Monday, November 18, 2013

Make the Most of Your Money with H&R Block’s Emerald Advance {$300 H&R Block Gift Card Giveaway!}

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With the holiday season edging closer and closer, it can be heartwarming to think of the upcoming gatherings that we might be spending with family, friends and loved ones. There's just something about coming together around the table and biting into a piece of turkey or a sugar cookie or taking a sip of apple cider or eggnog that inspires happiness.

But I don't think it's a stretch to say that while some people see the greatest parts of the upcoming season, others look at the holidays and see a mountain of expenses.

Gifts for family, gifts for friends, holiday attire, home repairs, appliances stretched to their limits, gifts for teachers, car repairs, travel costs... sometimes a bit of extra money can be the difference between a joyous holiday season and one that is filled with stress.

Which is exactly why H&R Block offers their Emerald Advance line of credit, available just in time to make holidays merry for everyone!

HRBlock Emerald Advance

A year-round line of credit, an H&R Block Emerald Advance offers the ability to repeatedly borrow and repay money, up to a maximum credit limit determined by the bank (up to $1,000). You don't already need to be an H&R Block client to apply, simply make an appointment and arrive with an unexpired government-issued photo ID and your most recent pay stub (no W2 form required).

Once approved, the Emerald Advance is a line of credit you can draw from as you need it. You can use it year-round for unexpected expenses and other short-term credit needs. It's that easy! Find out much more and call to make an appointment today — H&R Block will begin accepting applications in offices November 25th.

H&R Block Emerald Advance

What would you do with a little extra money this holiday season?

We all do our best to make each holiday season as financially easy as possible, but it doesn't hurt to hear a few more tips, right?

Set a budget first.
Instead of starting with a long list of family and friends to shop for, mark down necessities such as meal planning, flights or gas money, stamps for holiday cards and more. Then divvy up your budget and go from there!

Stick to that budget.
Seems like the obvious next step, right? Once you have money allotted to each area and gift, that's where it goes. If you can't afford a fancy sweater for your Aunt Judy, maybe that means you wait for a sale or find her a great bath set instead. Also realize that you don't have to buy something for everyone and there are plenty of handmade, DIY or intangible gifts (babysitting, snow shoveling, etc) that will be cherished just as much.

Pay cash.
We've all heard this one when it comes to saving money, but have you tried it? There's something about going to the store and sliding that piece of plastic that makes it immensely easier to spend money than if you have to watch the actual number of bills in your wallet get smaller and smaller.

Know your prices.
We're entering into the time of year where SALE is plastered on just about everything we see. But does that automatically mean that you're getting a bargain? Not necessarily. Be smart about the prices for the certain toys or electronics on your list and you'll be able to recognize when a sale is actually saving you money and when it is just enticing people to make a purchase.

Remember the true meaning of the season.
No matter which holiday you celebrate, don't forget that spending time with your family is the most important thing. Show them how much you care by making a donation to a charity in their name instead of giving them something they don't need or might not want. The result is that you'll spend less money, eliminate time spent shopping, get a tax deduction for it, and will have helped out a cause that truly needed it.

happy holidays

Whatever is coming your way this holiday season (planned or unplanned), don't let money troubles stand in the way. H&R Block's Emerald Advance just might be what you need to help cover holiday shopping, travel costs, meal planning or any unexpected expenses that come along throughout the year. Being able to draw from a line of credit year-round allows more time for celebrating and less time for worrying!

Remember, the application process starts on November 25th, so to learn more to decide if Emerald Advance is right for you or to make an appointment in order to apply, visit the H&R Block website today. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter and join in the Emerald Advance discussion using the #HRBlockEA hashtag.

Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon be prepared for even more great help from this knowledgeable company, because...

One lucky person will win a $300 H&R Block gift card!

H&R Block gift card

H&R Block has asked me to help promote the Emerald Advance Line of Credit. The prize was provided and may be shipped to the winner by H&R Block, but all opinions expressed in the post are my own and not those of H&R Block. Entrants must be 18 or older and located in the US only. Winner to be chosen at random.


  1. I take advantage of store sales and wait until I find the lowest price on the Christmas list items.

  2. My holiday budget tip is set aside money each money for Christmas.

  3. My holiday budgeting tip is to not to be afraid to buy gently used to give away as presents. It will help you save a lot of money, stick to your budget and help out another family who may be selling because they need the money.

