Monday, February 25, 2013

Macy's Culinary Council and Macy's Heart of Haiti Have Me Dreaming of Spring!

macys culinary council heart of haiti logo
By this time of year, daydreaming about spring seems to be in full swing for all of us. I'll catch myself just staring out the window, picturing the green grass and colorful flowers, while Big Sister E will ask It's almost spring, can I go outside and swim? even though it's snow as far as we can see.

Along with yearning to get out and enjoy warmer weather, the ability to have friends and family over to kick back and relax out on the deck makes me even more eager for spring to arrive. Who doesn't like pulling up a chair, grabbing a drink, and having a laughter-filled good time with the people that they enjoy most?

And right now the folks that are making it even easier to pick out your favorite drink are the talented and creative ladies and gentlemen that make up the Macy's Culinary Council chefs.

Macy's Culinary Chefs

In an effort to boost my plans for springtime entertaining, I received award-winning chef Marcus Samuelsson's Fresh Citrus Wine Cooler recipe and was ready to put it to the test.

Fresh Citrus Wine Cooler
Serves 8


Juice of 2 oranges
Juice of 2 lemons
Juice of 2 limes
3 tablespoons sugar
2-inch piece fresh ginger, coarsely chopped
8 fresh mint leaves, coarsely chopped
3 cups dry white wine
1 orange, sliced
1 lime, sliced
Crushed ice

Chill tall glasses. In a small saucepan, combine the orange, lemon and lime juices and bring to a boil over high heat. Add the sugar and ginger, stir briefly to dissolve the sugar, and remove from the heat. Let cool completely.

Pour into a large pitcher and add the mint, the wine, and the orange and lime slices. Fill the glasses with crushed ice, pour in the cooler, and serve immediately.

Aside from turning away for a minute and accidentally letting my juices boil over a bit, this recipe was extremely easy to follow and the results ending up just the right tangy, refreshing drink!

To find out more about this and many, many other enticing recipes and tips, be sure to visit and find out how these amazing chefs can get you ready for entertaining all year round!

As well as delicious food and drinks, what can make you even more excited to have guests over to your home? When you love your decor, of course! Which is precisely why Macy's Heart of Haiti initiative is the place to go. Not only will you find an amazing, handcrafted work of art to display, but you will know that you have made an incredible difference in the lives of those that need it.

Macy's Heart of Haiti

Helping Haitian families construct and restore their lives after the devastating earthquake in 2010, items in the Heart of Haiti collection use some of the most unlikely materials to create jewelry, home decor items and accessories.

From raw materials such as recycled oil drums and wrought iron to paper-mâché and stone, each item is handmade by a Haitian master artisan. By creating art that reflects their rich culture and history, artisans have a sustaining income to provide nutrition, education and health care for their families.

Just think of the conversations you would have with your guests if you served them a Fresh Citrus Wine Cooler on a beautiful Periwinkle Floral or Large Banana Leaf Heart of Haiti Tray!

serving trays

Considering how beautiful these are, I think that they would also be gorgeous simply placed on a shelf as a work of art... which is exactly what I've done with the Set of 2 Tea Leaf Nesting Trays.

unique decor

I was admiring the vivid colors and decorative appeal of these handmade Tea Leaf nesting trays even before I had them out of the box. The beautiful bright turquoise is the perfect background to the beige and red accents, while having both trays made from eco-friendly paper is just so unique.

The raised edge along each tray would make them great for holding small items such as jewelry, change or perfume bottles, however as they are created from recycled paper you do have to take care that they don't get wet (they can be wiped clean with a damp cloth).

I had quite a few ideas as to where to place these in our house, and while I tried splitting up the trays so that I could enjoy the beauty in two separate rooms...

attractive knick knacks

...ultimately I ended up placing them together on a shelf in our guest bedroom. I love the pop of color and the overall way that these add style in such a different, attractive way.

shelf decor

These trays regularly retail for $45 but are currently on sale for $29, so if you are looking for a gift or new item to spruce up your home for spring, check them out!

With nearly 100 home items in the Macy's Heart of Haiti collection — including servingware, decor, jewelry, candleholders, picture frames, ornaments and more, you're sure to find pieces you'll adore.

The collection can be found exclusively at Macy's stores around the country and at, while you can also support the initiative on Facebook. Most items fall in the price range of $15-$60 but the added benefit of feeling that you've supported something great is worth a whole lot more!

Other than the Set of 2 Tea Leaf Nesting Trays that I was provided in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This post is solely my honest opinion of these initiatives and products.


  1. The drink looks uber refreshing!!!! And those trays are adorable, completely adorable. I wish there was a Macy's nearby!

  2. Yum a home made wine cooler im in lol

  3. That drink looks good, gonna have to find a recipe for it and make it!

  4. The recycled paper nesting trays are simply gorgeous! They look perfect on the shelf along with your picture frames. They definitely add a nice splash of color to the scene! And the wine cooler sounds very refreshing with the citrus and ginger! Thanks for sharing!

  5. i love Macy's culinary section

  6. That wine cooler is making me think of summer nights...right now we have snow on the ground!

  7. With the snowstorm we had over the weekend and a bit more today, I'm more than ready for Spring. Cooler looks like Summer and sounds yummy.

    slehan at juno dot com

  8. Wine coolers, yummy! I haven't had one of those in a long time. Macy's has some beautiful things. Wish we had one in my neck of the woods. But I can always shop online right?!

  9. That drink looks so good. It looks so refreshing and reminds me of summer.
    I went to the Macy's and looked at the handmade items. There were so many things I liked, I will have to get some things. Not only will my home look good but I will be helping people as well.

  10. If only spring would come! We have snow on the ground today. That drink looks delicious

  11. i LOVE these serving trays!!!

  12. Citrus cooler sounds refreshing. The serving trays are cool and great decoration too.

  13. This citrus wine cooler not only sounds delicious, but it looks lovely in the pitcher--and in the glass! I'm so glad I decided to browse through your recipes today. This one's going on my list of dinner party drinks. Thanks!

  14. looks really refreshing

    knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

  15. This is a good recipe to me for fall, too! I like the trays on your shelf - they are very pretty!
