Friday, February 8, 2013

Box Tops for Education Raises More than $500 Million for Schools! {Pantry Stock Up Prize Pack Giveaway!}

Box Tops for Education logo
One thing that I regret not doing before I had children (along with sleeping in later, enjoying eating my food slowly and appreciating taking a shower without anyone talking to me through the door the entire time) is collecting Box Tops for Education.

As I had no children, why would I be interested in the nation's largest school fundraising program?

Well gee, how about the fact that this incredibly easy and beneficial program makes it simple to earn cash for schools by clipping Box Tops coupons from hundreds of participating products? Or that Box Tops also offers easy ways to earn even more cash for schools online?

Considering that I have long noticed the Box Tops for Education symbols on many of the products that I purchase, I can only kick myself now for not having saved them over the years for my girls' school! In fact, Box Tops for Education has now earned more than $500 million for schools since the program started in 1996 and I wish could have played a much larger role in that incredibly impressive statistic!

Box Tops for Education

A General Mills program, Box Tops for Education began as an experiment on boxes of Cheerios in California with first year earnings of $1 million. Since then, it has grown to include more than 240 participating brands providing needed cash for 90,000 enrolled K-8 schools.

At the heart of the program is more than 75,000 volunteer Box Tops for Education coordinators who motivate local school communities to collect the 10¢ coupons which are redeemed for cash schools use for whatever they need most.

School budget cuts have made the program more and more important over the years as it provides unrestricted cash to help schools with their basic operating needs and programs that would not be possible otherwise, such as field trips, textbooks, musical instruments, playground equipment, classroom technology and arts and cultural programming.

On average, schools in the U.S. earn around $900 annually through the program, but many schools earn more than $20,000 by clipping Box Tops, participating in bonus programs and shopping 300 online eBoxTops retailers at the Box Tops Marketplace.

we love box tops

"I witnessed the power of the program when I visited several schools in the state a few months ago," said New Mexico governor, Susana Martinez. "After seeing how easy it was to earn cash for schools, I started encouraging everyone to participate to help students get the things they need most to improve their education experience. I congratulate Box Tops for Education on reaching this impressive level of support for students everywhere."

To celebrate the milestone of having earned more than half-a-billion dollars, this winter the program is offering a variety of bonus Box Tops on more than 50 million packages at grocery stores and at, allowing shoppers to double their earnings with select products.

We were thrilled to celebrate along with Box Tops with an amazing collection of Box Tops Pantry Stock Up items!

General Mills Box Tops products

This huge package included:
  • New Peanut Butter Toast Crunch cereal
  • Nature Valley Chewy Trail Mix Dark Chocolate Cherry and Protein Salted Caramel
  • Fiber One Protein Bars
  • Progresso Recipe Starters
  • Food Should Taste Good Chips
  • Green Giant Fresh Box Tops for Education pencil pouch
  • Hamburger Helper Sweet & Sour Chicken and Parmesan Crusted Chicken
  • Betty Crocker Mac & Cheese and Au Gratin potatoes
  • Kleenex wallet pack and 184 count box
  • Scott toilet paper (4 roll) and paper towel roll
  • Avery dry erase weekly calendar
  • Ziploc bowls and bags
  • Yoplait Frozen Yogurt free product coupon
Along with enjoying these tasty and useful products all over our house, you can bet that I will be clipping the Box Tops off of each of them...

Box Tops for Education

...and especially grabbing those special double Box Tops!

double Box Tops for Education

If you aren't already collecting Box Tops for Education, now is the perfect time to start! Whether you have children attending one of the participating locations or not, schools can never have too much money to improve their classrooms, programs and more!

To learn more about Box Tops and for a list of participating products and schools, visit and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of General Mills and Box Tops, one person will soon have a stocked pantry and a large number of Box Tops to donate as well, because...

One lucky person will win a Box Tops for Education Pantry Stock Up Prize Pack!

Pantry Stock Up prize pack

Disclosure: Information, products and promotional items have been provided by General Mills and Box Tops for Education and its program partners.


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Anonymous said...

