Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tips for Getting Your Car Ready for Winter from the International Carwash Association {Winter Emergency Kit Giveaway}

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While my family is decidedly modern, there are some aspects around here where my husband and I follow stereotypical "woman's work" and "man's work" roles.

I do more of the cooking and laundry (because I'm home during the day and because I love laundry), while he takes out the garbage and cleans out the gutters (because... eew. I don't want to do either).

Another area where I defer to my husband to take more responsibility is with our cars. While I can handle keeping my van filled with gas, that really is the extent of it. Back in my younger years, I was known to jump a car or change a flat on my own, but clearly I must have gotten wimpier since then, because neither of those sound like something I would do these days.

Therefore, when it comes to getting my car ready for winter, I'm thankful for tips from knowledgeable folks like the International Carwash Association (ICA) who can help me out.

Even better, I love knowing that the ICA, through its Wash With WaterSavers consumer awareness campaign, is committed to promoting the importance of using eco-friendly carwashes that use less fresh water and return clean water back into the environment. Smart plus green!

car wash

Thanks to the ICA, here are an important list of 5 Tips to Getting Your Car Ready For Winter:

1. Wash and wax your car at a professional car wash – It may seem counterintuitive to get your car nice and shiny for what is often the sloppiest season, but a thorough wash can remove harmful compounds that may cause damage when mixed with sand and road salt. Experts from the International Carwash Association also recommend a coat of wax for an extra layer of protection from the elements.

Professional car washes can also save up to 20% of the amount of water you'd use by washing your car at home. They do this by treating and reusing their water, rather than releasing toxic chemicals and grime into the storm drains, which can often occur with pavement washing. Check out to see how professional car washes save water and help prevent pollution.

2. Check fluids – Check your coolant to make sure you have enough, as you'll be left without heat if you don't. Consult your owner's manual to find the correct blend if you need to add more. It's never a bad idea to keep extra coolant in your trunk in case of an emergency. Don't forget about extra wiper fluid, either. It's not expensive, so stock up!

3. Winter emergency kit – In addition to stocking your car with a scraper and brush, it's a good idea to include a few provisions in case you get stranded in snowy and cold conditions. Pack extra blankets, hats and gloves, high-energy snacks like granola bars, drinking water and a first-aid kit.

The ICA has put together a really great emergency kit that truly includes just about everything you need (minus water and food) to keep in your car at all times:

emergency kit for the car

4. Test your battery – The next time you have the car in for an oil change, ask the mechanic to test your battery to make sure it can provide enough starting power once the temperature plummets.

5. Check your wipers – When sloppy weather hits, you'll want to make sure you have strong wiper blades to see through the elements. Checking your wiper blades for wear and replacing them if needed can prevent huge visibility headaches once snow and sleet arrive.

This winter, don't be caught unprepared. Make the smart choices for you and your family that will have your car in tip-top shape and less likely to cause you problems. As for me, this is going to the top of my husband's to-do list!

And, thanks to the generosity of the ICA, one person will be just as ready for the unexpected as I am, because...

One lucky person will win a Winter Emergency Kit prize package*!

*Winter Emergency Kit contains: (1) 32 oz. WaterSavers branded water bottle, (1) Carabiner key chain, (1) Medium flashlight, (2) heavy duty AA batteries, (1) 19-piece first aid kit, (1) Survival tool, (1) Pocket knife, (1) Emergency poncho, (1) Emergency blanket, (1) Mesh sack, (2) tea light candles, Safety matches, and Survival instruction card

Enter using the Giveaway Tools form below — simply enter your name and email address and click on each entry that you would like to complete. Follow the directions for each individual method, entering in the necessary information when asked. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to let me know.

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I am working with the International Carwash Association to share these tips for getting your car ready for winter. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.


Em said...

We get our car ready by putting emergency items in the car: flash lights, ice scraper, blankets, etc and making sure our tires are ready for the snow!

Unknown said...

have an emergency kit in your car

sheila musselman askins said...

i always take my car to the shop for a 32 pt inspection every fall to get my car ready for winter..check tire pressure..oil change..fluids etc. that way you know your car is winter ready!

Ann Fantom said...

My husband prepares my car buy putting on the snow wiper blades, checking the tire's air pressures and filling up the wiper fluid.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Ann Fantom said...

