Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tyler Perry's The Single Moms Club {Movie Prize Pack Giveaway!}

The Single Moms Club movie logo
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Lionsgate. I received promotional item and a prize pack as a thank you for my participation.

While I love my husband and I adore my children, there's no denying that I need my "mom friends," too. There's just something important about the connection that a women has with her girlfriends, isn't there?

I cherish the times that I get to visit with my friends and love the relationships that I've formed through being a part of various social groups and communities. We talk, we laugh, we advise, we commiserate, we inspire — friends are such an important part of life!

And that incredible connection between moms is the the focus of the soon-to-be released Lionsgate film, Tyler Perry's The Single Moms Club.

The Single Moms Club

Opening next month on March 14th, The Single Moms Club is the story of five struggling single moms who put aside their differences in the midst of a school dilemma with their kids to form a support group.

Throughout their journey, the five women find inspiration and laughter in their new sisterhood and help each other overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. Parenting is filled with trials and tribulations, so having the love and support of good friends is the glue that holds this group together!

The Single Moms Club is directed by and starring Tyler Perry as well as Amy Smart, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Cocoa Brown, Zulay Henao and Nia Long — and, as with most of Tyler Perry's work, is sure to leave you laughing well after the movie ends. With a cast this talented, this is sure to be a hit!

Nia Long
May (Nia Long) and Rick (Massai Z. Dorsey) in Tyler Perry's The Single Moms Club.
 Still not convinced that you need to plan a Ladies Night with your girlfriends to go see this movie? Check out the trailer and you just might change your mind!

While Tyler Perry is often associated with facetious comedies, I really appreciate that he is focusing on the amount of work that it takes to be a mother and just what women go through on a daily basis with this movie.

Plus, how can I not be intrigued to see a movie with lines such as this: "I wait to see which way he’ll fall and try and catch him" (from the character May on parenting)? That's pretty much the motto that I follow on a daily basis when it comes to having children!

Tyler Perry quote

Find out more about this upcoming film by visiting The Single Moms Club website and by connecting on The Single Moms Club Facebook page.

And, thanks to Lionsgate's generosity, one person will be even more prepared for next month's Tyler Perry debut, because...

One lucky person will win a The Single Moms Club Movie Prize Pack*!

Single Moms Club giveaway
*Prize Pack includes: a Vino2Go cup, Grocery Tote, Nail File with a back mirror, Chocolate Bar, Hand Wipe Pack and Film poster


Pauline MIlner said... 1

After reviewing your post, I think I will go and see this movie. It looks as if it would be really comical. Thank you for another super giveaway opportunity. Please keep up the terrific blogging.

Jenn said... 2

I know I will go see this movie. Great cast and it looks like a fun night out with my girlfriends.

Holly said... 3

I'll wait for it to come out on dvd.

jmajor4870 said... 4

I am going to see this movie because I love Tyler Perry movies I go and see them all

Unknown said... 5

I'm a huge Tyler Perry fan so I will def try to secure a sitter and go! lol

kim burnett said... 6

I will because I love Tyler Perry movies!

Sarah Coulsey said... 7

I am hoping to be able to go and see it!! Just need to find a babysitter!!

Unknown said... 8

Yes, I will go with friends to see this movie.

heatherp626 said... 9

I usually end up watching all of Tyler Perry's movies. I don't go to the movies. I usually watch them on Netflix or rent them from RedBox.

Heather said... 10

I probably won't go see it. I either rent my movies or watch stuff on Netflix.

Kimberly said... 11

I am looking forward to seeing it with a friend

tawndam said... 12

probably not until it hits dvd... I'm broke

tat2gurlzrock said... 13

We usually wait until movies come out on DVD but I do like :D

Julie Lynn Bickham said... 14

Would love to go see this movie. Would be great for our girls movie night.

Unknown said... 15

probably not in theater, my hearng disability makes it hard

slehan said... 16

If I win some Fandango bucks I'd love to see it.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

Unknown said... 17

I think it looks like fun and something I can watch with my sister in law when she is in town in a few weeks.

Lissa Crane said... 18

Yes, I can't wait to see this movie! I love Tyler Perry and his movies! This one is sure to be fabulous!

Anonymous said... 19

I'll probably wait to see this movie on DVD, but I love watching chick flicks.

Heather B said... 20

I have not been to the movies since Avatar! I will definitely watch it once it hits DVD though!

sweepinmomma123 said... 21

I won't go see it but I will wait for it to come out on dvd.

walk9 said... 22

Most likely will wait for it on DVD.

stowelljg said... 23

Sure, I'll see the movie. Tyler Perry movies are usually very good.