  4. I usually shop when there are sales and use coupons.

  5. I save every pay check and limit to $50 a person and go to the sales

  6. Because both my kids have December birthdays,have a habit of either buying early and on sale,or starting early to save money for those birthdays and the holidays.
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  7. My best tip is to shop early so that you can take advantages of the sales and use coupons when you can. I always budget for each family member and since I shop throughout the year it feels more manageable.

  8. Visited and learned they have a lot of useful information on the affordable care act.

  9. I plan out holiday meals with whoever is attending so we can use what we already have in our pantries and freezers.

  10. budgeting tip: have a set spending limit with a bit more in case you go over and don't spend more than that

  11. I learned that their line of credit is applied to a Mastercard so it's convenient to use.

  12. My holiday budget has been less than $50 for 3 years now. Everyone knows, if I win it, you will get it. lol

  13. My own budgeting tip is to make a list of items I plan to buy, price compare to get the lowest price possible, and not make any impulse purchases!

  14. I shop through out the year so it's not a financial burden all at once.

  15. on their site i learned: you have the ability to pay down the balance on the Emerald Advance with a portion of your tax refund

  16. I learned on their website that a benefit of the emerald advance is it gives you the ability to pay down the balance on the emerald advance with a portion of your tax refund.

  17. I learned that if approved, you are eligible to maintain your line of credit year-round

  18. My budgeting tip is to make a list and stick to it. I have a very strict budget for the holidays because I know I cannot go over. It's so easy to pick up little things when you're out and about and suddenly you're another $100 in the hole!

  19. im always looking for sales

  20. learned they have a lot of useful information on the affordable care act. great info

  21. Wait before you see a sale to buy! thanks

  22. They offer infoon the recent health care reform.

  23. I wait for sales and make lots of lists to make sure I don't go over budget!

  24. 2nd try: Give homemade gifts, but be sure to start early enough in the season to avoid the pressure of the holiday as it nears.

  25. Q? What is a good Holiday budget to set?
    I have no idea.

  26. My tip is to make a plan ahead and compare before making purchases.

  27. I learned they provide online support videos to help with your filing questions.

  28. I look for deals all year, and try to take advantage of the big store sales.

  29. Tip 1, start shopping early and consider a gift swap

  30. You can apply for a line of credit

  31. To help make Christmas less stressful on the budget I shop sales and clearance year round, spreading out the cost.

  32. We have been using coupons we found online and bought a few different toys that way and also watching for sales of things we'd like to get

  33. i always hit the sales and use coupons. a lot of stores have mobile apps with exclusive coupons.

  34. I have been shopping sales and using online coupons. I am saved a considerable amount by doing this. I do not want to be in debt more after Christmas.

  35. Make a list, always shop sales and only use cash to shop.

  36. I learned home repairs can't be deducted which is sad, lots of people would love that

  37. My tip is put aside all year and use that money for holidays.

  38. Tip is to use cash for gifts so you don't go overboard!

  39. My holiday budgeting tip is to cook at home as much as possible to avoid over-paying for meals...and pack snacks when you go to the mall!

  40. My tip is to take advantage of the holiday sales instead of buying on a whim!

  41. I learned that HR block offers live support by calling the 1800 number!

  42. My holiday budget tip is to set a limit to each person and use it. Also note the value of the item, not just what you paid.

  43. My budgeting question that I find myself asking myself lately is how big to go. This year, my son and I are taking the trip of a lifetime - certainly of our lifetime up until this point.

    I've added a few splurges and been okay with it by saying we'll only do this once, so we might as well do it big. But I am wondering when to pull back the reins on that - or if maybe I shouldn't.

    Wendy T

  44. My tip: I save my change in a jar, roll it and use it towards Christmas gifts. It's an easy way to save money.

  45. I Christmas shop year round starting with the after Christmas sales so it doesn't all have to be spent at once.

  46. i create a budget sheet and don't go over it!

