Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mega Bloks Barbie® Build 'n Play Super Star Stage {Review & Giveaway}

Mega Bloks logo
Although her answer has sometimes changed, nearly every time I (or anyone else) has asked Little Sister B what she wants to be when she grows up, she proudly declares: a rock star.

Is it the glitz? The glamour? The costumes? The lights and the stage? The loud, danceable music? I'm fairly certain the answer is all of the above... plus more.

So while I'm 99% sure that my little girl will end up following a different career path, for now I'm happy to support and encourage her continued dreaming and imagining. That's what childhood is all about, right?

While we've done plenty of dress-up and pretending, we were recently introduced to a new way to extend the rock star love that even includes one of our favorite little characters. There's just no way to not be excited to rock 'n roll with Barbie and her friends as they put on the hottest show in town with the Mega Bloks Barbie® Build 'n Play Super Star Stage!

Mega Bloks Barbie Rock Star

Best known for their colorful, easy to manipulate building blocks, Mega Bloks has taken things to a new level time and time again by introducing new ways to play with them. Their sets have expanded to include trucks, farms, trains, recognizable characters, games, and much more to encourage imaginative play.

And this Super Star Stage truly is an example of Mega Bloks' creativity and attention to detail. Special concert pieces like silver scaffolding, huge amplifiers, glittering blocks and a sparkling disco ball set the mood, while the stage elevator and large video screen let everyone enjoy watching Barbie perform anywhere at the concert.

Could they have added any more to a young girl's dream toy?

Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'n Play Super Star Stage

Right out of the box it was easy to see that Mega Bloks hadn't spared a single detail when it came to including pieces for this set. 

However, as the Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'n Play Super Star Stage is designed for children aged 5-10, I could see that parents would want to consider their child's personality and preferences when giving this as a birthday or holiday gift.

Have a child that loves to build and create on their own? Then give them this set as is so that they can put it all together! But if you have a child (like mine) that has less patience and would rather be able to immediately play with Super Star Barbie, Raquelle and Teresa? Then you might want to consider opening the box ahead of time to get a head start on some of construction steps.

Mega Bloks Barbie Super Star Stage

After feeling slightly overwhelmed at the number of pieces that this set includes, I was happy to see that Mega Bloks included clear, step-by-step instructions that showed me where every last piece was to go.

Mega Bloks Barbie Stage instructions

In all, it took me approximately one hour before our mini singing stars were ready to get up on stage and rock the roof off with their keyboard, guitars, multiple microphones, working elevator and more!

Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'n Play Super Star Stage review

Again, the details! Mega Bloks easily could have made the Build ‘n Play Super Star Stage much less complex, but that would have been so much less fun!

Instead, they included an incredible amount of buildable accessories so that you almost feel as though you're really at a miniature rock concert. The 5-panel stage platform, stage elevator, glittering block stands, set pieces, scaffolding, sparkling blocks and stairs, backstage area, television camera... the list just goes on and on!

Mega Bloks Barbie

Plus, although I assembled the Super Star Stage per the instructions, there really is no right or wrong way to put these pieces together.

A child can keep this huge two-story rock show as is, or simply remove parts, move them around, build them taller or wider, or even combine them with any other of the Mega Bloks Barbie sets to build a whole new fabulous world of fashion, friends and fun!

Mega Bloks Barbie options

Around here, however, we've had a rockin' good time putting Super Star Barbie, Raquelle and Teresa up on stage to watch (and listen) to them put on the hottest show in town.

The girls have a blast putting the characters in various locations so that they can play the keyboard, spin the turntable, sing into the mic, and more. And who wouldn't find it fun to use a working elevator that sends the rider spinning in circles as she moves up and down?

Mega Bloks Barbie Stage elevator

But, of course, no rock concert would be complete if you didn't have real lights and sound, right?

The Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'n Play Super Star Stage includes both, with real controls that let kids direct the show in two different ways!

Mega Bloks Barbie Stage controls

Mode One lets you choose the volume level and start up the real multi-color flashing lights and change between four different songs as Barbie and her friends play their latest hits.

Mode Two, however, lets you choose the music — simply play or sing along to your favorite songs on the radio and the concert lights flash along in time to the music!

Mega Bloks Barbie Stage lights sounds

This set has done nothing but impress us since its arrival and the pretend concert experiences that we've had have resulted in all sorts of laughter and smiles. Even though this set and the characters are small, they have "performed" for a multitude of stuffed animal fans and have been extremely well-received each and every time.

Even better, as the characters' accessories and hair are interchangeable, it is extremely easy to have the stars take a quick trip "backstage" to change clothes in between acts!

Mega Bloks Barbies

If you have a girl in your life that loves Mega Bloks and Barbie and dreams of being a rock star, the Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'n Play Super Star Stage just might be the perfect gift for her. This buildable, multi-story, out-of-this-world concert set is only limited by imagination!

Retailing for around $59.99, this brightly-colored set can be purchased on Amazon, from or in stores near you. You can also find out more about this and all of the adorable Mega Bloks Barbie products by visiting the Mega Bloks Barbie website and connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon be having a rockin' good time in their house as well, because...

One lucky person will win a
Mega Bloks Barbie® Build 'n Play Super Star Stage!

Mega Bloks Barbie giveaway

©2013, MEGA Brands Inc. ©2013 Mattel. All Rights Reserved. A big thank you to Mega Bloks for providing a Mega Bloks Barbie Stage for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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blew415 said...

Music is my fav

Tylerpants said...

I like that it has real lights and sound. How cool! tylerpants(at)

candy said...

I love the volume control and flashing lights wilcarvic

lunadelmar said...

How nice for girls to finally have lockbloks for them. My grandgirls would love this

laurasloves said...

I like the multi-color flashing lights. My daughter would love these!
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I like that the block components let you set things in different places and will keep them there.

AEKZ2 said...

I like that it's multi-story and the lights

Unknown said...

I like the flashing lights.

lilyk said...

The feature I like the most is the disco ball.

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