Google+ id: abfantom fantom

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

My husband checked the tire pressure, we got it cleaned, and made sure all our papers were in it.

scottsgal said...

cat litter and a shovel - helps with traction if you get stuck in the snow or ice
msboatgal at

wigget said...

keep a spare blanket in the car

Tawny said...

How very nice (and sensible).

skbaron said...

new tires, snow wiper blades, anti-fog rainx on windshield, defroster instead of wiper fluid...

Rusthawk said...

I wax it for protection against the harsh winter climate.

julie said...

make sure we have extra items in the car (water blanket etc ...)

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

I don't know. My husband does it.

d schmidt said...

We make sure our car is upto date with services, ensure we keep blankets and water in the car and have the tires checked

(d schmidt in rafflecopter)

jessica said...

san francisco doesn't really have winter. but we do get a bit of rain. i always make sure the windshield wipers dont need changing

jek9880 at gmail dot com

Laurel said...

We have a small emergency kit in our car and extra windshield wiper fluid.

Laurel said...

Jackie said...

We make sure the wiper blades are in good shape

Anonymous said...

Nice job!

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

snow tires

Becky Barrett Beitzel

Marysa said...

I keep hand warmers in the car, as well as scrapers and small blankets.

captainliss40 said...

I make sure the car is stocked with blankets, snow scrapers, washer fluid, and jumper cables.

Lina said...

I usually carry around a small blanket just in case!

Sherry Butcher said...

make sure inside window are clean, extra cups and water fresh, maps if no nav systym.

ast said...

There is not use in winterizing a vehicle where I live, we very seldom have a winter, now summers are a different matter altogether.

dlhaley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy said...

I fill the fluids on my car to get ready for winter. And a little Anti-Freeze.

dlhaley said...

We live in Florida, so we have extra bottled water and a first aid kit.

kim burnett said...

keep a blanket in the car

Gina F. said...

I get my car ready for the winter by putting blankets, flashlights, a lantern and a first aid kit too.

ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

Nicole said...

I have deicer on hand In case I need to in the mornings.

Unknown said...

i put take it to get checked to make sure it has antifreeze

FIBERONE said...

I get the fluid levels checked whenever the oil is changed and keep an emergery kit in the trunk of the car.

Marti Tabora said...

I just check the anti-freeze and add more if I need it.

♡♥♬ Louis ♬♥♡ said...

check that the fluids have antifreeze in it, have a scraper for the windshields ready
Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

Anonymous said...

I DO live in MN and winter driving is not to be taken lightly, you better pay attention and use caution! I have my car checked out by my mechanic, have them put it on the computer and check it out. I DO have a snowmobile suit and sorrel boots and a blanket in the car!

kath g. said...

i change the windshield wipers, put a blanket in the trunk, an ice/snow scraper on the floor, fill the wiper fluid, check the antifreeze and tire pressure.

Mare/TommyGirl said...

I always make sure to the get the oil changed and the tires rotated to best keep the car functioning.

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

well, for me, it's bring to a service station to get winterized, because i don't know what to do - i know you need antifreeze...
sarah hirsch

jbmthill said...

windshield solvent. In Michigan, you need this all winter long or you cant see when the salt gets on your window! Keep an extra gallon of it in your car.
Beth H

Trinity Babichuk said...

i get an inspection and fluids checked, antifreeze etc.

Think about it said...

michigan can have tough winters, so i always change my tires, change my wind shield wipers and put in some wiper fluid. and put a warm blanket behind seat because u just never know..

kadia3 at yahoo dot com

melissa griffith said...

Making sure fluids are filled, tires are properly inflated and the ice scraper is ready to scrape!

Anonymous said... I keep a flashlight ,water,blanket in the car. Probly not enough.thanks for the chance.

dfraley3 said...

I make sure the tire pressure is correct and that it has all the proper amounts of fluids in it that it needs.
Also carry extra weight in the trunk to give better traction.

casaflamingos said...

make the windshield washer fluid is always filled

Kim H. said...

I like to keep a flashlight, batteries, extra gloves and a blanket as well as water.

Sarah S said...

Make sure you have jumper cables in your car. s2inamug at aim dot com

Helen Keeler said...

I call my son over and he takes care of everything for me.

Rafal said...

Make sure you have a first aid kit and a winter survival kit in your car!

mogrill said...

Change your coolant.

Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Check your tires and change your batteries.

garygreen said...

I would love to win this prize.

Selinda said...

Make sure you have a good snow brush ready long before the snow just in case!


selinda_mccumbers at

Jessica Rose said...

