Following that, I think about plans for the holidays, what we'll do for Little Sister B's winter birthday, how it's possible that an entire year has passed by so quickly, and more. What doesn't come to mind? Whether or not my car is as ready for winter as the rest of us.
Therefore, when it comes to prepping our rides for the cold, I'm thankful for tips from knowledgeable folks like the International Carwash Association (ICA) who can help me out.
Even better, I love knowing that the ICA, through its Wash With WaterSavers consumer awareness campaign, is committed to promoting the importance of using eco-friendly carwashes that use less fresh water and return clean water back into the environment. Smart plus green!
Thanks to the ICA, if you are like me and haven't thought about preparations for your vehicle, here are five simple tips for Getting Your Car Ready For Winter:
1. Check your tires. Before the roads get slick, check your tires to be sure they aren’t worn and that they are properly inflated. You should be able to find the proper tire pressure on the inside of your driver’s side door. Cold air will cause the air in your tires to compress and may cause your tires to lose pressure, so make a note to check again later in the winter.
2. Wash and wax your car at a professional car wash. Putting your car through the car wash during the sloppiest season of the year may seem a strange idea but a thorough wash can remove harmful compounds that may cause damage when mixed with sand and road salt. Experts from the International Carwash Association also recommend a coat of wax for an extra layer of protection from the elements.
Besides protecting your car, you’ll also be protecting the environment. Professional car washes can save up to 20% of the amount of water you’d use by washing your car at home. They do this by treating and reusing their water, rather than releasing toxic chemicals and grime into the storm drains, which can often occur when you wash your car yourself. You can learn more about the environmental benefits of a professional car wash at washwithwatersavers.com.
3. Check your brakes. Your brakes will work harder once the icy conditions of winter set in. Make sure they are up to the task by bringing your vehicle in to your mechanic for a thorough brake inspection.
4. Check fluids. In the winter, no fluid is more important than your coolant because, if you’re out of coolant, you’re out of heat. Your owner’s manual will tell you how much coolant you need as well as provide the correct blend. It’s also never a bad idea to keep an additional bottle of coolant in your car for emergencies.
5. Winter emergency kit. If you find yourself stranded by the side of the road, a winter survival kit can be very helpful. Include an ice scraper/brush, extra blankets or clothes – including hats and gloves – snacks and bottled water and a first aid kit. A small shovel can come in handy if you get stuck and a bag of cat litter can be used to provide needed traction for your tires.
Getting your vehicle ready for winter while temperatures are still mild is a proactive approach to preventive maintenance that helps ensure safety, reliability, and fewer unexpected repairs when severe winter weather strikes. By planning ahead you can ensure that your family and your car will be in for a smooth ride all winter long – this winter, don't be caught unprepared!
And, thanks to the generosity of the ICA, one person will be just as ready for the unexpected as I am, because...
One lucky person will win a WaterSavers Cold Weather Survival Kit*!
*Winter Emergency Kit contains: $20 VISA Gift Card, WaterSavers Tote bag, first aid kit, flashlight/signal torch, 2 AA batteries, 2 emergency candles, box of safety matches, 2 hand warmers, emergency water bag (1 gallon capacity), survival compass, emergency blanket and cotton gloves. All items are packaged in heavy-duty, water and puncture resistant carry case made of 600D polyester.
I am working with the International Carwash Association to share these tips. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 249 Newer› Newest»New wipers & we pulled out the snow brushes. It's a start.
We put antifreeze washer fluid in.
I definitely need new wipers and I'd like to track down this washer fluid I used when I lived in MN that would help defrost the windshield faster!
My car needs the battery posts cleaned, an oil change, and new windshield wipers for starters. I guess I better get to it! Haven't had too bad of weather in Oklahoma but still need to gt those things done.
I have made sure that my windshield solvent is full and I have my snow brush/ice scraper in my car. YUCK! I hate winter!
Beth H
I put a shovel and sand in my car.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
We get our car winterized at local dealer's.
put my scraper in the car
We have just had our car serviced to prepare it.
