But just as much as the idea of driving down the block with your child not securely strapped in sounds laughable, Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs want us to take a vital step to keep our kids just as safe while at home with the Change Your Clock Change Your Battery program.
With Daylight Savings time ending on November 3rd this year, it is not only when we should change our clocks back but also the perfect time for families to adopt a life-saving habit: changing the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
This is the 26th year for the annual Change Your Clock Change Your Battery program and, while the message is simple, the habit can be lifesaving. Thirty-eight percent of fatal fire injuries occur in homes without working smoke alarms, while 24% occur in homes in which at least one smoke alarm is present but fails to operate, frequently due to dead or missing batteries.
Looking over the statistics, I can't help but feel heartbroken for the number of lives that could have been saved had the realization been made of the importance of working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in helping to keep families safe in their homes.
This Daylight Savings time, please remember to change the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors when you set your clocks back — it could help save a life.
In addition, visit the Energizer Bunny Facebook page, where you can find fire safety tips, a home escape plan that you can download and customize for your family, as well as a coloring and activity sheet. The Change Your Clock Change Your Battery program is just one of the ways Energizer brings to life the company's commitment to making a positive impact in communities across the country!
For even more incentive to head over to Facebook, from now through November 3, Energizer is giving away one large Family Safety Kit every day. That's right! Simply submit your info and you'll be entered to win a kit (valued at $167+) containing:
- (1) reusable grocery tote
- (2) Kidde Battery-Operated Combination Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Alarms
- (1) Kidde fire extinguisher
- (1) 4-pack of Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA batteries
- (1) 2-pack of Energizer MAX 9 volt batteries
- (1) 4-pack of Energizer MAX AA batteries
- (2) Energizer Weatheready LED Safety Light flashlights
- (1) Energizer Bunny Plush Bunny

And, thanks to their generosity, one person will be able to be fully prepared for safety this season and beyond because...
One lucky person will win a Family Safety Kit* (ARV $60)
from Energizer!
from Energizer!
*Family Safety Kit includes (1) Kidde Battery-Operated Combination Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Alarm, (1) 16-pack Energizer MAX AA batteries, (1) 1-pack of Energizer MAX 9 volt batteries, (1) One Energizer Weatheready LED Safety Light flashlight – Waterproof flashlight powered by AA, AAA or C cell batteries, and (1) reusable grocery tote.
A big thank you to Energizer for providing a Family Safety Kit for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 232 Newer› Newest»We keep walking areas indoors and out clear to prevent tripping.
We have multiple smoke detectors and I change the batteries with the time change!
Our windows are the crank type that tend to freeze in the winter. We keep hammers under our beds so we can break a window in the case of a fire if we are trapped. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.
We have number of smoke alarms, We have a CO2 alarm and we test them through the year and change batteries. We have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen area.
I have smoke detectors and keep bedroom door closed at night. I also have a nightlight in the upstairs hallway so you can see your way to the bathroom at night.
sflickinger at rocketmail dot com
we have smoke alarms
We have talked to our kids about our meeting place!
We check and replace the batteries in our smoke detectors often.
We keep well-working smoke detectors, CO detectors, and fire extinguishers in our house, plus a fire extinguisher in our garage.
We have been discussing this all week and created an escape plan, checked our alarm batteries, put our extinguisher in a safe and accessible place and are looking to buy an escape ladder.
we have wired co2 and fire detecors
I always make sure that nothing is left on the stairs or on the floor near the doors should we have to leave the house in the dark.
We have smoke alarms in almost every room including hallways and basement. We have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.
we also use a cabon monoxide detector
We are ADT security and also included a smoke detector in their package, along with our other battery operated smoke detectors.
Beth H
keep the floor clear of clutter!
we test all our devices regularly and we post safety rules throughout the house.
Never leave the stove on when leaving the house - be very careful with lite candles
we change the batteries every year in the smoke detector and we practice our escape route wiht the kids too
tcogbill at live dot com
We have smoke detectors and we keep the batteries in it new! That's the most important thing to me!
We have rechargeable flashlights in all of the rooms in case of an emergency.
i use rechargable batteries in all of the items we need for emergencies (weather radios, flashlights, etc). I also make sure I constantly re-test all carbon monoxide detectors and fire alarms.
We have a meeting place-check all the smoke detectors, have our go backpack ready. It help that my husband is a firefighter too.
we have a smoke detector and a carbon monoxcide detector!
