Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Baby Essentials for the New Year: Tortle Baby Beanies and 2 Red Hens Diaper Bags {Traveling with Baby Prize Pack Giveaway!}

As 2013 comes to an end and resolutions are made — big and small — one action that we can all take in the upcoming new year is to ensure that parents everywhere have only the very best products for their babies.

Whether that means ditching BPA-laden utensils or saying no to chemical-filled lotions and creams, when it comes to making purchases that are thoughtful, knowledgeable, safe and stylish, every mom should be sure to have a Tortle baby beanie and a 2 Red Hens diaper bag.

tortle 2 Red Hens logo

A new, must-have baby item, the Tortle is a comfortable lightweight baby beanie that helps prevent and treat Flat Head Syndrome. This condition is comprised of plagiocephaly (when flat spots develop on the infant’s skull), torticollis (occurs when an infant’s neck muscles become tight on one side, causing a neck tilt) or a combination of both.

flat head syndromeNot something that you've ever thought about? Well, think about this. Every baby is at risk of developing Flat Head Syndrome and one out of two babies, that's more than 1 million babies each year, will be diagnosed with it in the USA alone.

This number has increased over 600% since 1992 (largely a consequence of the combination of lifestyle changes in families and because babies now sleep on their backs), and affects nearly 48% of all babies 0-6 months old.

Findings now show that not only does the baby's head shape change cosmetically with Flat Head Syndrome, but many other associated problems, such as cognitive and motor delays, sight and hearing problems as well as numerous other issues are affiliated with this syndrome. If not corrected in early infancy, expensive and unpleasant treatment options can sometimes follow, with the ultimate risk of long-standing problems.

Therefore, Dr. Jane Scott, a board-certified pediatrican and neonatologist and mother of four, invented the Tortle in 2012, a product that renders plagiocephaly and torticollis almost 100% preventable.

baby in tortle

This stylish knit beanie provides parents an affordable, stress-free, simple solution to prevent Flat Head Syndrome by aiding in the repositioning of infants 6-months old and younger. Simply switch the Tortle from side to side with each feeding, therefore gently deflecting your baby's head from one position to the other while they are lying on the back of their head.

The use of the Tortle for the first six months of a baby's life can safely and easily alleviate the flat spots and neck tightness that newborns often develop. Just take a look at this great video to see more!

prevent flat head syndrome

Available online from Amazon as well as other retailers, the Tortle has recently debuted on in medium and large sizes at a suggested retail price of $19.99 in three designs: Blue Elephant, Pink Flowers and Solid White.

For more information, visit and connect with Dr. Jane and Tortle on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

So, considering how great the Tortle is and what a must-have it is to bring with you for all of your travels with your baby, you need to have a great diaper bag to stash it in, right?

I've always been a big proponent of diaper bags that aren't cutesy and babyish, as there is just no point to investing in something that you're not going to want to be seen with as soon as your little one is out of diapers. Most recently, I've been loving the chic, custom designs and the vintage-inspired patterns of the 2 Red Hens Studio Rooster Diaper Bags.

2 Red Hens diaper bag

Available in five eye-catching designs — Chevron Stripes, Grey Damask, Peacock Mum, Pink Lemonade and Owl Dots — the Rooster diaper bag is 2 Red Hens' most popular fashionable and functional bag.

Giving mom all the style and sass she had before she had a baby, and all the functionality she needs now that her precious little one has arrived, this great bag includes:
  • Interior zipper pocket, bottle holder and two elastic pockets
  • Convertible stroller straps
  • Attached key fob
  • Magnetic snap and button closure for easy access
  • Extra long changing pad in 2 Red Hens' signature red dot pattern
Is there anything more that they could have fit in this adorable, trendy bag?

2 Red Hens bag

With a recommended retail price of $50, these high quality bags can be purchased directly from 2 Red Hens as well as on Amazon. Find out more by visiting and by connecting on Facebook and Twitter to keep with the latest and greatest.

Whether you have an infant, have one on the way, or simply know someone in your life that would benefit from two fantastic baby items in 2014, these generous companies have ensured that one person will be set with both, because...

