Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Travel Smart this Summer with Balance Bar {Prize Pack Giveaway}

Balance Bar logo
As much as I always hope that our summer days will be luxuriously relaxing, they instead seem to end up being a rush from activity to activity. Not only that, once we add in time spent visiting with friends, traveling for vacations near and far, and maybe getting some sleep in once in a while, the entire three months have passed in a whirlwind.

So, what does that all mean? That any way that I can find to help me stay more fit, eat healthier and keep more organized while on the road (locally or while away) this summer is a good thing.

Which is why it is easy to turn to the healthy nutrition, energy and convenience that comes along with the satisfying flavor and wholesome benefits of Balance Bar.

balance bar summer

Founded in 1992 by a group of sports enthusiasts, scientists and people with a passion for life, Balance Bar was one of the originators of energy bars and the nutrition bar category.

As they have long crafted their products with the perfect balance of great taste, quality nutrition and lasting energy, it is easy to see why their 40-30-30 nutrition principle (40% of calories come from carbohydrates, 30% from quality protein and 30% from dietary fat) provides balanced energy... as opposed to a sugar rush and subsequent crash.

Add to that the many different flavors, styles and formats of energy bars that Balance Bar offers and there is no reason that nutrition can't be easy and delicious for everyone. These convenient bars can be eaten at home, work or on-the-go, so no matter if your day has you attending meetings, running errands, picking up the kids, squeezing in a workout or more, you can stay balanced and ready to keep up with it all.

Balance Bar nutrition

The perfect grab-and-go option for summer, right?

Balance Bar wants to make it even easier to stay healthy and balanced all summer long by sharing tips, tricks and advice from their team of specialists, experts and bloggers. Join them today, June 26th, at 2pm EST at the #SummerBalance hashtag to find out more... and enter to win great prizes! Visit the Summer Travel Twitter Chat page for more and join in this afternoon!

I'm always a fan of the knowledge that Laurel House, a.k.a. Quickie Chick, has to share and her travel tips are no exception:
    Quickie Chick
  • Don't Forget Your Sneakers. Make a plan to work out on vacation by dedicating some of that valuable space in your luggage to your sneakers. Having them with you will be a great reminder to take a few minutes out of your day to go on a run.

    If you don't actually use them on your trip, you’ll be upset you used that precious space in your luggage for items you didn’t use (and guilty you didn’t work out)!
  • Remember your Cs. Vitamin C doesn't just help support your immune system, it has also been shown to help fight cell-damaging free radicals. Make sure to pack a couple packets of vitamin C powder so that you have your on-the-go support plus a daily dose of antioxidants.
  • Take Yourself on A Walking Tour. Familiarize yourself with a new city by power walking or running through it. You will have the opportunity to notice the details, talk to the people, and feel its beat much better while pounding the pavement instead of through the window of a car.
  • Workout at the Airport (see Laurel's video on this tip here). The surprising fact is that you start racking up calories burned even before you arrive to your destination, especially if you do "carry-on only." Just the act of traveling can burn an average of 117 calories per hour.

    Want to burn some more calories? While killing time in the airport, try carry-on bag curls, terminal lunges, calf raises, or wall sits.
Armed with these great tips and the knowledge of what I need to do to stay healthy this summer, the only thing remaining was to stock up on delicious and nutritious bars from Balance Bar!

Balance Bar summer travel
This handy travel cooler and awesome May Book from May Designs are just the travel accessories needed to ensure that I'm ready to hop in the car (or on a plane) and be prepared for just about anything.

And, as much as I was excited about my stylish new May Book and cooler, trying out these four great flavors of Balance Bar — Blueberry Acai, Double Chocolate Brownie, Sweet & Salty Chocolate Almond and Sweet & Salty Peanut Butter — definitely brought a smile to my face as well.

Each one is an excellent source of antioxidants and Vitamin D and contain a great deal of fiber and protein, so knowing that my family is getting lots of healthy vitamins and minerals while enjoying the delicious flavors makes them a major win-win!

