Monday, October 22, 2012

Pucker Up with the NIVEA Kiss of the Year Contest! {Romantic Kiss Prep Kit Giveaway}

During those times that my mind wanders and I ponder the strange, unanswerable questions that float through my head (What if the sky really was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs? or Is there really a need for my pinky toe?) I've wondered about how many of our common traditions came to be.

Who were the first people to decide to shake hands upon meeting? And when did someone realize that a hug provides reassurance and feels good? Even further, who thought it would be a good idea to actually kiss someone? Why would you press your lips onto someone else's just for the heck of it?

Whatever the reason, someone did. And here we are, centuries later, and a kiss can represent something special in relationships of all kinds. So why not celebrate the evening where a kiss can be more than just a kiss?

This year NIVEA is gearing up to do just that and make New Year's Eve the best yet with their ever-popular "Kiss of the Year" Contest!

Nivea Kiss of the Year

If you've turned on the television at midnight on December 31st, you've seen kiss after kiss take place as the ball drops in Times Square in New York. But NIVEA has taken things further and is giving one lucky couple the chance to turn their New Year's Eve kiss into an experience of a lifetime in their "Kiss of the Year" Contest.

To enter, simply visit NIVEA on Facebook and tell them why you and your special someone deserve the perfect start to what could be your best year ever. The lucky winning couple will be whisked away to New York City with the full VIP treatment to kick off 2013 and have their kiss take place on the Times Square stage with celebrity hosts Mario Lopez and Courtney Mazza!

New Year's Eve in Times Square

The entry period for the "Kiss of the Year" Contest runs through November 7, so be sure to head over and submit your story today!

Not only might you end up with an unforgettable experience, but the winning couple's midnight kiss will be featured in US Weekly Magazine, so who knows? Maybe the image will end up being captured and remembered for years to come! You and your loved one might end up rivaling Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh from Gone with the Wind...

Gone with the Wind

...or Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray in Dirty Dancing...

Dirty Dancing

...or Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst in Spiderman...

Spiderman kiss

...or heck, the sweet kisses in just about all of the animated Disney movies!

Disney kisses

While my husband and I have shared kisses in romantic locations across the world, I always find the image of us in a near-kiss during our first dance at our wedding reception to be one of my very favorite.

wedding dance

Maybe we'll have the chance to recreate this scene in Times Square in just a few months!

If you want to kick off 2013 with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, be sure to enter NIVEA's "Kiss of the Year" Contest today! And, thanks to their generosity, one person will be prepared to pucker up with soft, kissable lips, because...

One lucky person will win a "Romantic Kiss" Prep Kit* from NIVEA!

*Kit includes (5) Lip Care sticks: A Kiss of Shimmer, A Kiss of Berry Swirl, A Kiss of Olive Oil & Lemon, A Kiss of Recovery and For Men Replenishing; (1) Happy Sensation Lotion; and (1) Touch of Water Lily Shower Gel

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to NIVEA for providing a "Romantic Kiss" Prep Kit and compensation for me as well as a "Romantic Kiss" Prep Kit for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.    


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Unknown said...

If I couldn't share a kiss w/ my husband I would have to pick Jim Morrison from 1968

Daniela Tapia said...

I really don't know peeps from the past but I'd definitely Share a kiss with LEONARDO DICAPRIOO.. LOL <3 and of course my hubby..

Suburban prep said...

it would be with my husband.

wigget said...

jake gyllenhal

Candice said...

I am going to be cheesy, and say my boyfriend still.

JC said...

It would be hubby.

melissa griffith said...

I'd pick 1950's Elvis. Not 1970's Elvis when he was all bloated and unhealthy.

melissa griffith said...

I'd pick 1950's Elvis. Not 1970's Elvis when he was all bloated and unhealthy.

Rhonda Clemens said...

Other than my hubby, I would pick Harrison Ford!!

Julie said...

my don't go out for hamburg when you have steak @ home !!

apple blossom said...

my hubby

Julie R said...

I would pick my husband, of course.

Rita M said...

He was my past & he is my present... my hubby of course!

Fari said...

i would pick my husband.

peg42 said...

