Monday, November 19, 2012

Holiday Home Entertaining Tips with the Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan {Review & Giveaway}

Honeywell with Febreze logo
As we head into the holiday entertaining season, I'm looking forward to gatherings with family, visiting with friends, and all of the tasty meals that will surely be a part of both. What can I say? I've never met a pumpkin pie that I didn't like!

But when it comes to entertaining here at home, there is always the added worry of making sure our house is up to par for guests. Even if I've already prepped the food and put together a fabulous playlist, it's important to not forget that cleanliness and scent are just as important when throwing a party.

Fortunately, Evette Rios, home expert and The Chew correspondent, has a few tips to make your home inviting for all of your guests during holiday entertaining.

Evette Rios

Putting Cooking Odors to the Test
You want the taste of a delicious, flavorful meal to linger in your mouth, but who wants the smell to linger in their home? Whether you're cooking salmon fillets or a curry dish, try using an air purifier, like the Honeywell AirGenius, with an odor absorbing pre-filter to help reduce unwanted odors in a breeze.

Cleaning House
Even if you keep your home extremely neat, dust has a way of collecting on TV sets and other surfaces in your home. Need help fighting dust? Use an air purifier to help capture airborne dust before it settles, reducing the levels that can accumulate. It may even help cut cleaning time before guests arrive!

Smell Me Not
You like to burn candles but don't like the smoke that rises up when you blow out the flame? Use an air purifier to help reduce smoke particles from tobacco smoke, candles, cooking and fireplaces.

Fresh in a Flash
Scrambling to scrub every inch of the house and endless hours in the kitchen may deter your need to entertain. Before your next dinner party, turn on the Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan and your home will smell fresher in minutes.

Honeywell Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan

Combining two devices into one, the new Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan combines convenient odor elimination and cooling power with ease. This new fan provides wide area cooling with its oscillation feature, and also uses Febreze Set&Refresh scent cartridges for whole room odor elimination and freshening.

As I'm always a fan of any product that can perform multiple duties, I couldn't wait to see the Cool & Refresh Fan in person to help prepare my home for the holidays.

Honeywell Febreze Fan

Right away I was happy to see that Honeywell had given this fan a clean, slim, modern design, as I could see it fitting right in with the decor in just about any kitchen, bedroom, dorm room or more.

Plus, the 16.4" height isn't at all overwhelmingly large, so there is no worry about this taking up too much space in large or small rooms.

Honeywell Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan review

A nearly foolproof fan, Honeywell has made it possible to cool and refresh a space in three easy steps.

First, open the Set&Refresh Scent Cartridge Compartment and and insert the Cartridge right inside.

Set&Refresh Scent Cartridge

Next, use the fan's oscillation button and speed control dial to choose the amount and direction of the air flow.

Honeywell fan controls

Finally, the Scent Control Dial easily lets you adjust the amount of odor that is released — from strong to none at all. The scent cartridges last up to 30 days and the powerful fan does a great job of spreading the Febreze freshness around!

Honeywell fan with febreze

With its quiet operation and mild and pleasant fragrance (the smell is not at all overpowering, and I appreciate that I can adjust it depending on my mood or any other odors in the house), the Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan leaves the room cool and fresh.

I don't know about you, but realizing that there is an unpleasant odor in the air when guests are arriving would leave me more frazzled than discovering a plate that wasn't fully clean. At least I could quickly grab that dish off of the table or cover it up with food! Instead, the unobtrusive design and ease of use of this fan eliminates those worries and lets me focus on enjoying my time spent with family and friends.

Retailing for $29.99 (directly from Honeywell or on, you can find out much more about the Cool & Refresh Fan by visiting and connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter.

And, thanks to their generosity, one person will head into the holiday season with a fresh-smelling home as well, because...

One lucky person will win a Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan!

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Honeywell for providing a Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.    


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Unknown said...

I have two kids, a cat and a husband...things can get smelly around here :)

jbmthill said...

My family and I have lots of pets, could use some fresh air!
cats, geckos, fish, frogs, etc.
Beth H

Suburban prep said...

With the projects that are going on around my home it would be nice for something to be fresh and cool.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Monica said...

I have a dog and a cat sometimes my house needs a little extra refreshing.


Michelle Dehowy said...

It will circulate fresh air throughout our home.

zokyberyan said...

with 8 kids we need one of these. this looks awesome and great to keep our air fresh.

Chelsea said...

We have a dog and always could use a little "deodorizing" ;)

SueZH said...

