Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Win Maid Service for a Year in the Honeywell Maid in America Contest {Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan Giveaway!}

Honeywell logo
Now that spring has arrived, we couldn't be more excited about shorts, sandals and all of the warmth and sunshine that we've missed here all winter long.

However, along with the beautiful weather, spring also seems to increase the amount of dirt and messes that appear in our homes, doesn't it? Between the kids tracking in mud, the dishes piling up in the sink as they're ignored in favor of going to play outside, and the pet hair blowing throughout the house when the windows are open, it seems that our cleaning to-do lists end up getting longer and longer.

Ever feel like you think you're making headway, but then you turn around for two minutes and find that your kids have done this?

messy kids room

Don't worry, you're not alone.

Which is why it is the perfect time for the makers of the Honeywell with Febreze Freshness fan to be on the quest to find the home most in need of a maid in their Honeywell Maid In America Contest!

Honeywell Maid In America contest

That's right, Honeywell wants to know why your home needs refreshing (or you can upload a photo of the messiest room in your house) to enter you for a chance to win monthly housecleaning service for a full year!

This fun contest ends on June 28, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. EST, so be sure to head over to the Maid In America contest tab today to enter!

As amazing as it would be to have a maid come in to clean every month, that's not always a reality for many of us, so instead I always keep an eye out for products that can help provide a clean, refreshed home without too much effort on my part.

Namely, the Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan!

Honeywell Cool & Refresh Fan

Combining two devices into one, the new Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan combines convenient odor elimination and cooling power with ease. This fan provides wide area cooling with its oscillation feature, and also uses Febreze Set&Refresh scent cartridges for whole room odor elimination and freshening.

After inserting the cartridge into the slot, all that is needed is to use the fan's oscillation button and speed control dial to choose the amount and direction of the air flow, while the Scent Control Dial easily lets you adjust the amount of odor that is released — from strong to none at all. The result is a room that is cool and refreshed just to your liking!

Honeywell Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan

Retailing for $29.99 (directly from Honeywell, at Target or Walmart, or on, the Cool & Refresh Fan is a great addition to any home.

However, if the 16.4" height is too small for your larger spaces, no worries! Honeywell has recently launched a larger version of this fan (33.23" tall) that will work great just for you. Check it out on and be prepared to breath deeply around your home for quite some time to come.

Find out more about these great Honeywell with Febreze Freshness fans by visiting and connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter. And, thanks to their generosity, one person will head into the spring season with a fresh-smelling home as well, because...

One lucky person will win a Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan!

Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan

A big thank you to Honeywell for providing a Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Renee said...

the play room

Anonymous said...

How do I choose just one? Currently probably the living room ... because I practically live in it.

kimbly said...

Our office is the messiest

Heather Swarthout said...

The living room, it's where all my toddler's toys are! :P (theswarthouts at live dot com)

Audrey said...

My bedroom is the worst!

Melissa Storms said...

My 9yo's room is definitely the messiest in the house right now.

Heather said...

we just everything is messy!!

Natalie U. said...

My bathroom..I'm ashamed to admit that
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

Jeanna said...

I would have to say our family room is the messiest!

Lisa P. said...

My bedroom

The Jaded Mom said...

The kitchen as there is someone in there 24/7!

Robyn said...

My son's room right now, such a just cleaned the rest yesterday!

Unknown said...

My daughter got in trouble at school and her teacher just came for a visit so my whole is spotless LoL I cleaned like a crazy person

Melanie said...

The laundry room is always a mess.

tavernie said...

My livingroom! Its where the kids play with all the toys!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

amp said...

Other than the basement, the messiest room we use every day is my office. It is small and often has 2 or 3 cats in residence.

apoalillo {AT} hotmail dot com
alyce poalillo

Unknown said...

My own bedroom is just a little messier than the others.

Suz said...

My spare bedroom is messiest; it's like the junk room.

Unknown said...

My 5 year old daughters room is the messiest in the house!

cman said...

Living room.. toy explosion.

Unknown said...

My 13 year old daughter's room!

Unknown said...

My bedroom...sigh

Birdson said...

Daughter Kara's bedroom Birdie Skolfield

LesleyfromWI said...

My son's bedroom is pretty bad

Unknown said...

My kitchen is the messiest.

weta1972 said...

My teen daughters room is a mess!!!

N said...

My bedroom is the messiest.

Steph @ Three Loud Kids! said...

My boys room for sure!!

tweetyscute said...

My daughters room is the absolute messiest room anywhere

N said...

My bedroom is the messiest!

guettel78 said...

