Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dreft Detergent: Gentle on Baby's Skin, Tough on Stains {$25 Visa Gift Card Giveaway}

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There are some opinions on having and caring for a baby that have changed over the years. After all, there is wisdom in the parenting advice passed down from generation to generation... to an extent.

While it wasn't neglectful parenting by any means, moms from decades ago didn't know any better about placing their child face-down for sleeping, holding their infant in their lap in the car instead of securing them in a car seat, or reaching for bottles of formula instead of listening to "breast is best" research.

However, whether you're a first timer or the greatest, grandest mother of them all, there's one thing moms have agreed on for over 75 years and shows no signs of changing — Dreft makes your little one's fabrics feel as clean and soft as can be.

Dreft detergent

Specially formulated to be gentle on baby's skin and tough on stains, washing baby clothes in Dreft is as gentle as washing in water, making it unsurprising that Dreft is the baby laundry detergent most recommended by pediatricians everywhere.

washing baby clothesIn fact, Dreft is specially formulated for the unique needs of baby items, allowing parents to rely on Dreft to not only help prepare their little one's essentials before their arrival, but also to keep those items clean and safe once they're brought home from the hospital.

Complete with a scent that's truly beloved by parents (that's also gentle for baby), Dreft leaves little one's clothing as clean and as soft as can be, bringing cuddle time to a whole new level of warm and fuzzy with little princes and princesses everywhere.

Speaking of royalty, you'll want to head over to the Dreft Facebook page to take part in the fun "Royal Baby" events that are on now: the Royal Baby Name Bracket and Heir to the Highchair.

Dreft Royal Baby Name Bracket

In the Royal Name Baby Bracket, fans can see how their favorite baby names for Prince William and Princess Kate's future little one compare with one another. Make your first round picks now and then check back as new rounds unlock to pick all the way to the finals as we get closer and closer to the royal baby's arrival!

In Heir to the Highchair, this cute photo-sharing app allows fans to upload their own baby's photo to create a picture of a child on a throne — your son or daughter can now receive their own royal treatment in such a fun and adorable way. Just take a look at my funny princesses!

princess babies

No matter if you are pregnant with your first child, a grandmother of 12 or simply want a way to wash clothes that will leave them extremely soft and gentle on your skin, be sure to head over to to find out more about why this brand has been loved and trusted since 1933.

Don't miss the opportunity to participate in the fun Royal Baby games on Facebook while they're around as well. After all, it won't be too much longer before that royal bump turns into the much-anticipated royal prince or princess!

Thanks to the generosity of Dreft, one person will soon be able to have their own small royal treatment as well, because...

One lucky person will win a $25 Visa gift card from Dreft!

$25 Visa gift card

A big thank you to Dreft for donating sample packs and a gift card to me for my participation in this blogging/trial program. These items were not intended as payment for any favorable opinions, as this post is entirely my honest opinion.


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FrangiePani said... 1


Jessica Allen said... 2

Kathleen or Katherine

Unknown said... 3

Harrison for a boy

jbmthill said... 4


Nicole-Lynn said... 5

If a girl, Elizabeth Diana :)

I'm expecting my first baby (girl!) this fall. Thanks for the opportunity.

jenspurg said... 6

Katherine is pretty for a girl.

Kaizen Fashion Project said... 7


Heather S
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said... 8

I really think they should name their baby Diana (if it's a girl).

abfantom said... 9

If it was a girl, I would like Allison

abfantom at yahoo dot com

abfantom said... 10

G+ and GFC id: abfantom fantom

abfantom at yahoo dot com

vivaciousgold said... 11


Marti Tabora said... 12

I think they should name her Priscilla.

scottsgal said... 13

If a girl - Sarah

Amanda Rauch said... 14

I think they should name her Abigail

Unknown said... 15

ohh heck naming a royal is as complicated as naming a pedigree show dog. I say chuck tradition I want a Prince Bubba

Mysharona said... 16


Denise S. said... 17

Brittany or Cameron

Kimberly said... 18

Diana would be nice

DShope said... 19

Isabella or James

Tamar said... 20

Diana as a tribute to the late princess.

