Thursday, August 8, 2013

L'il Critters Gummy Vitamins for Kids {Review}

L'il Critters logo
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for L'il Critters. I received a product sample and promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Nearly every day I look at my children and see the qualities that my husband and I have passed along to them.

While I can only cringe and vow to do better when it comes to their lack of patience or ability to get easily frustrated (I'm guilty as charged, on both accounts), the fact that they are both strong, healthy, and generally kind  and caring children is something that brings me endless pride. It never gets old to hear compliments on your children's behavior, manners or sparkling personalities!

Therefore, ensuring that my girls get enough sleep, pay attention in school and eat nutritious, plentiful meals are all aspects that I focus on to keep them active and growing. Although they are both very good eaters in terms of liking their vegetables and nearly always being willing to try something new, I know I would be kidding myself to think that they are getting all of the proper vitamins and nutrients in their meals alone.

Instead, we have long turned to L'il Critters gummy vitamins and have been beyond pleased to provide a fun and easy step to our kids' daily schedule that they love.

L'il Critters vitamins

L'il Critters' multi vitamin formulas, Gummy Vites and Gummy Vites Sour, are great alternatives to hard-to-swallow tablets or capsules for kids with great taste and nutritious value.

These made in the USA, naturally-flavored gummies provide kids with an essential blend of A, B, C, D, and E vitamins, which support healthy growth and development.

L'il Critters gummy vites review

In addition to all that, they have a fun, bear shape that my kids know and love!

L'il Critters gummy vites

By delivering nutrition in a delicious gummy form (no need for water!), L'il Critters make it easy and more fun for kids to take their vitamins... something my girls consider an essential part of their morning routine.

Due to the fact that my forgetfulness used to cause them to miss vitamins a morning or two, Big Sister E has taken over the vitamin distribution as her job and takes it very seriously that she be the one to get the bottles out of the cupboard first thing every morning!

kids gummy vitamins

So, while I love the way that L'il Critters makes nutrition taste good and are such a convenient, beneficial supplement to my kids' healthy diet routine, there have been times that I've wondered what the girls' favorite aspects are. Clearly they enjoy taking their vitamins, but what is it about them?

Now I've found out!

What do you like BEST about the vitamins? 

kids' vitamins

Big Sister E: Because of their shape!

kids vitamins

Little Sister B: I like best the yellow ones. It's because they are very good!

Good enough for me!

L'il Critters gummy vitamins are available at drug and grocery stores nationwide including: Costco, Walmart, Target and CVS. More information can be found at and by connecting with them on Facebook.


  1. My kids love their Lil Critters! They love the taste. When they're feeling particularly perky, the kids like to create a mini-puppet show with the bears before popping them in their mouths.

  2. We love Lil Critters! They make taking vitamins fun & yummy! Thanks for sharing!

  3. My grandkids love Lil Crtters! They are so yummy and they love the little bears and the colors. They get to pick the one they want.

  4. Your girls are too cute! Can't wait for my little girl-- will definitely be taking Lil Critters gummy vitamins. Thanks for a great review!

  5. I love your daugthers smile. We bought these a month or two ago and my daugther loved them.

  6. Gummy vitamins are great. So much better than the pill kind.

  7. Look at her with her missing tooth trying to chew on vitamins! She's growing up! I'm glad that it's an easier way for kids to take something that's good for them. :)

    PS. Those socks weren't even remotely ragged by my definition (on the other post).

  8. The kids love these vitamins but they scare me that they are basically gummy bears which is why the kids love them so much. Maybe it's just me, but these make me very nervous

  9. Lil' Critters Gummy Vitamins will definitely make it easier to get the kids to take their vitamins.

  10. How do you make sure kids understand that it is vitamins and not candy?

    slehan at juno dot com

  11. We have enjoyed gummy vitamins at home too! But I think the reason why the kids don't indulge in them as if they are candy is because there's a definite difference in taste due to the inclusion of the vitamins. Overall, I think the taste and shape make these much more appealing than taking a large pill multivitamin.

  12. they look just like gummy bears. cute!

    knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com