  47. My holiday budget tip is to start shopping early. I watch for sale prices and put items away.

  48. Buy gifts all year round when they're on sale, instead of at a premium price.

  49. I learned that there is a “36% Annual Percentage Rate (APR)”.

  50. Stick to a list & don't buy something not needed just because it is on sale.

  51. I try to save a little each week and I also like to buy items that I see thoughout the year that may be on sale.

  52. I learned that you can borrow up to $1,000.

  53. make a budget list and stick to it~

  54. I try not to shop too early and I budget myself by making a list of what I want to get each person. I do not let myself buy them anything but what I've already written on the list. I also, try not to shop for myself during the holiday months

    jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  55. Watch sales and I don't rush to purchase things, best advice is watch the stores.

  56. my tip is to use coupons and shop on sales

  57. I learned that if approved, you are eligible to maintain your line of credit year-round

  58. I shop the sales and try to have a list

  59. Access to credit year-round with emerald advance

  60. My holiday budgeting tip is to know how much you have to spend--including how much you want to put on credit. Keeping spending limits in mind when you're in the stores is important because all those signs flashing "Sale! Sale! Sale!" can be all too tempting.

  61. I start shopping at the beginning of the year so that my spending is spread out. I also find really good deals thorughout the year.

  62. I buy gifts throughout the year so we don't spend too much on shopping in November and December.

  63. I start holiday shopping as soon as Christmas is over and fill the gift closet with items that are on sale. I also hand-make a lot of gifts to stay in our budget.

  64. I win gifts throughout the year and save them for christmas.

  65. there's a calculator that tells you how the new healthcare laws impact you.

  66. I just set a budget for each person and try to stick to that to make it fair. I use online promo codes on most purchases to get more for that budget.

  67. I shop all year round and take advantage of sales so that the Christmas season does not hit me too hard.

  68. My holiday savings tip is to shop the clearances and start a savings plan for your Christmas shopping!

  69. I learned that you can only borrow what you need and that payment in full is due by Feb 2014.

  70. I learned that you can make a payment, including:

    Check or debit card
    Transfer from Emerald Card
    Cash payment through MoneyGram or PayNearMe ($2.99 service charge applies)119
    Tax Refund – For paydown only, not available for monthly payment

  71. my best tip is to set a budget and stick with it.

  72. i learned when you file your taxes through H & R Block you can get a free Tax & Health Care Review

  73. Make a budget and stick to it.

  74. My best tip is to shop all year round if i see a good sale i buy in advance! angelgenius27(at)yahoo(dot)com

  75. I learned that with the emeral prepaid mastercard there's no setup fee, no monthly activity fee, no overdraft fee, no fees on purchases, or customer service calls!

  76. I like to shop ahead of time and get also get things on sale!

  77. Holiday money comes out of our fun spending budget; I make it a priority that it doesn't come out of savings or paying off loans.

  78. I shop for Christmas all year with coupons and sales.

  79. My favorite tip is to start saving money early. Each month put a little bit away, so you can spend cash instead of credit.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  80. I set a strict budget and stay with it. I shop all year round for gifts.

  81. i wait for sales or coupons and get it at the lowest price

  82. try to shop as early as possible and get things on sale

  83. With H&R Block’s Emerald Advance® line of credit, applicants may be eligible for up to $1,000 without having to jump through lots of hoops.

  84. Make sure you understand all the terms and conditions when using Layaway for holiday purchases.

  85. Set up a special bank account and deposit a few dollars each week. You'll save up and won't have to shell out as much extra at holiday time

  86. My best tip is to shop during sales with a list and strictly follow that list. Straying from the list just causes my budget to suffer.

  87. my budgeting tip is to start early so you don't have to spend a bunch of money in a short time.

  88. I learned there's an H&R Block 5 minutes from my house

  89. My tip is not unique! YES, I do the christmas club saving at our bank- where you set aside money each week towards Christmas. And I just don't buy a whole lot, either!

  90. set a budget and stick to it, shop around and online to find the best deals
    sarah hirsch

  91. i learned you can stay ahead of unexpected expenses with the emerald advance line of credit

    sarah hirsch

  92. My tip would be to make a list and stick to it. No impulse buying!

  93. My tip: pay with cash only

    i learned you can get an advance until jan 15

  94. We do a secret Santa gift exchange instead of buying presents for everyone.

  95. I shop for Christmas gifts throughout the year so I don't have such a big hit to my budget all at once in December.
    Diane L.

  96. I put money aside every month and then start to shop little by little starting in October. I've also learned that - barring an extremely popular toy - it's cheaper to buy toys two weeks or less away from Chirstmas; sometimes earlier isn't always better.

