Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Win Maid Service for a Year in the Honeywell Maid in America Contest {Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan Giveaway!}

Honeywell logo
Now that spring has arrived, we couldn't be more excited about shorts, sandals and all of the warmth and sunshine that we've missed here all winter long.

However, along with the beautiful weather, spring also seems to increase the amount of dirt and messes that appear in our homes, doesn't it? Between the kids tracking in mud, the dishes piling up in the sink as they're ignored in favor of going to play outside, and the pet hair blowing throughout the house when the windows are open, it seems that our cleaning to-do lists end up getting longer and longer.

Ever feel like you think you're making headway, but then you turn around for two minutes and find that your kids have done this?

messy kids room

Don't worry, you're not alone.

Which is why it is the perfect time for the makers of the Honeywell with Febreze Freshness fan to be on the quest to find the home most in need of a maid in their Honeywell Maid In America Contest!

Honeywell Maid In America contest

That's right, Honeywell wants to know why your home needs refreshing (or you can upload a photo of the messiest room in your house) to enter you for a chance to win monthly housecleaning service for a full year!

This fun contest ends on June 28, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. EST, so be sure to head over to the Maid In America contest tab today to enter!

As amazing as it would be to have a maid come in to clean every month, that's not always a reality for many of us, so instead I always keep an eye out for products that can help provide a clean, refreshed home without too much effort on my part.

Namely, the Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan!

Honeywell Cool & Refresh Fan

Combining two devices into one, the new Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan combines convenient odor elimination and cooling power with ease. This fan provides wide area cooling with its oscillation feature, and also uses Febreze Set&Refresh scent cartridges for whole room odor elimination and freshening.

After inserting the cartridge into the slot, all that is needed is to use the fan's oscillation button and speed control dial to choose the amount and direction of the air flow, while the Scent Control Dial easily lets you adjust the amount of odor that is released — from strong to none at all. The result is a room that is cool and refreshed just to your liking!

Honeywell Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan

Retailing for $29.99 (directly from Honeywell, at Target or Walmart, or on, the Cool & Refresh Fan is a great addition to any home.

However, if the 16.4" height is too small for your larger spaces, no worries! Honeywell has recently launched a larger version of this fan (33.23" tall) that will work great just for you. Check it out on and be prepared to breath deeply around your home for quite some time to come.

Find out more about these great Honeywell with Febreze Freshness fans by visiting and connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter. And, thanks to their generosity, one person will head into the spring season with a fresh-smelling home as well, because...

One lucky person will win a Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan!

Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan

A big thank you to Honeywell for providing a Honeywell with Febreze Freshness Cool & Refresh Fan for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 298   Newer›   Newest»
Teresa said...

My kitchen is the messiest.

Tiffany @ As For My House said...

The kids' room! ACK!! LOL

sd4david said...

Well, today it's my bedroom.

Suburban prep said...

The office !!

abfantom said...

My daughter's playroom is messiest room in our house

abfantom at yahoo dot com

abfantom said...

GFC & G+ id: abfantom fantom

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

My daughters room is the messiest.

steve weber said...

the kitchen at this very moment.

Unknown said...

Bonus room!

wigget said...

the kitchen

jbmthill said...

My 16 yr old son's room is the messiest and grossest (is that a word?). The kid just throws cheese stick wrappers on the floor, dirty clothes, etc. I hate to even go in there.
Beth H

apple blossom said...

living room

frugalistamommy said...

My living room/family room/study!!! This "room" serves so many different purposes, and let me tell you- it always looks like something has exploded in it!!!!

Unknown said...

The living room :(

Rusthawk said...

My office.

Anonymous said...

Living room and spare bedroom (aka "play room)

jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

Mysharona said...

The family room

Scott said...

My son's room is the messiest.

Lisa Ehrman said...

my son's room is super-messy!

Candice said...

Our living room. We spend the most time there, and have 3 dogs.

CindyWindy2003 said...

the living room is the messiest, where we spend most of our time, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

Marti Tabora said...

My laundry room is the messiest, right now it's a disaster area.

Debra said...

my bedroom its just so small

Beth Larrabee said...

My bedroom

Mijal Photography said...

My kids rooms are the messiest!

bayctygrl said...

my laundry room is pretty ba

d schmidt said...

