As I mentioned in my recent Libman Toilet Bowl Brush & Caddy Combination giveaway, cleaning the bathroom is not my favorite task. Nor is it yours, I'm guessing.
There are just some aspects of life that we would all rather avoid and I would hazard another guess that if you never had to plunge your toilet, you wouldn't have a single complaint about it. Just contemplating the drain getting plugged and the rush to clear it before the water overflows... well, let's just agree that it isn't the most pleasant experience.
However, as with all unfortunate aspects of life, when we have to deal with issues that we'd rather avoid, at least they can be made easier with high quality cleaning supplies that ensure that the work is done quickly and efficiently. Which is why I know to turn to and the Libman Premium Toilet Plunger & Caddy.
An innovative and easy way to help keep your drains clean, the Libman Toilet Plunger & Caddy cleverly provides not only a durable plunger, but a way to neatly hide it away.
Typically when you have finished unclogging your drain, you're left with a wet plunger that has to sit out somewhere to dry... and I don't even like to think about having the toilet water drip into my tub or sink. Instead, Libman created this convenient caddy that allows for complete and hygienic drying...
...providing easy access to storing the plunger for next time as well as fully enclosing it away from the rest of the bathroom. No more embarrassment of having a plunger sitting right out in the open, this stores right next to the toilet in a simple and attractive way.
As for the plunger itself, Libman didn't skimp on quality there as well. The steel handle not only has a comfortable, textured grip, but the unique rubber flange on the end of the plunger extends for a better seal when unclogging drains.
Retailing for $12.88, this Premium Toilet Plunger & Caddy is a simple, useful way that makes it possible to keep the necessities around your home well-stocked and high quality. As with our previous experiences with, I have no doubts that this product will last for years to come and withstand all of the use it receives.
For cleaning your house from top to bottom, has the products you need at the prices that you want. Plus, thanks to their generosity, three people will soon be able to rest assured that their toilet drains will stay clear and clean, because...
Three lucky people will win a Libman Premium Toilet Plunger & Caddy!
(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A big thank you to for providing a Libman Toilet Plunger & Caddy for me as well as for three lucky giveaway winners. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
It has been a few months but things do get clogged up in the toilet.
As Maureen
Oh my,it has been years since I had to use one!
When we first moved here (about 5 weeks ago) we needed a plunger. We were too embarrassed to ask our neighbors to borrow one (isn't that weird to borrow??) so we had to run out and buy one! Ha.
When my kids put to much toilet paper in the toilet.
Thanks a neat looking plunger. I have not seen these before...
3 months ago I had to use a plunger.
After replacing our old toilet with a newer more efficient toilet, it seemed we needed to use a plunger quite frequently. What's up with that!
I'm liking the cover to a gross plunger!
My kids are always using too much tp and not flushing before using more, so we use it often at our house!
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
just last week i had to use a plnger
gosh it has been about 2 1/2 months ago
To plunge our kitchen sink! And then our tub - we had a houseguest who has verrrrrrrry long hair.
used it last month... too much tp!!
My daughter is three. She's still learning how much TP is tooooo much TP. I probably used a plunger last week. :-)
It has been about four months, to much tp!
chelsea r
The last time I used it was about 2 months ago, but I used it on the shower drain! lol!
About two months ago
Last week, eek!
Almost weekly we use a plunger. Our sons have a habit of putting lots of toilet paper in the toilet. Drives me nuts.
Thanks so much.
it has been a few months
just a few months
debbie jackson,
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
The last time I had to use a plunger was because my daughter threw a little too much toilet paper in the toilet...
everytime my hubby uses bathroom LMAO , he has some big turds...
kadia3 at yahoo dot com
This is a premium toilet plunger
Not since we lived in an apartment, almost 2 years ago. It was awful.
used a plunger a couple of weeks ago. kids threw in a bouny ball in there
I can't even remember, it's been years since I've had to use a plunger.
3 kids, too much toilet paper, frequently
Luckily, not lately.
i just needed it today. somebody thought it was funny to drop 1634 tissues into the bowl then flush.
The last time was early in the year.
Was cleaning an extra dirty cloth diaper and a couple wipes fell in the toilet too - yuck!
colljerr at comcast dot net
I don't know why this isn't posting for me. Tried three times now.
Ok since it's finally posting my comments, will try again.:
I've never used one myself. My husband has to use it for me almost every time I use the bathroom. I tell him Dr. Oz would be proud of me. It is embarassing to have him do this for me though. I really do need this unfortunately.
About a month ago I think
The last time I had to use it was two weeks ago when my son went overboard, put too much toilet paper in the toilet and clogged it. Thanks.
