These days, I don't spend nearly as much time catching up on primetime television, so even though I still like to watch the awards show, I'm never anticipating it quite as much. Is it a sign that I'm getting old or getting uncool when the list of shows nominated is read and Never heard of it runs through my head for at least half of them?
This year, however, my interest in the Emmy Awards has risen once again thanks to the Play-Doh brand. Although this isn't one name that might typically be associated with The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, 2013 is a different story.
That's right! Today, September 16, 2013 is National Play-Doh Day!
The first thing you need to do is to grab a can or two of your favorite color Play-Doh and join in with their 1.1 million Facebook fans that are celebrating one of the most unique and creative holidays around!
Second, as National Play-Doh Day is so closely timed with the upcoming Emmy Awards (Sunday, September 22), the Play-Doh brand has already gotten in on the action by sculpting depictions of the six Drama Series nominees... made of 100% Play-Doh compound!
Think you know your dramas? See if you can match up the nominees (Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, Homeland, House of Cards and Mad Men) with their Play-Doh symbols!
How adorably awesome are these? I always love the way that the Play-Doh brand comes up with creative, colorful, fun ways to tie in their classic product with so many other parts of our lives!
From the original canister of a single color to the many, many creative accessories, tools, toys, playsets and more that are now available, Play-Doh is one name that has a place in all of our lives... and now, all of our television sets as well!
And, thanks to their generosity and in honor of the many beautiful gowns that will be debuted on the red carpet at the Emmy Awards...
One lucky person will win a Play-Doh Design-A-Dress Boutique!
A big thank you to Hasbro for providing a Play-Doh Design-A-Dress Boutique for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
breaking bad?
All good, but Breaking Bad is just the best. Ever. These are awesome!
I LOVE Breaking Bad!!
game of thrones!
Love the Breaking Bad!
really- a favorite- come on- is that possible!!
It's so hard to choose, because I like so many- Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Downton Abbey, Madmen... all such good shows with fantastic actors, all very different dramas. I really can't choose (I'm a Libra, I'll be comparing and contrasting trying to find a balance for hours)!
Breaking Bad
It's hard to choose but I'm gonna go with Breaking Bad.
I would have to choose Breaking Bad as my choice!
I don't watch any of those shows, so I can't say I have a favorite. Hubby likes Game of Thrones though.
breaking bad would be my choose
I don't watch any of them so I honestly can't say I have a favorite.
One of my favorites is Christine Baranski, The Good Wife.
Downton Abbey is my favorite!
Playdoh is amazing!!!
Game of Thrones is my fav!
breaking bad is my favorite. thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net
I say Mad Men.
Game of Thrones
I don't watch much TV....sorry
I pick Breaking Bad, it's the only one I watch :)
Breaking Bad, definitely.
octoberbaby1990 at yahoo dot
my favorite is Breaking Bad
I've never watched any of these, actually :(
I like the Mad Men ...the couch is c=very cool!
My favorite is Kerry Washington
I don't watch them,but I know my dad likes boardwalk empire,natbelinsky@verizon.net
Tough choice- but I'll go with Breaking Bad since it's almost over.
Downton Abbey!!
Game of Thrones
I like Downton Abbey.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite is Downton Abbey.
Breaking Bad would be my favorite,
Love the Breaking Bad! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com
My favorite is Downton Abbey
Breaking Bad.
Breaking bad is my favorite by far
Breaking Bad love it
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones
game of thrones
game of thrones
Breaking Bad
I love the Downton Abbey one! These are so cool! Thanks!
I would vote for the mad men one.
Breaking bad
Mad Men
I like Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad for sure!
I absolutely love Breaking Bad!
I really love Breaking Bad
I can't decide. Love homeland, love breaking bad, love downton abbey.... but I think BB will win
I have never seen any of those shows. So no favorite although my daughter says she likes Downtown Abby... so I guess I could select it!
Breaking Bad!
I love Downton Abbey. My daughter and I can't wait for the new season.
april yedinak
I'm thinking Downtown Abbey or Breaking Bad will win!
Breaking Bad
I will have to go with Breaking Bad as my favorite Drama series nominee.
Breaking Bad.