I would only pick my hubby.
Thanks so much :)

carol roberts said...

george clooney for sure

Chelsea said...

Humphry Bogart! Casablanca always has me swooning ;)

judy gardner said...

since i dont have a husband or boyfriend to worry about, i guess i would pick elvis pressley or james dean!

Stacy said...

There is no one I want to kiss other than my husband.

jessica said...

george clooney!!

jek9880 at gmail dot com

trisha said...

my hubby

Robyn said...

My adorable husband!

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

Steve Burton aka Jason from General Hospital.

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

Mariee said...

Christian Bale.

SueZH said...

If I could forget about my hubbo, I wouldn't mind a kiss from Denzil Washington.

sohamolina said...

Christian Bale

sheila musselman askins said...

chris hemsworth...yummmo lo

Amber said...

I would kiss my boyfriend!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

scottsgal said...

after hubby I'd say Kenny Chesney

Bethany C. said...

Blair Redford!

CindyWindy2003 said...

i would share a kiss with my boyfriend, he's the best guy! carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

Unknown said...

Since I don't have a boyfriend or husband to worry about, I would choose Matthew McConaughey, who has been a heart throb of mine for a long time. :-)

Cserafini said...

Johnny Depp!

bayctygrl said...

I'll just stick with my husband.

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

Kayla said...

my husband :), but if I were single, Noah from The Notebook (not the actor, the character =]).

Jennifer said...

I'd choose David Bowie...

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

Dave said...

I am going to be safe and say my wife, any year, and keep other thoughts undisclosed :)

entered as Davis

petchk79 said...

My husband, I know that sounds cheesy, but I wouldn't ever want to kiss anyone else!

Sndrdee said...

I would say my current honey, Tom. Boring, but true.

Unknown said...

I would like to go back and kiss my husband again when we were teenagers.

Jacquelyn Cannon said...

I would have to say Denzel Washington!

Jacquelyn Cannon said...

I would have to say Denzel Washington!

Jacquelyn Cannon said...

I would have to say Denzel Washington!

Chelsea said...

My husband, of course! :)

Colleen Maurina said...

It would have to be my husband!

colljerr at comcast dot net

Terra Heck said...

Hugh Laurie!

randio said...

Tom Selleck

Anonymous said...

clark gable

Dominique said...

I would share a kiss with Jeremy Renner. (Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)

Heather! said...

Okay, other than my husband (of course!), Omar Sharif! :) I've always had a crush on him, and I think he'd be a great kisser! LOL

h4schaffer at gmail dot com

melsywsou said...

Brandon Lee

Allyson Bossie said...

Cal me a romantic, but it would be my husband
allyson dot bossie at gmail dot com

Allison said...

I'll say my husband :)

afm626 at

Michelle said...

My husband

Unknown said...

Hmm, I'd choose Brad Pitt of course!

jenspurg said...

My husband, of course!

wildcat32 said...

If it couldn't be my husband, I would choose Hugh Jackman.

Gricelda said...

Brad Pitt of course

clc408 said...

Richard Gere

Anonymous said...

the one who loves me:-)
glori johnson

R. said...

My husband!

rebecca.nvcl (at)

Bridget said...

If it can't be my husband, then I would have to say Bryan Adams!

Carol said...

I would definitely want to share a kiss with Johnny Depp some New Year's Eve!
brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)

Anonymous said...

ethan hawk


virgomomwriter said...

George Clooney. (Sorry, honey.)

chantal cooper said...

Patrick Swayze.. Oooooo weeeeee! If only If only!
or shemar moore.. he's fine too!

Stevie said...

I'll go w/ my hubby

Di said...

elvis presley

llinda29 said...

I would share it with George Washington

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

I can't believe that these women are still saying their husband... LOL
I would pick a young Tony Curtis or Sean connery

jcwega27 said...

my husband

AmandaC said...

If it wasn't allowed with my husband....Jake Gyllenhaal, lol!

Anonymous said...

It would be with my husband.

Danielle said...

No one but my husband :)

The Happy Wife/Danielle Garcia
Ldsmom2201 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Twitter: The_Happy_Wife

mickeyfan said...

