Friday, February 8, 2013

Box Tops for Education Raises More than $500 Million for Schools! {Pantry Stock Up Prize Pack Giveaway!}

Box Tops for Education logo
One thing that I regret not doing before I had children (along with sleeping in later, enjoying eating my food slowly and appreciating taking a shower without anyone talking to me through the door the entire time) is collecting Box Tops for Education.

As I had no children, why would I be interested in the nation's largest school fundraising program?

Well gee, how about the fact that this incredibly easy and beneficial program makes it simple to earn cash for schools by clipping Box Tops coupons from hundreds of participating products? Or that Box Tops also offers easy ways to earn even more cash for schools online?

Considering that I have long noticed the Box Tops for Education symbols on many of the products that I purchase, I can only kick myself now for not having saved them over the years for my girls' school! In fact, Box Tops for Education has now earned more than $500 million for schools since the program started in 1996 and I wish could have played a much larger role in that incredibly impressive statistic!

Box Tops for Education

A General Mills program, Box Tops for Education began as an experiment on boxes of Cheerios in California with first year earnings of $1 million. Since then, it has grown to include more than 240 participating brands providing needed cash for 90,000 enrolled K-8 schools.

At the heart of the program is more than 75,000 volunteer Box Tops for Education coordinators who motivate local school communities to collect the 10¢ coupons which are redeemed for cash schools use for whatever they need most.

School budget cuts have made the program more and more important over the years as it provides unrestricted cash to help schools with their basic operating needs and programs that would not be possible otherwise, such as field trips, textbooks, musical instruments, playground equipment, classroom technology and arts and cultural programming.

On average, schools in the U.S. earn around $900 annually through the program, but many schools earn more than $20,000 by clipping Box Tops, participating in bonus programs and shopping 300 online eBoxTops retailers at the Box Tops Marketplace.

we love box tops

"I witnessed the power of the program when I visited several schools in the state a few months ago," said New Mexico governor, Susana Martinez. "After seeing how easy it was to earn cash for schools, I started encouraging everyone to participate to help students get the things they need most to improve their education experience. I congratulate Box Tops for Education on reaching this impressive level of support for students everywhere."

To celebrate the milestone of having earned more than half-a-billion dollars, this winter the program is offering a variety of bonus Box Tops on more than 50 million packages at grocery stores and at, allowing shoppers to double their earnings with select products.

We were thrilled to celebrate along with Box Tops with an amazing collection of Box Tops Pantry Stock Up items!

General Mills Box Tops products

This huge package included:
  • New Peanut Butter Toast Crunch cereal
  • Nature Valley Chewy Trail Mix Dark Chocolate Cherry and Protein Salted Caramel
  • Fiber One Protein Bars
  • Progresso Recipe Starters
  • Food Should Taste Good Chips
  • Green Giant Fresh Box Tops for Education pencil pouch
  • Hamburger Helper Sweet & Sour Chicken and Parmesan Crusted Chicken
  • Betty Crocker Mac & Cheese and Au Gratin potatoes
  • Kleenex wallet pack and 184 count box
  • Scott toilet paper (4 roll) and paper towel roll
  • Avery dry erase weekly calendar
  • Ziploc bowls and bags
  • Yoplait Frozen Yogurt free product coupon
Along with enjoying these tasty and useful products all over our house, you can bet that I will be clipping the Box Tops off of each of them...

Box Tops for Education

...and especially grabbing those special double Box Tops!

double Box Tops for Education

If you aren't already collecting Box Tops for Education, now is the perfect time to start! Whether you have children attending one of the participating locations or not, schools can never have too much money to improve their classrooms, programs and more!

To learn more about Box Tops and for a list of participating products and schools, visit and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of General Mills and Box Tops, one person will soon have a stocked pantry and a large number of Box Tops to donate as well, because...

One lucky person will win a Box Tops for Education Pantry Stock Up Prize Pack!

Pantry Stock Up prize pack

Disclosure: Information, products and promotional items have been provided by General Mills and Box Tops for Education and its program partners.


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Yona Williams said...

I usually clip, save, and then lose them.

LeeAnn said...

I just recently started saving the box tops (or trying to, when I remember). My cousins get free homework passes when they turn them in, so I send the box tops to them.

Blueiris, RhondaC said...

Yes we collect and friends collect for us also.

Natalie U. said...

I have never clipped box tops
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

Wanda McHenry said...

I clip them for my friend's daughter's school.

Mami2jcn said...

I've been clipping box tops for 3 years.

pennelope merriweather said...

Yes I do sometimes for my grandkids..!! Thanks for this giveaway!

Danika said...

I used to clip them religiously for a friend, but need to get back in the habit!

