What gifts do I buy this year?
What is the "in" thing for tweens?
Is there anything unique that has hit the market?
How do I know what to get for my niece/nephew/cousin's son/best friend's daughter?
And so on, and so forth.
So, unless you're ultra-organized and have kept track of every interest of every child in your life, it doesn't hurt to have a little extra help, right? This year, that is not only made easier, but also incorporates charitable giving thanks to Kmart.
First, Kmart has unveiled their annual Fab 15 ultimate list of hot holiday toys, making it easier to narrow down shopping lists for children of all ages.
Whether purchasing the toys in-store, buying online and getting free store pick-up, or having them shipped directly home, getting the most wanted toys is easy, affordable and convenient. Just visit Kmart.com/Fab15 online or from a mobile device to find the nearest locations or place an order.
As for the 15 on-trend toys for all ages and stages that made the list, 2013's includes:
- Playskool Sesame Street Big Hugs Elmo by Hasbro
- Disney Doc McStuffins Get Better Checkup Center by Just Play
- LEGO Eglor's Twin Bike
- Flutterbye Fairy by Spin Master
- Furby Boom by Hasbro
- Holiday Auburn Barbie 2013 Doll by Mattel (Kmart exclusive)
- Hot Wheels Car Maker by Mattel
- Lalaloopsy Loopy Hair Doll by MGA Entertainment
- LeapFrog LeapPad Ultra
- Monster High 13 Wishes Party Doll by Mattel
- Disney Planes Pilot Pals Dusty Crophopper Remote Control Plane by Mattel
- NERF Rebelle Heartbreaker Bow
- Fisher-Price Imaginext Rescue City Center
- Disney Sofia the First Transforming Dress & Trunk by Jakks Pacific (Kmart exclusive)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shellraiser by Playmates Toys, Inc.

How perfect is that? Just visit the Shop Your Way Charity Gift Registry and 'gift it forward' to help make the season brighter for every child. I love that a parent can sit down at the computer with their child and not only quickly and easily browse toys that will surely top wish lists everywhere, but can also incorporate a wonderful lesson about donating to a good cause.
Around here, the girls and I have been discussing the importance of philanthropy and giving to others as well as having fun with the arrival of the Disney Doc McStuffins Get Better Checkup Center by Just Play.
Including all of the accessories needed in order to heal toys of all kinds, the Doc McStuffins Checkup Center allows for measuring, weighing, x-rays, diagnosing boo-boos, and much more. Not to mention that it's just so darn cute and fun!
While I was initially slightly overwhelmed at the number of pieces, I found that Just Play included labeled, step-by-step instructions that made the whole assembly process not all that difficult.
In around 10 or 15 minutes, I had snapped all of the various pieces together and stepped back to see Doc McStuffins herself peeking out from behind her colorful checkup/storage center.
Standing in at just over 2' tall (20" x 6.5" x 27"), this colorful, pint-sized doctor's office includes a variety of tools, lights and sounds that make medical pretend play entertaining and fun.
Both Big Sister E and Little Sister B were instantly thrilled to check out all of the little details and get right to work on making their stuffed animals and toys feel better!
There are so many fun aspects to this set that the girls have returned to it time and time again!
The movable growth chart, weighing their plush pals on the scale, putting Lambie on the examination table to hear Doc speak, turning the pages in the Big Book of Boo Boos to hear even more diagnoses, making "calls" on the play phone, pulling Band-Aids from the storage door... the fun never ends!
As this Checkup Center is made from lightweight plastic and weighs only 13 pounds, it is easy and convenient to move from one location to another. On the other hand, however, the whole thing is a little less sturdy than it would be if it were made from thicker materials.
All in all, even though it might have wobbled a time or two, it has still held up perfectly well to continuous play from all ages.
Retailing for $74.99, the Disney Doc McStuffins Get Better Checkup Center is an entertaining, unique imaginative toy for any young Doc McStuffins fans. Be sure to head over to find out more from Kmart and place your order in time to have this waiting under your tree this holiday season!