Our home office is the messiest, especially since we haven't cleaned it since Tax Day!

Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My son's room by far.

Unknown said...

my kids room

Karrie said...

the master bedroom..everything ends up going in there

itsrob said...

the kitchen! always the kitchen. its the dumping ground for mail, school work, keys, purses, etc.

Robby Rob

amos122902 said...

Definitely my room.

Marti B. said...

Is there one that isn't messy? Uhhh . .. probably the game room is the worst right now, if we don't count the room the 25 year old sleeps in. I don't look in there intentionally.

Anonymous said...

My son's room is the messiest.

Matt Valdez said...

Unfortunately I would have to say the messiest room in my home is my room! I need to do some Spring Cleaning ASAP!

Unknown said...

Embarrassing to say... but the bathroom.

roxxyroller said...

My basement is the messiest, hands down!

Anonymous said...

My spare room is the messiest. It seems like everything ends up in there. I really need to sort through it all and get rid of what I don't need.
kathyluman@gmail dot com

Unknown said...

my son's room

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

my exercise room
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Rick said...

The utility room

Breanne said...


thescribbler said...

The living room, at the moment.

webwalking1 said...

Our daughters room is very messy

momo said...

Right now it's our computer room, but I'll be getting to it here shortly.

Carolyn said...

Right now our living room is. With 2 tweens and a newborn, it is full of all kinds of equipment and toys

Becca Ann said...

My kids room is the messiest

Deb S. said...

My son's room wins the prize of messiest.

Unknown said...

The kitchen is the messiest right now.

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

just cleaned the living room and kitchen, so right now my bathroom is the worst

hussagain said...

Out of the ones that I live in: my living room is the messiest...however in the entire house, my daughter's room is HORRIBLE!

Randi S said...

Probably my son's bedroom now...typically the playroom but we just cleaned it!!

Teresa Thompson said...

My bedroom/

Kiana N said...

My 17 yr. old daughters room is definitely the messiest in the house! I tell her to keep the door closed so I don't have to see it!

Debra Guillen said...

My son's room...messy messy messy!

Unknown said...

Probably my bedroom. I'm going to do a major clean on it before the kids get out of school.

greenhome said...

probably my bedroom.

dmoniz1980 said...

the tv room

Shea =) said...

My dining room =) I run a consignment store and I have tons of stuff stacks in there where I take photos!

Ledford Land said...

My art studio!

Jessica Eaton Ledford
cherriesjessilee at gmail dot com

blew415 said...

the dining room

MELINA said...

my kids 7 and 8 year old's room

Julie Harris said...

the kitchen, its always the kitchen, I spend half my life cooking and cleaning in the kitchen lol

ltlbitone said...

Well, if a garage counts as a room.. it would be the garage..

ltlbitone@yahoo . com

Unknown said...

my bedroom

DC said...

Our office is the messiest right now.

yellowlabs said...

My son's room is the messiest in the house.

Unknown said...

the living room...

Holly said...

The messiest room is the laundry room.

Angela M said...

My kitchen is definitely the messiest.

Unknown said...

my kids room!

mattnneb said...

My kitchen as it's currently under construction.

candykitn said...

Its a tie between the main bathroom and the kitchen

Kathy P said...

my bedroom is definitely the messiest

Kampai! said...

Definitely our teenager's room!!

Whitney said...

Our whole house is the messiest house of any house ever. Haha, we are moving this weekend, so the whole place is a disaster!

Vikki Billings said...

My bedroom is the messiest.

Brad Merrell said...

My bedroom

Unknown said...

My bedroom, in the process of rearranging/ spring cleaning.

Ashley T. said...

My bedroom is the messiest.

bev said...

My office area is the messiest room. It seems to collect all the junk for some reason. Thanks for this contest.

Leslie S. said...

My bedroom is the messiest since I have everyone's extra stuff in my room.

Buddy Garrett said...

The computer room is the messiest.

Judy W said...

The game room is always a mess!

lyndseyluvsjj said...

My sons room.

Lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

My boys room

MotherCreative said...

The living room is the messiest. It's not nearly big enough!

Kat said...

We don't have kids yet so the messiest place is the office.

aajacques said...

Our basement!

aajacques said...

our basement!

Pixel Berry Pie Designs said...

Our homeschool/game room. In the summer, it's also the hottest room in the house, so we could use one of these!

/\Heather/\ said...

MY room, which serves as library, arts & crafts room, exercise room and television room. Horrible, horrible mess.

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway…our laundry room & kitchen are a bit of a mess at the moment.

Sand said...

It's currently the den.

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