Saturday, January 5, 2013


The lucky winner of a $50 gift card to Famous Footwear is...

The lucky winner of (1) coupon for any variety Mrs. Smith's Deep Dish pies and a $50 Williams-Sonoma Gift Card is...

The lucky winner of a set of unique and fun Sifteo Cubes is...

The lucky winner of a $25 gift certificate to Shutterfly is...

The lucky winner of a CVS P&G Prize Pack is...

The lucky winner of a Cooking With Nuts Prize Pack from Fisher Nuts is...

The lucky winner of a safety gear prize pack from Safety 1st is...

Thank you to everyone who entered these fun giveaways! Have a great weekend!


Barbara Montag said... 1

Congrats winners!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said... 2

Hi, do you notify winners by e-mail?

Just wondering, I'm Laura L, but have received no e-mail notification.

I could be the wrong Laura L, of course. Just thought I should ask. ~smile~ at

~Try not to laugh to hard if it wasn't me.~