks to the generosity of Coca-Cola, one person will be completely geared up to celebrate the Summer Games as well, because...

One lucky person will receive a Coca-Cola Olympics Prize Pack* valued at $100!

*The prize pack will include (1) each of the following: Coke/Olympics pin, Coke/Olympics ball cap, Coke/Olympics Cooler bag, Coke/Olympics T-shirt, Men's NBC/Olympics t-shirt, NBC/Olympics pen, NBC/Olympics journal, Women's Nike polo shirt, and exciting merchandise from John Isner.

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I'm working with Coca-Cola as an 8-Pack Ambassador. The prize was provided and may be shipped to the winner by Coca-Cola. All opinions expressed in the post are my own and not those of The Coca-Cola Company.


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peppersalt said...

The first taste of coke was in a drug store at a neighboring town. It was served on ice in a glass from a dispenser. No bottled cokes back then. It was delicious but strong and addictive, hence the name "coke".

Anonymous said...

Having coke was a treat for a special occasion or family get together. It reminds me of spending time with my grandparents.

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

After seeing the commercial with everyone singing when I was little, I tried one in a small glass bottle... loved it!

Unknown said...

I remember my brother bringing it home from work in glass bottles.

skipthelaundry said...

Sneaking my Aunt's cokes out of my Grandmothers refrigerator when she would come over.

bev said...

I had my first Coke over 50 years ago. If I remember right it came in a glass bottle and cost 5 cents. I thought it tasted great then and I still do. Love all the Coke items in this giveaway. Thanks for having the contest!

Nancy said...

My Grandpa worked at a small town Post Office. We used to go in the back to see him. They had an old coke machine, the ones that had glass coke bottles in it. That is the only place we ever got bottled cokes.

laurasloves said...

I remember my mom letting me have my first Coke. I was about 12 and felt so grown up.
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

Sand said...

We used to have Coke only on special occasions in my household.

Charlene Kuser said...

I remember going to the country store
and buying a coke in the glass bottle
with money I saved from during chores

Anonymous said...

I remember drinking Coke out of a glass bottle at Charlie Stancil's store. He kept them in an icebox. They were ice cols.

Katie said...

drinking it out of the glass bottle from the machine in the teacher's resource room

Tami Vollenweider said...

I remember getting Coke to drink,when I spent the night at My Grandma's house

Kat said...

Not sure. But I really liked cherry coke.

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