While I never really had an excuse before, I really don't have an excuse now thanks to the easiest way to create personal video highlight reels right on my iPhone due to Givit.
A friendly service that lets you share videos both publicly or privately, Givit is available on the web at Givit.com and as a free app for the iPhone and iPad.
Creating a personal video highlight reel on your phone with Givit couldn't be much easier. Simply tap-to-clip the best of live or recorded video, choose effects and add music, and instantly share the polished video on Facebook, YouTube or via email. Givit is the first app that captures clips live as they are shot, removing the need for later editing and making video simple, fun and highly social.
Right now Givit wants to do much more than simply make it a snap to create, edit and share your videos on your iPhone, they want to celebrate the most thankful time of year... by giving away an iPad Mini!
That's right, the lucky winner of this ThanksGivit Giveaway will receive an iPad Mini just for recording and sharing the great video moments commemorating what they have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday.
To enter, anyone can simply download Givit for free, record a video of anything – kids, dog tricks, your Thanksgiving meal, etc. – and enter using the following steps:
- Create a fun video with the Givit app that shows off what you are most thankful for. Tip: try including multiple Highlighted clips to create the best video possible. Also, check out the new 'Live Highlighting' features!
- Make sure your video is between 15 and 90 seconds long and includes at least one effect (either a Motion Effect, Transition and/or Music)
- Share your Highlighted video masterpiece through the Givit app, via private share email, with Givit at ThanksGivit@givit.com (be sure to keep the 'Allow Private' and 'Allow Public' boxes checked and include your name, email address and either a Facebook or Twitter account for them to contact you if you win).
Official rules can be found here and submissions will be judged on creativity and the best use of Givit's Highlighting and effects features. This giveaway ends on December 7th, 2012.
You've got nothing to lose! You can enter the ThanksGivit Giveaway as many times as you like and have fun demonstrating, through video, all the great things there are to be thankful for!
Speaking of being thankful, one person will have an extra reason to smile this holiday season, because...
One lucky person will win a $50 Visa gift card from Givit!
(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A big thank you to Givit for providing a Visa gift card for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 463 Newer› Newest»I am thankful for a loving husband of 36 years, two wonderful grown children who live away from us but still call everyday to check on us. I am thankful for a new miracle grandbaby that my daughter never thought would happen. I am thankful for the success of my husband's new small business as he continues to hire the developmentally disabled. I am thankful for my health and that I have overcome depression. I am thankful for a warm house, a funny little dog and for living in a free country. I am blessed.
Kathy Davis
I am thankful for quite a bit. My husband and I just celebrated 14 yrs married. I am thankful that my parents have survived some serious health issues this year. I am thankful for the love of my family.
I have so many things to be thankful for :). Most importantly, my personal faith, and also my husband and children, my family, a warm and cozy home, two cars that are reliable, my church family, great friends and neighbors, and food to eat. We are so much better off than lots of people, and listing these things has been a great reminder for me.
I am thankful for my family and our good health.
i am thankful my daughter is healthy. She has been through a lot in 2012 from being told she possibly had lymphoma, to then finding a pituitary tumor. I thank God she did not have cancer and the tumor is treatable.
I am thankful for good neighbors
Family, Friends, and Fridays!
I like Thanks, Mail Carrier on Facebook as Kathy Newsom Davis.
Kathy Davis
My loving hubby, 2 awesome grown boys and my silly loyal springer spaniels and we're all healthy - yay
I am thankful for my health and my husband's health, the roof over our heads, and just being able to survive every day.
RSS feed with Netvibes reader via email: jslbrown2009@aol.com
family, friends, boys, shelter, food. So much.
thankful we are all happy and healthy most of all thankful i finally get custody of my niece. the state took her and i have been fighting to get her on November 26 i finally get full custody
I am thankful for healthy twins that make me smile everyday and my loving husband who takes great care of our family.
for our general health and well-being
I'm thankful for my great kids and loving husband
I am thankful that I have my Mom still with me after her going through surgery and radiation for breast cancer at age 88!