Amanda said...

I clip them and keep them for my friend's children.

Anonymous said...

When I volunteered at the local food bank we took the box tops off of everything!

Nancy P said...

My daughter is in kindergarten now and we clip them for her school!

Keely said...

We have been clipping for several years. We love supporting our school in any way

iggysaysno said...

i've never clipped boxtops.

Rebecca Orr said...

I clip them for my sons school. I didn't until he started though.

Mommy Minded said...

We clip them for our private school!

Anonymous said...

I homeschool my kids, but I have saved box-tops for friends to turn in at their school!

tina reynolds said...

we do my kids get so excited to take them in.

Aly said...

I sporadically do it, I need to get better. However my son is only 1, so I have some time! :)

acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

I clip them for my school and so far we have started building a separate playground for the k-2

Roy F. said...

I have not done this.

April Yedinak said...

I have clipped them for years- first for my own children and now for my neighbor.

Anonymous said...

I colect them for my step daughter

Unknown said...

I clip them for a friend of mine.

Vera Godley said...

I've clipped boxtops since the program's inception. Also, I have grown the school's program from $500 a year earned to over $2,200 a year last year. :)

Nknouse22 said...

I clip when i remeber

Helga said...

I save them for my church

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

I've not done it.

sweetsue said...

I clip them and take them to my bank. They divide them up between local schools.

DistractedMommy said...

I'm so bad at remembering to clip them for my daughter!

judy gardner said...

we have always clipped them for somebody or other, usually family members.

price21100 said...

Never have collected them but probably will when my son is in school! :)

Unknown said...

Ues I collect them all the time. My sister uses them for my niece and nephews schools.

Unknown said...

We clip all our box tops and send them to school with our first grader. :)

Treesa said...

I clip them for my nephew!


michedt said...

I don't have any little ones in my home, but I clip for my nieces and nephews.
Michelle Tucker

deniseyweesy said...

I don't do it

D. Wood said...

I save them for my best friends son

Melissa Shirley said...

I work for a school and i have a son so I clip them and share them between my school and my sons school

Anonymous said...

I don't have time to clip box tops. s2inamug at aim dot com

Denise M said...

i havent started but will soon

Michele P. said...

I clip them for my daughter's class.

Nancy said...

I've collected BTFE ever since the start of the program, I think!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

bettycd said...

I always collected them when my daughter was in school. There used to be a collection box in the library. Now, don't know anyone who is. Wish the store had a collection box and passed them along to the schools

Sadie said...

Our school has a collection twice a year and we save them all year long.

Ledford Land said...

I always clip them for my daughter's school!

Jessica Eaton Ledford
cherriesjessilee at gmail dot com

Katie said...

I try to save them but don't know anyone who really could turn them in :(

jakiesmom said...

i've always done it, used to send them to my sis before my son started school. now his school gets them

Unknown said...

This is my first year collecting box tops for my daughters school and she loves turning them in.

Lisa said...

I have never clipped them but do see them on all the boxes.

ksue said...

We love BoxTops!! Every quarter our school has a box top store and the kids are able to trade in their box tops for items of their choice - run by the PTA!

one frugal lady said...

we've been collecting for years and love it!

McKim said...

I save them for the school my daughter teaches at.

Anonymous said...

I used to slip them when my kids were in school.

Angela M said...

I always collect box tops. My daughter takes them to school.

samf36 said...

I have done boxtops for years.

1porkchop said...

We collect them and I have been yelled at for throwing out a box without cutting of the BTFE first.

Unknown said...

We do clip them.

Anonymous said...

I have never clipped Box Tops for my kids school but my kindergarten daughter is wanting me to start.

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

I have a baggie hanging on a clip on the fridge, we always collect box tops.

sparkedcat said...

I always clip the boxtop coupons and give them to the local school district.

Liz said...

I started doing it when my daughter started school. I love it!

Karen said...

I try to remember to save them.

kroch said...

I collect boxtops for my niece and have been for two years. We buy so many General Mills Products it seems a shame not to.

Katie R.

Fari said...

I support my kids school by collecting box tops. I am getting used to clipping coupons, it's new to me.

goingnuts2 said...

I always clip them. my mom works at a school

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

We clipped BTFE for years for our older children's school and continue to do so for our younger children.


Jules525 said...

I used to for my oldest, I might do it again when my younger children start school

jtedd said...

I used to do it when my children were in school.

Melanie Montgomery said...

I tried to do it.

yellowlabs said...

I have been clipping and saving box tops for the past 2 years for my son's school.

Becca Ann said...

I am big on the boxtops.. So great for schools

tavernie said...