Anonymous said... 24

Seems like a fun movie to watch with my girlfriends! I think I'll wait until I can rent it on DVD!

Michelle S. said... 25

I won't go to the theater to see it but I will watch it once it comes out on dvd or pay per view.

Unknown said... 26

Yes I would go see this movie it looks cute I love Tyler perry movies

brittany said... 27

I think i will, it looks good

bbrittbrat1398 said... 28

I would see this and have a girls night out of it.
Brittney House

Debra said... 29

i will wait for it on dvd

Unknown said... 30

I know I will go see it I love Tyler Perry movies!

Unknown said... 31

I would like to see this movie because I like Tyler Perry.

Kendra said... 32

I think it would be a good girl's night movie for me and all my mommy friends

Edna Williams said... 33

I know I would because it would make for a great girls' night out!

bison61 said... 34

it looks like fun I'll go see this with my sister

tiramisu392 (at)

bettycd said... 35

thanks for the review you posted. I did see one trailer also and the movie looks like it would be a fun one to see. I'm thinking I'd probably wait for it to be available to watch via Netflix though.

kelly tupick said... 36

We don't have a movie theater close by so we don't go to the movies. I usually buy them when they come out of DVD. This one looks really good and I will def. buy it when it is released.

Unknown said... 37

I would love to see this film.

Unknown said... 38

I love Tyler Perry Movies and this one sounds hilarious! As a single mom, this movie calls out to me, telling me I need a Mom's night out!

Anonymous said... 39

really want to see this!

jdine said... 40

I will wait for netflicks because I'm married with children.

Anonymous said... 41

I will go had already planned to go when I first saw it on TV. Thanks for great giveaway!!

Edge Of Insanity said... 42

I might wait for it to come out On Demand before deciding. It looks like a good cast, but I hardly ever go to the theaters.

Yona Williams said... 43

Oh yeah...I think me and my sweetie are going to see this when it comes out....possibly.

mecarolks said... 44

I'd like to go see it with my husband. It looks like fun.

Lora said... 45

I hadn't heard of this movie before but I think I will go see it. It sounds like a fun girls' night out.

Unknown said... 46

i love all of tyler perrys movies.i will for sure see it.

Jennifer said... 47

It looks funny, so I will try to get the girls together for a movie night!!!

Growl Tiger said... 48

I will probably wait for it to come out on DVD but it does look like it would be funny, but I don't get to go to the theater often because I am a new mom

Unknown said... 49

I'll probably not go see it since I don't watch movies much.

Anonymous said... 50

No it does not interest me.

Anonymous said... 51

We wait until the DVD comes out...but I think I would watch this because I seriously need to relax and unwind

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you

GabbyLowe said... 52

I want to see it but will probably wait until its OnDeMand (Laura DeLuca)

jill190 said... 53

I like the director Tyler Perry, but I will be waiting for the dvd version of the movie.

SexyBrat said... 54

I think I would like to see the movie. It looks fun.

Unknown said... 55

Well since I am part of the Single Mom's club ...I didn't even know this was coming out. I will have to go see it and have some good laughs :)

tina reynolds said... 56

I will I love tyler perry movies

sdavis said... 57

yes i want my best friend and i go see this movie for a girls night out. we sure need it

LesleyfromWI said... 58

I will wait for it to come out on dvd as I am more comfortable watching movies at home

Carolyn Daley said... 59

I think I would go see this movie with a few friends.

Teresa Young said... 60

I think I will get a girlfriend or 2 to go out to dinner & see this movie with me - although the women in the movie are younger than me it is good to reinforce female friendships.

Unknown said... 61

I will probably wait until the movie is out on dvd. Going to the movies has gotten a bit too expensive for me. Thank you for the giveaway

Unknown said... 62

I'd love to go see this movie. I'll have to go with a girl friend though, my husband would never agree to come with me!

Clair Shumack said... 63

Yes I'd like to go see this movie!

Helga said... 64

I will not go see this film not my taste.

Diana Lane Utley said... 65

I will probably wait for it be on DVD before I watch it.

luckynordberg said... 66

It sound like a good movie to go to on Girls Night out!

Unknown said... 67

I would love to go see this movie not just because it looks good but I can relate. I have been a single mother of two since they were born. A girls night out for fun and laughter is a way for me to recharge my battery. A happy mom makes for happy kids.

wen budro said... 68

I will have to see it on DVD. My town has one small movie theater and I doubt that they will show this movie.