One lucky person will win their choice of 2 Red Hens Rooster Diaper bag and a Tortle baby beanie (total ARV $70)!

baby giveaway

A big thank you to Tortle for providing a prize pack for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


Kelly Massman said...

diaper rash cream...

Anonymous said...

A good diaper bag is my must-have baby product.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

Diaper Rash Cream is my must have baby product.

kim burnett said...

Monkey butt diaper rash cream

Elaine said...

A good diaper bag and safety covers for outlets was a must have for me.

SueZH said...

Diapers and diaper rash cream are musts.

Sweet Panda said...

Diapers and wipes

Janet said...

You must have the essential diapers. Thanks.

Jennifer said...


dawn keenan (newnameford) said...

caldescene powder is my go to product.

jessie2247 said...

I'm not a mom so I don't really have a favorite product. I'm trying to win these for my sister who is having her first baby and needs all the help she can get

avaoxia said...

Live clean baby products!

BrunoDogg2 said...

Must haves are wipes and diapers also some hand sanitizer is a must!

tawndam said...

Diapers & such go without saying... but the importance of a quality, dependable stroller cannot be overstated!

polly said...

Baby wipes with aloe

Anonymous said...

a boppy pillow

Unknown said...

A good stroller is very important!

Heather B said...

I don't think I could have made it through wihtout my boppy this time!

aperry said...

ergo baby carrier

Barker's Momma said...

Definitely a video monitor.

diamondgirl said...

baby carrier and stroller

Growl Tiger said...

We don't go anywhere without pacifiers and soft silky blankets

Unknown said...

My must have baby product is the Munchkin glass bottle with rubber sleeve.

barb said...

extra blankets. babies have accidents on their blankies and it is essential in this time of the year to have extras

Spamgirl said...

Diaper wipes!

Kimberly said...

A quality car seat is a baby must

Dawn said...

A baby swing has saved my day plenty of times.

Unknown said...

a good diaper bag and changing pad is a must

judybran said...


Joanne said...

A rocking chair.

hhkaufman78 said...

my boobs!!!

mandala said...

diaper rash cream

MaryAnn said...

A bumbo floor seat

sweepmom said...

My must have baby product is a pack and play.

Helga said...

Baby wipes are a must have in every room.

濤熙小家 said...

Diaper bag!!

Unknown said...

Besides Love Lot's and Lot's of Diapers.

bettycd said...

So hard to pick one must have product. But an excellent gift is a decent well thought out diaper bag. It takes time to learn that even many pricey bags don't meet your needs. I found two bags worked best for me. One for daycare needs when I was working and the other was set up for normal family outings For my oldest, the Nuk pacifier was absolutely my must have item.

Unknown said...

diapers and wipes are a must

Anonymous said...

Pacifiers - not to keep the kids quiet, but they're great when kids start picking thing up and chewing on them. They help prevent unwanted items going in their mouths!

Time for Tech said...


K.Pugh said...

A quality swing is must for me.
Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Change of Clothes and burp cloths

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you

Debra Gray-Elliott said...


petchk79 said...

Definitely baby wipes! They serve so many purposes, changing, cleaning up stains/spit up, removing makeup (if my mascara runs), cleaning dirty surfaces etc.

Unknown said...

My must have is a versatile stroller.

Kim and Ken Carlile said...

Swaddle Blankets

Unknown said...

sleep sacks and swaddle blankets

nicolesender said...

Baby must have is good diaper rash ointment!!

Anonymous said...

Wipes are my must have!

terrajunebug said...

must have is baby powder and wipes

Tamar said...

A hands free pumping bra! lol

Rebecca W. said...

My must have is a swing for the baby.

mecarolks said...

A quality car seat is a baby must have.

Unknown said...

diapers and a GOOD rash cream!

Priscilla Benavides said...

A stroller always comes handy to help baby fall asleep when you are out!
priscillabenavides at yahoo dotcom

Unknown said...

Our baby must have's were a change of clothes, butt cream and a paci.
(Ashley Trail )

The Screenwriter's Wife said...

diapers are a must have!

amanda mclemore said...

My must have is wipes and plenty of them!

Bo said...

A Boppy pillow!

One Frugal Girl said...