I do a lot of crafts that require paint. Could use something to freshen that part of the house.

d schmidt said...

This fan would come in so handy because I have kids and always paranoid about funny smells
(d schmidt rafflecopter)

cbowlingtn said...

We have a dog and a cat in the house. Could really use this.

Unknown said...

I would like this because I have 2 cats...enough said.

Unknown said...

I do a lot of cooking and I also have a dog so sometimes my air doesn't smell that great I think this would be great!

Jackie said...

My dog spends a lot of time in the living room (and on the couch and chairs), and the living room sometimes smells.

trisha said...

this would be great for the lil guy and help clear the air

AngelWinner said...

It would help around the, husband and pets!

wigget said...

because the boys constantly argue over the small fan we already have

Anonymous said...

Would love this for "dog smells"

Sandy VanHoey said...

My room gets very hot because for some reason, the central air doesn't get into the rooms on this side of the house.It sure would come in handy for a good nights sleep

jmajor4870 said...

we have a dog and cat plus 2 grand kids this would help with odors and my room is hot

Denise said...

We have 2 cats, we definitely need this.

Jane said...

I need this for to combat doggy odors!

melissa griffith said...

I live with a smoker and this would help with that stinky situation.

My Recent Favorite Books said...

This product would help with stuffiness in my home. Its difficult for me to open my windows, so I have to rely on fans and air fresheners.

cloud10277 said...

We have 2 dogs and a cat. This would really help with keeping our house smelling fresh.

apple blossom said...

like the tower stack look and takes up less room

Unknown said...

we live in a 26 ft travel trailer so this size would be ideal for us

scottsgal said...

Febreze smells so good so to have it be used with the fan would be great to keep the house smelling fresh
msboatgal at

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

I live in an apartment complex and always smell others smoking in their apartments or cooking so this would really come in handy.

Colleen Maurina said...

This fan would help make my house fresh for all the company that I'm expecting over the holidays!

colljerr at comcast dot net

karen said...

i am very hot natured... i have a fan in every room of my house. i would replace the one at my make-up table for this one. hope i win...

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

We don't have central air and we do have a stinky dog. lol

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

Debra Guillen said...

I burn Febreeze candles a lot because I love the way they get rid of odors and put a really nice smell in my home. I would love to have this fan to do the same thing. I also run a ceiling fan constantly to circulate air and this would be great for that. Debra L. Guillen

Tawny said...

I love onions. I heated some in the microwave today and they caught fire. Seriously, fire, smoke, odor, the whole nine yards.
I really need this in the kitchen to take away the odor of the onions as well as these mishaps.
My husband would love this. He doesn't share my enthusiasm for onions, and this would take away the smell, making him happier.

silverneon2000 said...

With the winter weather coming and windows closed you get that stale smell through the house so this would help circulate air and freshness through the house.

silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com

jessica said...

a small apartment can always use some refreshing!

jek9880 at gmail dot com

Kayla said...

It would keep my home smelling nice with less effort!

ken ohl said...

I live in Florida year round use.

debijackson said...

it would keep my house smelling fresher longer debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

This would be perfect for my in the summer because I dont have AC.

Unknown said...

2 dogs, 1 cat, and 2 teenagers in the house...need I say more???

sherri419 at gmail dot com

Gina F. said...

I have two boys, one girl along with two dogs and I could use some fresh smell around here for sure.

ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

bayctygrl said...

I have two dogs, one that rolls in poop after her bath and a pug that has a funky odor no matter what, I need all the help I can get!

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

Jay said...

We have four young kids so it would be handy in the bathroom.

ide2678 said...

I could totally use this with 3 kids + baby on the way + 1 dog. I'm always cleaning!

Kelly Skibbe said...

We have a cat who hangs in one room of the house that can tend to smell This would help!

Leslie Rigsby said...

We have two cats and a dog. Need I say more???

Melissa R said...

It would come in handy because my room gets so hot at night.
melisa0072 at gmail dot com

Brigid Pitts said...

Living in Texas, we can never have enough fans in our house. What an added bonus with the Febreze function! Being outnumbered by boys in our house, I am pretty routinely looking to freshen the smell in our house...especially when I have a hyper sense of smell from pregnancy! :)

Kristin B said...

My kitchen needs some air and can use the freshener too also.

Michaela said...

Well, being a college student, the dorms can be unflattering in many ways. One can open up their door to the inside of their room and be overcome by the cloud of stuffiness that their room has become. Also, the many times that ramen and popcorn are made in our room creates an unpleasant smell of burnt food and salty noodles. This fan would be a great addition to our room and let's not forget the fact that dorms don't have air-conditioning come spring and summer. Yikes!