Brownie Balance Bar

Whether you are trying to meet your own weight loss goals or you simply know that it is better to eat healthy snacks throughout the day to stay fueled (and not starving!), Balance Bars are a delicious way to keep you on track throughout all of your summer travels... while giving your taste buds a treat at the same time.

To find out more about the HUGE variety of Balance Bars and the endless number of flavors available, visit them at and on Facebook and Twitter. As well as keeping an eye out for these bars at your local grocery store and health food store, you can also find them at as well as on Amazon.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of Balance Bar, one person will be able to have a warm weather dose of healthy nutrition as well, because...

One lucky person will win an assortment of bars from Balance Bar, a travel cooler and an adorable notebook by May Book!

Balance Bar giveaway

A big thank you to Balance Bar for providing a prize pack for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


Anonymous said... 1

To stay balanced when traveling over the summer we ack our own healthy snacks and drinks so we won't be tempted to stop for those that are not healthy

Unknown said... 2

I try to stay away from fast food and fried food. Eating healthy isn't always easy while traveling. If I can I will workout or at least go for a walk!

Marti Tabora said... 3

I try to stay balanced by eating right and being active.

Savor The Days said... 4

I just have to remember to not feel the need to finish my kids' leftovers at lunch. That last bite of pizza or that one lonely cheese stick just seems to hard to throw away! kim(at)kimberlychance(dot)com

Kitty said... 5

I make healthy snacks at home and bring it with me when I travel!

dawn keenan (newnameford) said... 6

Drink lots of fluids, and use sunscreen!

Unknown said... 7

My tip for staying healthy over the summer is to drink lots of water, exercise daily and enjoy fresh foods from the garden or local farmers market.

bettycd said... 8

when traveling, don't forget that groceries often provide a healthy and inexpensive alternative to eating 'out'. Pick up a deli chicken, some carrots, some rolls and a side salad. The kids can have a drumstick or a chicken sandwich. carrots and celery become a fingerfood salad with or without a hummis dip. A single chicken for $5 is bought hot and salad items can be purchased off a salad bar in the amount needed for just that meal all much cheaper and healthier than eating out. The kids have more time for the pool or just sitting in the ac and watching TV. While traveling we do eat out, but it does not have to break the budget nor all be unhealthy fast food choices. So yes - balance out your food choices for the family.

Unknown said... 9

Ice cream seems to be such an innocuous treat all summer long. I find that many people just decide to run out for an ice cream without thinking twice. Well, I think twice. I know that to stay balanced and healthy I cannot be eating ice cream every day all summer, so I watch my consumption of that treat very carefully. It helps!

Unknown said... 10

I think its always important to stay hydrated so drinking lots of water.

Linda Szymoniak said... 11

I'm constantly on the run, so I keep healthy snacks and bottles of water with me. It helps me stay on track and keeps the urge to stop at the fast food drive-up from getting the better of me.

peg42 said... 12

I try to stay active, eat healthy and drink plenty of water.

Weave said... 13

Stay away from fast food and drink plenty of water instead of soft drinks

Kayla said... 14

To make it a point to exercise or do something active every day.

K.Pugh said... 15

Drink plenty of water and keep protein filled snacks on hand.
Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said... 16

I travel with a small cooler filled with fresh fruit,filtered water and protein filled snack bars.

Laurie J. said... 17

Stay active and eat lots of healthy foods throughout the day!

Unknown said... 18

Drinking a lot of water and eating meals I prepare most of the time (as opposed to eating out).

katieoscarlet said... 19

drink plenty of water, eat balance bars and yogurt as snacks throughout the day and sometimes even as a midnight snack

Karen B. said... 20

A nice win.

blue65829 said... 21

my tip for staying balanced is to keep getting between 7 and 8 hours of sleep, even if you're on the road or traveling otherwise.

d schmidt said... 22

My tip is to keep snacks in your bag and drink a lot of water because people often mistake thirst for hunger

Kimberly said... 23

Lots of water

Dave said... 24

I try to exercise and drink lots of water

Helga said... 25

Drink a lot of water and stay out of the sun whe its really hot outside.