We change the smoke detector batteries together with our kids and they helped us in stall our CO2 monitors.
I have smoke detectors & I also use night lights for nighttime trips to the bathroom.
We have fire extinguishers in our kitchen and garage and we have fire alarms throughout the house.
Thanks so much.
i always make sure medicines, batteries and all other harmful products and put up where the kids can not get into them.
Lock the door and do not open the door to strangers... Thanks.
Plug up all the electrical outlets.
We use the "no running" rule in the house. We also make sure the kids know what the smoke alarm sounds like and we discuss on a monthly basis what we should do in case of an emergency.
we have CO2 detector and maintain a supply of batteries. We have reviewed how to get out of the house via windows incase of fire
I have smoke detectors in almost every room . I change the batteries regularly as all most all of them beep the same week.
We've also installed some carbon monoxide detectors.
We change smoke detectors throughout when the clocks change and we have a carbon monoxide sensor because we have gas heat and appliances.
Besides the smoke & carbon monoxide detectors, with a busy 2 year old we have all the requisite cabinet locks, socket protectors, etc....
We have smoke detectors in just about every room & a CO2 detector on each floor
We use cabinet locks to keep little fingers out of trouble!
i always go back to check things
We keep plug covers in outlets to protect our littles!
We make sure there are working fire extinguishers available, one in the kitchen and one upstairs (because you just never know).
we have our TV's mounted to the wall for safety. Trying to get all our furniture mounted as well.
I make sure my throw rugs are "anchored" down so nobody slips on them.
We have multiple smoke detectors and a carbon monoxide detector. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com
We have smoke detectors, flashlights in every room and a working fire extinguisher.
In our apartment we have fire detectors that are actually in each room they are sprinklers, so I try to frame anything that bounces that my son could throw up and that could just go off. I'm not sure how sensitive they are and don't want to find out.
Tara L
We have lots of night lights
We have smoke detectors in all bedrooms and have a safety plan
I have smoke detectors and keep emergency supplies on hand.
We have smoke/fire detectors, fire extinguishers, a common meeting area in the yard in case of fire, and a 911 system.
Always keep the doors and windows locked, and check my fire alarms.
we have smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
We always turn off our space heaters when we leave the room or house!
we have smoke detectors and are very good about not having anything on or running when we leave the house. Including lights, fans or even the washer/dryer. I don't evenlike having the crockpot on if I am not at home.
change our batteries every time we change the clocks
I change the batteries on the fire alarm and keep the hallways clear
we always lock our doors & windows.
We have Smoke Detectors in every room/area and carbon monoxide detectors near the bedrooms and in the basement.
We try to keep things such as dog and cat and kids toys off the floor so one trips.
We keep a carbon monoxide detector and smoke alarms!
I unplug chords from the outlets when not in use.
We practice our evacuation plan. So the kids know the best way to get out of the house, and where to meet if there is an emergency.
Reading the directions on products and gadgets - its important and can prevent safety hazards.
We have smoke alarms
we have fire extingueshers
We don't leave coffee pots ect..left plugged in if going away
We have smoke alarms in every room
and we have fire extingueshers.
Unplug things we don't use regularly
Every year we review and practice our emergency plans.
I unplug things when they are not getting used
I have several fire extinguishers
we have smoke alarms, fire extinguishers and a security alarm system thank you!
We have smoke detectors and fire extinguishes.
We have smoke detectors as well as plans for emergencies.
We have smoke alarms.
We have flashlights in each room and we change the batteries when the time changes and we change our clocks, we also do this with our smoke detectors. I have a crank model of emergency radio in our storm shelter for use during bad weather.
we teach never cut toward yourself with knives. always cut away.
gabbflabber at live.com
We have smoke alarms on every floor.
We have gone over our family escape plan.
We have fire escape plan with multiple exits and a meeting pointing away from the house
GFC & G+ ids: abfantom fantom
abfantom at yahoo dot com
We often check and replace the batteries in our smoke detectors.
We rehearse a fire or other tragedy escape route by using several exits and designate a meeting place. We have drills every few months.
We test the smoke alarm every 6 months.