Rock & Play Sleeper was great for my son. It's portable and easy to carry!

kathy dalton said...

Definitely DEsitin!!!

Melissa Shirley said...

Plenty of diapers and plenty of wipes

Deanna said...

Diapers wipes are my must have item & baby lotion!

J. Gray Rosenblum said...

My must haves are wipes and a stroller!

Unknown said...

my beautiful vintage emmaljungA STROLLER is currently serving as a bassinet while i cnnot get up and down my stairs, and will serve as my babys stroller through preschool!

Unknown said...

Mine isn't really a 'musthave' but it was nice to have a mamaroo swing.

MamaStace said...

My must have for my current baby is a swing!!


MamaStace said...

Following via google+ as Stacey Bic


Jenny Q. said...

Cloth diapers are a must have!

Cserafini said...

I have to have the boppy

HedgeHogi said...

A good sized diaper bag with many pockets! at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Wipes are a must-have

Kerry said...

A boppy nursing pillow and moby wrap.

Unknown said...

Receiving blankets are a must-have.

Treesa said...

diapers for sure!

Some Lucky Dog said...

a great stroller!

Brandi said...

I like the Graco Signature stroller

jlee said...

A comfortable baby carrier is a must have especially if you live in a big city!

Karen F said...

Gotta have the wipes.

Victoria Nyquist said...

Onesies and a baby seat are essentials!

Unknown said...

sure hope I win

Unknown said...

A bouncy seat was a must have for me.

amos122902 said...

A baby swing

Carla S said...

My must have baby product is a changing pad.

Unknown said...

My must have baby product would be baby wipes and diaper rash cream also pain and fever medicine. thank you

Kimberly said...

Baby wipes -- they are useful long after the baby stage, too!!

Lissa Crane said...

A really good stroller! One that folds easily and is light weight!

Lissa Crane said...

A really good stroller! One that folds easily and is light weight!

Michelle L said...

My must have baby product is a bouncer seat. Most useful thing for getting things done.

Unknown said...

my must have is a good baby sling

Joanna R. said...

Must have a really good carrier!

noreen said...

Bumbkin bibs, it is the only bib you need

EverythingSarah said...

a boppy! It helps so much with breast feeding

Unknown said...

I would say it would be wipes

DC said...

Spit-up rags are my must have baby item.

Erica C. said...

I love the Bumbo seat.

Kelly said...


mylttlpny1 said...

Cloth diapers!

Unknown said...

My must have is a carrier or sling to make baby comfy and secure but leave my hands free for all the other must do tasks of the day!

susansmoaks said...

the mamaroo is my must have baby item

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

blew415 said...

diapers and pacifiers

Unknown said...

Baby lotion

Candie L said...

wipes are always handy. We still keep some in the car for emergencies and the boys are 11 and 13. Thank you


tina reynolds said...

diapers and wipes are a must

Unknown said...

orajel - LOL - we are going thru teething right now - LOL

Unknown said...

One of my favorite must haves is a good changing pad! They're so nice and convenient for travel now! My lil one absolutely hates changing anywhere other then at home, and bringing along the changing pad, makes things a lil more familiar to her, and less gross in my mind. Who knows what all is on the public changing tables, and sometimes, you're in a rush to were all you have time for is pulling out the changing pad before laying your baby down to change!

Anonymous said...

Baby wipes are a must for soo many things!

Kat said...

a crib to keep them safe

Miranda Ward said...

A sTroller

Unknown said...

A good stroller.

/\Heather/\ said...

High quality nail clippers...and sleeping gloves if those nails grow quickly overnight!

Tylerpants said...

My must-have baby product is wipes, they come in handy countless times! tylerpants(at)

lilyk said...

a crib

Teresa Thompson said...

Boppy's are a big hit here.

cman said...

A boppy.

Michelle W. said...

A nice, thick, soft blanket - for covering the car seat, stroller, or putting on the floor for tummy time!

trixx said...

A good baby carrier is a must have!

Anonymous said...

DIAPERS!!! LOL... and a swing!

Marianna said...

Soft cozy sleepers and socks!

Breanne said...

A baby carrier

Donna said...

a swing