Darlene said... 26

Take a lot of walks (with your dogs if you have one) and stay away from sweets.

s said... 27

keep up with an exercise routine.

Unknown said... 28

Drink lots of water and exercise at least 20 minutes a day.

SueZH said... 29

I drink a lot of water and eat light.

Unknown said... 30

i drink lots of water and swim a lot

drea8685 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 31

Healthy car snacks are a must. Include protein and fruit. We like grapes and cheese sticks.

sdavis said... 32

my tip for a healthy summer is to stay hydrated and keep plenty of fruits and veggies in refrigerator to snack on.

Anonymous said... 33

Buying fresh and in-season fruits and vegetables is always great! And drinking lots of water is a neccessity!

Amber said... 34

My tip for living a balanced life is to do yoga each morning! It helps me limber up and feel rejuvenated!

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Unknown said... 35

I exercise, eat healthy, and drink water. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

debbie said... 36

I take advantage of all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are grown locally.

Unknown said... 37

eat local produce where ever local is at the moment, avoid chain restaurants shop farmers markets and have mah coffee where ever I see Hippy's congregating, (Hippy's always have good coffee and the muffins are all bran and low fat.)

Robin O said... 38

I always bring my workout clothes on vacation; I either exercise in the hotel fitness room or go for a run in the morning.

Kayla said... 39

We will be traveling next week, and all of our meals will be eaten out. So...I am really going to try to watch my portion size and drink lots of water.

Allisha Gold said... 40

I try to stay balanced over the summer by setting up quick daily workout routines :)

sweepmom said... 41

I try to pack healthy drinks and snacks for when we are out and about so we aren't tempted to eat unhealthy things.

Cheryl @ Simply Shoeboxes said... 42

We often stop at grocery stores instead of restaurants to get healthier meals.

Marissa M said... 43

Healthy eating and drinking lots of water

Unknown said... 44

Take healthy snacks with me so I don't eat as much fast food

Paula V said... 45

pack snacks, almonds, sunflowers, celery/carrots, tangerines, apples, water. It helps to curve the appetite before finding a healthy restaurant to eat at.

llinda29 said... 46

get exercise regularly

walk9 said... 47

We bring a cooler of healthy snacks.

momtoem said... 48

We eat healthy snacks and stay active. We also swim a lot!

Austin Baroudi said... 49

Lots of water, cut out carbs, and exercise regularly.

BrunoDogg2 said... 50

We always have water with us plus extra water. We also bring snacks so this would be great to have to bring cold things to snack on!

Darlene said... 51

I entered your Coco-Cola giveaway

Darlene said... 52

7th generation giveaway

Darlene said... 53

Giveaway - $25 GC from Dreft

Phyllis said... 54


Unknown said... 55

I buy healthy snacks and fresh fruit and veggies for snacks and breakfasts at my destination and limit alchohol

tina reynolds said... 56

lots of water and go for walks in the evening great for the body and mind

Melissa Zimmerman said... 57

Drink a lot of water

Unknown said... 58

We carry Balance Bars for meals (eat 6 times a day) when traveling, and drink 64 to 120 ounces of water per day. Activity should be balanced with the temperature and water intake.

Anonymous said... 59

I am following a rather restrictive no-sugar diet for health reasons, and drinking lots of water.

Unknown said... 60

Drink lots of water and take some tennis shoes to get out and walk. Thanks.

dfraley3 said... 61

I drink lots of water and more fruits for snacks.

petchk79 said... 62

I would say plan and stay organized! That is the most important because if you plan snack mixes or make healthy foods for your trips you don't have those unnecessary fast food stops!

Anonymous said... 63

always have healthy snacks handy

Jennifer T. said... 64

When I'm traveling, I try to eat extra fiber and water.

Anonymous said... 65

drinking lots of water.