My older sons room is currently the messiest!
(d schmidt in widget)

chadro said...

living room!

Kayla said...

Definitely the bedroom. It's the worst by far!

lyndsey said...

my office!!

sdavis said...

the messiest would be the kids room

DEBIJOT said...

My office is the messiest.

BrunoDogg2 said...

I would have to say my bedroom is the messiest!

Allison Downes said...

the bedroom is the messiest right now

thanks for the nice giveaway!

aperry said...

The bedroom

puye said...

I would have to say my bedroom is the messiest

mahnrafjtb said...

I will admit that usual it is our bedroom that is the messiest. I shut the door and try to forget it.

Sarah said...

It rotates between the kitchen and the living room/dining room...why can they never both be clean at the same time?!

Wanda McHenry said...

Our home office!

Leann said...

right now it is the kitchen.. dirty dishes are stacked high!

Teresa said...

My laundry room is definitely the messiest.

Unknown said...

At this moment it's a tie between the little girls' room and the dining room (where the table is piled with homeschool books, projects, mail, etc.).

Coming Home to Live said...

My whole house! I live with a 2 year old and 3 year old so I can never really say my house is clean... They really do follow right behind me leaving a path of destruction OR do exactly like your picture and totally destroy whatever part of the house I am not cleaning:( The worst is the constant spills and grimey handprints! I swear I am always in the middle of cleaning a mess! Whew! Sorry...not meant to be a vent, LOL:) Guess I really do need that maid ;)

slb3334 said...

my bedroom

Lexiquin said...

I won't count the "junk" room--because we keep the door closed. I'd say our bedroom is the messiest. I'd love to have a clean house. Thanks for the giveaway.

skater425 said...

my home office is a disaster.

ken ohl said...

the office needs cleaning the most. thankyou, ken

Growl Tiger said...

Our living room is the worst

Carrie Phelps said...

My living room is the messiest.

Gala said...

The family room is the worst, everyone just "has" to "leave a footprint" there

Jen lleras said...

my basement play room, you didn;t hear it from me :/

brnmanis said...

the bedroom

Jenni Jones said...

My living room is the messiest! With 3 kids, we spend most of our time playing in the living room, together!

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

living room! I have a moving kiddo!

Unknown said...

Our Scrapbook/Craft Studio is always messy (in a good way)

Anonymous said...

It's got to be my room. You can't see the floor!

tat2gurlzrock said...

My bedroom no doubt

m&msmommy said...

Sadly, I'd say our bedroom! I feel like it gets neglected the most!

Anonymous said...

nancy p

MY messiest room is my husbands office. What a clutter

Natalie Parvis-Nichols said...

Our living room looks like a tornado went through it, even though I clean it up twice a day.
diesel_had_my_baby at yahoo dot com

Carolyn said...

Our office/second bedroom is horribly neglected. It's just so much easier to close the door...

dlhaley said...

The garage is the messiest room in my house.

Unknown said...

For sure my bedroom - I've been cleaning out the closet! Yuck!

virgomomwriter said...

Not counting the basement, my home office is the messiest.

Anonymous said...

My office is the messiest...don't spend enough time in it to keep it organized!

SueZH said...

Its a toss up between a spare bedroom and my dining room. Both places collect my junk.

llinda29 said...

This will be for the kitchen

Stephanie Ann said...

definitely my bedroom, i have clothes everywhere!

latanya t said...

the kitchen

Unknown said...

The office is the messiest.

walk9 said...

The kitchen at this time

mendyd said...

I'm not a good house keeper, so any room could be the messiest.

mendyd15 at yahoo dot com

Beth said...

The family room.

momofmultiples29 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

In terms of pet fur and dust, it's the living room.

ann said...

My bedroom or the living room is where I need it the most

Anonymous said...

My son's bedroom!

rlbouch said...

Our living room!

Denise M said...

sadly its my bedroom, not the kids room

Sherry said...

My spare bedroom.

♡♥♬ Louis ♬♥♡ said...

my kids' room
Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

Unknown said...

toss up between living room or my bedroom

Unknown said...


crankyyanky1 said...

My son's room is the messiest I tell him to clean it every day and every day he ignores me!

Allyson Bossie said...