  97. I laways shop with sales and coupons in mind. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a nice gift.

  98. DO shop around... Resist impule on the spot purchases... & DO NOT run the credit cards up without a clear 'how am I gonna pay this back' in mind

  99. I always carry the ads with me so thtat I can price match, I also take advantage of black friday and cyber monday for big ticket purchases

  100. Only bring gift cards to pay for your purchases so you stay on budget!

  101. This year, I only have a set amount I can spend on gifts. So, I only shopped online at the places that included free shipping or % off of order. I have saved over $50 doing that.

  102. My tip is to make a list that's fully within your budget and then stick to it.

  103. I learned that once you are approved you can maintain your line of credit all year.

  104. Shop sales with coupons to save the most.

  105. My best holiday money saving tip is to pick up whatever presents you can throughout the year on clearance or on sale.

  106. I shop for presents all year long, to spread out the cost. I use cash only and when the money is gone, no more presents.

  107. I didn't know they had a line of credit.

  108. I make a list before I shop for the holidays and I stick to it!

    CINDY B on rafflecopter

  109. Get most of your shopping done on Black Friday so you can get the best deals

  110. I like to do mu shopping early and use coupons/discount codes.


  111. I set a dollar limit for each person before beginning shopping, make a list for each person, and then make sure I stick to it.

    G+ & GFC ids: abfantom fantom

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  112. I learned that you can apply for H & R Emerald Advance over the phone

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  113. My tip is shop the sales.


  114. I learned that you can borrow up to $1,000.

  115. I like to make a list and plan out what I will do.

  116. we shop most on sales days and look online for discounts.
    gabbflabber at

  117. shop clearance sales all year round

  118. We buy early/with coupons if possible.

  119. I make a list with value of each item and stick with it. We buy yrly when find clearance if possible.

  120. I learned that You may apply in participating offices from November 25th 2013, through January 15th 2014
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  121. I buy slowly when I see a great deal on something. One at a time is fine with me, in the end I save more than struggling last minute

  122. I find it interesting they are giving advice on ACA law, I thought they were purely taxes.

  123. My best budgeting tip is...darn it! I have none! I spend my last paycheck before Christmas on gifts...I just go out and buy whatever I can until I'm broke! LOL

  124. I learned that the HR Block Emerald Card offers a rewards program...I don't think they always had that.

  125. I usually shop when there are sales and use coupons.

  126. I learned that if approved, you are eligible to maintain your line of credit year-round

  127. My best tip is to be content with less and simplify life!

  128. I try to start shopping early on in November so not to be rushed near Christmas.

  129. My holiday budget tip is to keep an eye out year round for great gifts. It allows you to take advantage of some good discounts or sales and spreads out cost.

  130. I always buy earlier, for example I buy winter and Christmas stuff earlier, stores usually have sales on those items

  131. Start shopping early in the year, that way you have time to pick and choose which sales you want to shop.

  132. My best tip is to have a budget and watch for sales. Black Friday is a pain to shop but it can save a lot of money.

  133. I look for sales thru out the year and get a lot of Christmas then it helps to save a buck this day and age

  134. I try not to spend over a certain amount per person plus buy on sale

  135. My holiday budget tip is set aside money each payday for the Christmas season.

  136. Set aside money from every paycheck toward christmas gifts and take advantage of price matching.

  137. Holiday Budgeting Tip: A few months before the holidays during your fall cleaning, set aside items you no longer use/need and sell.

  138. I watch the Sunday paper ads for the best bargains - thank you.

  139. You have the option of filing online or on site - thank you.

  140. My holiday budget tip is never spend what you don't have. Santa should never use credit cards! On good years, share your bounty. In leaner times, everyone will have to make do.

  141. My tip is to always look for sales! Chances are that the item you're looking for is or will be on sale sometime during the holiday season!


  142. I follow you via GFC, using this google account


  143. following you via google+ as Stacey Bic


  144. on the H&R site I learned that the Emerald line of credit can be paid towards with your tax refund


  145. There are so many apps out there that can help you stay on budget; help you find the lowest prices, etc. so to sum it up you technology to your advantage

  146. I have a set amount I spend on each person and shop the sale. Also sometimes I find I save money by staying home and away from the stores that way I only buy the things on my list and don't buy just because something is a 'good deal'

  147. I learned that the late fee is only $7.50! They will not charge you more than 5 late fees per year.

  148. My holiday budgeting tip is to check online for percentage off coupons before you head to the stores, and print the coupons. I always save money this way.