We get the oil changed regularly. (3 to 5 months) My husband drives to work an hour one way each day. (2 hrs total) We have the ice scraper in the shop. lol
I bought new wiper blades
The only thing I have done is put my ice scraper in my car!
prepare for winter. just need blinker fixed only trunk broken and cant open to replace the bulb
We put our snow tires on, winter wipers, and add non-freezing wiper fluid
We put our snow tires on, winter wipers, and add non-freezing wiper fluid
My ice scraper is ready.
I prepare my car with winter tires and an emergency kit.
I always get an oil change around now and make sure all of my fluids are right, along with tire pressure.
I have my ice scrapper ready, still need winter tires!
I keep my ice scraper handy, extra blankets in the car, snacks.
I don't prepare my car for winter because I live in a warm climate
I haven't done anything yet but definately need to winterize my car by checking fluids and tire pressures.
Living in FL and not traveling this year for the holidays, we don't really have to do anything to winterize our cars.
we check the tires and make sure it has a fresh oil change
I dont have a car, so nothing!
I prepare my car by having my snow tires placed on my car for the Winter.
I just had an oil change a couple of weeks ago. I need new snow tires.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
get snow tires and oil change
Fill the washer fluid.Maker sure usually at least 1/2 full tank. I keep a blanket in the car and I have ice melt in the car.
I checked my wiper fluid level, and got an oil change.
Nothing yet!
I got new wiper blades, put kitty litter in the trunk and properly inflated the tires.
apoalillo {AT} hotmail dot com
i need an oil change.
I have a survival safety emergency kit already in my car, but I need to put more windshield wiper fluid in.
We've checked all the tires to be sure that they are properly inflated and we've made sure that we have our fluids levels filled correctly with the proper fluids for cold weather.
New tires and new windshield wipers!
I've replaced the wiper blades and fluids already, but I've been putting off getting winter tires on until I absolutely have to!
Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com
I bought a new ice scraper.
I put a bag of cat litter in the car for the snowy roads!
I bought windshield deicer so that I don't have to scrape and scrape my windshields in the morning! Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway.
We recently replaced the windshield wipers on the car.
Thank you!
Last weekend we got the snow tires put on, and we put our "winter kit" in the trunk (blanket, collapsible shovel, scraper, etc.). Still need to get some winter wipers, though.
Getting a blanket, gloves, & jumper cables to store in the car is a good idea for my 18 y/o son this winter..
New wipers,checked the antifreeze and put blankets and jumper cables in the truck
I need to buy a new snow brush.
I need a new brush scraper
I've got a small shovel in the trunk and some kitty litter-also have some snack bars, flashlight and blanket.
I've installed new wiper blades.
we got the oil changed and tires rotated for winter
I need new wiper blades!
I think we need to check the pressure in the tires.
My husband just did an oil and filter change, radiator flush and fill, Rotated the tires and installed new wiper blades.
Got a new battery.
I need to get another emergency safety kit. I had one in my old car. I also need to buy an ice scraper! Thanks!
i got the winter wind shield washer fluid and put kitty litter in my trunk
put the new winter tires on as well as check all the fluid levels.
put an ice scaper and blankets in it. Also make sure there is a flash light
Well, I needed new tires, so I took care of that. Nothing worse than worn tires on snow and ice. I also just had an oil change and made sure all my fluid levels are where they should be. I also inspected my jumper cables to be sure they were in good shape. I use them quite often - mostly to help jump-start other people who don't carry cables of their own.
Full car checkup. Have scraper, boots, food, light, firstaid kit in car.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
I've added air to the tires. But I do need to have the oil changed.
Need to put coat, scarf, gloves, and blankets in the trunk!
I bought a new ice scraper.
We have put a couple bags of kitty litter in our trunks to help us become unstuck in snow if needed.
i have put blankets and flashlight and batteries, ice scraper, and a bag of litter in my car. i may need it all this weekend since we are suppose to get ice.
My car had a tune a few weeks ago,getting prepared for the cold weather to come.
I need to put two new tires on the car, before much longer.
I prepare my car with an emergency kit. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com
I live in South Florida where it doesn't get very cold in the winter, so I'm not doing anything special to get my car ready. Thanks!