Unknown said... 69

We might see the movie - it seems like a nice movie that focuses on strong women

wigget said... 70

probably not in the theater

Unknown said... 71

Probably not because we rarely go to the movies!

Unknown said... 72

I might go see this movie. Looks like a blast

Nicole C. said... 73

Yes, I would probably go and see this with my sister. It looks like a movie that we would enjoy!

Cinderella10383 said... 74

I would love to go see this movie but probably won't as I never have a babysitter.

Jamie Brigham
Prettyinpinkwife @ Aol dot com

lisa said... 75

Yes I will see it when it goes to RedBOX

Cenedra M. said... 76

Would love to see this movie!

mecarolks said... 77

I'd like to go see this movie in the theatre.

jcwega27 said... 78

I might if I can get someone to go with me!

Shea =) said... 79

I might if I get the chance! =)

Ingrid said... 80

I have plans to see this movie, most likely I can relate since I am a single mom myself.

Roy F. said... 81

I will not go see this movie but I will wait to see it once it comes out on dvd

cman said... 82

I'd go if a friend wanted to go.

nicolesender said... 83

I'd wait till the dvd is available to watch.

latanya t said... 84

wait to see it on dvd because we are not movie goers

katieoscarlet said... 85

I'm not a big fan of Tyler Perry movies, but I am intrigued about this one. The actress from the Goldbergs is in this movies who I really like. I'll probably watch this by myself on dvd, my boyfriend would definately not watch this.

Unknown said... 86

I know I will go see this movie because of its great cast :)

Heavensangel2387 said... 87

I would go to see it with my girlfriends for a girls night out. It looks cute.

Unknown said... 88

I would love to go see this movie. It seems like it's going to be hilarious. said... 89

I would love to go to the movies with my family.
Diane Baum

Treesa said... 90

This would be a great girls night out movie! I'll see it for sure :)


Unknown said... 91

I am definitely going to see this movie. I never miss a Tyler Perry movie.

Unknown said... 92

I plan to go see the movie because I am a recent "single mom" plus, I love Tyler Perry

sheila ressel said... 93

I can't wait to go see this movie! It looks so funny and relatable.

Remus said... 94

I will wait until it comes out on DVD and then buy it & watch it.... movie tickets have gotten so expensive it costs more to go see it than to own it :(

Debbie Ritenour said... 95

I would love to see this movie because it has so many good actors! I love Tyler Perry!

Sonya said... 96

This looks like a great movie! I'd love to see it.

Cheryl R said... 97

I will watch it when it comes on Netflix probably.

one frugal lady said... 98

Of course I will be seeing this with my fellow single momma friends! IT looks like a blast!

"Iowa Mom" said... 99

Absolutely! Heart strong women comedies.

Unknown said... 100

I can't wait to see this movie!

Sarah said... 101

Fingers crossed I can sneak out for some alone time to see this and maybe grab a pedicure!

daniellehall30 said... 102

i would go see this movie it looks entertaining

LaurKnotter said... 103

I probably won't see it as it is hard for me to get to any movie that isn't rated G. :) I will watch it when it comes out on video though.

debhs said... 104

While I think I would enjoy this movie...going to see it is way out of our budget at this time

samf36 said... 105

I will wait for it to come out on Netflix.. I don't goto the movies

susansmoaks said... 106

i will wait for it to come out on dvd. we live in the country, but i am excited to see this.

Unknown said... 107

I absolutely cannot wait to see this move!

blew415 said... 108

I am cheap, so I will wait for the dvd

laurasloves said... 109

I am definitely going to see this movie with a couple of girlfriends. It looks so good!
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

amos122902 said... 110

I'd definitely like to see this movie as I'm a single mom and can relate.

Barbara's Beat said... 111

I love Tyler Perry, I will wait for the dvd

Anonymous said... 112

I want to go see this movie because it looks great!

Karrie said... 113

Yes i will because it looks great

Candace said... 114

We will wait for it to come to red box. It's too expensive to go to the movies.

lilyk said... 115

I think I will go to see this movie because it looks very interesting!

Tylerpants said... 116

I might go see this movie, looks like a fun cast! Lisa L tylerpants(at) said... 117

No. No interest.

Melanie C said... 118

I think that this movie is going to be interesting, so in all likelihood I will be going to see it.

Sand said... 119

Probably not, because I'm not a Tyler Perry fan but I might check it out on DVD.