Beth H
I am insanely thankful for my hard working Husband and beautiful, kind and intelligent children.
My amazing family I have--I am truly one lucky girl!
I am thankful for wonderful friends and family, and for our health.
I'm thankful for my family's good health.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I am thankful I have my four kids who stood by me when I had my Colon Cancer 6 years ago and went through two surgeries.
I'm thankful for good health of my family
My families health - can't take that for granted.
my beautiful adult daughters
I am thankful for my loving and caring family!!! and the fact that i am a new auntie as of 11/11/12 :) best gift of life ever!!!
I'm thankful to have family to rely on during some current hardships.
I'm thankful for God's love, great health and a loving family
My family and good health.
Im thankful for my family. My sons, hubby, grandparents & parents
I'm thankful my wife is out of the hospital and on the mend.
subscribed via rss google - stacey0711n(at)gmail(dot)com
I'm thankful for living in a free country, that I can worship how I want, and that I have personal freedom.
MY family that loves one another~
I have a lot to be thankful for, but I'm really thankful for my job. It's frustrating and aggravating, but it's a job and it allows me to pay my bill and have all my needs met. There a lot of people without that....so I'm thankful. ;)
I'm thankful for my Family, our home and for having food on our table.
Thanks so much.
I am thankful for my family, my friends, my health and my job.
i am thankful for my 3 beautiful kids and the time we have together!
I'm thankful for my health.
I'm thankful that while I won't be spending Thanksgiving with my own family, I have gotten to spend every Christmas with them!
jek9880 at gmail dot com
I am thankful for family.
I'm most thankful for my family's health!
i'm thankful for my family! (jennifer reda)
I am thankful for new beginnings!
I am thankful for my home.
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
I'm thankfully for my family
My family and friends.
I am thankful for family and friends
I have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday for my husband and my 3 kids and of course that my husband has a job to support us all.
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
I'm thankful that myself, friends and family are all healthy.
So much to be grateful for including a home, food,friends and all my companion animals
apoalillo {AT} hotmail dot com
Alyce Poalillo
Family, friends, job, warm bed, hot water, food to eat and good books
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
I'm thankful that my family is healthy.
I am thankful for a home to live in and a family to love.
I am thankful that in today's economy, I still have a roof over my head and food on my table.
I am thankful for my family, especially my children. They make my life worth living.
ayed2016 at aol dot com
I am very grateful for my family and my friends. They make life bright.
I am so thankful for my academic career and health of my family!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I am thankful for my husband and my two children. I am also thankful that my Dad is still with us. He was diagnosed with leukemia last October. He is healthy right now, but he will be getting a bone marrow transplant in 3 weeks. We are grateful he is still with us...
I am thankful for my fabulous family and we will all be together at thanksgiving.:)
hebb dot julie at gmail dot com
I'm originally from Canada and I had never heard of Thanksgiving before. It was just not celebrated in our home. When I married my husband in 1999, I was introduced to his family and celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time that year. I'm very grateful for my husband and his family! :) I have fallen in love with not only my husband but his entire family and I'm grateful for each and every one of them.
my kids and hubby and friends and health.connien
thankful for family and health
I am most thankful for my family and friends and that I have a home to live in, as lots of people dont have that. I am so thankful for my 5 handsome grandsons and my beautiful great grand daughter
I am thankful for my husband and my daughters.
I am thankful for so many things... family, friends, health, a job I love.
I'm thankful for my improved health
I'm thankful for my family and my good health.
we're thankful for my nephew who is over seas fighting for our right so we can all be together for this holiday
I am thankful for my health, especially because the gene pool in my family has alot of ailments.So far, I've been extremely fortunate!
I feel like I've missed a lot of my kids childhood, too. You can never have too many pictures or videos!
I am thankful for my husband out of all things. He has stood by me through a major, major medical event that shook us both to the core.
I am thankfull for my family, we'd be on the street if my parents hadn't taken us in.
I am thankful for my health and my daughter.
