Monday, March 10, 2014

Clear the Air with the Honeywell True HEPA Compact Tower Air Purifier {Review & Giveaway}

honeywell logo
After approximately 17.5 months of winter, there is a small flicker of hope that spring might truly arrive here at some point in the not-too-distant future (or at least temperatures will stay above freezing for more than four hours at a time).

Along with the warmth and sunshine, the idea of being able to step outside into the fresh air (and not be bundled in 12 layers) makes me a little dizzy with excitement. The sounds of birds chirping, the scent of flowers blooming, the aroma of fresh cut grass... I just can't wait to take deep breath after deep breath.

In the meantime — while I dream of those days actually arriving — at least I know that I can do all that I can to remove the stale, stuffy feeling from our indoor air thanks to Honeywell and their True HEPA Compact Tower Air Purifier.

Honeywell air purifier

While spending all winter in close quarters with family members and pets can feel a bit stuffy, adding an air purifier to your home can help clear the air by capturing microscopic airborne allergens. Wouldn't you rather do that than breathe them in?

After hearing about how the new Honeywell HPA060 True HEPA Compact Tower provides trusted allergen, germ and odor reduction by capturing up to 99.97% of microscopic airborne particles that pass through the filter, how could I not want to utilize it in my home?

Honeywell allergen remover

Right away I was happy to see that Honeywell had given this air purifier a clean, slim, modern design, as I could see it fitting right in with the decor in just about any kitchen, bedroom, dorm room, office or more.

Plus, the 15.16" height isn't at all overwhelmingly large, so there is no worry about this taking up too much space in any room, condo or apartment.

Honeywell HPA060

Completely foolproof to set up and begin to use, Honeywell has made this Compact Tower prepared to effectively capture airborne grass, tree and other pollen, dust, smoke, pet fur/dander, mold spores, bacteria and viruses right out of the box.

Simply pop open the back panel and remove the plastic covering from both of the filters...

Honeywell air purifier filters

...and then close it all back up and put it to work.

I love that this model features a convenient filter check reminder and an easy-dial control with three settings for customizable air cleaning. Whether you select General Clean, Germ or Allergen, you're able to then rest assured that the Compact Tower is providing powerful air cleaning technology at just the level you need.

Honeywell HPA060 controls

This Compact Tower model is perfect for smaller rooms (75 sq. ft.) and the smaller size doesn't stop it from absorbing well and providing a high quality result.

As a big bonus, it is also so efficient to operate that it is Energy Star qualified and may actually qualify for utility rebates where available.

Honeywell HPA060 review

According to the Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, 15 to 30 percent of the U.S. population is allergic to cats or dogs and Honeywell True HEPA Air Purifiers are the #1 allergist-recommended brand. As well as cleaning your air with an Allergen Remover like this one, Honeywell has also compiled a list of Allergen All-Star Pet Award winners that studies have suggested are more allergen-friendly than others:
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Devon Rex Cat
  • Iguana
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Javanese Cat
  • Labradoodle
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Maltese
  • Schnauzer
  • Yorkshire Terrier
Allergens can be a major interruption to your daily life – but maintaining indoor air quality shouldn’t be. Keep this convenient list in mind the next time you are thinking of bringing home a pet and find out more about the high quality Honeywell HPA060 True HEPA Compact Tower (MSRP $89.99 from Honeywell or on Amazon) at They also have great tips and information on Facebook and Twitter.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of Honeywell, one person will soon have fresh, clean air inside their home as well, because...

One lucky person will win a Honeywell HPA060 True HEPA Compact Tower Allergen Remover!

Honeywell giveaway

A big thank you to Honeywell for providing a True HEPA Compact Tower for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 264   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said... 1

it would go in my bedroom

Suburban prep said... 2

This would be great in the bedroom.

Nancy P said... 3

In my family room!

Candice said... 4

I would love to have this in our living room.

Monica said... 5

MY bedroom.


Mysharona said... 6

We need it in the living room.

char41356 said... 7

It would go in my bedroom.

Traci said... 8

in my kids rooms

Unknown said... 9

I would use it in my bedroom at night and move it into my family room during the day.

Unknown said... 10

I would use this in my bedroom.


Anonymous said... 11

id use this for my bedroom

Sarah Coulsey said... 12

My boys playroom could use this!!

mrscreto said... 13

I would love to have this in our bedroom!

tawndam said... 14

I'd say the livingroom so everyone can benefit!

cjabdelnour said... 15


Madeline said... 16

I would use this for my bedroom!

d schmidt said... 17

This would be ideal for my children's playroom.

Julie Lynn Bickham said... 18

This would be great for my daughters room. She has asthma and this could help her.

