Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Stay Healthy with the Vicks Cold & Flu Survival Guide {Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer Giveaway}

Vicks logo
Ah, 2013, the year that the Mayans thought wouldn't exist.

Fortunately, we're all still here and this year is already shaping up to have some marked events. Astronomers are on the lookout for the brightest comet seen in many generations, gamers are eagerly anticipating the release of the Xbox 720 and Playstation 4, and the whole world will be on pins and needles waiting for the first glimpse of William and Kate's baby.

Unfortunately, 2013 could also represent the strongest nationwide outbreak of influenza in a decade — and experts say the season is only getting started now. Even worse, now that holidays are winding down, infectious disease experts expect another surge following the family get-togethers with all the sharing of food and affection.

What a way to head into the New Year, right?

flu sick in bed

Fortunately, there are companies that care and want to help.

The most recent partnership that I have learned about is Vicks teaming up with the non-profit charity Baby Buggy (founded by Jessica Seinfeld) and the promise to distribute $25,000 worth of cold and flu products to U.S. families in need.

Baby Buggy logo

Along with all of their high quality, convenient and safe products that can help keep your family healthy or make them feel better, Vicks also has a Cold & Flu Survival Guide that can help us make it through this season of sniffles and coughs.

Filled with great tips from pediatrician and American Academy of Pediatrics fellow, Dr. Jennifer Trachtenberg, this Guide just might help us make it through to spring without finding ourselves laid up in bed with the flu.

But, there's more!

First, for every email, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest share of the Cold & Flu Survival Guide, Vicks will donate a Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer and Starry Night Humidifier to Baby Buggy (which is dedicated to providing U.S. families in need with essential items for their children). With the quick links right on the side, sharing of the Guide couldn't be much easier — as well as for a better cause!

Vicks Humidifier and Thermometer

Second,Vicks wants to help your family as well. Everyone who visits their Cold & Flu Survival Guide can easily sign up to win their own Vicks Starry Night Humidifier simply by entering their name and email address between now and March 1, 2013!

Be sure to head over to the Vicks Cold & Flu Survival Guide to support this wonderful initiative as well as sign up to win one of these functional and fun humidifiers!

And, thanks to the generosity of Vicks, one person will be prepared to battle upcoming colds quickly and easily, because...

One lucky person will win a
Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer V980 (ARV $49.99)!

Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer


A big thank you to Vicks for providing a Behind Ear Thermometer for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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A Roach said...

I learned humifidiers help keep the nose clear. I love Vick's. It's my favorite to use when I have a cold

Unknown said...

I'm a healthcare professional so this isn't news to me but I will emphasize the importance of hydration

Melanie Montgomery said...

Stay hydrated!

Unknown said...

i learned that vicks has made a Vicks Starry Night Humidifier! that will make it fun for kids

Erica C. said...

The amount of time you should wash your hands equals about 2 renditions of Happy Birthday!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I learned that staying hydrated with water and other non caffeinated beverages helps to loosen congestion.


Leenburke said...

I learned to stay hydrated while I'm sick!

Eileen Burke

Anonymous said...

I learned that Vicks has plug in water free vaporizers and portable steam inhalers to help with cold and flu season.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

Though staying hydrated is always important, it's especially critical if you feel a cold coming on. Water, along with other non-caffeinated liquids, help loosen congestion
vmkids3 at msn dot com

D. Wood said...

When you have a fever take a luke warm bath to relieve temporarily

Brandi said...

It's important to stay hydrated when sick.

Megan CS said...

wash hands for 20sec!

LesleyfromWI said...

You should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Lydia Vierson said...

Stay hydrated with non-caffenated drinks

Kat said...

drink lots of water to stay hydrated and wash hand with soap for at least 20 seconds to get rid of germs

Anonymous said...

I learned that fever is often one of the first signs of illness and that you can temporarily cool off the body by using a cool washcloth on the forehead or taking a tepid or lukewarm bath.

sparkedcat said...

Staying hydrated is very important when you have a cold or the flu.

Unknown said...

staying hydrated is always important

Rebecca Orr said...

I learned that you should sing happy birthday twice while washing your hands. Perfect for making sure the little ones get their hands clean.

Cassie Eastman said...

I learned that water, along with other non-caffeinated liquids, help loosen congestion!

Unknown said...

I learned that hydration is really important - something I should keep in mind since I never drink as much water as I should.

Vikki Billings said...

I learned that Water, along with other non-caffeinated liquids, help loosen congestion.

Unknown said...

i LEARNEDTHAT "Getting hands clean requires washing them with warm water and soap for at least 20 sec – that's about 2 renditions of 'Happy Birthday.'"

Eric Dada said...

Washing hands for about two renditions of "Happy Birthday" cleans the hands fully.

L. J. Lowe said...

Drinking plenty of water helps loosen congestion.

bdiane34 said...

taking a luke warm bath will help get rid of fever.

Unknown said...

My kids would love the Vicks Starry Night Humidifier

Michelle L said...

Stay hydrated with lots of water.

Unknown said...

I didn't know that water helps loosen congestion!

hussagain said...

humidifiers lessen the length of survivability of the flu virus on surfaces

Anonymous said...

learned water helps loosen congestio

bac1 said...

Water, along with other non-caffeinated liquids, help loosen congestion.

Alicia said...

I learned a good way to help my 2 year old know how long to wash his hands :)

Jennifer said...

Staying hydrated help loosen congestion so drink plenty of fluids if you feel a cold coming on

Alicia said...

I learned a good way to help my 2 year old know how long to wash his hands :)

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

i learned that Water, along with other non-caffeinated liquids, help loosen congestion.

Kathy P said...

Fever is often one of the first signs of illness

Christie said...

I didnt know water helped loosen congestion.

Jblanton said...

water helps loosen congestion

sumn said...

Wash hands for 20 seconds, which is two renditions of the Happy Birthday song. This is necessary to get your hands clean and to stop the spread of germs.

Karen said...

Fever is often the first sign of illness.

ktgonyea at

Cassandra M said...

Don't be afraid of the dark

It's common for kids to be fearful of sleeping in dark bedrooms. Not only does the Vicks Starry Night Humidifier add moisture to the air helping to keep little noses clear, it also projects stars on the ceiling.

Unknown said...

I learned that you can temporarily cool off the body by using a cool washcloth on the forehead

michedt said...

I learned that drinking lots of water loosens congestion.
Michelle Tucker

susansmoaks said...

they also sell steam inhalers
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Breanne said...

Wash you hands for 20 seconds

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway...Humidifiers Reduce Survival of Flu Viruses on Surfaces and in the Air

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Holly said...

I learned there was a sweepstakes for a humidifier to enter as well. Need that, too!

sarah79harding said...

I learned that maintaining an indoor humidity level between 40-60% can reduce the survival of flu viruses on surfaces and in the air.

lilyk said...

I learned that fever is often one of the first signs of illness.

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