Jackie said... 66

I drink lots of water and try to avoid heavy foods and snacks.

an unexpected turn said... 67

excersising daily! even if it's just a little walking

Unknown said... 68

when on any kind of trip, i always pack tons of water, fresh fruit and fresh veggies to munch on. thanks for such a nice prize and giveaway-we love balance bars.

Diane W said... 69

I like to eat healthy most of the time and try to get a little exercise everyday.

Liz said... 70

I stay balanced & healthy while traveling by bringing many of my own snacks & a variety of food. I also drink alot of water to stay hydrated.

Michelle said... 71

My best advice is everything in moderation! Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Karen said... 72

Always stay hydrated...often we confuse hunger with dehydration !!

ktgonyea at

MsJudwah said... 73

Keep the fluids flowing with cold water, tea and other bottled juices. Pack fruits, vegetables and sandwiches to munch on rather than driving through fast food lines.

June L said... 74

It helps to keep water and healthy snacks like veggies with you when you are traveling.

casaflamingos said... 75

try to eat lowfat foods and try to get some exercise such as walking while on a trip

Unknown said... 76

The main thing for me is to stay well hydrated. I usually eat pretty good.

Mom Knows Best said... 77

exercising and eating fruit

Caroline said... 78

I try to go for walks and eat as much fruit and drink as much water as possible.

carolinebock1 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 79

Lots of sunscreen, and drink lots of water.

Ruby said... 80

Lots of water and eat fresh fruits

Di said... 81

sty hydrated & don't skip eating

Ciara B. said... 82

i make sure to stay very hydrated and stay away from sugary drinks

Victoria Nyquist said... 83

I make sure to either buy my own healthy snacks/food and when going out to eat I make sure to order a healthy option most of the time. Also, drinking lots of water is KEY!

savvygirl65 said... 84

Packing nutritious protein snacks and carrying water in cooler helps me stay on track. The protein snacks keep me from getting so hungry.
Sherri J

Unknown said... 85

Make flavored water and keep it in the fridge so its easy to drink.

Mirm said... 86

Pack veggie sticks (celery, carrots) instead of chips.

Unknown said... 87

I try to plan ahead and pack a bagged lunch instead of eating fast food if we know we're going to be out of the house for a while.

Nicole said... 88

pack lunches, keep water in the car, and eat food in season!

Sarah said... 89

Lots of water, eat in season fruits and veggies, and allow yourself one splurge day a week!

Unknown said... 90

One simple thing that goes a long way is drinking lots and lots of water! lexbaylor17 (at) gmail (dot) com

Liz said... 91

Pack snacks and water!

Mallory said... 92

Planning ahead for when I can exercise during the week. Having a schedule takes the anxiety of 'when' out.

Unknown said... 93

Get plenty of rest on your trip, drink a lot of water and eat balanced meals and not just junk, and remember to have fun...

Kylie Carlson said... 94

Walk everywhere you can on vacation- you'll experience more of the place you are visiting AND you get your exercise in!

mogrill said... 95

Eat lots of fruits and veggies and drink water BEFORE a meal.
Thanks for the chance.

Katie Jones said... 96

Eat well and stay active

sweetsue said... 97

I try to eat a healthy breakfast when on vacation. Oatmeal and fruit is perfect!
smchester at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 98

Make sure to drink lots of water!

Kerri said... 99

Try to eat healthy and if tempted to not, eat small amounts. Everything in moderation.

Anonymous said... 100

I do a lot of swimming and drink lots of water.

Jakes Movie Reviews said... 101

eat healthy and drink lots of water

jlafount said... 102

Daily exercise and crazy amounts of cold water

jcwega27 said... 103

water and sunscreen

Unknown said... 104

I always pack healthy snack and lots of water bottles.

Unknown said... 105

My tip is to remember to drink plenty of water and relax....have fun.

Unknown said... 106

Lots of water & healthy eating & plenty of rest.

Aleksandra Nearing said... 107

We keep lots of fresh fruit around for snacking.