Pierce Brosnan. Oh, or Sam Elliott...oh, that voice!

julis55 said...

Johnny Depp

Laura S said...

Matthew Macougnhey. lsenko83 at yahoo dot com

Jenny Stanek said...

My hubby :)


bison61 said...

my husband!

tiramisu392 (at)

mverno said...

why of course my husband

Unknown said...

my boyfriend :)

Helen Keeler said...

John Wayne

Anonymous said...

My hubby! :)

Laurel said...

My husband...always.

Jean said...

it would be Richard Gere

Sara said...

I want a new year's kiss from Takizawa hideaki

Anonymous said...

Other then my husband...I would have to say Ryan Reynolds

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you

Anonymous said...

I would choose a kiss with Donnie Wahlberg from New Kids on the Block

MELINA said...

I would kiss my husband

Kim H. said...

Cary Grant!

Allison Downes said...

Taylor Lautner

Thanks for the great giveaway!

ShempGames said...

Teenage me had a huge crush on Laurie Partridge.

Leann said...

easy answer.. Johnny Depp.

jcarrturq5 said...

Ryan Gosling

Anonymous said...

Johnny Depp

Marysa said...

My husband! But I do have to agree that Chris Hemsworth is gorgeous!
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

Cinderella10383 said...

I would choose my hubby of course!

Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

Jennifer Isbell said...

it would be my husband since thats our anniversary

Rachel said...

my husband

Unknown said...

My Horse. Thank You. Jerri Davis

Karen F said...

To stay out of trouble, lol, I will say my husband - just kidding, it definitely be my hubby!

nicole barr said...

I would have to say my boyfriend

Wanda McHenry said...

It would be my husband!

Wanda McHenry

Jennifer T. said...

If my husband wasn't an option, I'd pick Ewan McGregor.

Unknown said...

def ll cool j
Thanks for the giveaway! Janna Johnson Janna@feedyourpig on gfc

scarlette10 said...

my husband!!

D.Dove said...

I would want a kiss with my boyfriend.

Unknown said...

If hubby was busy for some reason, lol I'd pick Chris Young.

calvad said...

Rob Thomas.

Robyn said...

if I could share a New Year's Eve kiss with anyone (from any time period), it would be Lewis

Megan Sutliff said...

Other than my hubby, I'd have to say Patrick Dempsey!

Kelly g said...

My all time hottie Steve Burton from General Hospital

Unknown said...

my husband of course now just for kicks ill say channing tatum =)

casaflamingos said...

my husband!!

Anonymous said...

If I could share a kiss with anyone it would be my loving husband.

Unknown said...

My hubby... or Ryan Gosling. ha!

Pricousins said...

Brad Pitt

pinktaz60 said...

Betsy Rubendall Barnes

Other than my hubby, I would share a New Years kiss with Antonio Banderas :)

freddie said...

Gerald Butler

Helen S said...

Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice

helyn4 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I'll stick with my hubby :)

CherylS22 said...

If not with my husband, then with Adrian Paul.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Ciara B. said...

ryan gosling

Dawn said...

I would give my Dad a kiss on the cheek!!

Rebecca Orr said...

I would choose my fiancee. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

I would choose my fiancee. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rusti Michael said...

If I could have my Poppy here one more time I would share a kiss on the cheek.

Unknown said...

Mel Gibson (before he went mad) elvis (before he got fat) Antonio Bandaris (Before he,, no wait he's still hot)

Anonymous said...

My husband

Kathy Davis said...

I am still going to pick my husband, though George Clooney wouldn't be a bad choice.
Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis said...

I like Thanks, Mail Carrier on Facebook as Kathy Newsom Davis.
Kathy Davis

Unknown said...

Of course, my husband!

Jessica said...

I'd start with my man, then snag one from each kid.

Tanya M said...

My husband when we were just dating.

Teish said...

It would always be my husband. :-)

Stefanie Elysse Hurtado said...

Louis Prades, the model!

Lydia Vierson said...

Jonathan Rhys Myers

MeghanM said...

My hubbs!