  149. I learned that you can pay down the balance on the Emerald Advance with a portion of your tax refund.

  150. My tip is to do your shopping early.

  151. Beginning in January, we save all of our spare change in a big piggy bank. We roll it about once a month. Around the first of December, we cash in our coin and use it for Christmas shopping. You would be amazed at how it adds up. Last year, we had over $1100. It is an easy way to save. Thanks for the super giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.

  152. H & R Block prepares 1 in every 7 US tax returns. That is a great share of the market for one company. Thanks for the super giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.

  153. My tip on budgeting is to set an amount before even making a shopping list. Then work within the amount specified when making your shopping list for who get what.

  154. I didn't realize H&R Block offered a Credit Card. I learned that the name of the (Prepaid) Credit Card is H&R Block Emerald Advance Prepaid Mastercard (R). I thought that H&R Block only did taxes.

  155. I always research online to make sure I get the best prices.

  156. I make a lot of my gifts, which takes time, but saves money! I think it means a lot more, too.

  157. My budgeting tip is to set a holiday budget and to pay for my budget I set up a Christmas club, which I have all yr to pay into

  158. Once approved The Emerald Advance® is a year-round line of credit that provides the ability to repeatedly borrow and repay up to $1000.

  159. My tip is to make a written budget of how you will spend on each person. It’s easy to go out of control and get too much and then have to get more for others to make it fair

  160. i learned they have a special program for small businesses like me

    pixystik4u at gmail dot com

  161. We do all of our shopping at once because we spend less than when we spread out our spending


  162. Keep a list of what you've bought, or it's easy to forget and buy more!

  163. We set up a strict budget and stick to it!

  164. Nantucket Blend is my favorite variety of coffee. It also is out total house favorite.

  165. My holiday budgeting tip is to use online coupon codes and cash back sites when you shop sales.

    april yedinak

  166. you have the ability to pay down the balance on the Emerald Advance with a portion of your tax refund

  167. Take advantage of Cyber Monday & use Ebates & Retail Me Not.

  168. I like how you can manage your health on the website.

  169. We plan ahead, shop sales and make an agreed upon limit on how much gifts should be.

  170. My tip is to establish a budget and stick to it! I found it easier it I put the dollars on one card and when they were gone, I am done.

  171. I learned that the website allows you to manage your health.

  172. I learned there is both phone support and walk-in support available for consumers.

    Wendy T

  173. I like to buy things when they are on sale and I always try to use coupons whenever possible.

  174. Take the time to shop don't just start grabbing things because your out of time. There is no reason to ever pay full price for gift wrap buy it during the after season sale and use it next year it doesn't spoil.

  175. I learned that I can pay down the balance on the Emerald Advance with a portion of my tax refund,if I wish to ;)

  176. looks for sales and dont buy things you wont use

  177. I shop sales, and make a budget for each person I'm buying for. I also choose to save vacation days that we can get paid for at work and put this money towards the holidays. It's nice because the money comes right after the new year.

  178. I purchase gifts at sales all year around.

  179. You can make an appointment or you can just walk in.

    slehan at juno dot com

  180. subscribe email: slehandwc at gmail dot com

  181. I learned that the interest rate was 36% for an unsecured line of credit! It's definitely not something you would want to use except in desperate situations.

  182. I save all year long for Christmas.

  183. I try to shop the sales as much as I can.

  184. I always Christmas shop with a list to make sure I don't grab a gift for someone I've already bought for.

  185. I learned that you can load funds drawn from your line of credit to your H&R Block Emerald card for easy access.

  186. I make a list that includes who I need to buy for, 5 gift ideas to look into and then decide upon, a spending limit for each person, and then a space to write the gift(s) I ended up getting each person. Organization if really important for me. Otherwise, I get messes up and forget what I have already gotten. I end up spending money all willy-nilly and end up having to return doubles!

  187. I learned that they have a mobile banking app you can use provided you have an account with them.

  188. I purchase items throughout the year when they are on sale and I use coupons. Thanks.

  189. Shopping with cash only helps make the whole year better, and helps tons in budget control

  190. I spend the same amount on each person every year so that there isnt a surprise at the end of my shopping.