Katherine said... 108

pack your own fresh, healthy snacks!

desdun31 said... 109

I stay balanced by relaxing on the beach, enjoying outdoor concerts with family and friends, and relaxing in nature with my family.

Desiree Dunbar

Unknown said... 110

Take breaks on a schedule.

Unknown said... 111

We take healthy snacks along with us when we're on the road so we're not as tempted by fast food or the candy at convenience stores.

Leslie Galloway (LesGalloway //at// hotmail //dot// com)

calvad said... 112

I continue to exercise and drink lots of water!

Treesa said... 113

Packing our own food is helpful!


Julia said... 114

I continue with my water exercises during the summer to stay healthy.

Rita M said... 115

Keep hydrated... if possible take your own water & make sure you have some fruit with you to snack on.

Stevie said... 116

taking our own snacks & lunches when going places to save money but also to eat healthier

Unknown said... 117

it is important to stay hydrated so drinking lots of water

Denise S. said... 118

Stick to healthy eating even on summer trips and holidays.

Anonymous said... 119

stay hydrated & take evening walks

jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

LesleyfromWI said... 120

I try to pack us healthy snacks to snack on in the car

amanda whitley said... 121

we pack healthy snacks and lunches wherever we go

Elaine said... 122

Drink lots of water and make healthy choices when traveling

nicolesender said... 123

Drink lots of water not sugar based drinks!

Laurel said... 124

Drinking water and trying to stay away from refined sugar.

clc408 said... 125

I stay balanced by making good food choices both at home and when eating out.

Allison said... 126

I try to pack workout clothes and shoes so I can still go on runs when I travel.

Amanda Rauch said... 127

I try to drink as much water as i can and stay active with my doggies

Kristy Thiel said... 128

I think the most important thing is to protect yourself from the sun!

Becca said... 129

You should try to keep exercising while on vacation. It will help to keep you in your routine and it will help to burn off the extra food calories you are eating!

Sara said... 130

Drink a lot of water

Holly_Heart said... 131

I always try to bring along food bars, fresh fruit, and baggies of homemade snack mix to keep my snacking healthy

Roy F. said... 132

Plan ahead. Pack your own meals so that you have more control ver what you eat.

Ryan said... 133

We pack sandwiches and healthy snacks.

Kristen said... 134

pack healthy snacks!

Sherry said... 135

I eat healthy, drink lots of water and try to exercise.

Anonymous said... 136

I always stay at a hotel with a fitness home.

Anonymous said... 137

To carry healthy snacks with me so I don't buy something else.

tiffanynichole89 said... 138

Try to stay active and eat healthy

Deal Bunny said... 139

we take in a lot of the fresh produce available this time of year

Unknown said... 140

We eat a lot lighter (more salads and produce) and try to stay active.

Angela M. said... 141

Drinking lots of water and eating lots of fruit!

Lisa said... 142

Drink lots of water and try not to overeat.

kolpin said... 143

i go for a run in the early morning to beat the heat and get my exercise in.

kyl neusch said... 144

got to drink lots of water

Unknown said... 145

Stay active and make sure to drink alot of water especially since this time of the year is so hot.

DShope said... 146

Always pack your travel snacks because fast food is so limited and so is convenience store food.

Unknown said... 147

When traveling we try not to eat out a lot and have fresh foods from local supermarkets.

Amy Z said... 148

Make sure to stay hydrated, and skip out on beverages with empty calories.

Unknown said... 149

drink lots of water and keep fresh fruits and vegetables on hand

Unknown said... 150

A light, healthy breakfast, lots of healthy snacks and lots of water!

Bo said... 151

For us, it's very important to make sure we get enough sleep! That helps keep us balanced and healthy!

maryjaco1 said... 152

Drink lots and lots of water.

Katie said... 153

stay hydrated and eat the fruits and veggies of the summer season

Unknown said... 154

Drink lots of water!

/\Heather/\ said... 155

While traveling, I try to stay in hotels with a gym...and I use it!