I had to use a toilet plunger about 5 months ago when my grandchildren were visiting me.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Baby Wipes are always getting flushed around here. Everyone says not me. Anyway, plumber had to be called and all drains snaked.
between all the big poopers in my house, almost everyday!
A few months ago my son clogged the toilet and I had to get the plunger out.
The last time I had to use a plunger was when my father-in-law was here....... men........
about a month ago when it overflowed
Last time was a few weeks ago.. and the rubber had dried out and stuck to the floor a bit.. ick!
two weeks ago...and what did they do BEFORE they invented the plunger????
During a party when someone clogged the toilet with paper towels!
Thanks for the chance.
last week - kids and too much toilet paper
Katharine D on rafflecopter
About 2 months ago. Seems like we need to use it every couple of months,and it's about time again soon .........
My daughter flushed a pear down the toilet. That was fun.
The last time was about a month ago. Between my husband and son, we have clogs around here every so often.
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com
It's been a couple of months. I think the little one has finally figured out what belongs in there
Unfortunately I needed to use a plunger about 2 weeks ago
abfantom at yahoo dot com
it has been months since I had to use one
Last week my 4yr was mad at at oldest son she flushed his legos and a few got stuck
We used one a few weeks ago. We could not figure out why the toilet kept clogging and finally went and bought a toilet snake. Turns out, my 4 year old and sent some toys for a swim and it was keeping something from closing, preventing the suction the toilet needed to form.
The Happy Wife/Danielle Garcia
Ldsmom2201 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Twitter: The_Happy_Wife
It's been a while since I've plunged but its always nice to be prepared. :)
I used one a few weeks ago
It's been awhile, but my hubby had to call the other day at the hotel cuz he clogged the toilet!
Our toilet gets clogged at least once a week. So very often.
I actually had to use one this morning! Ughh, So not the right way to start off my day. my yorkie put one of his smallest little toys in it, and it got clogged up
You don't want details, do you? Well, I don't want to tell them. ICK! lol - It was about a month ago
Thankfully the last time i used a plunger was a minor problem that was over in a few minutes.
I have to use the plunger fairly often because I have two young boys who like to use an excessive amount of tp!
Had to use my plunger last week, time for a new one
it's been a month or so, but i'll just say that *some* people in my house never learned the proper amount of toilet paper to use, haha
The last time was for a small clog. debsweeps4 @
At work! Yikes!
When my husband used the bathroom.
its been years- but you never know when you will need it
tcogbill at live dot com
The last time wasn't the worst time..thankfully. My 2 year old really loves to play with toilet paper and load up the bowl.
Months ago when I still lived at home! My brothers always used way too much toilet paper!
My husband's cousin was over and accidentally clogged the toilet. She was so embarrassed when she told us!
selinda_mccumbers at
I would really like a new plunger actually!
We just had a clogging situation!
With 4 boys in the house, I have had to use an auger more often than a plunger (plunger works well for your standard clog, but an auger helps when it is more difficult, like a toothbrush down the toilet, or a ball, or a matchbox car). I use my plunger sometimes when my sink/disposer gets clogged, it really helps!
Just last week and a week before...that bad!
i don't remember the last time. I'm probably due AND I DONT OWN ONE!
Just recently, gotta love kids that use too much TP!
About 2 months ago when soemone threw paper towels in the toilet while over for my daughter's birthday party
We had to use one a few years ago, during a party. Not cool.
hate to ssay it but to many cig butts in the toilete
Thanks for the contest! Janna JOhnson janna@feedyourpig on GFC
When my daughter used a half of a roll of toilet paper to hide her "potty" :/
A few weeks ago. I'll spare you the circumstances ;)
kids are always using tons of toliet paper and clogging things up
Yesterday while babysitting a toddler who found my sons match box cars!
PDWinner523 at
I used a plunger just last week.
Our toilet has such a weak flush that it ends up getting used almost daily.
it's been a while luckily
msboatgal at
We use flushable kitty litter, and with 9 cats....probably last month.
a few weeks ago, my stepson likes to use too much tp
well, this is a gagger but recently after we moved--we had guests and had a hard time locating the plunger
kmassman gmail
had to use it 2 weeks ago.. Let me go head and save you the gruesome details :P of why
Luckily I haven't need to do it for awhile. Hubby did it last month.
Alas, it was a terrible occurrence/wretched event. It was at work and I had to lock off the bathrooms from all other clients until the plumber came to fix the toilet.
About a month ago....
item that you don't think about until it is needed. every home should have.
Maybe a couple weeks ago..I usually make the hubby do it. haha
Used too many tissues a few weeks ago.