I put dangerous items on high shelves and keep lots of toys on the ground so the kids don't get too curious.
don't put plastic bags over your head
Many things that have already been mentioned here. One is that we have a carbon monoxide detector. When my dh installed a gas furnace, I insisted on this.
we have a fire extinguisher in our kitchen and in our room we also make sure nothing is in front of any plugs
We have smoke detectors & a"family emergency plan" that we practice often!
We check and replace the batteries in our smoke detectors often.
We check the batteries in the smoke detectors every time we change the clock.
I use child safety plugs in the sockets and we are also replacing our outlets with the new ones that are almost impossible for a child to accidentally put something in
My husband is a firefighter, so he knows the dangers and importance of fire safety. We have routine fire drills with our kids so that they know what to do and how to do if it we have a fire. We go through the motions of putting a towel at the foot of the door and making them open the window themselves and coming out the window (with assistance) so that they will be comfortable if they ever have the act in an emergency situation.
Smoke alarms in all the right places.
We have smoke detectors in every room
Clear pathways to the exits.
We have three smoke alarms.
We have a fireproof safe, a fire safety plan, and an extinguisher in the kitchen.
we have smoke detectors and co detectors and a fire extinguisher in the kitchen
smoke detectors
I always see to it that the stove is closed and always check for possible gas leak
We make sure all exits are clear, change batteries in our detectors regularly, and have evacuation plans in place. Thanks.
This would be great to win.
We live in a very old house and I try to keep the smoke detectors up to date and am always watching electrical outlets.
We make sure everything is turned off when going to bed.
We have a fire plan in place and change smoke detector batteries every season change.
I make sure that items are picked up off the floor so we don't trip.
The older ones have to be responsible for the little ones if we need to get out.
A place for everything and everything in it's place - that way you know where things are and don't have to go stumbling in the dark and searching
I always have fresh batteries and a flashlight on hand.
We keep stock of fresh batteries in all sizes on hand as well as fresh batteries in all of our flashlights. We check our carbon monoxide and smoke detectors at least 3 times a year. And we also make sure we never leave the house (other than to walk the kids to the bus stop or to go outside and play or something of the like) with the dryer running, I have seen to many homes burn down from dryer fires.
I don't sleep!
I make sure the batteries in my smoke alarms are fresh and change them when the time changes spring and fall
we live near the coast in florida, and we have an emergency hurricane kit to take with us in case of evacuation, and we also have two fire extinguishers in our house,thank you
Every one has a fire escape plan from their rooms or other rooms of the house.
we have working smoke detectors and cabon monoxide detector
I make sure there are not things on the floor for my dog to get sick on.
Dheck and replace the batteries in smoke detectors
I make sure that the batteries in my smoke detectors and flashlights are fresh.
We change the fire alarm batteries twice a year.
We practice what to do in case of a fire.
We have a meeting place and discuss all options in an emergency with our 4 year old.
We do emergency practice drills.
Thanks for the chance.
I really honestly do change the smoke alarm and CO2 detector's batteries in the spring and fall.
WE MAKE SURE NOTHING IS LEFT ON THE STEPS SO THAT YOU DON'T TRIP. Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com
fire drills
we have a keyless entry
I remember learning years ago that it's safer to sleep with your bedroom doors closed because that prevents smoke and fire from spreading quickly in case of a nighttime fire. I used to prefer sleeping with my door cracked open, but now I like to keep bedroom doors shut. Safety first. ;)
We have regular family fire drills.
We keep the doors locked at all times
We are ready to change the batteries on the smoke alarm when the time changes.
we practice fire escapes, and have random drills (when I smoke check something while coking! LOL)
We have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors it the basement and on the main living floor in our home. We change the batteries and test all units when the time changes! Thanks!
We keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and test the smoke alarms periodically.
We have our meds locked up and high.
Keep things free of junk!!
DOnt leave thigns in the middle of the floor
We keep walkways as clear as possible...
I'm always really careful with my son's hearing aid batteries. They are tiny and toxic.
We have smoke detectors and when the kids were little we told them where to meet in case of fire. We were to meet across the street at a neighbor's house.
Our family practices tornado & fire drills often.
we have smoke and carbon detectors that are electric and battery run.
I always use the hand rail going up or down my stairs.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
With Christmas season coming, I make sure that the lights are on heavy duty extension cords, they get turned off when ever we are not home, the tree stays watered and burning candles are not left unattended.
I make sure that there is a working smoke detector by every room in the house, and we check the batteries every time daylight savings time changes, twice a year.