I always done it for my kids and now I am doing it for my grandsons!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

Beef McBig said...

I do it and bring them to work, people can just take them. Better than them going to waste.

Unknown said...

i collect them and will give them to my sons school once he starts kindergarten :)

Natalie Parvis-Nichols said...

I do it when I can

JC said...

I haven't used any box tops yet but I will in the future for sure.

Jo said...

we collect them for our school for years when my kids went, now I give them to my niece.
jofo120 at yahoo dot com

Nickolay said...

I don't go out of my way to collect, but I also don't ignore. If I see them and I think of it, I save them

desdun31 said...

I clip them and send them to school.

Desiree Dunbar

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I have done it many years ago and I think it really helps!

brich2222 said...

we save them all the time and give to the school

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

brich2222 said...

we save them all the time and give to the school

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Carolyn Daley said...

We used to clip Box Tops all the time, but now only do it on occasion.

ThriftyAnnabella said...

I saved them for the first couple years my kids were in school but I don't really think to remember to do it anymore
annabella @ centurytel dot net

Jennifer said...

My son isn't in grade school yet, so I save them for my co-worker's grandson's school.

Anonymous said...

I have not collected them before, but I think it's a great program.
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I did it when my son was younger and gave them to his school.

Unknown said...

I have done it before in the past, but not recently

Unknown said...

I use to do it when my son was in Elementary school but now I just donate them

Unknown said...

I think it is a very good program and I used to collect them when my kids were in elementary school. Now i clip them for one of my co-workers for their children's schoool

Sheila Hickmon said...

I've done it since my daughter started school!
If I accidentaly throw one away, she's all over me lol!

Debra Guillen said...

My sister collects the for her school so I save them for her

willdebbie said...

I have been clipping them for a decade now
christal c willdebbie

marissa903 said...

I always clip them for my son's school and I have grandparents clipping for his school too! What a great program!

Amy delong said...

always do since my son started school 4 yrs ago

Unknown said...

I always clip them for my little brothers school!

Erica C. said...

I clip them for a coworker.

Unknown said...

i collect boxtops for my children

Unknown said...

always watch for and save the boxtops for my grandgirl...also won 50 dollars worth of boxtops for her school in a sweepstakes

Lisa & Fernie said...

I always save them and end up giving them to my niece or nephew's kids.

c allen said...

yes i always clip and save our boxtops for our school. i was the bt coordinator for the pto for 3 years and i saw our small 1A school earn about $1200 a year with them. crystal allen

tlcfromtn said...

I save them for my grandsons

susan1215 said...

I have been clipping/collecting them for years for my childrens schools.

Niclan80 said...

I have clipped/collected box tops for education for my children's schools for years.

Kathy said...

I have always saved them. I get the most from cereals.

saturdaynightfever said...

I would save these and sent them to Mary's Mom!

Charlene S. said...

Yes, I clip them for our local elementary school. I've been doing this for years :)

Robert Pyszk said...

We always collect them

Unknown said...

I clip them for my daughter's school

buzzd said...

I used to do it for my nieces school

Holly said...

I don't save them but am going to start.

ladcraig said...

I save them for my nephew's school.

Jenny Q. said...

I do clip them... My daughter loves bringing them in to school

M.A.D. said...

Mary DeBorde (M.A.D.)

When my children were in school, we were always donating our soup labels, cereals, and every other item to help collect box tops - it's an amazing program!!

Unknown said...

I received 1,000 box top points from purchasing my Ford. I gave them all to a friend that collects them for her brother's school in NYC.

peppersalt said...

I used to clip them for the children.

Vikki Billings said...

I collected box tops when my kids were in elementary school and now we collect them for our grandson. I get them off of everything.

Kathy P said...

we clip and send in any that we find

Sonya said...

I clipped them before we even had kids, and I still clip them now

Teresa Thompson said...

Ive never collected them but my daughter does.

ltlbitone said...

my daughters would always say I couldn't buy it because the box was wrong..

ltlbitone@yahoo dot com

carolpie said...

My kids are done with school so I do not do this at this time.
spcale at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I did it when my daughter was in elementary school.

Breanne said...

My school didn't collect them

noreen said...

I always clip and send them into school

dvice12 said...

We collect all year

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway...we have been saving them, first for our neighbors kids, then for our kids.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

/\Heather/\ said...

BTFE equals volunteer hours at our school, so we cut as many as possible.

cman said...

I collect them.

corey1971 said...

I always try to remember to clip them for my sons' elementry school. (Corey Olomon)

LuckyTJG said...

I have been clipping box tops for years. I support the schools in every way possible and this is a great way!

lilyk said...

I don't have any experience with Box Tops for Education.

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