I'm thankful for my family, our home and friends.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
I am thankful for the love and support of my family.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I'm thankful for our family, and that we all have a warm home, and we are all healthy.
I'm thankful for my wife, my daughter, that I have a well paying job. And I'm thankful that I'm going to win this contest.
my loving family
dwarzel at hotmail.com
I'm thankful that my soldier is home!
ssgsweeps @ hotmail .com
my family
kport207 at gmail dot com
So many things, but most importantly, family, friends and good health.
family and friends
i'm thankful for my family
sarah hirsch
I'm thankful for my kiddos and family!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
I'm thankful for my mom...she's helped me a lot through tough times! I miss her a lot. Hopefully I'll be able to take a trip home for Christmas & see her!
I am thankful for my family
I am thankful that my Mom is here another year, after having a pacemaker put in and being diagnosed with renal failure.
I'm thankful for my family and for my health.
I'm thankful that I still have my parents, and have my health!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
thankful for my health and family!
I am thankful that family members have recovered from health issues.
I am thankful for waking up, my family, friends, my pets aka furbabies, having shelter, food/water, a bed to sleep on...everything!
"Allie Lanc" on rafflecopter
My family, health, a roof over my head and all the comforts to go with it and not one, but 3 jobs to help pay the bills.
I am so thankful for my friends, family and dogs!
My family and friends and their health!
I'm thankful to be employed.
I have my family and their health to be thankful for.
Rafflecopter: Heidi TextbookMommy
I am thankful for my hubby
I'm thankful for my family and a few days off from work.
steph 08208 at hotmail dot com
I'm thankful I have a wonderful husband and we're healthy.
my family
My hubby and two little boys!
I am thankful for my family and friends. That we are all here and have a roof over our heads and warm food in our belly, and that we haven't had a major natural disaster here, yet. We pray and hope for the best for the victims of hurricane SANDY!
I am thankful for winning my battle with cancer, and being here to see my wonderful grandson grow.
I am thankful for my wonderful family.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Had a ton of things happen this year. It's been amazing...new home...sold old home in a day...won $500....two big raises this year...and many more things
I'm thankful for my family, my health and wonderful friends.
I'm thankful for my good health and my family!
I am thankful for my children's health and for the doctor who saved their lives twice before they were even born. I am thankful for my husband's steady job and all the wonderful people that have come in to my life the past couple years.
for most of my family being happy and healthy. For great paying job I have.
Our health !!
I'm thankful for my family and that my son's life is finally headed in the right direction.
i am thankful that my husband has a good job with a possibility of promotion in dec. and that his job allows me to stay at home with our kids
jenny lloyd
I am very thankful for my job at this time. Along w/ health and family. I want to thank you for this awesome sweep :) Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving !!!! corrysue@yahoo.com
I am thankful for my beautiful niece who is my world!
I am thankful that my whole family will actually be here, together, with me, this year, on Thanksgiving.
My family and my friends at law school, which are my family here.
I'm thankful for health and family.
thankful for my family!
im thankful for my family.
amanda sakovitz on rafflecopter
im thankful for a healthy pregnancy! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
There are SO many things to be thankful for including, my family, a home, food, clothing, our church fellowship, freedom, and most importantly, salvation through Jesus Christ.
Thanks for the giveaway!
i am so thankful for my family and friends being safe and healthy
I am thankful for ...everything...we sometimes forget how really blessed we are.
i'm thankful for my daughter, always
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
family, job, home...
family, friends, a loving husband and kids, and our health!
I'm thankful for my family, pets and good health!
Thank you.
im thankful for my family.
I am thankful that my 4 year old grandson's severe asthma is finally under control with good medicines.
For a health, family and friends
For a health, family and friends
My three great kids.
For my fantastic husband.
ighmeg at yahoo dot com
My friends (who are like my family) and family.
my family and dogs
gabbflabber at live.com
My Family
my family!
leia617 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I am thankful for family
That my hubbys dislocated and broken shoulder is healing so nicely.