Check the tires!

ijessica_r at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I could definitely use this kit!!

polly said...

always have blankets in the car...always check tires etc.

Linda W. said...

check the fluids and tires.

Dave said...

we have mild winters, but I check oil and tires in late fall

brad howard said...

check my tires and fluid levels

Cindy Merrill said...

In late fall, I make sure my car has had a complete inspection, fixed any problems.

John Zukowski said...

Keep the deicer container full

blessnel said...

Change to winter tires

Jenny Stanek said...

Winter tires!


Dani said...

I keep some of my winter safety gear(hand warmers, a blanket) in the car itself, rather than in the trunk with the rest of it, just in case it is impossible or unsafe to get out of the vehicle in an emergency.

Unknown said...

We get winter tires and check all of our fluids to ensure that they are full and the right type :)

Unknown said...

Checking fluids and regular maintenance.

Suburban prep said...

I make sure that the tire pressure is good.
I make sure the fluids are good.
I put salt and wiper fluid in the car with me. I make sure I have scrapers in the car.

Kathleen Noland said...

My tip for getting the car ready for winter? Mention to my husband that it's time. He's so good to me.

mperkins37 said...

Carry duct tape, Extra Fluids, Water, A basic tool set, Duct tape can be used as a patch on a leaking hose, & A Belt.

Anonymous said...

Put snow brush and scraper in car.

Unknown said...

Keep a scraper with you at all times, and have extra blankets just in case.

Anne1970 said...

I put some extra things in the car, wipes, napkins, scrapper, gloves, socks, etc. Then every winter I put down another mat over the regualar mats for my I can throw them out after winter and it saves my carpet.

Unknown said...

make sure you filled all your fuels up.

Dannon Jones said...

We make sure to have a couple of blankets stored and jumper cables in the stow and go storage compartment.

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

check fluids and tires every month!

ithinkthrifty said...

I keep lots of de-icer in the car for those early morning wake-ups!

Daniel M said...

check fluids & tire pressures - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Unknown said...

Plenty of windshield wiper fluid!

Annmarie Weeks said...

I like to keep a bag of sand or kitty litter in the back of my car just in case I get stuck on ice

Margie said...

Always make sure we have a blanket and extra gloves in the car, a bottle of water and a flashlight.

nd said...

make sure there is coolant so your heater works.

CindyWindy2003 said...

have emergency kit including battery cables in your car, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

CherylS22 said...

I get my oil changed, my antifreeze checked & have all the belts and hoses checked.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I replace my regular wipers with winter ones!

Brooke Adametz said...

My husband got caught up in a REALLY nasty storm a few years ago, so in addition to all of the emergency supplies, I also make sure that

Brooke Adametz said...

My husband got caught up in a REALLY nasty storm a few years ago, so in addition to all of the emergency supplies, I also make sure that

Cheryl Chervitz said...

I always put a bag of blankets and have kitty litter in the trunk in case I need traction.

Heather! said...

The biggest thing for us is to make sure our tires are safe. Ohio winters are pretty rough, with lots of snow, so it's really important to have enough tread on your tires.

h4schaffer at gmail dot com

slehan said...

Getting a tune up & putting in winter stuff.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

Theres said...

Have all the fluids checked and put the snow shovel in the trunk!

Anonymous said...

I like to put a bag of cat litter or sand in the back. It weighs it down (a bit), and then you can use it for traction if you get stuck in ice.

Leslie Galloway (LesGalloway //at// hotmail //dot// com)

Flowerg said...

I make sure to have my car maintenance for winter and keep fresh water in the car. Thanks!

romapup at gmail dot com

Yona Williams said...

Make sure the antifreeze and jumper cables are in the trunk

bettycd said...

make sure your tires are winterweather safe. Also review how to drive on ice and snow. The car manual addresses what you should and should not do based on what brake assists and computerized aids the vehicle has. It can be very different from what we were taught when starting to drive and that difference can mean losing control

WeeMason Man's Mom said...

checking to make sure your tires have proper treat, make sure your snow broom is in your car, and if you drive a small pickup, put bags of sand in the bed of it for extra weight!

omgababy at gmail

Karen said...

we put a blanket and ice scraper in each of our cars in case we get stranded.
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com

DShope said...

We keep a box in the trunk with blankets, ice scrapers, key hole warmers and such.

kc said...

how useful!

Sass said...

I take it in to my regular service shop and let "my guys" handle it for me! They haven't failed me yet!

Bethany said...