Shayna said... 21

Diana or Elton !!!

steve weber said... 22


JC said... 23


Kymi A. said... 24

I think they should name her Isabella.

Janet W. said... 25

James or Emma

Unknown said... 26

The baby will have 4-5 names so for a girl one of them will likely be Diana and maybe Elizabeth and for a boy Philip and Charles. Don't think any of these will be the name they go by.

Marissa M said... 27

Alexandra for a girl and Christian for a boy!

Tamra said... 28

Elizabeth or James

frugalistamommy said... 29

Wilhemina, or Thurston!!!! My, how snobby!!!!!

Allen said... 30

Artemis for a boy

Candice said... 31

Isabelle Diana if a girl.

Anonymous said... 32

Emilee for a girl
Patrick for a boy

jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

Holly said... 33

Diana Elizabeth

jen said... 34

James or Diana :)

aperry said... 35

Harper or Leif

McKim said... 36

Alexandra Diana

Katie said... 37

William or Diana

Unknown said... 38

i think it would be fitting if it is a girl to name it 'diana' and if a boy, i like 'richard'. thanks for a fun giveaway!

wigget said... 39


ReviewsSheRote said... 40

Ileanna Diana


Valdemar Charles

Unknown said... 41

If it is a girl
Candida Diana
If it is a goy
Candido Charles

Austin Baroudi said... 42

Bristol either way!

Rose-Marie said... 43
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason said... 44


peg42 said... 45

William for a boy or Elizabeth for a girl.
Thanks so much.

CindyWindy2003 said... 46

think they should choose thomas for a boy and for a girl Sophia, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

Andrea said... 47


Emaisgr8 said... 48


d schmidt said... 49

I think they will call a boy Henry or George and a girl Eloise or Margaret

Anonymous said... 50

I think John for a boy and Victoria for a girl.

ShempGames said... 51

If it's a girl, Hermione. A boy should be Albus.

Leann said... 52

Avery if it a girl Braden if its a boy.

Unknown said... 53


Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

Lisa Ehrman said... 54


Mariee said... 55

Henry or Olivia.

walk9 said... 56


Cheryl @ Simply Shoeboxes said... 57


Helga said... 58


ThriftyAnnabella said... 59

Diana for a girl
annabella @ centurytel dot net

Debra said... 60

if a girl Diana after his mom

stowelljg said... 61

I think it will be something historic, probably Edward. Of course, traditionally, the royal family has many names and if they become king or queen, they can choose a name other than their first name or any other of their names.

Paula V said... 62

Diana for girl, Spencer for boy.

greenhome said... 63

Miriam or Matthew

Christine H said... 64

I definitely think if it's a girl they should be named Diana! And a boy William maybe.. I'm not sure about a boys name lol.

Anonymous said... 65

I think it should be Grace or Eric

guettel78 said... 66

Maybe as a nod to Diana, they could go with a name starting with a D, such as Daria or Dane.

Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

bayctygrl said... 67

victoria and edmund

Sara said... 68

I think they will use diana!

Unknown said... 69

I like Diana for a girl


Anonymous said... 70

Ashton for a boy, Kayla for a girl

slehan said... 71

Alexandra or David
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

SueZH said... 72

Katherine if its a girl. Edward for a boy.

SueZH said... 73

Katherine if its a girl. Edward for a boy.

Crystal said... 74

Probably something Kingly like Edward or Arthur.
CrystalW07 at

ann said... 75

A girl - Diana Katherine
A boy -Brockford Charles

Kayla said... 76


Denise said... 77

Diana or Philip

debbie said... 78

Diana or Charles, will me middle names, but not first. Victoria Diane would be nice.

Unknown said... 79

diana after princess diana

TheAtticGirl said... 80

I like the name Katherine or William

Anonymous said... 81

Well, personally, I don't think there is any better name than Deborah. I think they should name her Deborah. If it is a boy.. oooo now that is harder......... they would probably name it something traditional... Charles? Henry?