I don't watch any of the shows so I don't have a fave.Now if Duck Dynasty was there, they'd have my vote.I'm to busy entering giveaways to watch tv.LOL! Thank you :)
Breaking Bad
Don't have a fave
I would have to go with Breaking Bad it's my favorite
Breaking Bad is awesome and should definitely win.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
GFC and G+ id: abfantom fantom
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I would have to choose Breaking Bad as my choice.
I don't get to watch any of these shows! But I've heard Breaking Bad is very good :)
Breaking Bad!
Game of Thrones.
Thanks for the chance.
Downton Abbey
My favorite is Breaking Bad!
Breaking Bad
Chicago Fire is the BEST drama series ever!!!! And it's coming back on in a week. I can't wait!!
Id pick Game of Thrones. I like Downtown Abbey too.
Game of Thrones.
Game of Thrones is the best.
I have to go with downton abbey because its the only show I've seen and I really enjoy that show, can't wait for the new season to start!
breaking bad
Mad Men
Dana-flyergal82 AT (yahoo /dot/ $com%
downtown abbey
Breaking bad! So good!
My favorite nominee is Downton Abbey. Thank you for the giveaway!
girlygirlugh at gmail dot com
Lol! Breaking Bad, hilarious!
I really enjoy Breaking Bad!
Breaking Bad! I honestly didnt think I would like it, but I think it's well put together.
Breaking Bad!
I dont watch cable but when i did i loved the dog whisperer
Breaking Bad
Haven't seen any yet.
My favorite is Breaking Bad. Thanks.
Game of Thrones
it's a tie... Breaking Bad and Homeland
You have to see Homeland. It's not as good as it used to be but it is still good.
we watch Homeland
Breaking Bad of course
It has to be breaking bad, thanks for the giveaway.
Breaking bad! just started watching it.
Breaking Bad
My favorite Drama Series nominee is Breaking Bad!
Breaking Bad
My favorite is Breaking Bad without a doubt!
game of thrones
Game of Thrones.
I would have to pick Breaking Bad
I don't watch a lot of TV but if Downton Abbey is on, I'm watching it!
In honor of it's final season; Breaking Bad
Downton Abbey!
Downton Abbey is my favorite
I like Chicago Fire
I'll say Game of Thrones
i am obsessed with Downton Abbey
I love game of thrones
Breaking Bad!!
Homeland is my fav.
Honestly the only one I've ever watched is Mad Men, so it must be my fave!
Connie Britton
I would pick Mad Men!
Breaking Bad
Google + name: Mary F
Breaking Bad.
definitely breaking bad! its the best
I would pick breaking bad!
I love Breaking Bad!
mad men
breaking bad
Downton Abbey
Kathy Davis
love mad men
Will select Breaking Bad.
My favorite is breaking bad!
Downton Abbey for sure is my favorite show!
Breaking bad is my favorite
Game of Thrones is my favorite
homeland is my favorite
I'm gonna have to say Downton Abbey. I love that show!
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
My favorite is Mad Men.
Love Breaking Bad!
My favorite is Breaking Bad.
maggie at literary winner dot com
I like breaking bad
I like Breaking Bad!!
Downton Abby is my favorite
Breaking Bad is my favorite drama series.
The only one I've actually seen is Downton Abby. But I've heard Breaking Bad is very good.
I like Game of Thrones!
Definitely Breaking Bad!
I love Breaking Bad & Homeland! Both are GREAT shows!
mu favorite is breaking bad!
Mad men for sure
Breaking Bad definitely deserved to win.
Eileen B.
Mad Men
I love Breaking Bad!
Another Breaking Bad fan here!
Mad Men
Game of Thrones.
I love Breaking Bad!
I like Game of Thrones! tylerpants(at)gmail.com
have to choose Breaking Bad
breaking bad is my favorite
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I love Homeland its awesome :)
Mad Men
I like Breaking Bad
My favorite is Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Downtown Abby-Rene Chartier
My favorite is Breaking Bad. Who knew the topic of this show would be so amazing.
Michelle Tucker
National Play-Doh Day
Mad Men has been my favorite forever!
breaking bad
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Breaking Bad for sure!
I love my Breaking Bad...but if you want to know an actress I'll go with Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen. Probably shouldn't be the winner, but I've got a crush on her.
Breaking bad!!!!
Love Downton Abbey!
mine is Dowton Abbey wilcarvic
It's got to be breaking bad!
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones (coreyolomon at gmail dot com)
Breaking Bad
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