Oh yes I sure do clip and save them. Used to for my kids' school, now I do it for the grandkid's!

latanya t said...

I have not done it yet.

Diane Estrella said...

I clip for our homeschool group.

apple blossom said...

have in the past but don't have anyone to give to now.

Heather! said...

We save them until we have somebody looking for them. Just an old habit, I guess.

h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have collected since my kids started school.

Monica said...

I do for a friend of mine because my daughter is not in school yet.


Sarah said...

I have never done it despite seeing them on a lot of the products I purchase. I need to change my ways!

Serena said...

I use to do it when I was in school but not anymore

Ali said...

I am just starting to collect these for my best friend across the country who is collecting them for her school. this would be the most amazing thing to win so i can help her!

Unknown said...

I collect them for my nephew's school.

Entered the rafflecopter form as "Wild Orchid"
Thanks for the chance to win!

wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

I have collected them for years and was in charge of collecting them for several years at the school. It is amazing how fast they add up to several hundred dollars!

clc408 said...

I used to collect for my kids and now I collect for my nephew's school.

kellyr78 said...

I clipped them for a while last year but I don't do it any more.

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

I clip. Always have. I'm a teacher.

kim burnett said...

I have collected since my kids started school

scottsgal said...

I've always collected box tops and still do with my kids out of school - I give them to our neighbors

Jessica Allen said...

My mom collects them, so if I remember to clip and save them I do :)

Julia said...

We collect them for our kids and my parents send them to us as well. I actually help out at the school for the 1st grade classes in collecting, counting and making sure there aren't expired ones and then submitting.

ColleenMarie82 said...

I always clip and collect them for my mom's school.

ReviewsSheRote said...

I've been clipping forever!!! BEFORE i WAS A Mom I tought pre-K so we'd use them, before that I was a Nanny so the kids school used them. I've been known to dig them out of the garbage---can't stand throwing $$$ away!!

d schmidt said...

It is something I recently started doing.

Candice said...

I save them for my mom since she works at a middle school.

tawndam said...

I've been saving BoxTops since my oldest was in preschool... Now, my youngest is getting ready to graduate high school and I STILL save them & pass them on. Once you get in the habit of saving them & see how it REALLY makes a difference to the kids... it just is painful to just throw them out when it's so EASY to help...

Julie Lynn Bickham said...

I do it for my two youngest children. They have school contests for box tops.

Robyn Dones said...

I clip for a friend with 3 children in grammar school. Thank you for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I never have but will start!

Anonymous said...

I save them for my brother bc my nieces' school uses them.

JC said...

I've always collected BTFEs for our schools.

Tiffany said...

I clip box tops for my best friend's children because we went to a PTA meeting last year where they told us how much those really do help the school!

Marti Tabora said...

I do collect them, but sometimes I forget and they get thrown away by mistake.

Unknown said...

We save all of our boxtops. My daughter's school gives out awards for the top collectors each year!

Unknown said...

We always do it..and my kids help me. It's a great way to teach them to give back to their school.

BeeBubbaBella said...

I have been collecting for the past 5 years. I also enter the sweepstakes they have on the website to try and win boxtops for our kids school. I'm excited because so far this year they have passed their goal!

janetfaye said...

I clip and save box tops for my grandson's school.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

wigget said...

do it all the time as i'm the shool's coordinator

CindyWindy2003 said...

i don't do it as much as I should, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

Melissa said...

I have never done it, I didn't know about the program.

sdavis said...

i collect them and give to my sister for my nieces school

Anonymous said...

I am pretty consistent for Boo. She reminds me to buy stuff that has Box Tops on it when she is shopping with me, too.

walk9 said...

Our school is very active in boxtops. I have my whole family collecting them for me and our school is close to being the top collector in Connecticut.

virgomomwriter said...

When my son was young, I saved them religiously for his school. Now I save them for a Catholic girl's school.

Kim said...

I never collected until one of my grandsons started Kindergarten last year and his school collected Box Tops. I still do it for him.

callbr549 said...

I have clipped box tops for several years & will continue to do so. I enjoy being able to contribute to the schools & children. :)

mike2stacy said...