We have multiple smoke detectors one in the garage as well
I used to do billing for a burn unit, so I'm very conscious of fire-related safety...Smoke detectors, of course, careful about outlets and any material near the fireplace, careful with candles, fire extinguisher in the kitchen, etc., etc., etc.
We review our fire safety escape route every year at Christmas.
We have 2 smoke detectors around our home so we can get out safely in case of a fire.
smoke alarms. every jan. 1st new batteries are installed and we check every time change
I make sure all of us know exactly how to case of fire or another emergency.
We have an exit plan with a set meeting place.
I keep the stairs and hallways clear and we have a designated meeting place.
We cover unused outlets.
I just moved so we need smoke detectors but we always had several in our other home that we replaced batteries on yearly We also spoke to my grandchildren to let them know what to do in case of a fire
I'm good about changing the batteries at time changes and also testing the detectors in between.
We had a fireman come in and show us where smoke detectors and CO detectors should be. There are detectors that recognize smoke and others that recognize flames, we were told where to use both types and also to have CO detector on each floor.
make sure washer and dryer and stove are off when we are leaving the house. thankyou, ken poh19@comcast.net
We try to check fire detectors regularly
We keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen
We have smoke alarms and carbon detectors.
We keep locks on "dangerous" cabinets.
I have child safety locks on the cabinets.
I'm personally terrified of the idea of a house fire (I've had two family members who lost everything to house fires), so we have safety plans in place in case of fires; different ones for different circumstances. (Of my four kids, one is an infant and two have autism, so preparing for an emergency takes a little extra consideration, like what to do if I'm the only one home with the kids and how I get them all out safely).
I replace the batteries every 6 months.I live in a 1 bdrm apt so I know my exits in case of a fire.I never leave candles burning unattended.I've actually started buying the fireless candles that are scented.Thank you :)
I have any unused sockets covered with protectors
We have a Exit Drill in place and I unplug all unessecary stuff
We keep all batteries out of reach from children.
We check our batteries during daylight savings in our detectors.
I make sure that there are no tripping hazards in the house.
we make sure we practice our fire safety plan
We change the batteries in our smoke alarm twice a year. We also have a kitchen fire extinguisher.
Lots of flashlights (BATTERIES!) candles, matches/lighters, thorough first aid kits, all urgent medications are in one convenient tote carry-all. Two standard old fashioned landline phones that work during power outages. Warm blankets, rainsllcikers are always in a convenient front closet and a wall rack by the back door - and complete sets of spare keys are both front and back. (Oh and a baseball bat, hammer and mallet and utility (like Swiss Army) knive in a convenient tool box.)
And the list goes on and on.
Jesselyn A/Jesstinger
always wear a helmet when riding my bicycle!!
I have just about everything child proofed.
We make sure to change our smoke alarm batteries with each time change.
We have smoke alarms and we test them regularly.
We have an exit plan.
We have smoke detectors upstairs and downstairs.
we always clean our chimney with brushes and use a creosote log to burn away creosote to reduce fire risk
I go around my home before I go to bed and put up all toy's or anything in our walking ways so that if we need to get up during the night that we won't trip over stuff.
We change the batteries in the smoke alarms twice a year.
We have smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms and we talk about what to do if something terrible happens like a fire or tornado.
We have smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms, extra batteries, and lots of flashlights
We regularly test our smoke detectors and change batteries so that we know they are working.
We have a smoke detector.
I have multiple detectors and regularly check them
we have 6 fire detectors in our home
I check the batteries often
We have emergency lights plugged in to come on when the power fails.
We have flashlights and backup batteries in most rooms.
- Amy Z.
We have smoke detectors as well as carbon dioxide detectors.
I routinely check to make sure our fire & co alarms are in working order, flashlights readily available in every room in case of emergency.
We have multiple smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
We have smoke alarms and check them regularly.
Brittney House BBrittBrat1398@yahoo.com
I have co2 detector, smoke detector, and a couple fire extinguisher all around the house.
What we do around my home to encourage safety is keep it clean, especially the kitchen area. I work in a kitchen & am ServSafe certified so I know a lot of the dangers lurking in just that room. We also have a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall.
We practice fire safety and have plans in case
We put safety covers on oven knobs and electric outlets.
I keep several flashlights around the house and have smoke alarms.
check the batteries in all the detectors once a month
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