Find the entire Kmart Fab 15 list at Kmart.com/Fab15 and shop for any or all of the items at local Kmart stores nationwide or online. You can also connect with Kmart on Facebook and Twitter, while checking out their great Shop Your Way Charity Gift Registry to help make a difference in the life of a child in need.
And, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon have a fantastic gift for the future doctor in their life as well, because...
One lucky person will win a Disney Doc McStuffins Get Better Checkup Center from Kmart!
A big thank you to Kmart for providing a Checkup Center for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 244 of 244 Newer› Newest»My little ones haven't been to the doctor much, but this just looks like fun for any kids, I'm sure they'd love it!
My grandson is just getting to the age where he is using his imagination and pretending when he is playing.
My daughter loves DOC! The check up center was the only thing she pointed out in the KMART advertisement last week! She would be thrilled!
my daughter loves playing make believe she has such an imagination, she would just love this!
My daughter would love this because she loves Doc McStuffins
My 5 yr old niece loves Doc McStuffins.She loves playing doctor with anyone she can get to sit still long enough to give them a checkup.Most of the time it's her dolls and barbies.This is just so cute and fun! Thank you :)
My 3 yr old loves Doc McStuffins and would love to have a place to give her toys a check up!
My 3 yr old loves Doc McStuffins and would love to have a place to give her toys a check up!
This is the one thing that my daughter is adamant about wanting for Christmas! She's obsessed with Doc McStuffins and constantly wants to give checkups to her toys.
My kids would love this, they always talk about wanting to be a doctor!
My youngest LOVES Doc McStuffins so she would absolutely love this station
My kids are Doc obsessed!
My daughter would love this because she is always pretending to be a doctor!
octoberbaby1990 at yahoo dot com
My niece loves Doc McStuffins so this is perfect.
my grandkids would love to play DR and NURSE!
My niece loves Doc McStuffins, so this would be a perfect Christmas present for her!
My sons would all love this. They're very into Doc mcStuffins right now. What a great Christmas present this would make!
Our little one would love this as her Mom is a nurse!
brich22 at earthlink dot net
My daughter loves the Doc and this would totally make her happy!!
My granddaughter loves Doc, I know she would love this to play with.
My granddaughter loves Doc McStuffis~so this would really make her smile!
My 3 year old daughter amber wants this for christmas
My daughter would love this as one of her favorite shows is Doc McStuffins. She wants to be a doctor just like her and make animals better.
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
Our little ones love to pretend that they are the doctor. I find that it helps them to be less scared when it's their turn to visit the doctor's office.
My cousin's daughter would like to play with the checkup center
My daughter loves the show so I know she'd have a blast with this.
My daughter would love this because she likes Doc McStuffins so much! She just finished watching her Doc show for today. She has some of the smaller Doc toys and she would FLIP to find this under the tree this Christmas.
they love doc mcstuffins! we saw this in the store and they loved playing with it!
They would love playing with this because they love watching Doc Mc Stuffins and they enjoy pretending they are doctors!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
My son would love this because he loves any toy that has different parts ad activities that he can do.
My daughter loves watching Doc McStuffins. Thanks for hosting!
She loves playing pretend doctor and she also loves this show
Thank you for the chance to win!
My daughter loves Doc! Maybe a toy like this will be a first step in a future career choice!
My five year old is desperate for this toy. She has been asking about it almost daily.
My youngest niece loves to play alone since she has a wild imagination!
My little girl is a big fan of Doc McStuffins so to have the Get Better Checkup Center would be so fun! tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I think my niece would really love this check-up center, because she loves making sure all her baby dolls are completely healthy. Including putting bandaids all over them. Heh.
Michelle Tucker
our daughter wants to be a dr when she grows up. she loves doc mcstuffins and she would absolutely love the check up center. she would use it to practice and play doctor.
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
My daughter would love this. She loves Doc Mcstuffins and playing doctor.
Imagination is so important. All of my kids love playing dr. and taking care of pets and people. I would love to introduce this to my nephews as well.
My kids would love it because they love pretend play :)
She would love this because she loves animals!
My daughter enjoys pretending to be a doctor with her dolls so this would be perfect for her!
because this Checkup Center looks very fun!
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