Thursday, January 30, 2014

Never Be Left Out of the Photo Again with Looq {Review}

 looq logo
This past fall my daughters had a few days off from school, so my husband and I scooped them up and took a vacation to Washington D.C. We saw all the sights, rode the Metro, walked miles upon miles, had a great time, and went home with memories to last a lifetime.

However, as I look back through the photos, it's apparent that there are mainly two types. One, my kids participating in some sort of activity or posing diligently. Or two, the kids with one parent documenting that we were at a particular location.

D.C. trip

Pretty standard vacation pictures, right?

We do have approximately three pictures where all four of us were included, due to me sucking it up and overcoming the awkwardness of asking a complete stranger to stop whatever they were doing and photograph us instead.

photos at the white house

Would I have liked to have more pictures of us standing only feet away from the White House so that there might have been one with less forced facial expressions or at a better angle? Sure. But it's hard enough to get people to stop to take one photo, so I wasn't about to tell the nice man to take a dozen more.

So, aside from traveling with a personal photographer everywhere we go, getting more family photos didn't really seem possible... until I was introduced to Looq.

group photo

The first of its kind battery-free shutter pole, Looq is compatible with iPhones and Androids and was made for taking vacation photos and selfies to new heights. Simply place your phone, open the app and extend the pole anywhere between 5.5" and 24" and you're able to get more faces in the frame, include a scenic background, and more.

When a Looq arrived here, I was pleased to find that it truly was just as quick and easy as Looq Systems had declared it to be.

Looq shutter pole

After taking a minute to download the free Looq app, I simply connected the two Looq pieces (the adjustable holder and the shutter pole) together and I was ready to snap away.

Looq review
I had my phone out of its case in these pictures, but the Looq also fits it just fine with the case in place.

Right away I appreciated that the holder felt extremely strong (meaning my phone wouldn't accidentally fall out) and that the pole's sturdy design also eased my safety worries. In fact, the Looq has been proven capable of holding up to a dozen iPhone 5 phones at once, so I felt quite positive that my single one would be secure!

Then, by opening the app (which has an appearance extremely similar to the iPhone's classic camera app), I was able to use the front- or rear-facing camera to set up my shot. There is even a convenient little mirror to help frame photos when the rear-facing camera is used — no more wondering if everyone's face is making it into the frame!

At the same time, the Looq eliminates any of the reaching, tilting, bending or "selfie arm" that is typically involved when taking self-portraits. Just aim, smile and use the included Selfie Button on the handle of the Looq (the pole even gives a little vibration to let you know that it has taken the photo) and your result turns out great!

As well as taking family pictures much more often, my unplanned, fun photo times with my kids are now much easier as well. Instead of a typical picture that is up close and includes my arm...

selfie photo shoot

...we're able to sit back and relax and end up with a shot that looks like it was taken by a third person.

family photos

Looq couldn't be much easier!

Whether you're taking vacation photos and want to include the whole gang or just want a way to perfect your selfies, the Looq is an extremely simple way to improve your photographs. You'll no longer feel embarrassed asking strangers to take your pictures (or worry that they will run off with your phone!) and your awkward "selfie arm" won't have to make any more appearances.

Instead, this small, portable devices sets up in seconds and can change the way that your personal photographs turn out for years to come. Want to find out more? The Looq is compatible with a long list of iPhone and Android phones and can be purchased at for $69.99.

You can also connect with this innovative company on Facebook and Twitter so that you won't miss the latest and greatest unique inventions that they continue to debut!

Other than the Looq that I was provided by Looq Systems in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion on this product.


Thrifty and Chic Mom said... 1

I have been looking for something like this but no one had experience using one thanks for the review I think I found the one I want!

Unknown said... 2

That's a very neat tool. Thanks for sharing it!

sgumer said... 3

that is awesome and the pictures came out great.

slehan said... 4

You could call it your long extra arm. Glad it works well for you.

slehan at juno dot com

freddie said... 5

Your pictures turned out great. I would really love to get this for my daughter so she can be included in pictures with my grandchildren. I think she would really enjoy it.

Anne said... 6

What a great little device! I can see how it makes a big difference in the photos. Thanks for the review--it would be a great gift, for sure.

Unknown said... 7

Wow, this would be awesome to have! I might have to look into getting one for my parents.