Thursday, April 10, 2014

Apparoo App of the Week: Blinkbuggy

After last week's fun Rio Read and Play app (did you take advantage of downloading it when it was FREE?), it's time to see what Apparoo, the app discovery service for busy moms, has found for this week!

Apparoo logo

This week Apparoo is showing that finding a great deal on an app doesn't have to only be for the kids!

App: Blinkbuggy

Blinkbuggy app

Description: How do we always find time to post super-adorable kid pictures on Facebook, but somehow never get that long-planned baby book done? Well, guilt-trip no more. Blinkbuggy is an online baby book that puts all your photos, milestones and funny stories in one place – and it's as easy as a status update.

You can keep it completely private, link to social media (it can even grab the photos you've already posted), or share with whomever you choose – great for grandparents! These precious years will disappear faster than that photo you posted last month, so don't spend another moment procrastinating. Create an enduring – and endearing – album with Blinkbuggy online and in print!

Blinkbuggy screenshots

Regular price: Free

Apparoo price today and tomorrow: FREE!

Download it here on iTunes and let me know what you think of this convenient app!

This post is part of a sponsored weekly partnership with Apparoo, but all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.


Unknown said... 1

This sounds like a great app, but I am hesitant to post any personal pictures online. Thank you for sharing this review.

slehan said... 2

First I need a smart phone. I'll let friends know about this.

slehan at juno dot com

sgumer said... 3

i need to get apparoo. the blinkbuggy app would be perfect for my sister who just had a baby. she could use it to share moments with me!

Anonymous said... 4

well i like the apparoo app too! but the pic app sounds helpful as well

Courtney B said... 5

oh its kinda like a more fun version of instagram! i'm in!

Unknown said... 6

Apparoo looks like a great App. I like that you can keep it private or share or share it whomever you choose. Your right, those years when the kids are young go in the blink of an eye.

Anonymous said... 7

M Clark, Blinkbuggy allows you to set the privacy for each individual photo, note or quote! This way, you can share the photos you feel comfortable sharing and keep the others private. You can share with one or 20 other people. If you have any questions about privacy (or anything else) please feel free to email


Kira (Blinkbuggy Community Manager)

Anonymous said... 8

M Clark, Blinkbuggy allows you to set the privacy for each individual photo, note or quote! This way, you can share the photos you feel comfortable sharing and keep the others private. You can share with one or 20 other people. If you have any questions about privacy (or anything else) please feel free to email


Kira (Blinkbuggy Community Manager)

slehan said... 9

I think my friend would get use out of this app. She has a smart phone.

slehan at juno dot com