Unknown said...

I would like this because I have 3 cats and 2 dogs. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!

debbie said...

I have 2 dogs and 5 cats and a son, I could use the fresh air.

LesleyfromWI said...

I have 2 dogs & 2 teenage boys! This is a must :)

j said...

would love to keep the air fresh

Anonymous said...

Ugh.... a dank dark basement!!! Needs help allthe time!!

Ann Fantom said...

I would like to use this fan in our home office that gets very stuffy

abfantom at yahoo dot com

grace said...

I have 4 kids (3 are boys)and husband and a doggie. We always need freshness :)

redfuzzycow said...

this would be great in the bathroom! we don't have a venting fan in there (jennifer reda)

Stephi'sMommy said...

This would be great in my home for my daughter that has epilepsy.

Marti Tabora said...

This would be great for me because I have a very sensitive sense of smell and funny smells drive me crazy.

Annie said...

With winter coming and the house closed up, this would be great to have!

littlelatina said...

enter me thanks

chris z said...

i have a dog and i would like to have it to keep things smelling good

Unknown said...

my wife would use this in every room of the house
gabbflabber at

Magela said...

It gets really hot here in Miami, Florida, and we always use fans to cool us off.

Ella Brooks said...

Here in TX we always need a fan!

nickieisis3 said...

It will circulate fresh air throughout our home.

Dave said...

we live in AZ and its hot..this would help!

entered as davis in rafflecopter

Linda W. said...

I have a dog, a cat and 2 kids that could create quite an odor!

Connie Bolick Lee said...

I don't like to have lingering cooking odors, I would love to try this to help eliminate them.

natalie rose machowski said...

I could really use this my mothers a smoker and the smell just lingers in the air.

sweepmom said...

I want to win this for my son to use in his dorm.

MaryR said...

With 3 teenagers this would be great.

Unknown said...

I have a small home and odors tend to linger and take over the whole house, good or bad! This would really help.

Laurel said...

I get really warm in the middle of the night so this would help me to cool off. And our boys room is near ours and I am always smelling the stench of dirty diapers from the diaper pail.

Unknown said...

Our second story is a converted attic, and that's where our bedroom is. We keep a fan running year-round, and we go through them way too fast!!

Nicole said...

My so is a walking heat source. He loves his fans.

becca said...

Our apartment is really small and closed off so it would be nice to have some circulating (fresh smelling) air.

Ruth Hill said...

I have three cats

kathy f said...

3 kids, 3 dogs, 5 guinea pigs. We NEED this!

bison61 said...

the Scent Control Dial lets you adjust the amount of odor that is released - I like that feature

tiramisu392 (at)

M. Greene said...

I love the febreeze smells and it does a wonderful job.

Unknown said...

This would be great to offset our cats odor contributions! Lieutcrunch27 (at) gmail (dot) com

casaflamingos said...

the air gets stale and the fan would help a lot

christina said...

* Christina

My kids need this because their rooms stink!

Ciara B. said...

i need this! my room is the hottest in the house, and i love the smell of febreeze

Cserafini said...

This would be great for us because my son has bad allergies and asthma.

Anonymous said...

This would be great because whenever I cook in my small apartment, the smell lingers for hours.

steve stone said...

we have allergies and this would help

jcwega27 said...

we all have bad allergies

Rebecca Orr said...

With a sometimes smelly fiancee (haha!), two kids, and two cats this would be a great product for my house! The most likely place it would go in my home is the bathroom! Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

with 2 dogs and 3 birds in a 2 bedroom trailer we need all the help we can get and I have allergies that turn into bronchitis so, this would really help

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you

tawndam said...

this would probably be great idea for the 3rd fl bedroom

mtbears819 said...

our house is shut up in winter, nice to have air circular around the family room

Unknown said...

This would be great for my hot flashes!

Diane W said...

I have two dogs and sometimes they share some scents that the family doesn't enjoy.

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

my fan just died recently and i need a new one!

Mom Knows Best said...

its hot here

Kristi said...

With 2 cats, 1 dog, 4 kids and a wood burning stove there are plenty of reasons our family could use this.

Unknown said...

Being perimenoposal with hot flashes, I am always sitting in front of a fan. One with Febreeze would be amazing. I love nice smelling things

Unknown said...

We have a beagle and a toddler lol, this would come in handy to help with the odors.

Amy Orvin said...