I always get snow tires and an oil change and won't go anywhere without a lock deicer and window scraper.

Ashlee said...

Making sure all the service is up to date.

Anonymous said...

I make sure I have water and nonperishable food in the car. Stephaknee737 at yahoo (dot) com

Lindsey M said...

I make sure the wiper fluid is full and keep a blanket in the car

sweepymummy at yahoo dot com

Tamar said...

snow tires!

Andrea said...

Extra blankets!

Roy F. said...

check your tires for proper inflation and thread wear

Rita M said...

Check the wiper blades & replace if necessary.

Paol Trenny said...

make sure that all the necessary fluids are filled up properly, check the wiper blades, and put on warmer skin covers ----- Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran ..... emscout9 at Hotmail dot com

Paol Trenny said...

Followed on GFC …as Paul T / Pauline T(Paul Tran…pls use emscout9 at hotmail dot com instead of gmail to contact me)
Followed on RSS…Google reader subscriber …as Paul T / Pauline T (Paul Tran…pls use emscout9 at hotmail dot com instead of gmail to contact me)
Followed on Google +… .... as Paul T / Pauline T (Paul Tran …pls use emscout9 at hotmail dot com instead of gmail to contact me)

azriel7878 said...

Checking tires, fluids, and blankets/water stock in the trunk!

christy s. said...

I make sure I have an extra blanket and coat in the car. I check the fluids, tires, etc.

Jan Messali said...

I keep my car ready for winter by keeping blankets and water in the car. I also keep plenty of gas in the tank at all times.

wins4me said...

keep a spare blanket in the car and water

kyl neusch said...

putting emergency items in the car

AmandaW. said...

Definitely here in Colorado you need an extra blanket, a show shovel, and either sand, kitty litter, or ice melt for traction. Luckily I haven't had to use either but I do have them if needed!

Debra said...

well my son works for sears auto in the mall i take my car to him

Anonymous said...

keep a blanket and flashlight in the car

Pricousins said...

I get my oil changed, my fluids checked, and change my tires. I also put an extra change of clothes, a blanket, and bottles of water and non-perishable food snacks in the trunk for emergencies.

Lori said...

Always keep a wool blanket and glove, hats, and scarves in the car during winter.

mandala said...

get snow tires, have your oil & battery changed,

Karen said...

Make sure your tires are in good condition. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

We always make sure that the tires are in good condition and are inflated properly. With temperature changes, they usually deflate which is unsafe and reduces gas mileage.

Ruth said...

I had to have windshield replaced recently ,so I got new wipers and filled washer and checked anti-freeze .I am ready ,I hope for winter.

Anonymous said...

I pack blankets and make sure I don't forget my cell phone at home like I normally do.

Rhonda Tenderholt said...

we put blankets in the van and make sure we carry our jackets w/just in case...and always make sure we're gassed up.

Anonymous said...

REstocking my first aid kit.

Angel said...

keep a blanket in the car and always bring a coat

Chip said...

Make sure the family is properly dressed for the weather before going anywhere.

Entered under Jill L

clynsg said...

Winter travel is not a major problem in this area, but since I grew up in Minnesota, I still check the antifreeze and make certain I have blankets, etc., in the car.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

Kathy P said...

my hubby usually changes all the fluids and checks the tires..he wants to oil undercoat the car to prevent rust also

brich2222 said...

my tip is to check fluids, tire pressure

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Melanie Montgomery said...

My husband starts and heats it up for me in the morning.

sparkedcat said...

Put a warm blanket in the trunk.

cman said...

Car gets a complete work up and emergency supplies are stocked in the car.

Unknown said...

In Canada we would be sure to carry Ice Melt, a scraper and an extra blanket or two. Now that we're in a little different climate, I'm not sure what we'll need, but I like to keep water and a few snacks in the car at all times, because you never know when you or someone else may need it.

Jay said...

We do not have emergency kit!

sandra davis said...

i put blankets and a flashlight in my car

dawn keenan (newnameford) said...

Keep it in the garage and check that antifreeze.

Adrienne said...

Putting in blankets and keeping the gas tank full

Star S said...

we keep water softener salt in the trunk both for the weight for traction and to melt the snow/ice if we get stuck

kelly said...

I got an oil change.

annmuth said...

I keep a blanket in the trunk

Peggy Rydzewski said...

I get the car eninge ready.. check house, replace anti-freeze. rotate the tires. tune-up

Unknown said...

make sure it's washed! If you wash it in the winter you will have frozen doors!