Jeanna said... 19

I would love to use this in our family room!

Barker's Momma said... 20

I would use it in our bedroom.

Kimberly said... 21

We could use this in the living room

wigget said... 22

maybe our bedroom to filter allergens while we sleep

tat2gurlzrock said... 23

I think this would be great for the bedroom.

Mary said... 24

I would use this in our living room.

kelly tupick said... 25

This would come in handy the most in our living room. This is the room where we spend most of our time.

dannyscotland said... 26

I will probably put it in my older daughter's room to help with her allergies in the spring/fall, but we could use one in every room!

latanya t said... 27

the living room

Jet'set said... 28

I'll put it in our room. We have a baby on the way & this will be great!
inalak at msn dot com

Anonymous said... 29

I would have to have this in my living room- it is likely the worst room in the house.

neoh42f said... 30

My living room would be a great place!

Unknown said... 31

In my living room!

Unknown said... 32

I need the purifier in my livingroom.

Courtney B said... 33

my daughter's room because she has asthma so i like her having fresh air

Karen said... 34

It would go in our livingroom. Thanks.

BrunoDogg2 said... 35

I would love this for my soon to come baby's room!

Yona Williams said... 36

This would definitely come in handy in my living room.

Heavensangel2387 said... 37

This would go great in the kids room!

Unknown said... 38

This would go in the new baby's room.

sheila ressel said... 39

This would be great in my living room. With 5 cats and a dog we could really use this.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 40

This would come in most handy in the living room.

mellyrox said... 41

I NEED this in my bedroom definitely..thanks so much.


Heather B said... 42

This would be great in my sons room

Unknown said... 43

This will probably be best in the living room where we are most of the time. We have two cats so it would help to clear out not only the dander, but all the pollen that comes in the house in the spring and summer.

scottsgal said... 44

this would be great in our upstairs loft

jlee said... 45

My oldest son has allergies and a chronic cough so I think this would help him out! We'd put it in his bedroom.

Unknown said... 46

I can use the Air purifier on my son's room, Thank you !

Remus said... 47

I would use it in my bedroom... I have trouble sleeping at night because of congestion from allergies

Bethany C. said... 48

I would probably put it in my daughter's bedroom.

Unknown said... 49

I would use this in my bedroom to help with my husband's allergies.

Anne said... 50

I think I'd put this air purifier in the bedroom. I have asthma, and this might be just the ticket to a better, healthier night's sleep.

Unknown said... 51

it would go in my bedroom where I smoke.

ide2678 said... 52

I would use it in our family room.

s said... 53

Child's room.

slehan said... 54

It would be best in my bedroom.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

Susan Christy said... 55

This would help so much in my living room where my dogs spend most of their time.

Susan Johnson said... 56

This would be most helpful in my bedroom. I am allergic to cats, and of course, I have one, that sleeps on my bed. My bedroom also is off to the side and doesn't get the normal airflow the rest of my apartment does, so the air at times is stuffy. An air purifier would take care of a lot of the dander in my room from the cat, and freshen it up a bit.

sdavis said... 57

i would put this in my living room. ty for the chance.

Unknown said... 58

This Honeywell Air Purifier would come in handy in my room, right next to me, thank you.

Yvonne W. said... 59

In the bedroom so we can stop waking up with sinus headaches and itchy eyes.

VP22 said... 60

Definitely in the bedroom to help me sleep at night.

Unknown said... 61

in my daughter's room she has asthma.

jbmthill said... 62

I would put this in our family room, which is the room we spend the most time in!
Beth H

jbmthill said... 63

I like the two way easy pull zippers and the mesh to see what is inside each cube.
Beth Hill

Sandy Cain said... 64

I'd love to put this in my bedroom. There is a major highway right outside my window and the exhaust is always coming in - even with the windows closed. scain54(at)aol(dot)com

Helga said... 65

I would put this in our bedroom.

Unknown said... 66

I would use in the bedroom to help breathe easier when I sleep because of allergies.

Anonymous said... 67

I would use this in my bedroom first of all, then an attic guestroom.. oh man I hate to admit it but that room gets dusty cause I tend to leave it alone for weeks! LOL

Anonymous said... 68

I would use this in my bedroom first of all, then an attic guestroom.. oh man I hate to admit it but that room gets dusty cause I tend to leave it alone for weeks! LOL

Linda Kish said... 69

I would use it in my room, the master bedroom.

Unknown said... 70

I tend to wake up every morning with sinus problems, both my roommates smoke and I think this would help traumatically in my bedroom.

abfantom said... 71

If I won, I would use this in our living room.