It's been awhile since I've had to use a toilet plunger -- suffice to say, it's always *gross* :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
It was about 4 months ago when my 3 year old grandson put almost a full roll of TP into the toilet.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
I usually don't deal with situations like that... I call for help.
I am a guy, I always get asked :) Its been awhile, but our guest bathroom sometimes has issues
It's been a few months since I toilet plunged.
A month or so ago we used the plunger
Just this past week
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
about a week and a half ago :( yuck.
It has been a really long time since I've had to use one. The last time I can remember was about a year ago when my young son put an entire roll of toilet paper in the stool. That was a mess indeed.
I haven't had to use a toilet plunger in a while.
all the time! weak pipes...
tiggiepooh81 at gmail dot com
We probably have to use the plunger once a month or so... the water pressure just doesn't cut it.
It's been a while, thank goodness.
Probably around 6 months ago.
Happily, it's been a couple of years since I've used a plunger.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Just last week when my daughter put a toy down the toilet.
I use it at least once a week, one of our toilets has an awful flushing system, all the other ones work fine.
Gross :/
It's been several months since I had to use the plunger, but I have no doubt it will be needed again when the weather gets cold and wet. rustysrambles(at)gmail(dot)com
We have an old house so it was just recently.
the last time was when my then 2 year old daughter flushed a almost entire roll of paper towels down the toilet!!
I have Libman's toilet bowl cleaner, it would be nice to have the plunger in caddy...My toilet plunger has seen better days.
just last week, I hve one in each bathroom and one under the kitchen sink!
A couple weeks ago after a party we had
Can I blame my husband? Because everyone knows that girls don't poop.
A few weeks ago.
I put the cat poo in the toilet with litter on it and it overflowed..
ltlbit1@hotmail dot com
My son used one about a month ago.
My granddaugher flushed one of her my little pony's down the potty. It wasnt fun.
been a while for us, but when you need one need one!
brich22 at earthlink dot net
A few weeks ago! The sink got clogged oops. It was clean though!
I can't remember the last time I've had to use a fiance has though recently.
The last time I used a toilet plunger was about a month ago. I picked one up at the dollar store and used it on my bathroom sink. s2inamug at aim dot com
I used a plunger about two months ago. The sink gives us more trouble than the toilet.
A few months ago.
We had to use it Saturday, so that we could remove the toliet to replace a broken tile underneath.
a few days guest bathroom had way to much toilet paper....what a lovely surprise yuck
When my mom was sick years ago
My husband was using one yesterday. I stayed away! I don't need to see that!
I just had to use one yesterday on my bath tub for a hair clog
This morning. Potty training nephew and he uses way too much TP.
it's probably been close to a year since i have had to use a plunger, i thank God for small blessings!
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
we are always having to use a plunger for some reason my daughters bathroom is always backing up I think they are a bit to liberal with the TP Lol
i used the plunger 2 days ago.toilet almost overflowed
I needed the plunger in the laundry room sink. Someone rinsed off shoes or flipflops that got a lot of cut grass down the drain.
This was about 3 weeks ago
My son last week decided to see how much toliet paper could fir in the toliet and then tried to flush it. It was not a pretty sight.
Just this past tuesday when my daughter flushed too many wet-wipes!
cherriesjessilee at gmail dot com
Just a couple of days ago! My son likes to use a lot of tp, lol.
Last week when my son tried to flush a diaper. :-( Thank you.
jaquerichards at yahoo dot com
Last week on my clogged kitchen sink
Just a week ago when I tried to use some of those "flushable" wipes.
we have to use it all the time because of the pressure
I have kids that love to use too much toilet paper so they are plugging the toilet up constantly.
When I tried to flush my Softcup. :(
It seems like a few times a year I have to use a plunger. The last time was about two weeks ago. The problem seems to be if someone uses too much toilet paper.
my daughter dropped a pen in the toilet - I think she was writing in her diary! lol
Today. When Issac came to visit when it was a Hurricane it decided to clog up my pipes with some leaves which ended up in my toilet.
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
A few months back my grandson took a whole roll of tp and unrolled it in the toilet and flushed. (roxann)
I was at a friend's house. Their kids don't flush so the paper built up so I flushed first and the water rose. The plunger worked thank god.
I had a sewer backup in the bathroom, and I had to use the plunger.
ccboobooy at gmail dot com
Hello, how are you? Thank you for this opportunity. It is the hurricane season again here on the South-Eastern coast of North Carolina. A strong hurricane or lingering tropical storm can clog the drains. We need a new plunger.
We have to use one about once a week because my little one is just learning to wipe himself and uses a lot of toilet paper!
i haven't used a plunger in months
Thanks for the's been awhile, but at least once every six months !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I just had to use a plunger yesterday, my 6 year old clogs the toilet like no business. :/
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