Kristin B said...

I would pick Jensen Ackles from Supernatural. Yum!

Seriously! :)

Jessyca said...

Id love to give my boyfriend a kiss, this will be our first New Years together. :) Thanks for the chance.

Stephanie L said...

Other than my boyfriend...Matt Damon...haha

Kelsey Eaton said...

My husband!

karenb834 said...

My husband asked me to marry him through the mail when he was in the service and we are about to celebrate 40 yrs together, so it would definitely be him. Thanks

Unknown said...

my husband!

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend!

ladygeezer14 at yahoo dot com

rebecca11111 said...

jason off general hospital

Michelle said...

Hmm, other than my husband? Patrick Dempsey. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Sarah G. said...

Vin Diesel!

Theresa said...

I would share a kiss with patrick dempsy.


Mandy said...

my husband, of course

Auri Lae said...

My husband :) Though I suppose Yul Brynner wouldn't be so bad...;)

Stephanie said...

If I had the choice to kiss anyone at all I'm gonna have to go with Shawn Michaels (WWE Superstar) :)

sarah79harding said...

My husband would be the only one i kiss but if I had to choose I would say jack Nickolson when he was younger.

Gina F. said...

I would pick my husband, of course the love of my life and soulmate at that!

ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

April Yedinak said...

I would want to share a kiss with Paul Newman in the 1960's.

ayed2016 at aol dot com

savvygirl65 said...

I would love to share a kiss with James Scott (EJ) from Days of Our Lives...I swoon thinking of it.
Sherri J

Melissa said...

I'd go for Don Juan.

Jessica Rose said...

I think I'd go for Fabio!

Tabathia B said...

Other than hubby either Dylan McDermott or Idris Elba

Kimberly said...

Of course I have to say my husband but since he doesn't read my blog I'm going to have to go with Johnny Depp. Hello yum.

Anonymous said...

Ther than my husband...George Clooney

groco said...

My husband

Trinity Babichuk said...

ahhh it's too hard to decide!!

Anonymous said...

George Clooney - no doubt

Unknown said...

Johnny Depp *sigh*

Myrna said...

Leonardo DeCaprio

MizVickik said...

Robert Redford!
Miz Vickik

April said...

I'd have to go with Johnny Depp

Nicole C. said...

It would be with my husband.

Anonymous said...

my hubby of course
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

Navymansgrl said...

I'm going to be a good girl and say my husband and keep my thoughts of the past in the past :-)

Caryn said...

I have to pick my husband. He's the only one I'd want to share a kiss with

caryn9802 at yahoo dot com

terri142 said...

I will always want to spend it with my husband.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd love to kiss Johnny Depp for New Years.

Desiree Dunbar

Kia89 said...

I would only pick my boyfriend.

Mer said...

Assuming I'm in an alternate universe where my SO doesn't exist, then Clark Gable--I love GWtW so much!

Magela said...

It would be my husband.

Unknown said...

my fiance

Dani said...

I'm not interested in kissing anyone but my honey.

itsrob said...

1980s Elizabeth Shue

robriffe at

channallocks said...

my husband

Charlene S. said...

Don't tell my husband, but I'd pick Hugh Jackman :)

Marie said...

My husband!!

em darr

Anonymous said...

my boyfriend/ high school sweetheart. <3

Racheal S.

bbrittbrat1398 said...

My husband!

russrpm said...

My wife. (She's sitting right next to me.)

Erica C. said...

It would be my boyfriend regardless.

Lynn said...

Ryan Gosling!

vera p. said...

My husband for sure.

Anonymous said...

My fiance of course!

Roy F. said...

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Unknown said...

I would pick my boyfriend!

Star S said...

It would always be my husband!

Anonymous said...

my husband!

knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

Diane said...

My Fiance

Karen said...

James dean. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

My husband, for every year to come. He always has to work nights on new years eve, so I've never gotten my kiss.

jaragabrielle said...

My wonderful hubby!

Kara said...

I really like the Jim Morrison comment, but since he is already taken - can I just say a nameless navy seal I've been crushing on?

Sara Wood said...

my husband

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