I have my mechanic winterize the car by checking the antifreeze. I keep an ice scraper in the car with deicer.
sflickinger at rocketmail dot com
I usually put a blanket and a few snacks in the car and then all I need is to find my ice scrapper
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I have made sure that the battery is working fine and the tyres have been changed. even the windshield is working fine incase it snows
We changed the oil, topped up all fluids and got new tires.
I NEED TO switch to snow tires
I NEED TO switch to snow tires
I need to get new wiper blades.
Well, it's not for the car, exactly... We clean out the garage - to give us access to the plow that we attach to our truck!
I need to put a pair of boots in my car.
I did replace my wipers a few weeks ago, but I seriously need new tires!
I just put air in the tires and changed the oil.
Check the tires and the oil.
We put anti-freeze in, check the tires, oil, etc.
I keep a first aid kit, quart of oil, jumper cables, antifreeze and blanket in my trunk
Check all fluids and tires.
I put warm blankets in both of our cars.
I changed my oil and put a shovel in the trunk.
Check tires for wear
I filled the tires
Just got new tires!
We put snow tires on, changed/filled all the fluids, and put a snow brush in the trunk!
new wiper blades and I do the general upkeep
I had planned to prepare my car for winter by getting new tires but I had to replace my car's thermostat which was a little more urgent.
New car, so I pretty much only need to add a blanket and a First Aid Kit.
We carry a first aid kit and extra blankets in the car.
I've had the oil changed and added antifreeze.
We got new tires in the spring and just got new breaks/rotors. We don't have anything in our trunk besides scrappers so we really need something just in case!
I need to make sure we check our tire pressure and treads.
I changed my windshield wiper blades.
we need new wiper blades and to check air pressure
I have put my 'winter emergency kit' in my trunk. It consists of a blanket, flares, snow shovel, de-icer and ice scraper and a snow brush.
We have all weather tires, use a more expensive synthetic oil that does not freeze and have a winter kit of food and supplies in our under storage compartment. If we are going on a trip we have extra blankets and clothes also.
I live in fl. no prep here
adding chains when going into the mountains
I got new tires!
..tire rotation, inspection and I keep blankets and snacks in the car just in case..
no19034770 @yahoo.com
i dont even drive so my hubby is in charge of all things car, but i did not know that cleaning your car increases fuel efficiency.
Yikes, I desperately need to get new front tires on our car!
We have our car winterized with new snow tires and wiper blades.
Beth W
New tires, fluids, and added weight to the bed of the truck
I just got my tires rotated two weeks ago and have anti freeze windshield fluid!
We've had our car winterized at the shop with all fluids checked, new wipers installed, and have a blanket in the trunk just in case.
Anti freeze washer fluid new wipers and new tires and brought out the windshield scraper JUST IN TIME! we just had our first snow storm 4" lol
we make sure that all the levels are correct and have gloves and hats.
gabbflabber at live.com
Making sure it has enough antifreeze in it.
We have a remote starter in our car!
Checking our tires and oil was first!
We have the snow brushes in the car and the fluids topped off.
Took the car in to make sure the tires, the wipers, and brakes were good for the winter season
There is no real preparation in Florida
I really need to get new tires soon.
I (finally!) replaced 2 of my tires that were in really rough shape!
changed the wipers and checked and filled the tires with air
GFC: smurfette
I had my car's oil changed the other day, and I had them check everything.
i always keep a blanket and hat in my trunck
I always get an oil change, tune up, and change the fluids and the wiper blades in October/November, just to be safe. Oh, and check the battery!
I put our winter preparedness kit in the back!
I prepare for winter driving by making sure I have good wiper blades and that the windshield wiper fluid is topped off.
G+ & GFC id: abfantom
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I haven't done anything yet and by looking out the window winter has arrived here :o( I need to get my brakes checked and I need to put snow boots and extra clothes in my truck. I drive on rural roads so if I get stuck I may be there for awhile.
by putting anti freeze in
Well, after all this snow we got today, I realized that I wasn't prepared. I don't even know where my scraper is.