This would come in handy in my catroom. The litter box is in there and it will really eliminate odors there.

Priscilla Benavides said...

We have a baby on the way and this would be perfect to keep the air fresh in the bedroom.

bkittie said...

Because we have a cat who has a litter box!
bkittie at

Unknown said...

we live in texas and have stinky boys and 3 dogs

Lina said...

We have 6 people in the house at a time + a dog, so it can get stinky :)

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

I like to keep fresh air moving.

Holly said...

I live in an apartment and have a cat so this would be helpful

Mirm said...

good to save on a/c costs.

kim burnett said...

keep the house smelling fresh

Jean said...

We have four cats and two kids

doodlebug said...

We have 2 dogs, one I'm trying to potty train without too much success and the other that thinks if she gets to pee in the house why can't he? Enough said!!

weeble said...

With a dog that doesn't always wait for me to take him outside, I could use it!

Unknown said...

We have terrible circulation in our bedroom. This would be a huge help

Ashley H said...

our ac doesnt seem to cool the back bedroom very well this would be nice in that bedroom--thanks!

Unknown said...

I have 4 cats and a kid, this would help move air around and odors

Cálaeb Temple said...

it would be good for my mom over the summer.

pintworks at hotmail dot com

sweetsue said...

I would love this in my kitchen. It's upstairs and sooo warm, even in the winter.
Susan Chester

Terra Heck said...

This would be especially great to help mask the odor of our pet dog. Thanks.

AshMarie said...

Our kitchen gets so hot and stuffy and it's our dog's favorite spot. Would be great for the kitchen!

ashmarie670 @

Unknown said...

Three toddlers still in diapers!

janetfaye said...

This would keep my kitchen cool and smelling nice.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

savy said...

i would love this because i have 2 kids still in diapers and the house smells just like diapers!

Unknown said...

This would be perfect because we have 2 dogs and I think it would help "freshen" up our house!

Unknown said...

This would be perfect because we have 2 dogs and I think it would help "freshen" up our house!

Anonymous said...

Would love this! Mine broke and we have nine people in the hving fresh air circulating is vey helpful!

Melinda said...

What a great idea combining the two!

Tamra said...

I would actually love to bring it to the office with me! My office is in between the kitchen and the bathroom. Needless to say, this would get good use! ;)

Unknown said...

the fan in my room died, would love to have a nice one like this!

Kelly Massman said...

we cook up a storm and get hot and the smells can be strong--so it would be awesome to have this! :-)

Natalie U. said...

I have no air conditioning so would be great
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

carol roberts said...

my back room is for the dog when its cold and it would come handy for the smell in there when he comes in

carol roberts said...

my back room is for the dog when its cold and it would come handy for the smell in there when he comes in

rosannepm said...

7 month long winters with the house closed up and cooking odors would make this fan welcome

Unknown said...

I have an older home and it is always so dusty no matter what I do.

Live In Care Agency said...

I have three kids and two cats in the home. I should get a one; especially our pets are always roaming around my living room.

Unknown said...

Two boys and two dogs...need I say more?

clynsg said...

2 grandsons, 3 dogs and 2 cats,not to mention a bearded dragon and 2 aquatic turtles (which are really the hardest to keep clean, even with filters!). All together, need the Febreze and fans always help in the summer.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

won said...

This would come in very handy...I'm very sensitive to smells.

Robert Pyszk said...

Would love it on hot days

Anonymous said...

I would use it when preparing fish or sauerkraut.

sflickinger at rocketmail dot com

Marysa said...

I think this would help with stuff like pet odors and cooking odors (like when we cook spicy foods, etc).

Wanda McHenry said...

It would be great for our home office because it's a small room and it gets stuffy and stale, so it needs air circulation.

Wanda McHenry
wbailey113 at hotmail dot com

deallieb said...

I would love to have this, we live in an apartment and some people smoke and the smell gets in our apartment this would be great!

closoccerchick said...

An apartment with a husband with dumping syndrome from being hit by a drunk driver. We need some help with keeping his nausea at bay!

polly said...

big golden retriever dog!

Sarah Hall said...

It would really be an asset to my home......what a wonderful product. I need some help to keep it clean and smelling fresh.

jenna said...

would keep the cats litter box from stinking up the entire room

molly u said...

4 labs, 1 parrot, teenagers, and dont forget the husband do i need to say anymore.

blessnel said...

To live in paradise everyday!

Pricousins said...

I would actually use this at work. The people in the office like me to roast so I could totally benefit from this there!