Unknown said... 156

Drink more water & have 2 extra servings of fruit a day.

foodmom4life said... 157

While traveling, we keep a copy of Eat This, Not That, in the car for quick reference!

Unknown said... 158

I travel always with water and healthy snacks. I always have a Balance Bar on hand for the gym. Nuts and dried fruit for in between snacks in the car.

Belinda said... 159

Drink lots of water and take walks with my kids

saturdaynightfever said... 160

The summer weather helps with outdoor workouts; I especially like bicycling, hiking and running!

Deb S. said... 161

I stay balanced by making sure we have some time to just relax. Summers are so busy so we have to have a relaxing time out.

kathy f said... 162

When traveling we try to eat a lot of fresh fruit and healthy snacks.

bac1 said... 163

eat fruit and vegetables

Kathy K said... 164

We try to take our own healthy snacks with us when traveling,like fresh fruits,water,and try to stay away from fast foods.

cheryl lister said... 165

Even while on vacation, I try to get a good walk in every day.

Anonymous said... 166

My best tip for staying balanced and healthy over while traveling is to stock up on healthy snacks to take with you or visit grocery store at location instead of eating at restaurants all the time.

cowboyswife said... 167

I stay active and eat plenty of veggies and drink lots of water.

cowboyswife said... 168

I stay active and eat plenty of veggies and drink lots of water.

csue said... 169

I try to eat good foods and drink more liquids in the summer.

dispatcher_kristy said... 170

drink tons of water

Unknown said... 171

eat healthy foods and drink your water

peppersalt said... 172

Fresh veggies abound and I serve and cook veggies every day. I put cucumbers and tomatoes on the table every day along with either squash, field peas, corn, beans or all of them.

Kat said... 173

Stay hydrated, lots of veggie like home grown sprouts and get enough sleep as your body wants

Teresa Thompson said... 174

Take your own food and avoid fast food.

Melanie Montgomery said... 175

I try to exercise twice a week.

channallocks said... 176

i lways pack some fruit with me to go

Unknown said... 177

we have started playing disc golf (you have to try this) and drinking more water and fruit :) when we go golfing, we also bring some water bottles with a few inches of ice frozen on the bottom - makes some nice cold water

Unknown said... 178

Drink lots of water, get out & hike, carry fiber packets & watch my food!

Unknown said... 179

using sunscreen and drinking plenty of water

Laura said... 180

Definitely use sunscreen and reapply! Laura

MELINA said... 181

stay balanced and healthy by staying hydrated, eating right, and excersing

Anonymous said... 182

Fruits, veggies, and water are keys to staying balanced.
jenswps at yahoo . com

apple blossom said... 183


Erica C. said... 184

I'll eat all my meals in the hotel except for dinner so that I'm not eating bad food all the time!

Wendy Rozema said... 185

Drinking lots of water & staying active / exercising whenever i can!

Kathy P said... 186

I walk 4 miles a day on the treadmill if not I feel sluggish

susansmoaks said... 187

when i am on vacation i allow myself some extra food but i try to keep it minimal so that i can remain healthy

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Buddy Garrett said... 188

eat healthy and get enough rest.

blew415 said... 189

bring comfy shoes, park farther than usual, drink lots of water!

Vikki Billings said... 190

When traveling during the summer for vacation we take food in the car for the trip instead of eating out, it saves money and is healthier.

Unknown said... 191

Drink lots of water, helps fight hunger

Tamara said... 192

We love having fruits and other healthy snacks always on hand. Thanks!

michedt said... 193

Try to drink lots of water, and if traveling by car, get out and walk often.
Michelle Tucker

Brian E. said... 194

Thanks for the giveaway…steer clear of fast food / airport snacks / gas station snacks when traveling during the summer: bring along a bag of nuts, a protein bar, etc. instead of an impulse buy of junk food....and drink water !

cman said... 195

Lots of water.

lilyk said... 196

My tip is to stay well hydrated.