I always do for my sons school

peg42 said...

We collect them for our kids schools. It's a great help to the school. Thanks so much.

Savor The Days said...

I've saved Box Tops for my kids' schools for years.

dawn keenan (newnameford) said...

Been saving them for my son's school for a long time!

Gina Ocean said...

We collected these when my children were still in elementary school. The Parent-Teacher groups usually appreciate the extra money from these programs to support their school.

bayctygrl said...

I do it when I remember

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

s said...

I try to keep up with it.

Jackie said...

I always clip them. My kids are no longer in elementary school, but i still like to save them for the school.

Sarah VM said...

We always clip box tops and send them in to my daughter's school.

Laurel said...

I don't have kids that go to public school, but any box tops I have I cut them out for my sister-in-law to send to her school.

Lindsey said...

I used to collect box tops for the school where I taught. It IS truly a wonderful program!

DEBIJOT said...

I have always collected box tops for the schools.

captainliss40 said...

I clip them most of the time!

Elizabeth said...

It seems like we start clipping them and then stop. Then we start and then stop. We have a hard time being consistent it seems like!

elizzzzzabeth at yahoo dot com

smdrm said...

I cut the boxtops 30 years ago when my kids were in school, but no longer do it.

Bo said...

I've never done it!

Mudpiesandtiaras said...

We clip for our local schools!!

cbowlingtn said...

Yes I clip these for my granddaughters school.

Debra said...

i did when my kids were young , but now that there grown i do not save them

Lizzwisniewski said...

My oldest just started school this year so we just started doing it

Unknown said...

I save them for a friend with school-age kids.

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

Been doing it since my sons started his school, he is in prek.

Jennifer said...

I always collect box tops and send them to my kids school!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

ide2678 said...

Since my daughter started preschool last year, we always clip box tops for her school.

CSeppala said...

I am a faithful Box Top clipper!

Lina said...

we try to do it when we remember!

Lori said...

We always clip them and send to school

ctymice at gmail dot com

Amy said...

I usually only collect them for a friend who always ask me to them. :)

Unknown said...

My daughter collects the tops for school.

Unknown said...

We always clip box tops for education. Even my mom sends hers this way.

steve weber said...

when I was in school I collected them.. not the case anymore.

Unknown said...

I collected a lot of box tops when I was in elementary school.

Unknown said...

I didn't always do it, but the kids started having contests at school for whose class could collect the most. Now I do t all the time :)

Unknown said...

i collect for my kids schools only when they ask ..

Allyson Bossie said...

We are avid clippers, and we even have family members mail them to us. The school offers a fun incentive that for every 10 you turn in you get to "buy" something like a pencil, eraser, straw, etc from the school store. It's a win win!
masugr at yahoo dot com

Lloyd Family said...

we clip box tops often and our boys turn them into their school. they love participating in their school box top collection contests

sweepmom said...

I have been clipping them for 11 years now. It is an easy way to support my school.

debbie said...

I haven't saved them yet.

Jennifer T. said...

I've always clipped them for my nephews. But, my daughter starts kindergarten next year so now I'm saving them for her school.

Anonymous said...

I used to clip them for my mother-in-law for her class. Thanks for the giveaway!

Chelsea said...

We do this occasionally for my sister in law and brother in law who are teachers!

Karen said...

I clip them ALL of the time !!!

ktgonyea at

Stephanie said...

I've never clipped box tops - I remember saving Campbell's soup labels when I was a kid.
steph0828 at hotmail dot com

Carolyn said...

I never have. Don't have kids so I'm not sure who I'd give them to.

abfantom said...


abfantom said...

Google+ id GFC id: abfantom fantom

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I have not tried it yet, but plan to soon.

Carol said...

My Mom and I have been doing this for a few years now.
brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)

coliebear said...

We clip and collect and so do all of our family members.

bless their hearts mom said...

we clip them for school. 5 yr old has been known to make us put an item back and grab the pack with double points!

PAIGE said...

I haven't yet - my daughter asked me to so I will start at once.

Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

I collect these for my co-worker he kids school uses them.

Anonymous said...

I did it while our children were in school, but not anymore.

Christy said...

My daughter's school collects the box tops but I haven't collected any for them yet.

llinda29 said...

I save them and put them in a community collection box

Unknown said...

My kids clip them for us sadly i forget to and we always buy in 3s so they each can turn them in for there class room.

Unknown said...

We used to when i was a kid but havent for a long time

Star S said...

we always clip them and ask friends and family to clip them too

Anonymous said...

I've only done it a few times but not for a while.

SuziQinTX said...

we clip too just wish they were on more of they things I buy.

Liz said...

I've clipped them a few times and gave them to my friend for her children.

Michelle S. said...

I always clip them and give them to a co-worker for her son's school

Linda said...

I clip box top points and give them to my grandson's school.

Anonymous said...

I've never taken part in doing this, no.

Dave said...

We always clip them, but also only since our kids started school, yet I think we could have given them to our niece and nephew, etc for local schools before we had kids

Tracey said...

I've been saving the boxtops for my grandchildren for several years now.

jskaiser said...

I have been saving these for years. All through my kids elementary and middle school years. Now that they are in high school - they no longer collect them - why - I wonder? However, I still clip! I pass them down to the middle school, either through a friends child or directly to the office. I can imagine ALWAYS saving these for the school. Every little bit helps when it comes to our childrens education. I'm such a good "saver" that my kids have won competitions for a pizza party! OH what memories.

Bev said...

We love clipping Box Tops!

Anonymous said...

I used to do it. I need to start doing it again.

Amy Dalrymple said...

I used to when I was in school!

*~Dani~* said...

I have always clipped them and try to find someone collecting them. Currently, it is a coworker that I give them to.

Unknown said...

I've started collecting for my son's preschool, box tops are an easy way to contribute!

Breenah said...

We ALWAYS did it when I was a kid, but now I do it if I remember and put them in a boxtop donation box since my daughter's not in school yet.

Bridget said...

I have never done this.




jcwega27 said...

havent done it yet

mkjmc said...

I clip every one of them If i don't I feel like I am throwing money out

ShellyH said...

We have been clipping them for years and started it when our daughter was younger. We now clip them for our grand daughter's preschool.

Ravish30 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I do it if I remember that they are on there....

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

i used to collect them for school

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
puye said...

i collect it if i remember

kyl neusch said...

dont collect

Anonymous said...

I collect them for my nephew's school.

Lily Anne said...

I used to collect them when my kids were in Elementary School.

Terri said...

I have been saving Box Tops for years and give them to our school.

wildcat32 said...

I collect box tops for my son to take to school.

Unknown said...

I clip them for a friend right now, my daughter isn't school aged yet.

Gina H. said...

Never have done it.

Lily Anne said...

I commented on The Yo Gabba Gabba Show!

Selinda said...

I've done it since my son was in Kindergarten!


selinda_mccumbers at

mogrill said...

I usually do them all year and than turn them in at the beginning of each year.
Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I always do it but I have found my husband throwing them out but he is now following the program

Unknown said...

I sure do clip box tops my daughters school collects them every Friday i believe

furygirl3132 said...

I do clip Box Tops for both of my girls schools, I love the products that have the bonus Box Tops. They have "Box Tops stores" at their school so they can get little prizes for turning them in. Thanks so much for hosting this great giveaway!


Sara said...

I have never clipped Box Tops for Education

Becca said...

I used to clip them for my cousin who was a music teacher in Los Angeles but I stopped when they let her go :(

Courtney said...

My daughter's in 1st grade, and I started collecting them when she started Kindergarten.

courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I only started collecting them last year.

jlafount said...

I don't collect because I don't have kids

Michelle said...

Yes, I have two kids in elementary school so we save all our boxtops. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I save them for my friend who is a teacher. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

mendyd said...

I save them most of the time. I send them to friends that use them.
mendyd15@ yahoo dot com

Mijal Photography said...

I am always clipping box tops for my son's school!

Gina F. said...

