Holding your newborn for the first time, seeing that first toothless grin, seeing her figure out how to control her arms and legs to start crawling, taking those first steps, hearing him say Mama... the early years are filled with milestones that will forever have a place in our hearts.
Equally as thrilling, childhood is also filled with plenty of candid and real moments – the completely unscripted ones that leave you filled with joy and grabbing your camera to capture.
And those sweet, humorous, surprising, messy pictures, videos and stories are exactly the ones that Fisher-Price wants to celebrate with us with their new photo and video sharing site, Moments of Joy.
A place for parents to share everything from their child's first day of school to the time they planted their face in the birthday cake, Fisher-Price wants you to join in with your candid pics, videos and stories of your kids in action!
Let me tell you, for me the hardest part about taking part in Moments of Joy was narrowing down which memories of my children I wanted to include! With folders and folders containing picture after picture and video after video, it's all too easy for me to get lost in the memories as I browse... not to mention that I could spend forever looking through the gallery at Moments of Joy to see everyone else's adorable additions as well!
In the end, I chose five of my favorites of each of my girls from their first year or two of life and, after marveling at just how much they've grown and changed since then, happily added them to Fisher-Price's collection.
Each time I have visited, the Moments of Joy homepage has changed, but I love seeing a few of my favorite little faces. First it was these...
...and the next time it was these!
If you were trying to make me swoon, Fisher-Price, you've succeeded!
Plus, now I get to keep visiting to see other people's super cute additions, as well as keep my eye out for my remaining four photos to possibly make their homepage appearance:
Uploading your own photos, videos and stories to Moments of Joy couldn't be much easier, as Fisher-Price has designed all of the steps to be user-friendly and intuitive. Simply create a free account, click Add Your Moment, choose where you would like your photo to come from (computer, Facebook or webcam) and upload.
You're then prompted to add in a title, caption and a tiny bit of info about your moment, and then voila! You're a part of the adorableness!
In case you needed a reason to join in the fun (other than being like me and just wanting to show off more baby pictures), Fisher-Price is kicking off the debut of their new site with a Fisher-Price Moments of Joy Sweepstakes!
Simply by uploading your own pictures, videos and stories about the candid, sweet, silly moments that you've experienced from now until December 20, 2012, you're automatically entered for a chance to win!
The Fisher-Price Moments of Joy Sweepstakes includes five weekly winners selected at random to receive a $100 gift card each, and one grand prize winner selected at random to win up to $1,000 of Fisher-Price toys! Talk about great prizes!
To enter, visit the Moments of Joy website or Moments of Joy on Facebook and upload your moment today! (To be eligible, you must be the age of majority in your state of residence and a legal resident of the U.S. or the District of Columbia. See the Official Rules for the sweepstakes and learn the other requirements for entry by visiting here).
What are you waiting for? Head over to the Moments of Joy site and upload your cute memories today!
And, thanks to the generosity of Fisher-Price, one person will be prepared to turn their memories into prints, canvases or more, because...
One lucky person will win a $100 American Express prepaid gift card!
Enter using the Giveaway Tools form below — simply enter your name and email address to get started and click on each entry that you would like to complete. Follow the directions for each individual method, entering in the necessary information when asked. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to let me know.
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...A big thank you to Fisher-Price for providing compensation for me as well as a $100 gift card for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 456 Newer› Newest»my most joyful moment so far was the birth of my 2nd son via natual VBAC.
finally having a baby
Reading with my daughter.
Finding that first love
One of my favorite moments of joy was becoming engaged.
one moment of joy for me is when i adopted a kitten!
When my family and I adopted a stray dog and her puppy that had been abandoned.
The birth of each child was a special moment of joy.
My moment of joy is seeing my oldest daughter read and bond with my youngest daughter.
NStrong3604 at yahoo dot com
I remember feeling overwhelming joy, when I brought home my daughter from the hospital. I sat nursing her and the house was quiet and peaceful. She was perfect and all was well with the world.
My 2 year old face when I had my second son. He was excited!
when my nephew & niece come over they're all smiles & giggles - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Hearing my son speak Vietnamese.
When we went to visit grandma and my kids treated her like a princess
seeing friends and family at thanksgiving
When we went hiking and made it to the top of a high ridge was a moment of joy.