G+ & GFC ids: abfantom at yahoo dot com

Debra said... 72

i would put it in the living room

Anonymous said... 73

living room

Unknown said... 74

If I won this I would put it in my living room

Unknown said... 75

i would put this in our basement

LovetheBeach said... 76


Stacey Brucale said... 77

I'd put it in my living room!

Ellie Wright said... 78

This would be great in my grandson's room. He has severe asthma and this might help him.

Rachel M said... 79

Definitely the living room....we like to keep the windows open but our allergies make it impossible!

Francine Anchondo said... 80

In the living room

Ernest Kent said... 81

In the Living room

Stephanie Shipley said... 82

I would put this in my son's room to help with his allergies.

Anonymous said... 83

We can really use it in the den

Unknown said... 84

I'd put this in the living room since that is where we are most of the time.

sksweeps said... 85

This would be great in my home office, where the cat and I hang out all day.
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

HarleyC said... 86

This would be perfect for either the hallway or my living room

lilsnobelle said... 87

I would put this in my living room, which is very high ceiling and large, and where the entire family pretty much congregates the majority of the time.

DIane said... 88

in my livingroom

DIane said... 89

in my livingroom

kellyr78 said... 90

This would be useful in my living room.

cosmic_cat84 said... 91

My bedroom

buzzd said... 92

Living room

Anonymous said... 93

I would put it in my bedroom!

lisamercy said... 94

my son's bedroom since he has allergies.

strawberrypoet9 said... 95

In our bedroom because my husband has seasonal allergies

bison61 said... 96

this would go in our family room

tiramisu392 (at)

ccfisher said... 97


Angel said... 98

living room

Unknown said... 99

I would love this in the bedroom

Unknown said... 100

Our living/dining area. We hang out there with most of our 8 cyas and 3 dogs. Thanks.

Anonymous said... 101

the livingroom

Julie said... 102

I would put this in the nursery.

Kayla said... 103

I would use it in the living room.

Unknown said... 104

It would come in handy in the living room ..

one frugal lady said... 105

This would be perfect in my son's room, it's stuffy in there and he has allergies!

Helen Keeler said... 106

I have asthma and would love this in my bedroom.

Unknown said... 107

My kids are constantly sick, this should help out alot.

Unknown said... 108

My kids are constantly sick, this would help out alot.

Unknown said... 109

I would put this in my daughter's bedroom.

of Power said... 110

Perfect Timing!! Allergy season kicking in. My daughter could use it in her room.

walk9 said... 111

In my bedroom to help my allergies.

Unknown said... 112

living room, center of the house!

"Iowa Mom" said... 113

My office - especially since it also doubles as the kitty bedroom. They can create some not so pleasant air at times.

Unknown said... 114

This would be perfect in our bedroom

Allie said... 115

I would put it in my kitchen where there are many smells

mamamouse72 said... 116

Living room...

bbrittbrat1398 said... 117

My bedroom would benefit the most from it.
Brittney House

Unknown said... 118

I would put it in the living room.

mecarolks said... 119

I would use this in my bedroom.

Unknown said... 120

i would use it in in the livingroom.

Anonymous said... 121

I would use this in our LIVING ROOM:)

jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

Lissa Crane said... 122

I would love to use this for our FamilyRoom! It is where we spend most of our time!

Unknown said... 123

The Honeywell Air Purifier would be perfect in my bedroom.

Janet said... 124

I think my teens room is best. She has our cat Ollie in there with her. lol

Linda Szymoniak said... 125

I'd use it in our living room the most, but would likely move it to my daughter's bedroom at night, since her kitten and one of our dogs sleep with her at night and she has allergies. With five dogs and three cats, we could really use one of these!

Mrs. Rogers said... 126

The nursery!

Anonymous said... 127

definitely my bedroom! I get so stuffy all the time and I think this would help!
Carly D.

tiffanynichole89 said... 128

It would come in handy in the living room.

Marilyn said... 129

I would put it in the family room since that is where we spend the most time.

Let's Grow said... 130

this would come in handy in our bedroom.

Wild N Mild $$$ said... 131

This would be good for the living room.

clc408 said... 132

I would like to put it in the bedroom.

Jessica Cox said... 133

I need this in my family room where my doggies are
Jessica Cox

terrajunebug said... 134

this will do in the nursery

terra j sweeps

terrajunebug said... 135

this will do in the nursery

terra j sweeps

wen budro said... 136

It would def go in my bedroom because that's where my dog sleeps too. During Winter- the air quality can get pretty bad.

Unknown said... 137

I have allergies BAD. One of my cats has asthma. This would be purrrfect in our living room. Sorry for the bad pun.

