Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Life Feeling Chaotic? Uncomplicate Things with an Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh 'Sanewich!'

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No matter what the outward appearance our lives give off, I would bet that just about every parent out there would agree that life can get a little insane sometimes.

Between work and school and cooking and errands and appointments and activities... I don't know about you, but my everyday does not resemble a Pinterest board. Why didn't anyone warn me that motherhood was going to be this chaotic?

Fortunately, there is now an easy (and delicious) way to make life a bit more relaxed and uncomplicated — just grab a Sanewich from Oscar Mayer!


A (humorous) way to predict the future, moms everywhere can be prepared for what is yet to come and just what sort of situations and predicaments their child(ren) will get into thanks to Oscar Mayer's new Sanewich tarot cards.

Each of these 10 cards have given me a chuckle (The Errands card foretells more tasks to get done than hours in the day and The Long Drive card predicts that wild stir-craziness will follow you for untold miles ahead. Completely accurate!) and I couldn't wait to see which crazy situation my own tarot card would depict.

Alas, my life was summed up precisely when mine arrived:

Sanewich tarot card

Do I need to even begin to explain how many times I've seen Frozen with Little Sister B and Monsters University per Big Sister E's request?

But why fight it? Instead, I prefer to kick back and relax and, even though I'm reciting the words in my head right along with the characters, enjoy the moment. And we don't need to go all out with fancy snacks or decorations to watch the same movie over (and over) again, we just need a comfy place to sit and a plate filled with something tasty... such as Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh!

Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh meat

In a world where life can often be unnecessarily complicated, Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh can help keep it simple as it provides us the ability to have quality lunch meats anytime. No matter what sort of craziness occurs — due to kids, work, traffic, an internet outage or more — an Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh 'Sanewich' just might be the key to turning things around!

Plus, if you ever need a little extra inspiration as to how to turn your favorite Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh into a delectable dish, Sanewich.com has a whole slew of mouthwatering ideas.

Oscar Mayer deli

Although none of us will be able to ever actually predict the future and therefore be fully prepared for what insanity might occur later in the day, it's time that we all stopped stressing over meeting the unnecessary and unachievable ideals that are portrayed on television, in movies and magazines, and online.

Instead, grab a package of Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh... it's Sanewich time!

Find out much more about the wide variety of delicious Deli Fresh options (as well as other beloved Oscar Mayer products) by visiting OscarMayer.com and connecting with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

This post is part of a compensated campaign with Kraft, however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are completely honest and my own.


  1. That is all you can do. Just kick back and grin and bare it. I've been there and done that. :) LOL

  2. This not where I thought this blog post was going but could use a sandwich,

  3. I can eat a sandwich most any time. Easy, quick and good.

    slehan at juno dot com

  4. Sandwiches are so versatile. We love this brand.