Well, pulled-out the chains and reflective triangle signal markers and got those back in my trunk alongside the 2.5 gal water and 5 gal gas and basic first aid I keep in there anyways. plus, I used a cotton and a wool blanket as covers for my back seat. just because 'you never know'. me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com
got the tires rotated and checked
We just had new windshield wipers put on and tires too
We always make sure to have a long handled ice scraper/brush in the car. kekagel(at)yahoo.com
we checked the tire pressure and the fluids and got the long handled brush/scraper which i used yesterday after we got a bunch of snow
I have prepared my vehicle for winter by checking all the fluids, and tire pressure. I also threw my snow brush in the car:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
I need to check my fluids.
Thank you for the nice giveaway!
detailed it before it got cold!
I need to get the ice scraper in the car and some blankets.
My husband had the oil changed, antifreeze checked and new windshield wipers put on.
I have an ice scraper in my car but I still need to get new windshield wiper blades!
We topped off our antifreeze.
does putting an icescraper and brush in my trunk count?
I don't really do anything different it doesn't get very cold here
I have a emergency kit.
I had my tires checked and properly inflated.
I do my standard, winter tires, fluids check, water and emergency supplies for 72 hours in the trunk, and my AAA membership up to date!
I put my winter studded tires on my car.
We got new tires and windshield wipers
Use antifreeze.
Use antifreeze.
We keep tools, a blanket, and a flashlight in the trunk.
I need to check the antifreeze and the flashlight batteries.
I have warm blankets, ice scrapers and a flashlight. I want to put in some granola bars still.
I just bought new winter wiper blades installed.
I always make sure my tires are in good shape and I get new wiper blades!
got new tires
check tires and fluid levels
I had my tires checked
kport207 at gmail dot com
I had an oil change but I still need to get new windshield wipers.
we put on our snow tires.
i checked all my fluids and my tire pressure
We take it into our mechanic.
I had the tires, brakes, wiper blades and fluids checked
In the back of our SUV, we always have two heat blankets, an emergency car care kit, several bottles of water, several energy bars and a first aid kit. We also make sure that we always have a GPS and a cell phone with us when we travel. Thank you for the super giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.
In the back of our SUV, we always have two heat blankets, an emergency car care kit, several bottles of water, several energy bars and a first aid kit. We also make sure that we always have a GPS and a cell phone with us when we travel. Thank you for the super giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.
We generally give it a oil change, check the tires, etc.. we maintain our vehicles year round.
I haven't prepared yet!
I haven't prepared yet!
I have added air to the tires, which is always necessary when the temperature drops. As a matter of fact I need to do it again. I washed it and gave it a nice good protective coat of wax. I have no-freeze rain-x windshield wiper fluid, too.
I made sure that there was a brush for the windows
We change the wiper blades before winter
I had my radiator flushed and new antifreeze.
cat litter in the driveway to help get out
I have to get air in my tires,check my fluids and get new windshield wiper blades.It doesn't snow here, and I don't drive a lot but I still get my truck prepared for winter. Thank you :)
Oil change and have my snow tires.
Get all of the fluids checked and check tire pressure.
Get all of the fluids checked and check tire pressure.
I changed the windshield wipers.
I have new wipers and stocked my car with a first aid kit and emergency blankets.
Vacuumed out all the sand from the Beach.
I need to buy new wiper blades.
tires rotated, new wipers and always have blankets in the trunk
One way I got my vehicle ready for the winter is buying winter tires. Now I am not so nervous about driving on icy roads!
I always get my tires rotated and checked before winter!
I check my tires.
Jennifer Dunaway
I live in Texas not generally something to worry about until this year.
It doesn't snow where I live!
I made sure my antifreeze is still good in my car.
I need to get new tires.
My husband checked all my fluid levels and put on new windshield wipers.
put sand in truck for ice
My car needs new wipers
I got some snow tires.
Brittney House BBrittBrat1398@yahoo.com
I prepared my truck by buying snow chains
I put my scraper and my coat in the car. My gloves were still in there from last winter.
I checked all fluids, tires and added emergency blanket and jumper cables to trunk
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