Elizabeth said... 82

Abigail if it's a girl.
William if it's a boy.

Rachel Travis said... 83

Diana :)

Mijal Photography said... 84

William Jr!

kim h said... 85

I think after their grandparents. Diana for sure!!

Anonymous said... 86

Phillip Michael or Victoria Elizabeth

DivasNewsReviews said... 87

I think they should name the baby "Diana" if it's a girl and if it's a boy, name him after his daddy.

Unknown said... 88

Alexandra if it's a girl, Henry if it's a boy

clc408 said... 89

I think Anne Elizabeth would be nice.

Michelle S. said... 90

William if it is a boy, Ashley if it is a girl

Rita M said... 91

Richard if a boy. Diana if a girl

tina reynolds said... 92


LaurKnotter said... 93

Sarah or William

Unknown said... 94

Emma or William

Anonymous said... 95

I like Phillip or Isabella

Sherri J

tarah86 said... 96

Diane or Oliver

Anonymous said... 97

British royal names are always so traditional elizabeth, kate etc...I'd love if they gave their baby a more unique first name with a classic middle name.

Like, I think beyonce would be a cool name for the baby :)

tiffanynichole89 said... 98

I like the name Isabella

Unknown said... 99

Alexis Diana would be a great name for the heiress.

Teresa said... 100

It would be nice if they named her Diana. We could have a Princess Diana again.

Anna Memphis said... 101

As other posters have said, the kid is probably going to have 4 names. What the kid's call name will be is probably the better question -- I'd bet on Phillip for a boy and Alexandra for a girl.

llinda29 said... 102


Anonymous said... 103

something elegant like margaret

sksweeps said... 104

I like Elizabeth (my grandmother's name) and think the middle names should be Diana

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

Unknown said... 105


kellyr78 said... 106

Grace Catherine

Rachel said... 107


Michelle said... 108

Eleanor or Frederick. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Chaotic Karma said... 109


Unknown said... 110


Jennifer said... 111


Anonymous said... 112

Phillip Charles Edward Windsor.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

hoeyhooper said... 113


Jessica Schank Snow said... 114

If it's a boy, William and if it's a girl, Diana.
Thanks for the giveaway! =)

Amy said... 115

Brendan. I think that sounds lovely.

amy [at] utry [dot] it

Unknown said... 116

Mary Diana

Alecia H said... 117

Rory would be a good royal name

Tracey said... 118

Sophia or Spencer

ShellyH said... 119

Cassandra or Gianna-Lyn

Unknown said... 120

I think they should choose Victoriana (Victoria + Diana)

presleyalison said... 121

If it is a girl more than likely Victoria

presleyalison said... 122

I think Diana will be her middle name

Nknouse22 said... 123


hhkaufman78 said... 124

Katherine Diane


eg kaufman

A Roach said... 125


Carolyn said... 126

Jeanette or Peter

Unknown said... 127

Grace or Eden

sherylssg said... 128

I think Hannah or Adeline.

sflickinger at rocketmail dot com

whirlofwings said... 129


Shane R. said... 130

Girl: Marianna
Boy: Winston

June L said... 131

Girl: Naomi
Boy: David

Sara said... 132

I think they should choose William

virgomomwriter said... 133

Girl: Elizabeth Katherine Diana
Boy: Andrew Phillip William

Anonymous said... 134

I know these are not on the list but I like

Emily Grace
William Gregory

dawn keenan (newnameford) said... 135

Diana Katherine

of William Charles

HarleyC said... 136

Victoria or James

crankyyanky1 said... 137

William Phillip if it's a boy and Victoria Katherine if it's a girl

bless their hearts mom said... 138

Spencer Charles

Unknown said... 139

I like Mary Diana for a girl, William Jr for a boy!

Katie Robbin said... 140

I love Diana Elizabeth or William for a boy

kdrae said... 141

I think it should be Diana.