Unknown said...

this would help alot by our garbage can or in the laundry room to help with those odors

christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

Carla said...

3 kids and a husband who sweats a lot. Will help tremendously with smells

Lena said...

This would be great for my family because we love fresh clean scents.

Tamar said...

my house gets hot!

Erin Rok said...

This fan would come in handy because it is so narrow and we don't have a lot of room around our new place!

MELINA said...

with 3 kids and a cat, this would come in handy

Roy F. said...

Because our home could use some freshening.

sohamolina said...

It would be great to use i at night to relieve stffiness.

Anonymous said...

We have animals- so having this would be awesome in our house!


Christina A said...

I have a 12 year old son and a husband that works at a printing company. Between the two my house can smell sometimes. I would love to have this :)

slehan said...

here kitty, kitty, kitty.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

dfraley3 said...

It will freshen our air and help with the air quality with the house being shut up all day.

corey1971 said...

With 3 kids and two cats, I need all the "freshness" I can get! (Corey Olomon)

Amanda said...

I have 3 kids & a dog!!! I hate in the winter months not just being able to open the windows & air out the house naturally, this would be awesome to have!!! (:

brich2222 said...

would love to put in my office room where air is sometimes stagnant

brich22 at earthlink dot net

Sarah MomE25 said...

I would love to have it because with five kids several areas of the house could use this. I would probably use it near the laundry room which just happens to be near my teenage sons room.

Heather! said...

We have a dog and a cat. I would love to use this near their 'bedroom' because it can get very musky or 'animaly' smelling sometimes.

h4schaffer at gmail dot com

renee from what mommies need said...

I need this to mask the smell of my two stinky boys!

sarah79harding said...

The windows are covered with plastic all winter so no fresh air this would sure help out with the stuffiness

Rachel said...

This would be perfect in my dog Stunner's bedroom. Especially in the winter, when it is too cold to open the window for fresh air :)

Missy W said...

Would love to be able to give this to my parents. They have 3 dogs and 3 cats and have always done things for me. It would be nice to give them something back!

Unknown said...

hope it would eliminate some kitty box odor

Kristan Heyman said...

With 2 kids, a husband, and a cat we could use something to eliminate odor!

Vera P. said...

My house is full of boys and 1 cat, anything to help with the freshness.

Unknown said...

my roommates refuse to run the ac and opening my window to air out my room results in loud dog barking at all hours.

dani marie ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com

Kimberly said...

I would love the fan to circulate heat from the fireplace in our house!

Becky said...

I have four adults (three are men), four kids under the age of 12, a dog and two cats living in my home. I NEED THIS!! LOL

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Cindi Decker said...

This would come in handy with my 3 Boston Terriers. I love them dearly, but sometimes they are stinky!

Debra said...

i love it when the house smells good

Anonymous said...

I have pets so this would help with their odor

kannw27 at gmail dot com

Kim (Randominities) said...

I hate the smell of cooking long after it's gone. This would come in handy.

Erica C. said...

This would be nice in our basement since we don't have a fan there.

sandra davis said...

would like the fresh air circulating

Giveaway Gal said...

I currently don't have a working fan so this would be nice to have.

Flowerg said...

This would be great for my house because I don't have any air fresheners and I have a full house. Thanks!

romapup at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Air freshener scent is so central to there location this would be great to get that Febreeze scent throughout the whole home.

Unknown said...

I have pets, so this will always come in handy.

yellowlabs said...

I have 2 big dogs and a cat. This would really help refresh my living room.

sparkedcat said...

We have a corner in our kitchen that would be perfect for this fan.

Derek Timm said...

This would be perfect because of all the pets we have!

Anonymous said...

We have pets and getting their dander out of the air would really help

morganowl28 at gmail dot com

annemarie562000 said...

It would keep my kitchen smelling nicer and cooler!


Kelly g said...

with 2 stinky boys and a stinky hubby this would help keep the house smelling fresh

Star S said...

2 boys who have to be encouraged to remember to shower!

Whitney said...

Our OLD OLD house has windows that are just as old, but we rent & can't get the rental company to replace them. So we end up either wasting a lot of money running the AC (it goes right out the old windows) or try to set up a bunch of fans to cool off. This would help!

tracey said...

with all the boys in my house i need it. lol
rc name rochelle johnson

Anonymous said...

Hot flashes
rah267 at yahoo dot com

Jennifer said...

This would help keep my house fresh, especially around the litter boxes.

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

would not have to fan the covers and freeze hubby at night
vmkids3 at msn dot com

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