My house is pretty darned clean since I had company the last few days. However, we have cooked, so the kitchen needs to be organized

clc408 said...

I think it would be best in the bedroom.

Robert said...

Our bedroom we are putting together for the new baby.

mogrill said...

My daughter's room.
Thanks for the chance.

slehan said...

Garage is messiest, in house it's the kitchen.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com

Unknown said...

The home office, I need to get it organized!

kroch said...

Our family room is currently the messiest

RICK said...

Laundry room.

Unknown said...

My kids' room!

Unknown said...

bedroom is messiest

Unknown said...

My son's room. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

Aleksandra Nearing said...

I'm a neat freak so we're in decent shape but man, if you saw my garage....disaster! We have a 3 car garage with 2 cars so the third one is filled with kid toys, plant stuff and just piles of stuff we need to donate.

Leanne Hill said...

the living room is ALWAYS a mess....even 10 minutes after cleaning it >_<

Karen Glatt said...

My bedroom is always the messiest! I need to clean it!

Nknouse22 said...

My kids room

Robert Pyszk said...

Right now it's the bathroom that is the messiest

ellen b said...

my sons room

Amy said...

Our house is an open floor plan, so unfortunately - it ends up being our living room/family room/etc!!

amanda hoffman said...

the bedroom

Ryan said...

the living room usually

Anonymous said...

my bedroom!

Melanie Montgomery said...

Our house is actually spotless. My husband is a neat freak.

AndreaH said...

At this moment, the messiest would be the kitchen. My husband cooks wonderfully but can leave a mess.

Unknown said...

My place is clean but during winter- it starts to smell closed-up and barn-like. So febreeze is a godsend.

Unknown said...

I would say that our family room gets the messiest as it has the most traffic and everyday wear and tear. This is the room that I am always cleaning!

Unknown said...

my bedroom is the messiest

Unknown said...

The messiest room in our house is always my bedroom.

Rusty said...

Right now my dining room is a disaster, easily the messiest room in the house. Gaye M; rustysrambles(at)gmail(dot)com

Cserafini said...

The playroom is the messiest.

tiffanynichole89 said...

my bedroom is the messiest

Randi said...

I was tempted to say my teen son's room is the messiest, but if I am honest I will realize that my home office is the messiest. My desk is cluttered with files,papers,mail, projects,coupons,pens and lots of other things!

Michele P. said...

on which day? lol. right now it's the living room!

bettycd said...

the dining room is the messiest. We are in the middle of sorting out moving one of the kids to a new job location

Dave said...

The kitchen and my daughters room, messy in different ways but messy still the same

HarleyC said...

The bedroom is the messiest

kdrae said...

Sad to say that its my room and not my kids' room tonight! :)

price21100 said...

My son's room is the messiest.

Unknown said...

my craft room

Unknown said...

The guest has become a dumping ground.

Sandra VanHoey said...

Probably my bedroom because all my daughters 3 long haired animals stay with me at all times so their hair gets everywhere

garygreen said...

I would love to win this prize.

Nataly Carbonell said...

Our living room, I know it's embarrassing!

Selinda said...

My living room!


selinda_mccumbers at

Unknown said...

I feel like my bathroom always needs attention.

Boise Wiebers said...

We have a few messy rooms but my son's is the messiest and smelliest. =)

mecarolks said...

My kitchen is the messiest.

jcwega27 said...

my bedroom

Ellen C. said...

Our living room gets the messiest between toys and snacks. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

My sons room is horrible

Unknown said...

My livingroom seems to be the catch all room.

Chloe M. said...

The living room in my home is a magnet for clutter!

Unknown said...

Every room in our home is organized (I'm a type-a person) except for our basement because I HATE being down there and he won't clean it.

polly said...

our desks in the computer room is the messiest

Kia89 said...

The kitchen.

debbie said...

every room LOL, but I would say my extra/computer room seems to get the messiest.

clc408 said...

My laundry room is the worst.

tina reynolds said...

my boys room

Nancy said...

My craft room is the messiest.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

PAIGE said...

The kids playroom is a serious MESS.

neoh42f said...

Hubbys computer room is by far the messiest!

Unknown said...

he basement

Susan Audrey said...