Anonymous said... 142


Sandra VanHoey said... 143

I really like Elizabeth

Unknown said... 144

Diana, I guess? Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

Miss Sarah said... 145

How about Elizabeth.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sunnymay said... 146

Elizabeth or Victoria

dv8 said... 147


K.Pugh said... 148

I think the baby's name should be Carrington
Thanks for the chance

April M said... 149

Katherine or George

BrunoDogg2 said... 150

I love Griffin!

Unknown said... 151

George or Diana

Ash said... 152


Ash said... 153


Natalie U. said... 154

Hillary or Grace
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

Meghan said... 155

I'm partial to Meghan if it's a girl & for a boy...hmmm...Robert.

Rebecca Orr said... 156

Henry or Margaret.

Unknown said... 157

Patrick or Diana

SharonC said... 158

Oliver or Olivia

Colleen Boudreau said... 159


Allyson Bossie said... 160

If it's a girl it has to be Diana, and I like Jhett for a boy
masugr at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 161

Diana for a girl

kport207 at gmail dot com

Karla said... 162

I hope they name her Diana if it's a girl.

Kristin said... 163

Well, I think the suspicion is that she's having a boy, so I would say Edward, since that sounds kinda princely. I doubt that they'll name her Diana if she's a girl (although it might be one of her middle names)...perhaps Madeline or Emma. Ohh, I hope Emma!

polly said... 164

If it is a girl I would choose Diana after William's wonderful mother and if it's a boy I would choose William after his daddy.

Unknown said... 165

Alexandria or James

Unknown said... 166

Diana or William

Rebecca Shockley said... 167

I think they should name the baby either Victoria Josephine or Frederick

Melanie Montgomery said... 168

i think they will choose diana

Unknown said... 169

I like Spencer for a boy. And, if it's a girl, Diana.

Anne said... 170

I suppose it's out of the question for them to choose Rocky for a boy or Buffy for a girl. Sure would be funny, though! Seriously, I bet they'll go with a family name, like Diana or Elizabeth, or Charles or Spencer or Philip.

Ashley Morrow said... 171

Henry for a boy and Annabelle for a girl.

bettycd said... 172

Kate is breaking traditions - not that into royal following but given that it is a girl, I don't think Diana is a 'royal' name which means it would be groundbreaked for Kate to select it. The future Queen of England would bear the name

Mary said... 173

William for a boy. Something to honor his mother if it's a girl.

Elaine said... 174

A wholesome name like Elizabeth or William

Alicia said... 175

John for a boy or Frances for a girl, the first names of Princess Diana's parents.

Sadie said... 176

I like Elizabeth or Charles.

latanya t said... 177

Charles or Victoria

tat2gurlzrock said... 178

Grace or William!

apple blossom said... 179

Abigail or Chad

Kaxxina said... 180

North... ;)

cowboyswife said... 181

Daniel for a boy or Danielle for a girl

Unknown said... 182

Helen or Henry.

mellyrox said... 183

Elizabeth Diana for a girl & Philip Charles for a boy ..


Selinda said... 184

Aaron for a boy!

selinda_mccumbers at

Beef McBig said... 185

Maybe Charles if it's a boy?

Treesa said... 186

I think if they have a girl it should be Adara.


Weave said... 187

Girl = Dianna, Boy = Henry

sdavis said... 188

i think diana if a girl and william if a boy

dfraley3 said... 189

Diana for girl and Harold for boy.

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said... 190

I think Diana Elizabeth or or William Charles
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Unknown said... 191

Edward for a boy and Kathryn for a girl.

Aleksandra Nearing said... 192

Elanor for a girl.

jayg84 said... 193

Diana or George

Unknown said... 194

What should William and Kate name their child.. Whatever they want to , but I have been messing around with this questions and I have decided...
If a boy - Wildkat and ..
If a girl - Katewill..
Oh well so sorry, but it was fun to think...

MaryAnn said... 195


Ryan said... 196

I think Diana or Edward. Jay

jcwega27 said... 197

Diana or Philip

mecarolks said... 198

They could name the baby Carol, lol

Sarah said... 199

Something traditional - Henry, Katherine, etc.

ken ohl said... 200

Katherine. thankyou, ken

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