Vesta Mason said... 138

I would use it in the living room. Thanks for the chance to win!

auntietina said... 139

I would put it in my bedroom. All 4 of our cats are in there at some point during the day, and I'm allergic to them. :)

chromiumman said... 140

the master bedroom

Jenna Marlow said... 141

In the kids' bedroom!

Jenna Marlow said... 142

In the kids' bedroom!

wildcat32 said... 143

This would be great in our living room since that is where we spend the most time.

Anonymous said... 144

I would use it in my bedroom or my son's.

Carissa joslyn said... 145

I would put it in my living room that is where we spend the most of our time! We've been sick 4 times in 3 weeks, so we need something! or spring to come..either or.

Amy Z said... 146

This would be great for our bedroom.

TheCurlyGirlB said... 147

In the boys bedroom.

bettycd said... 148

this would go in my son's bedroom

Unknown said... 149

It would come in handy in my bedroom. I could always breathe a little easier!

mkjmc said... 150

I would love to have one in our family room

Unknown said... 151

I would put this in our bedroom.

Kelly Massman said... 152

our living room for sure!

SexyBrat said... 153

We would put this in our livingroom.

Unknown said... 154

This would be great in my bedroom.

msilba said... 155

the living room

Terra Heck said... 156

This would be great in my master bedroom. Thanks.

Tamar said... 157

It'd be good in the living room.

smilekisses said... 158

I'd use in in my daughter's room. She has asthma and allergies.
dolniaks at consolidated dot net

Tamra said... 159

This would be great in our bedroom!

Sandra VanHoey said... 160

It would be most handy in the kitchen where my nephews like making fish dinner often with the fish they catch

Cassie Eastman said... 161

It'd be really handy in our living room!

Kobi said... 162

I would say in the bedroom. We both have allergy issues and they seem to be the worst in the morning.

Nancy Loring said... 163

I would put in my daughter's room. Using the heat in the winter tends to make the air in the house dry. It bothers my daughter the most.

Anonymous said... 164

I would love this in my livingroom

jcwega27 said... 165

Probably the living room.

Crazylicious85 said... 166

Downstairs bonus room because it is closed off and our dog smells it up!

Allison Lancaster

Betty C said... 167

This would be used in the bedroom so I could sleep better.

Lala77 said... 168

I'd put in our bedroom it has only one small window so things kind of linger and get trapped in it.

J9 said... 169

This would be great to help battle allergies in the house.

megan said... 170

our master bedroom would be a perfect spot for this.

PAIGE said... 171

I'd use this in my home office.

Ty Beth said... 172

I'd use this in the family room

Tooth Fairy said... 173

In the bedroom to help the kiddo sleep soundly at night.

Brian said... 174

The baby's nursery!

Anne Hall said... 175

I would like to use this in our Master Bedroom to reduce allergens while we sleep. I think that would help us out!

Blog of Lists said... 176
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barbara Montag said... 177

This would be best in our bedroom for sleeping.
thank you

Barbara Montag said... 178

GFC & Google+ Barbara Montag
RSS Blog Lovin barbaramontag

Lynda Del said... 179

In my bedroom, so I can sleep better.

Brian E. said... 180

Thanks for the giveaway…my wife wants to use in our home office / den where she spends several hours each day working.

Unknown said... 181

I would use this in my living room.

JC said... 182

This would be perfect for the bedroom.

Unknown said... 183

I would love this for our living room! :)

Unknown said... 184

I would love to have this in the nursery

Unknown said... 185

My bedroom as it is always so dusty in there.

virgomomwriter said... 186

I would keep this in the living room, where there is a large furnace vent!

Heather said... 187

I would use this in my bedroom.

Unknown said... 188

This would go in my bedroom for sure!!

Shannon said... 189

I would have to say either my bedroom or my livingroom. Thank you for the chance to win.

Unknown said... 190

This would go in the living room so everyone could benefit from it.

j4bether said... 191

The bedroom in my dank (and possibly moldy) basement.

Tammy S said... 192

I would probably put this in our bedroom.

sadier said... 193

I'd put this in the bedroom, so that I could read (and sleep) with minimal suffering.

Betsy Barnes said... 194

If I won, this Honeywell Air Purifier would come in handy in the kitchen for all those cooking odors :)

Sadie said... 195

I would use this in the kids room. It would be great to help them sleep.

Kim H. said... 196

Definitely in my bedroom where the kitties sleep!

Unknown said... 197

I live in a small apartment and love my living room and sliding glass doors, so it would be perfect in there.

Rebecca Orr said... 198

My living room. It would get the most use there.

Jillian Too said... 199

This would most come in handy in my bedroom.

Let's Grow said... 200

this would come in handy in my bedroom

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