Thanks for the chance.
I am thankful for my health,my family, and my acceptance into graduate school this spring.
I am thankful for my husband, kids, family, health, home, and being able to be together during the holiday season Debra L. Guillen
I'm thankful for my families health
I'm thankful that my husband found a job!
I am thankful for the gift of faith, health, and wonderful family.
I have so much to be thankful for! I am most thankful for my husband and children.
I am thankful for my family supporting me in the loss of my job and believing that I can make my own destiny.
As I am currently dealing with sick children, I am thankful that they are not chronically ill and that this too shall pass. Also thankful for a good doctor and medicine to treat them. :)
A roof over my head
I'm thankful that my special needs son is healthy and crawling!
I'm thankful for my husband's job offer. He just finished graduate school and we're excited to start a new phase of our lives!
Im thankful for my loved ones.
Our happy healthy 9 week old son!
I am thankful that my family is healthy!
Thankful for my health and family!
I am thankful for the health of my family. I'm also thankful for my Mom and the fact that we get to spend a lot of time together.
I am so so thankful this year my husband and I both have full time jobs, it was quite the different story last year. I'm also thankful that my family esp. my daughter is happy and healthy. So glad we get to spend the holidays with family this year.
I'm thankful for my wonderful husband of 12 years. For my three beautiful children. I still can't believe God has so abundantly blessed me by putting these four precious people in my life. I have much to be thankful for.
I am thanksful for my family every day of the year.
I am thankful for my family
I am thankful for my family and my healthy pregnancy. I am 26 weeks along and so far so good!
I'm thankful for a place to live, food to eat, clean water and good health.
I'm thankful for my family and my dog. afm626 at yahoo
my children
I am thankful for my two healthy, amazing children. I have no idea how i got so blessed.
I'm thankful for my daughter.
My wonderful family!
selinda_mccumbers at yahoo.com
I am thankful for my family. I have the best kids, awesome hubby, and wonderful extended family!
I am grateful for all good that comes my way and even more grateful for when I realize it!
I am thankful for my wonderful husband and 3 amazing kids. I am also thankful for all the love and support from friends and family as we deal with losing my mother-in-law unexpectantly.
I'm thankful for God and for my wonderful family.
The easy answer is, my kids :) They are so awesome, I can't believe it! but also, I'm thankful for the internet. It keeps us all connected and gives us access to information that would, otherwise, be hard to find :) Plus, it allows us to enter these great contests :)
I am thankful for my food and family
I am thankful for my wife and kids, a loving and helathy family. A nice home and stability. I am blessed in many ways
entered as davis in rafflecopter
thankful for all the help of my mother
I’m thankful for my kids. I didn’t have siblings to grow up with so I’m thankful my kids have each other.
I am thankful for good friends and the honesty and open-ness we can share.
I am thankful that I have so many great friends and family!
My pets, family and home.
thankful that we all have our health, our home and each other!
I'm thankful for my happy healthy family and our comfy home!
I am thankful that my family is healthy housed and fed
I am thankful for my daughter
thankful that my whole family is healthy
I am thankful for having a wonderful family.
I'm thankful for my fiance.
I'm thankful for my two sweet doggies. s2inamug at aim dot com
I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for my little family
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
I am thankful that our family has everything that we need.
Thank you for offering this giveaway! This would be a blessing to win!
I am thankful for my wonderful husband and three sweet children who fill my life with such joy!
I'm thankful for my family and their good health. Lieutcrunch27 (at) gmail (dot) com
I am thankful for my 2 beautiful children. They were worth the wait! :-)
I am thankful that I have another Thanksgiving with my grandmother who is 97, my family and my friends.
sflickinger at rocketmail dot com
I am thankful for my wonderful family, friends, and blessings. We have a roof over our heads and food to eat unlike so many neighbors who had their homes destroyed by hurricane sandy!!
moschuno at gmail dot com
i'm thankful to have happy healthy kids
I'm so thankful for my daughter and my family and that we're all healthy and happy! :-)
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