Favorite moment of joy was the birth of my daughter
one of my happiest moments was when my child graduated from highschool
imisstx at comcast dot net
getting married!
picking up my baby niece for the first time, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
I recently got married and they was definitely a moment of joy.
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
My wedding was a huge moment of joy.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Meeting My Dad about 8yrs ago!!! (:
Xmas time with my family
I was filled with joy when my daughter won her geography bee. She had studied so hard, and her smile was priceless.
spending time with my grandma
Thanks for the giveaway! Janna Johnson jannajanna@hotmail.com Janna@feedyourpig on gfc
My favorite moment in the whole world is when my first grandson was born and holding him for the first time. and how blessed I am to be here to see it and then my three other grand children since then. Life is truly a blessing we are all on the ride to see.
I uploaded a picture that shows one of my moments of joy. It shows my husband and daughter at a St. Patrick's day celebration. She had just gotten out of the hospital and was very down...until we went out and enjoyed the city-wide celebrations together as a family! It was a special moment for all of us.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
My picture shows my husband and daughter. He is kissing her and she has an 'ewww' face. Right after I snapped the photo she grinned. It was a special family moment for us, as it followed a serious family tragedy.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Oops, I forgot this. My username is Heather S Chaffer.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Christmas dinners with family when everyone is there!
The day my son graduated from Basic Training. We traveled a long way to Fort Knox and the joy he had because nearly his entire family came all that way to celebrate a very important day made me so very, very happy. I love to make people's days.
One of my favorite moments recently was when my grandson told me I was a "totally awesome" grandma :)
CINDY B on rafflecopter
Singing onstage in Lincoln Center.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
giving birth to my daughter
kport207 at gmail dot com
Getting married to my second husband was the most joyful moment ever.
When I won TBS superstations 25th anniversary sweepstakes. I won first prize $2000.
My favorite moment of joy was when each of my children were born.
maggie at literary winner dot com
Moments of joy: hearing my adult children laughing about the things they got away with when they were children. Second thing is hearing my grand kids laughing.
One of my favorite moments of joy is when a little kid I'm babysitting loves me so much they want to give me a hug and cuddle. :)
When my son fell asleep on my side the other day cradling my face!
I got a hug from my mom today. Sometimes it really is the small things that are most joyful. :)
Getting my puppy!
GFC Follower as Amy Orvin
G+ as Amy Orvin
RSS-Google Reader as Amy Orvin / 2dogs5catscrew@att.net
We went to Halloween together as a family for the first time this year. here is a link
shopgurl101 at gmail dot com
my moments of joy are getting hugs from my toddler, it always just makes my heart melt
My moment of joy was completing my first marathon!
I love watching my boys play together with no fighting! Thanks!
My hubby got me VIP to meet Daughtry and his band.
my moment of joy was when my daughter was born. i had so many tears in my eyes, it took a few minutes for me to focus and see just how beautiful she was....and still is!
My moment of joy came from holding my niece for the first time. Thanks!
romapup at gmail dot com
adoping our chocolate lab jen gersch intime@myself.com
My wedding day is my fave moment of joy.
My most recent moment of joy was when my son got his first tooth the other day!
Meeting my birth daughter and her family!
Thank you.
Taking my son on the train for the first time and seeing his excitement was a true moment of joy for me! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway and happy holidays!
When my 2 boys were born
sweepymummy at yahoo dot com
My biggest joy was seeing my first grandson being born.
My best Joy is seeing my children happy and healthy!
Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
Holding my newborn grandson for the first time.
My wedding day was most joyful.
my wedding
Def my little twins
A moment of joy was when I found out my youngest daughter had been accepted into the peace corp which was her dream come true.
It would be giving birth to my boys!
My favorite moment of joy...was after a difficult labor and emergency c-section...seeing my daughter's beautiful face for the first time
When I daughter brought me a toy that had gotten broken and asked me to fix it because I (mommy) could fix anything.
The birth of each of my children was the highest joy but I couldn't pick just one (they'd get mad.) :)
meeting my true love
alterna7 at hotmail dot com
Walking down the aisle and seeing my soon-to-be husband!