My kitchen! It's the drop-off point for everything!

Pinky Sade said...

Currently, it's my bedroom!

littlelatina said...

my boys bedroom

Helga said...

the living room

cp1935 said...

My bedroom/office is the messiest.

Customer Service Rep said...

My bedroom is messiest

Karen said...

My bedroom is the messiest.


None of our rooms are messy, not even the garage. I keep everything neat, clean, and organized.

Jim said...

my bedroom

misterjim74 at gmail dot com

pennelope merriweather said...

Good question! I would say my dining room! Thanks for this giveaway!

Sandie said...

I'd have to say the bathroom right now...(I need a maid) Cleaning is NOT my favorite thing!

Anonymous said...

My bedroom is the messiest.

Amanda Rauch said...

My dining room is currently the messiest-stuff just gets piled up in there

Victoria Nyquist said...

Our guest bedroom is currently the messiest. We are planning a garage sale and have everything in there that we are selling. Sure is messy!

Austin Baroudi said...

The messiest room by far in our house is our living room! My daughter makes it a goal to completely demolish it! I clean up the mess every night while she sleeps, only to have it destroyed by the time I wake up the next morning :P Gotta love kids!

smilekisses said...

My teen daughter's room is a mess.

randio said...

My sons room, I don't even venture near it any more!

sparkedcat said...

Right now the garage is the messiest

deniseyweesy said...

my basement

Bo said...

Our dining room is a disaster right now - there is stuff all over the table.

Terra Heck said...

Our guest bedroom is the messiest. That's because we just throw stuff in there that we don't know where else to put it. Thanks.

ShellyH said...

Currently that would be my living room. I just had hip replacement surgery so I have a hospital bed and hospital gear squeezed into my living room with my LR stuff...ugh! Hopefully in 6 weeks it will all be outta there!

Unknown said...

This would be good in any of our bedrooms.

Amy Z said...

Our living room is the messiest right now!

Unknown said...

Our bedroom is definitely the messiest. It tends to accumulate the junk since no one else goes in there! Yikes!

Unknown said...

The kitchen is messiest room, lol.

Unknown said...

living room

kport207 at gmail dot com

channallocks said...

my office

jlafount said...

The bedroom is messiest

Clair Shumack said...

my bedroom is the worst lol

Chaffle Chicken said...

It's a tie between our spare room and our bedroom. The spare room is the catch all of things we don't know what to do with and our bedroom is just a mess. I never put away clean clothes and they just end up piled on the floor.

Colleen Maurina said...

My family room is the messiest!

Jean said...

the kitchen is

ThriftyAnnabella said...

The living room
annabella @ centurytel dot net

bofoaok said...

My bedroom is always the messiest because what ever that does not fit in the other rooms goes into mine.UGH!

Unknown said...

the spare bedroom, things seem to get put in there until they can be taken care of

Roy F. said...

My bedroom is the messiest

Anonymous said...

Our spare bedroom. It is a catchall for things that don't have a place elsewhere.

megan said...

definitely the dining room!

Nicole C. said...

Rught now, my bedroom is the messiest room in the house. The kitchen comes in a close second, though.

Treesa said...

Currently our office is the messiest!


kyl neusch said...

in the kitchen

buzzd said...

the living room

Unknown said...

The Living Room

Anonymous said...

My kitchen is the messiest! I'm always baking and cooking lol

huntcm74 said...

my storage room

K.Pugh said...

My teen's room is currently the messiest. Although I clean it everyday.
Thanks for the chance.

Douglas Houston said...

The bedroom is messiest, thank goodness for doors

sherylssg said...

The laundry room and my son's room are the messiest.

sflickinger at rocketmail dot com

Unknown said...

My room!

bunnyswagg said...

The kitchen and the living room because we use it so frequently and I'm cooking so much.

Nancy R said...

Our spare bedroom is currently the messiest. We had a roof leak and are in the process of repainting the ceiling and everything is all over the place.

atabanana29 said...

My daughter's room is the messiest!!!!

Kathy Davis said...

The messiest room in our house is my husband's office.
Kathy Davis

Diana C said...

The garage. My husband has a shop in the garage and it tends to smell like the trash bins.

Diana C

Derek Timm said...

I would have to say the kitchen!

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