I am always saving and clipping box tops for my daughter's school.

ginaferrell26 at yahoo dot com

April said...

We save all the box tops for my twins school!

Unknown said...

My daughter's new middle school doesn't do it ( and my older kids are in hs and college, they don't do it either...) soooo...I still clip them all of the time and send them back home to my nieces because their parochial school can always use them!

Tracy R said...

I have collected them in the past when I had a friend who wanted them, but I admit that since she moved away I haven't been saving them anymore.

Miss Sarah said...

I almost never think to save box tops. I'm sure my aunt could use them at her school though.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy C said...

Always do except on soup cans because they are a pain to remove.

Lesley said...

We just started saving them for the school my mom teaches at!

Nicole said...

I always do it, and my kids' classrooms have competitions to see who can collect the most.

Cserafini said...

I have not started collecting them yet.

Crazylicious85 said...

I have been clipping/collecting them for years.

Allison L.

Brittany said...

I did it when I was younger for school. My son is only 5 months so I have not done it yet.

Anonymous said...

When my kids were in school I clipped them all the time & turned them in. Now unfortunately I leave them on the product,

Unknown said...

Before my oldest son started school, I clipped box tops and gave them to my teacher friends. After he began school, I have been clipping them for his school.

Unknown said...

I try to clip them but sometimes I forget!

Liz said...

I try to clip & send them in regularly.

Amy said...

Now that my oldest is in Kindergarten, I clip them and send them to school with her.

Lynda Del said...

I have not done this yet.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

BethElderton said...

I did formy kids. Now it's time for the grands :)
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Allison Downes said...

Yes I always clip them

Thanks for the great giveaway!

scarlette10 said...

Never clippd them or use them

Unknown said...

Always save them for my grandkids schools! Thanks!

Brooke said...

I used to clip them and give them to friends, but I guess I'll have to start keeping them since my son starts kindergarten next year!

Kathy Davis said...

As a retired elementary teacher I spent many hours cutting and counting Box Tops for our PTA. I still save them and take them to the school.
Kathy Davis

JLT said...

I save boxtops for a co-worker

SnowflakeDay (Audra) said...

I have never collected Box Tops; I've never had a child in school.

cjabdelnour said...


luckynordberg said...

Box tops is an easy program to run - our school earn thousands of dollars every year!

SHAYNA said...


Unknown said...

I use to save them but not anymore. I should though

slehan said...

Used to do it for a neighbor's kid's school.

slehan at juno dot com

Rebecca Shockley said...

I love helping the schools out by doing this!

Barbara Montag said...

Now that our kids are grown, we clip box tops and give them to a neighbor.
It's a great program!
Thank you.

Barbara Montag said...

Google+ and GFC ID
Barbara Montag

♡♥♬ Louis ♬♥♡ said...

have been clipping box tops for quite some time
Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

enizete said...

I clip for our homeschool

Tonya Dean said...

I try and remember to clip them.


Ariel said...

I normally try to clip all of the box tops for education.

ohstac said...

I work in a school so always bring my boxtops to work.

skipthelaundry said...

My son's could care less however my daughter really gets into collecting these for her school!
Amber Porter

amanda hoffman said...

i use too when i was in school

Karen said...

I always do it and send them to school with the kids

Anonymous said...

I never do. I just have too much on my plate. This would be another thing to remember.

Kristy Thiel said...

I never have, but I've never had a reason to either!

The Teachers Wife said...

I am our school's BTFE coordinator

CherylS22 said...

I clip the BTFE all the time & give them to my nieces & nephews to take to their schools.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Allison said...

I have a couple of times, but its not something I do regularly.

Karen F said...

I keep a sandwich bag in my kitchen that I drop them in and my son takes them to school about every 2 months

Courtnie said...

I haven't done it. I don't have kids, yet!

polly said...

i collect them now for our grandsons preschool

Stacy said...

I clip them for my niece. One year, she was the only one from her classroom to turn any in!

Rachel said...

I collect for my nieces

Jen lleras said...

I always clip them for my sons school, they suck getting off of soup cans though!!!

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