My daughter is a bit older, but while looking at her twitter feed, I realized she was tweeting something I'd told her almost word for word -- its kind of cool to see that some lessons get taken exactly to heart.
Seeing my child smile back at me.
The moment when my husband laid our baby girl on my chest after I gave birth to her. We had fought so hard for her. I couldn't believe she was actually here. <3
Having my 18 year old nephew still hug me and tell me he loves me...every time he sees me. Brings absolute joy to my heart!
The birth of my 2 boys. It seems so long age but they are and continue to be the JOY of my life.
Beth Clark
Joy,,, the birth of my granddaughter!
My wedding day
A favorite moment of joy was when the family would all get together for holidays.
One for me was when my son walked for the first time. ladyvon at grm dot net
One of my most joyful moments was walking out of the shelter with my puppy.
When my preschooler says thank you unprompted!
The first time I held my grandson.
My wedding day!
having my baby, coming home on mother's day, and getting a win from Thanks Mail Carrier of Chicken soup for the soul: Mothers and Daughters...
and then having a mommy moment repeating the whole baby thing even though you acknowledged it via email. :D
yeah, I haven't forgotten.
btw, no more giveawaytools?
When my son was born!
One of my favorite moments was when my whole extended family gathered for a dinner party.
Finding out my sister in law was pregnant with her miracle baby after a decade of trying!
fave moment of joy would be at the birth of my children.
happiest moment is when both when daugher 11 years old and son 15 months would chat online. My daughter is still in the philippines waiting on her visa to move here so they havent really seen each other in person but they chat online all the time. So sweet and cant wait for all of us to be together. Thanks for sharing this wonderful giveaway. More power to your blog
watching my daughter get her video from santa- she was just too entranced, made me smile!
when I met my wife. Thankyou, Ken pohl19@comcast.net
When my husband was released from the hospital for the last time and we all got to be together as a family.
My favorite moment of joy was seeing my daughter open her eyes and recognize us after being in a induced coma for 4 days
The birth of my children.
Truly a favorite moment was finding out I was pregnant and telling my husband. The few weeks that we kept it secret and to ourselves was a magical time.
A favorite moment for me was last weekend, when my grandniece met me at the door and was really excited to see me!
Mine would be watching my son graduate.
birth of my kiddos :)
My favorite memory was being in delivery room at birth of grandson .I was reading the book THE PRAYER OF JABEZ and I told mom and dad they better raise him to be an Honorable man like JABEZ,he is now 7 and sweet as can be .
Every time my toddler would say "I Walk" because she didn't want to ride in a stroller or be carried. The independence was amazing.
My most recent moment of joy: picking my son up from school yesterday (he's 3) after that horrible atrocity in CT yesterday. I was so incredibly happy to see him and give him more hugs and kisses than he probably wanted.
seeing my kids graduate
the birth of my grandson
The gift of my children
when my daughter was born - we waited 12 years for that day to finally come
Seeing my sister graduate from college and receive her diploma was a real moment of joy for the whole family!
Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com
my favorite moment of joy was laying my eyes on my daughters for the first time!
my moments of joy have been the birth of my 3 boys
My graduation from grad school 15 years ago.
grateful for getting to see my best friend a last time before she died.
My moments of joy were getting married and the birth of my boys.
When I first brought my puppy Shady home! :)
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
One of my favorite moments of joy was when I had my first child!
when my daughter got to come home from NICU
A recent favorite moment of joy was finding my dog after 9 hours of searching when he escaped.
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
The first smile in the morning is a constant moment of joy.
anytime with my daughter is my favorite moment of joy
The moment my son was born. We struggled for 2 years to have him, so his birth was definitely joyful!
The day my daughter was born!
my favorite joyful moments are morning hugs!
When my kids were born!
My favorite moment of joy was when my son was born
Just being with family
Seeing my twin nephews when they were born and holding them for the first time
I have an 18 month old niece who lives across the country. I've never been able to see her in person, but last week, I talked with her on the phone for the first time. It made my week.
Getting married to my sweatheart!
When my daughter was born
The day each of my grandkids were born!
When my daughter was born and see all her four kids be born
Every Christmas !
When my nephew was born. Thanks for the giveaway.
Watching my nephew open his Christmas presents for the first time.