Donnie said...

Because we spend winter sin Florida I don't do much to our car but be sure there is a scraper in the trunk in case we have to head north anytime. Also Antifreeze too.
Donnie W

Unknown said...

We have a family of 9 so being prepared is a must. We always put blankets, boots and handwarmers in the trunk. Along with water and flashlights.

MizVickik said...

putting a snow shovel in my trunk =)
Miz Vickik

Erica C. said...

I just make sure to get my preventative maintenance done so that everything is up-to-date.

A Roach said...

regular maintenance!

Unknown said...

I put a box of hand warmers in the car, just in case I ever get stranded. :)

Kayla said...

Always keep rock salt in the trunk just in case it gets icy!

corey1971 said...

I had a tune up, anti-freeze check and put on snow tires. (Corey Olomon)

Sonya said...

Make sure that my car and tires are in good condition, and replace my wiper blades.

lilyk said...

I check the air pressure in my tires.

Anonymous said...

I make sure and put cat litter in the truck for traction and weight plus a blanket and glowsticks for the early dark evenings.

Edge Of Insanity said...

Make sure to check all the fluids every day during the winter! The last thing you want is for your engine to seize up on the road in the middle of winter. Been there!

Holly Adams said...

we pack extra items in the car in case we get in a bind. We change out the wipers and check the tires.

Anonymous said...

I have my car checked out and I stock it with food, water and blankets

morganowl28 at gmail dot com

bac1 said...

well my mom puts extra umbrellas and blankets in the car and gets it all cheked out for winter i would be giving this to her

KayeDean said...

We check all the fluids and add antifreeze. Weather doesn't get too bad here. keep a blanket in the car.

harolde said...

Make sure it has antifreeze in it.

maryjaco1 said...

I have my tires checked.

Social Consultants said...

I leave a blanket in my car & a flashlight just in case.

Molly Grosbauer said...

Make sure your tires have the right amount of air and they still have enough life to withstand the winter.

Charlene S. said...

I keep a bag of sand in the trunk along with a safety kit that has a blanket, granola bars, bottled water, etc.. in it just in case :)

Unknown said...

Make sure you've got a blanket and maybe even an extra sweater in there just in case!

doodlebug said...

We just got new tires and of course, good wiper blades are a must!!

peppersalt said...

I do check the antifreeze and tires.

Unknown said...

Anti freeze and winter tires
gfc- jessica.goodwill

LauraLaura said...

I'm from south Florida, so all I do is run my yearly check to make sure my all-seasons emergency kit is stocked and in order!

Vikki Billings said...

I make sure I have antifreeze, and some defrost liquid for my windshield. I always have blankets in the car.

cassandra m said...

i do not have alot of money so the best thing i can do is fill up the fluids and pray

M said...

Always restock your first aid kit when winter nears!

Unknown said...

Carry a blanket and warm clothing in the trunk and also some cat litter. :)

Anonymous said...

Always have a CD case handy in case you need an impromptu ice scrapper.

michedt said...

I make sure I have a blanket, water, oil and ice removing devices in the car.

Anonymous said...

We examine the car more than usual in the winter and make sure to always have a working flashlight and lots of water as well as blankets!

james said...

This would be cool to win

Tonya Dean said...

We always keep some rock salt in the trunk.


bev said...

I have good winter tires installed and carry a snowshovel and cat litter and booster cables and a blanket in the trunk, just in case. Thanks for this contest!

Theresa said...

We put on snow tires!


Jmstrunk said...

Always bring something in your purse to defrost the locks with, whether it's home made or store bought.

M.A.D. said...


Antifreeze! But I really do need an emergency kit :)

Barbara R. said...

Checked my AAA membership, waxed the car, oil change, breaks fixed, tires ready for any weather.

/\Heather/\ said...

Snack foods, flashlight, batteries, blankets and water.

mail4rosey said...

we always have an emergency kit in my car (hubby doesn't though!). To get ready for winter I have snow tires put on the car.

dispatcher_kristy said...

check all fluids, tire pressure, and brakes are the main things in my opinion

Anonymous said...

I have the car seviced for winter. Make sure clean antifreeze and wiper blades are added and tires pressure is correct.

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway...if your state / community uses salt or other deicing chemicals on roads / highways, be sure to get the undercarriage & wheel wells of your vehicle washed every week to prevent corrosion of metal surfaces.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com