I have joy al the time ...anytime my kids smile and say I love you
spending time with my nephew always gives me a smile! =)
my favorite moment of life was watching my little one being brought into this world!!!
one of my moments of joy was the first time i paid a bill off in full and that almost never happens
Watching my kids take their first step!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
hugging my grandkids
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Last year, after being in the hospital for two months, my mother came home for Christmas. That was a special moment.
One of my favorite moments of joy was when my fiance got a raise and we were no longer on food stamps! It was a very blessed moment. :)
My wedding
My moment of joy was holding my grand-nephew for the first time. My flight had been delayed 6 hours due to a nasty storm, so I missed his birth, but I was able to hold him when he was only a few hours old.
Seeing my sons heartbeat on the ultrasound for the first time.
Bringing my puppy home from the shelter.
when my grandson told me "mom, I love you so much, that nothing is going to keep me away from you" (ruth ramos)
My moment of joy is the morning I got my cat
Something that brings me a moment of joy is seeing a picture of my grandchildren–my lovely (nearly five year old Addison) and brand new (one week!) Madelyn. They are precious and remind me of what is really important in life.
seeing my daughter be such an awesome Mom to her own daughter
When my son and daughter were born
annabella @ centurytel dot net
The moment my daughter started to walk.. of course the birth of her, but the best was when she started to walk. And the kisses.. every kiss is a moment of joy for me!
i love to watch my kids play outdoors
When my first child was born and my dad held him for the first time. It is the only time I can remember my dad smiling.
Most recently, decorating the tree with my grandsons
When my granddaughter was born.
My moments of joy are daily when I dance, play, learn, sing, and adventure WITH my children!
When my little ones were born!
The birth of my sons.
One of my favorite moments of joy is seeing my grandchildren
everytime i hear my kids say "daddy"
Robby ROb
seeing my kids born
Time spent with my little one is full of moments of joy, but the best is when we cuddle before bed time!
marrying my soul mate
Seeing my daughters beautiful face when she was born. Pure JOY! Best moment of my life.
My favorite moment was taking my daughter to the ocean for the first time and seeing how excited she was to run around in the water.
Lisa Garner
My moment of joy...when I held my daughter Tatiana.
Baby's first steps
Some of my favorite moments of joy are when my son crawls into bed with me in the morning and proceeds to fall directly back to sleep once he's satisfied he's had enough cuddles.
When I met my stepdaughter for the first time.
Seeing my oldest daughter hold her sister for the first time. It's one of my favorite memories. thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
When my kids smile it is a moment of joy
when our son reaches up to hold our finger is one of my greatest moments of joy
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
Watching my son's reation to the gifts Christmas morning
My moment of joy was when my child was born and my husband said "We have a daughter!".
The best is watching the first of everything!
Whenever my grandson greets me with a happy grin and a hug!
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
When my husband held our baby for the first time.
The day my mother came home from the hospital after having heart surgery!
When my niece is able to copy what I say :)
Danielle F.
a moment of joy for me was when my daughter made me a quilt at school with her own hands it came out beautiful :)
when my daughter told me I was her best friend :)
Having my son.
When my 1 year old shouted "Love you!" across a restaurant at me :) <3
My greatest moment of joy is when my 2 month old son grins wide in his sleep.
watching the kids get up in the morning and get energized for the day
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
When my stepkids first told me that they loved me.
Joy is being with my family.
My wedding day! sleveene@hotmail.com
hearing my children laugh and play
My favorite moments of joy is when I had both of my kids
s2s2 at comcast dot net
giving birth to my children
So far it's been when I found out I was pregnant!
With four beautiful children I have several moments of JOY a day!! Yesterday my son added several more words to his vocabulary!! I also find joy in seeing my two youngest get along and how they already look out for each other!
Jennifer Kuchar
I love it when my toddler says "group huggie" and gets us all to hug!
A great moment for me was the surprise that my daughter was traveling to visit me over Thanksgiving weekend.
Watching my daughter sleep when she was a baby was priceless! Now when she walks into a room it lights me up like the sun! Our children are priceless!
Thank You!
The day I married my husband 23 years ago :)
My moment of joy was seeing my mom seeing my son for the first time in a whole year.
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